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in the past

Has some pacing issues. It takes too long to get to the flame thrower and is too long overall. Would be a perfect 8h game, but for some reason it's 20h.

Quand l'IA est bonne la peur l'est aussi

For all intents and purposes, Alien: Isolation is as close to a retelling of the original Alien as legally allowed while still adhering to the universe’s canon, hallow be thy name. And full disclosure, I kind of wish they had just retold Alien (1979), and just added a few sections for gameplay’s sake. I say that because the story here is.. eh. You play as Ripley’s daughter whom, while looking for her missing mother, boards the Sevastopol space station with a few colleagues who claim information about Ripley’s disappearance is onboard the station. Fast forward through a botched boarding attempt and a few minutes spent walking through an excessively unlit station and you find out you have more in common with your mom than you realize: there be aliens afoot. More than just that the androids, or “Working Joes”, throughout the station have gone haywire and started attacking all humans they encounter. And before you ask let me just say no, the family fun doesn’t end there. There’s a good few batches of human threats scattered around as well, just for fun.

To account for this dizzying array of scoundrels the game uses a crafting system for creating tools to distract or eliminate threats. I’m gonna level with you, this whole system feels quite unnecessary. Both from a practically standpoint and just from a gameplay perspective. I’m usually very forgiving when it comes to games adding miscellaneous mechanics that don’t fit the genre or enhance the experience. It artificially inflates time and complexity, but rarely is it invasive or annoying to me. Unfortunately, Alien: Isolation doesn’t skate by that excuse. I mean, need EVERY game be a scavenge simulator? I’m a wayward astronaut adventure, not a reject from Hoarders. This is made more obvious when you actually use the tools too and see how pointless most of them are, creating a resource scarcity/overabundance that incenses me to no end. The Medikit, Molotov, Flamethrower, and Noisemakers are the only items you should ever be making or using. Everything else is too clunky, too slow, and too costly. I’d take it a step further and say Noisemakers are 100% necessary. As it turns out patience can only get you so far. More on that further down.

Before we do though let’s wrap up the story first to the best of my ability. Skip this paragraph if you don’t want to be moderately spoiled. After a lot of meandering back and forth, meeting new folks you couldn’t pay me to remember the names or faces of, you finally find out this was all a bad case of the narrative acrobatics and you were actually unwittingly sent on a mission to retrieve the alien itself. I guess Weyland-Yutani had learned nothing from the first movie. It was at this point I fully checked out. There were genuinely parts where I forgot who I was cool with and who had betrayed me. Not because it was so complex but because it felt so textbook and safe. Which is a shame considering how much I admire everything else. From its gorgeous glossy cassette futurism aesthetic to the crisp sound design in every corner of the game it really is one of the most well-designed titles I can think of, with the exception of a bad case of the uncanny-faces syndrome. For goodness sake, the original Alien callback sequence where you played as the guy who found the alien nest is almost worth the price of admission alone. No, it’s the heart, at least in the story, that’s missing for me. Anyway, after just about everyone else is dead or forgotten you’re finally able to get the hell out of dodge after an EXTREMELY drawn out end-sequence. One fakeout is good form. When you do three fakeout endings with no end in sight is when I start to get annoyed in a way that no cinematic sequences can lessen the blow of. Yet finally it does end, and on a cliffhanger no less. One I doubt we’ll ever get closure on, but never say never. In terms of story I’d give the game a firm 4/10. Terribly boring and quite drawn out. Shave off a couple hours and characters and pull back on the wild goose chases and we’d be in business.

Now let’s get into the real meat of the meal. What everyone raves about without end. The Alien, and by extension, its AI. I feel a touch more lukewarm about this than a lot of other folks it seems. Technically speaking, everything about the Alien is impressive. The sound, the animations, the reliance on sound and your radar to know where the Alien is, the fact that if you’re caught, you’re dead. It has all the hallmarks of a fully realized horror experience, no ifs, ands, or buts. In practice though, the lines between scary and tedious become far too blurred. This frustration comes from two elements: your utter helplessness and the overreliance on the illusion of realism. The first one is more straightforward, so let’s knock that one out. While I’d say this aspect is largely exacerbated by the second element, it’s annoying on its own. When I say helplessness I don’t only mean the fact that you’re a one-hit kill. As I said, it’s a neat twist on the tag-like horror games that already inundate the genre. The issue is that your tools to hide and fight back also suck. They give you a rotunda of tools and gadgets to supposedly fight back. Not kill the creature of course, but slow them down. This is mostly untrue. Of the tools you have, only half of them are polished enough to actually use. Even then, they last about 5 seconds and give you about twice that time to haul your butt to timbuktu.

The reason this is so devastating is because of the illusion of realism I talked about earlier. The general philosophy the game takes is trying to make the Alien as responsive and dangerous as possible. Given that it’s you know, an Alien, it also has enhanced hearing. What this means is you’ll spend a lot of time running and hiding from it. Mostly hiding, as it is much faster than you. That’s not all though, If you hide too close to when the Alien gets in the same room as you, there’s a good chance it will find you anyway. Best case scenario, you’ll have to spend two minutes pre-hiding under a desk while it meticulously walks back and forth across the room as it searches for you. On its own this just encourages a more careful method of playing, but we’re STILL not done. As annoying as it can be to have to wait around on account of the architecture disallowing me to make a distraction, that can be forgiven. What can’t be is the obvious instances where the Alien sticks around FOREVER, because under all the realism is a perfect knowledge of where your player character is at all times. I suppose it’s to make sure you’ll still see the Alien even if you optimize for sneaky gameplay. It simply goes on too long, and little recourse from my crappy tools, I’m frequently left sitting still for 5 minutes, going out for 1 minute, randomly triggering the Alien 100 feet away, then having to go back to hiding. When I could I just doused the clown in flames and speedran through the section, but with limited flame ammo that was fewer than half of my interactions.

Don’t misunderstand me, it was visceral, it was cinematic, and it perfectly portrayed what the Alien should be on a realism level. Yet as a horror veteran, the waiting around in lockers and under desks, with the knowledge that it shouldn’t have found me when it did, left me bored in a way only remedied by sitting still for multiple minutes while I prayed for the Alien to dip. I’m glad they spaced out the Alien so it wasn’t constantly stalking you the entire game, however I think making it less obvious and frequent when the game forced interactions would not only add to the realism, but would further lessen the tedium that came with prolonged exposure.

Long-winded as it may have been, I feel a differing perspective is never unhealthy to flesh out. And don’t mistake my rant for hatred. My peak of agitation with this game never came close to tempting me to quit early. Not every interaction was hell. Only about a quarter of them ;) Holistically, this game has a fantastic presentation with a weak story, mediocre combat, and a should-be-better gameplay loop.

i actually never played this game my best friend told me something about it one time and i forgot

Alien Isolation is a great survival-horror packed together with an interesting story and a terrifying nigh-invincible antagonist stalking your every move. Level design is tight and well thought out with plenty of room for a smart player to maneuver themselves safely amidst the constant alien threat.

A lot of the more interesting environmental elements and storytelling take a backseat once the Alien comes into play since after that you never really get any time to take in the area. This is a plus on the survival-horror side but for me takes away from the exploration aspect that I tend to enjoy from these games.

Graphics are surprisingly great for a 2014 game with some of the best lighting and reflection detail that I've seen even today. Audio design is also amazing with some great performances from the voice actors alongside a stunning soundtrack that while sometimes drowning out important sounds (like footsteps for instance) always intensify the already terrifying atmosphere.

Yeah I really enjoyed this game. Though I can't say I was ever a massive Alien, Predator, or AVP fan I will say that this is the best game to come out of that mix of franchises and far exceeds your typical movie-game tie in. At least in my eyes it definitely does its franchise justice and is a must play for fans of Alien or just survival-horror fans in general.


I initially dropped this game years ago because I was too jumpy and also kept dying to the alien. After a recent binge of the Alien movies, I decided to give it another shot, and I’m really glad I did. It’s extremely frustrating at times, but this is worth enduring for the pitch perfect recreation of one of the best sci-fi worlds of all time. Everything from the suits, the cassette futuristic tech, the music, even the weirdly complicated mechanisms to open doors and operate machinery; it's all represented with such a care for detail that I never got tired of. The game is also genuinely scary, usually from unscripted moments where the alien or synthetics will catch you off guard and you have only seconds to react. Things get much more manageable once you have access to more weapons and tools, but I still found myself jumping in my seat in the back half of the game. I wasn’t a fan of some of the resource management, and sometimes sections can drag or feel repetitive, but if you’re in the mood for some Alien, there’s nothing better to play.

Probably the best horror game ever?

Like, I think this game was actually stressful as hell. The environment is really gripping, the AI is nervewracking, and the atmosphere honestly is one of the most bone-chilling experiences I've ever had in a video game.

Hiding from an alien, it sniffing you down, praying it doesn't get to you. That's good horror, even if it drags on just a bit longer than it should.

The Alien franchise was a significant gap in my education as a film graduate. Despite my deep passion for horror, I had never ventured into this iconic series. Needless to say, the first 2 films were great, and let’s just pretend they’re the only ones that exist. Watching them piqued my curiosity about the video games in the franchise.

Alien Isolation is a visual masterpiece, the tone and mood are perfect. Did you ever want to be inside a film or universe you loved? This is it. Every single aspect of this is immaculate, the level of detail is almost frightening. Sevastopol is a masterclass in environmental design with its intricate interiors, dark corridors, flickering lights, grimy surfaces, cluttered hallways, and surely the perfect recreation of the retro-futuristic style of the film. Also, this game is a perfect example of the power of sound, music, and sound design. It is impossible to talk about tension without talking about the geniality of the Xenomorph. The attention to detail, his grotesque appearance, movement, sounds, and behaviors are both horrifying and fascinating.

I’m a completionist player who seeks to explore as much as possible while playing but this game is so amazing that it scared me out of my natural gaming instincts. Since very often I just skipped past through rooms or didn’t even make the effort to discover how to open those doors, and all of that to avoid the risk of being spotted by the Xenomorph. Playing Alien Isolation was a blast, I loved every single second of it. The amount of tension that you have while playing is impossible to explain, no game ever did this to me. That tension together with the sounds, mechanics, and atmosphere will surely leave a mark in my brain that will be very hard to forget.

СТЕЛС-хоррор. Я решительно не понимаю положительных отзывов об этой игре. Я считаю, что КАЖДЫЙ человек, высказавшийся в положительном ключе о ней, не понимает, во что он играет и что игры приносят ему.

Повторю главный тейк прохождения - РАЗРАБОТЧИКИ СДЕЛАЛИ ВСЁ ВОЗМОЖНОЕ, ЧТОБЫ ИГРОКУ БЫЛО СКУЧНО ЗДЕСЬ НАХОДИТЬСЯ. Я это чётко вижу во многих их решениях. Да, это стелс. Я не люблю стелс и всегда скучаю на нём, но здесь я правда уверен, что проблема в самой реализации стелса и смежных ему аспектах, а не в моих предпочтениях.

Сложно определиться, с чего начать. Давайте я просто зацеплюсь за что-то одно и из этого клубок распутается сам по себе. Первое - мы беспомощны. Единственная победная тактика - ползти на жопе подальше от противника. Людям и дроидам можно противостоять в омерзительном экшене, но главный враг - Чужой. От него не избавиться, поэтому игрок жёстко ограничен. Есть куча гаджетов, единственная польза которых, - отвлечь Чужого в сторону. Есть огнемёт, который отпугнёт его. Но эти инструменты влияния на противника сильно ограничены и на самом деле не меняют ситуацию кардинально. В игре даже нет никакого подобия песочницы. Казалось бы, вот в одной локации толпа каких-то мародёров и Чужой. Кидаем звуковую приманку в толпу и начинается мясо. Хуй там. Мало того, что противники-люди могут шуметь и Чужой на них внимания не обратит, так и забайтить специально его не получится - он игнорит. А если вдруг оказывается рядом с ними, то убивает одного и удаляется. Зато если заметит одновременно и ГГ, и ботов, то в первую очередь убьёт игрока. Никакого интересного системного ИИ тут нет. Огнемёт так это вообще просто способ либо предотвратить фейл, либо заспидранить локу. Всю игру нужно просто действовать так, как велит ИИ Чужого. Нужно пройти через коридор, но он ходит там? Стой на месте или спрячься, жди пока уйдёт. Блокирует один вход в локу? Иди через другой. Казалось бы, нормально, что игра задаёт определённые условия, ограничения, вследствие чего игрок начнёт работать фантазией и что-нибудь придумает.

Разработчики приняли гениальное решение, чтобы предоставить нам нетривиальную задачку - ИИ сочетает в себе как поведение по скрипту, так и полный рандом. По скрипту, Чужой следует за нами ПОВСЮДУ. Рандомен он в перемещении по зоне, в которой находится игрок. То есть ЭТУ СУКА хуй знает где, но рядом и лучше не рыпайся. Никакого изучения поведения, маршрута противника невозможно. Единственная вещь, которой можно научиться, - ВСЕГДА ПОЛЗИ. Не беги, не иди. Медленно, спокойно, по этому длинному красивому коридору.

И да, ползти нужно ВСЕГДА. У нас есть большие просторные локации, где, очевиден челлендж, потенциальный интерес. А есть просто переход между этими локациями. Так вот, в ссанном прямом переходе-корридоре без интересных обстоятельств Чужой тоже может напасть. Таким незамысловатым образом космическое приключение растягивается на чуть-чуть (часа 3). Это не единственный способ растянуть игру настолько тупо - в игре фиксированные сейв-зоны. Засейвиться можно только у специального автомата. Расстояние между двумя автоматами может быть и большое, а может быть между ними вам нужно ещё и выполнить какие-то действия. Следовательно, в некоторых случаях смерть означает переигровку огромного сегмента в 10 минут с повторением монотонных действий. Напомню, ползти нужно ВСЕГДА. Почему нет классического Ф5? Эээ нуу... челлендж. Но подобный приём не усложняет игру, а душит игрока. Как такового заучивания нет. Есть только дроч сейва до тех пор, пока ИИ Чужого решит не стоять на том самом месте, с которого точно вас заметит.

Я упомянул монотонные действия. Речь идёт обо всей игре. Всегда на локациях у нас задача врубить пару компьютеров, повернуть пару рычагов или врубить пару установок. Делается это либо примитивными QTE, либо ебучими мини-играми в стиле "Взлом замка". Это всё заёбывает к середине игры потому что делается элементарно, но в огромном количестве. В конце игры я уже боялся следующего компьютера, который нужно активировать. Но и в больших масштабах есть закономерность. Главная героиня же инженер. И она починит ВСЮ станцию. После очередного восстановления системы и перехода на новую локацию, Рипли непременно получит информацию о том, что всё разъёбано и здесь. Нужно починить огромную штуку, а чтобы это сделать, нужно починить штуку поменбше. И когда тебе это сообщают после 15 часов починки миллиона хуёвин, ты просто посылаешь в пизду этого долбоёба на операторе потому что какие уёбки вообще строили эту вонючую станцию. Данная структура сценария нерушима. В Dead Space использовался абсолютно тот же приём движения сюжета, но там игра длилась 8 часов.

А вот как добраться до требующего восстановления оборудования - отдельный разговор. Станция в Alien: Isolation - этакая метроидвания. Тут много пересечений путей, шорткатов и мест, в которые можно попасть только имея определённый инструмент. Звучит интересно, но запутанное говно по итогу. Просто одинаковые коридоры и залы, которые черт пойми как соединены. Приходится плутать очень много. Забив на попытки осознать схему локации, двигаясь наугад, зачастую получается выбраться куда надо, но пару раз я всё же обратился к Ютубу. Разумеется, под конец надоедает не только одинаково выглядящее окружение, но и сам процесс неосознанного перемещения.

Всё вышесказанное усугубляется тем, что игра длится 20 часов, выдыхаясь за 5.

Из положительных сторон могу отметить, что сеттинг ретро-футуризма из фильмов воплощён на 100%. РДР2 от мира сай-фая. Арт-дизайн выполнен с любовью. Ну и где-то в середине игры был классный сегмент в ядре-гнезде. Это был минимальный уровень духоты относительно всей игры.

По итогу, оправданы ли мои слова о том, что разработчики хотели сделать скучную игру? Думаю, всё же нет. Они хотели сделать сложный стелс, но обосрались.

A few glitches here and there and the in-game facial expressions and animations of the humans are hideous.

However, the atmosphere in this game is perfect, the color palette almost always gives away a sinister feeling.

The details and references to the original movie are astounding and the Alien is terryfing (until you learn it's patterns but still nerve wracking nonetheless!).

The story is good enough, but the pacing can be tedious at times unless you were truly immersed, like I was. It is a very long game after all.

Overall a great game, especially for fans of the original movie, though not a perfect game either.


The most riveting and harrowing gaming experience of my life.

Every moment spent gasping for air and tearing up due to the insanely hyper amounts of stress that it gave me.

But outside of just being an absolutely brilliant horror game that truly gets your blood pressure raised through the roof, it's just a genuinely great Alien story and one that I wish we could have explored more of. Amanda Ripley is incredible and I would die for her.

THE Alien game to me.

Probably the scariest game I've ever played.

Whoever decided that the waypoints on the map should have no indication of if it's above or below you, is either: the biggest moron ever or a sadist.

one of two games to ever actually scare me.. bit boring at times but it scared me when few others did.. though i was a kid at the time

A great survival horror game overall, would totally recommend it for fans of the genre as well as fans of the Alien world/franchise.

The visuals and atmosphere are great by themselves in addition to that, they are really well-made to replicate how sci-fi was depicted in the movies true to its spirit. I would only wish that the sound would be a little more present at some later parts of the game, in the first sections it's beautiful.

I also really enjoyed the gameplay and pacing during the first half of the game. The hiding mechanics are nice, AI of the Alien is really nice, tension and horror does not just consist of jump scares in a row

The Only thing that bothered me quite a bit is that after the first half of the game, the climax of the story was reached and waited to be resolved, but the game actually went on for several hours longer without adding much of gameplay elements or story bits. These parts were still enjoyable, just felt a little bit of.

Alien: Isolation
PC - Steam
Beaten 5/21/23

Isolation is one of the most well realized horror games I've ever seen - it's a beautiful recreation of the vibe and aesthetic of the classic original 'Alien' film, in all of its late 1970's glory! Monitors are monochrome CRT, lights and computers are all analog, the architecture is stark and low on color... Visually, this game is a damn feast. On the audio side its no damn slouch either - each piece is either a direct lift from the movie or so in tune with it that you could swap it into the movie and if you didn't tell anyone, it'd probably fool most people. So yeah, presentation wise this is an easy 5/5. How's the gameplay though? Welllllllllllll about that.. 

The Good:
-As I said above - the visuals are ASTOUNDINGLY good. The game takes place on Sevastapol station, a space station controlled by a Not-Wayland-Yutani corp but keeping very much in the same vibe of what people in the 70's thought that the future might look like a century or two in the future. Lights glare, art deco is on full display, monitors are ugly green CRT... just perfect, honestly
-The Titular Alien is our main foe here - though it is joined by human and android enemies who will will unfortunately get to later. The Alien makes their debut roughly an entire hour into the game and it is suitably horrifying and wily a foe. You will learn its AI quite well as the game goes on - it HUNTS you in a way that is now-common in horror games (RE, Outlast) but remains your main obstacle for much of the game. As you continue getting more and more tools you figure out new ways around it and even a couple of ways to drive it off... though of course it is impossible to defeat with normal means.
-Our protagonist Amanda is a pretty dope stand in for her mom as protagonist. Got that No-Nonsense energy down 

The Bad:
-This game is 12~ hours and boy it draaaaags in parts. The encounters are all pretty solid but honestly there's a lot that just shouldn't be here. Honestly cut out a whole quarter of the game and you're on your way. 

The Meh:
-The Story - our premise is that the Nostromo's black box has been found and it's being held at a 2nd-rate space station, neat! Love it. The actual story itself is, beat for beat, an Alien story about a monster slowly knocking out systems as our trusty engineer goes section by section flipping the switches as the other characters drop like flies...
-The other enemies - Alien, awesome. Humans, interesting because at least you're never really sure what they're going to do and that's got some neat tension there. The Androids.... creepy the first time, kinda boring and annoying to sneak around the rest of the time. Nothing matches the Alien and it is noticeable.
-Animations - For a game that looks AMAZING, the animations look jarringly weird. Like the robots make it work, but everything that's not the Alien is pretty jarring.

The Hmm:
-Crafting system - normal difficulty had wayyyyy too much shit man, I was maxed out on toys most of the game and rarely used any of them.

Final Grade: B+

i really tried to love this game, in fact i was sure i was gonna love it. not only is it just my type of game, it's pretty highly rated as well. you start it, and it has so many cool features, like the extremely original hacking minigame, the motion sensor, the crafting, all pretty cool stuff that i was enjoying. but then you keep going, and you just get to a point where the game shifts back and forth between walking simulator, and waiting simulator.

nothing is scary or interesting about the xenomorph. they have some cool concepts for how it can stalk you, like when it hides in the ceiling and you have to look for its saliva, but most of the time it just waits for you to move half an inch, forcing you to go back into the same locker or under the same table, it walks around you, leaves, then you repeat the process until you get lucky and can move for more than 3 seconds, or just give up entirely.

if you want a game that actually encourages exploration, forces creative thinking, offers multiple options for any given problem, and does it all within a creepy environment, play Prey (2017).

Confuso, chato e tem um pacing insuportável. A única qualidade notável é a IA do xenomorfo, que obviamente não salva o jogo.

the ideal horror game, really. what they don't want you to hear is that the pacing of this game is good, actually

alien has the best, smartest and scariest AI systems like ever lol. Great atmosphere and such a repayable experience, the amount of fun scenarios you can have with the alien cannot be understated

Não sabia onde eu estava me enfiando exatamente, mas sabia que precisava sobreviver.

Parabenizo de pé o esforço e capricho que a Creative Assembly teve com a I.A. do antagonista do jogo. O xenomorfo pode até ser imprevisível, mas acaba carregando um pouco de lógica em suas ações.
Ao pesquisar sobre a tal I.A. em sites diversos, pude me informar de que ela "evolui" gradativamente na estória do jogo. O que isso significa? Bem, o alien já tem todas as ações determinantes logo de fábrica, porém dependerá do comportamento do jogador ao longo da gameplay para assim o jogo decidir qual ação irá desbloquear para o alien.

1º) Você se esconde muito em armários e o xenomorfo acaba te encontrando?
"Bom", ele aprendeu onde você mais se esconde e passará a procurar mais em armários;

2º) Você acaba usando muito alguma distração que envolva barulho?
O alien irá passar a ignorar isso;

3º) Você se sente confiante após saber a fraqueza do alien e está abusando disso?
O xenomorfo será mais agressivo e passará a sair dos dutos de ventilação com mais frequência ao ponto de tentar te enganar para fazer você pensar que está tranquilo naquele momento.

E eu achei isso fod@.
No bom sentido.
Tipo, você saber que "tem" um ser inteligente entendendo o seu padrão de sobrevivência conforme acabam se encontrando é do c@ralho.

Ouvi e vi de alguns vídeos que algumas pessoas acharam o comportamento do alien BEM injusto, mas sei lá... ah, não tenho como saber o que essas pessoas fizeram de fato no jogo, só sei que eu consegui me divertir e estudar o meu inimigo.
Agora parando pra pensar, eu acabei usando "divertir" em um survival horror... talvez precise ver o doutor.

O jogo consegue construir muito bem um clima de tensão e ansiedade antes de sabermos a fraqueza de nosso inimigo. Se bem que não faz muita diferença essa última citação se você ficar desesperado e gastar toda a munição.

O som é um ponto forte que me ajudou bastante na minha jornada. Claro, ele me causava paranoia, mas conseguir determinar se está seguro naquele instante porque o som está abafado/distante é uma sensação de elevada paciência (ou coragem, só depende da pessoa) indescritível.
Mas com relação a dublagem... hummmmmm, isso pecou bastante. Uma hora estava muito elevada a voz e na outra estava mais baixa parecendo que coloquei o celular por debaixo do travesseiro.

O tempo de duração da campanha não me causou cansaço em momento algum, muito pelo contrário, eu queria saber até onde a estória iria se enfiar.
E acredito que tenha sido um final satisfatório.

Agora as reclamações:

- Saves Manuais
No começo podem parecer quase impossíveis de serem alcançados, mas se você continuar insistindo e aprendendo sobre o jogo, tenho certeza que você saberá o momento correto de usá-los.
E sim, é uma put@ sacanagem colocarem essa opção de save. Tem noção de quantas vezes eu arrisquei a salvar enquanto aparecia o aviso de "inimigos próximos" e não escutava nada ao redor? Isso sim é teste pra cardíaco.

- NPC's
Seres humanos realmente não sabem conversar entre si sem ameaçarem uns aos outros... o importante é que foram de Vasco.
Androides conseguem serem mais chatos que o alien em determinadas situações.
As expressões faciais achei um pouco fracas. Não parecia que tal NPC queria passar alguma emoção em cutscene.

No geral, é um ótimo jogo para conhecer a franquia, talvez se interessar pelo filmes (só até o 2º que "salva"), ter uma primeira experiência com survival horror e se aprofundar mais no jogo. Ou seja, aprender como um jogo do gênero funciona, quais features eles usam para enganar o jogador(a) através do som ou visão, aprender sobre perseguidores e, no melhor dos casos, estar um pouco mais preparado para quando quiser testar outro jogo com tal temática.
E ele é muito injustiçado por algumas pessoas, mas sério, vale a pena.

This 2014 masterpiece, a chilling homage to the Alien film franchise, plunges players into the depths of paranoia and dread, where the relentless pursuit of one of cinema's most iconic creatures will send shivers down your spine.

One of the most interesting aspects of the game is the xenomorph's artificial intelligence and its ability to learn. The xenomorph will learn from its experiences and adapt its behavior accordingly. For example, if the player repeatedly escapes from the xenomorph by hiding in a vent, the xenomorph will learn to check the vents more often.
This makes Alien Isolation a truly terrifying and suspenseful experience.

The sound design also plays a significant role in creating Alien Isolation's terrifying atmosphere. The game's soundtrack is full of suspenseful music and unsettling sound effects that heighten the tension. The creaking of pipes, the distant sounds of machinery, and the eerie silence broken by sudden noises all add to the feeling of being alone and vulnerable in a dangerous environment.

Alien: Isolation is a landmark achievement in the survival horror genre, a game that redefines the power of video games to evoke fear and immerse players in a terrifying experience. Its captivating story, ingenious gameplay mechanics, and haunting atmosphere make it an absolute must-play for fans of the Alien franchise and anyone who appreciates the finer points of psychological horror.

Yo this game is ugly as hell. This game was so tedious, painful to play, painful to look at, I don't have any desire to see it through.

Provavelmente a melhor IA de monstro que já vi em um jogo, o que torna ele mais tenso e assustador, principalmente quando eu não consigo me esconder PORQUE O ALIEN CONHECE MINHAS TÁTICAS POR FAVOR ALGUÉM ME AJUD

+ The more intense horror game I have ever played.
- IGN got blasted for saying that the game was too long, but come on! Have you played the fucking thing? I was begging for it to end by the final few hours.

Le jeu qui m'a le plus fait peur mais je le finirais un jour

Experienced a game breaking bug on the last chapter :( Loved every minute tho!

The idea and feel of this game is amazing, it captures perfectly the feel and atmosphere of the first alien movie, having you with suspense and on the lookout at every point in the game, you are never safe in the ship, the dangers that appear on the ship isnt only the Alien, but humans, androids, and a lot of monsters.
That being said, this game is far from perfect, it has a lot of problems, no only story wise but gameplay and technical wise;
First, even tho you can play the game without watching the movies, there is a lot of stuff that isnt explained, for example who actually are you, the company you work for, the androids, the bad guys. almost anything that some kind of story related feature, is only explained in the movies or comics.
Then gameplay wise, you do a lot of back-tracking, but not in a metroidvania kind of way, more like a lazy devs kind of way, there are plenty of times during the campaign where you have to go back multiple rooms with nothing happening, you are just holding W; In other sense, the game isnt exactly about fighting, but you have a lot of weapons at your disposal, wich most of them you will never use, because they are litteraly useles, none of the early weapons works on the alien and in the others enemies you almost never fight them, so theres no use for them.
The last bad part is that (in pc at least), the game is incredibly bugged, if your pc is too good and you have a lot of fps, the audio is always out of sync, you HAVE to enable v sync in order to fix it, there are also a lot of bugs, camera glitches, weapons not functioning or glitching out of the character, animations failing to appear, the enemies AI sometimes just freezes? they stay in place, all of this bugs you can notice while playing, wich can thake you out of the experience.
That being said, the gameplay and story arent bad, there are pretty good parts on the game, parts where you actually feel tense and/or scared, even if its has a lot of bugs, its bearable, i recommend playing in at least hard difficult, normal and bellow arent worth, you get way to many resources so it looses some of that being helpless against an unknown threat feeling.
In my opinion, this is a must play even with all the troubles it has, the fact that you can ACTUALLY feel something IRL while playing this is amazing.

literally too scared to get past the halfway point great atmosphere