Reviews from

in the past

Certainly the best AC game since they changed up the formula with Origins. This nails that RPG feel that origins didn't quite do and Valhalla didn't really go for. The fact you can choose a character was fun though Kassandra felt like she had more work out into her as a playable character.

The DLC was extensive and varied so the season pass was worth the money. They also added a Transmog system since launch which I greatly appreciated! This game also has multiple endings so the choices you make in the game actually feel like they have some weight to them.

some fun gameplay but way to grindy, choice system is fun, bogged down by side missions


i didnt think i would like this game this much having pretty much only heard bad things about it, but for me it is now a certified classic. yes its an assassins creed game without assassins but where origins marks the beginning of the assassins odyssey marks the beginning of what will become the templar order so i have absolutely no problem with the name.
i also have absolutely no problem with the length, yes theres a lot to do but that doesn’t mean you have to do everything, if you want to just finish the story i guess it can be done relatively quickly, i couldnt know though cause i tried to do everything.
the progression system is also very good, you begin modestly but upgrade weapons pretty quickly, the combat system isnt too difficult to master and once you get good gear you can easily kill enemies in a few hits.
really like kassandra as a character and since we know she only dies in modern times it will be cool to see what ubisoft will do with her seeing she appears in valhalla and also in the mobile game.
love the naval combat but prefer the one in 4 though. Greek is one of the best setting of the series imo.

this game has given me video games depression

I would like to love this game, but it's just too god damn big.
Ubisoft, please consider: Quality > quantity. With 40-50h of play time instead of 100+ and a better story, this could be a 10/10 game.

(not rating this because i didn’t finish it, how i feel is so heavily influenced by dumb parts of my brain and i feel like i’ve not explained how i feel very well lmao)

This is the third time I’ve picked this up, had fun and then thought “I can’t do it”. The world is so vast and incredible, it all feels cool to explore and just keeps going, making you feel tiny as you look over entire populated, structured towns and realise they take up like 1% of the map. The story seems a bit silly but its characters are fun without just being consistently goofy and careless so that pulled me along nicely.

It’s a really good open world RPG, I just felt like I was being tricked whenever I played it? Every element of its gameplay can be traced back to another popular game without quite capturing the same feeling because it’s used in an unrelated context, which along with stuff like your horse being able to just automatically follow the road for you directly to wherever you’re going, makes it feel very designed, as if the game is more concerned with making sure you’re comfortable instead of immersing you into a world. I ended up thinking about how much goofy fun I had with the similar botw and totk because of their confidence. Those have elements that people don’t like such as the rain and weapon durability but they both at least cause drama. Memorable, fun moments come from the game pushing against you which it never feels like Odyssey does as, even on hard, I was able to easily run in somewhere, stab people, run away and repeat. I looked forward to new gear and levelling up because it would make it slightly easier to stab people and run away, never because something seemed cool and fun to experiment with. The way the game presents itself adds to this feeling too. Not the presentation itself, it looks fine and everything but just the weird stuff it throws in your face? The in-game store, daily quests and ads for other games and DLC give it this cheapness, along with the Assassin’s Creed iconography and naming. I don’t care that the game’s not about Assassins and plays nothing like the older games but carrying along its identity in certain places and nowhere else gives it this kind of jumbled aesthetic and draws comparison to games that do certain things better because they’re doing something completely different.

None of this is awful, in fact I’d happily go through it if the game was like 30 hours long. Its gameplay loop feels scientifically designed to be satisfying, but it is satisfying! And there’s other elements that I find cool enough to enjoy this as dumb popcorn entertainment but it’s apparently like 80-120 hours long which is way too much popcorn. Dedicating that much time to something that doesn’t do much more than “feel good” feels bad and so I can’t help but feel guilty for playing it whenever I do. At the same time though that vastness is part of why I enjoy the game, I just wish it was used in a different game or didn’t require you to engage with all of it.

It’s weird because these aren’t bad aspects really? “The game has a lot of content” and “its gameplay loop keeps you engaged” aren’t generally complaints but it’s just how undisguised it feels along with it being obvious that Ubisoft’s intentions with this were to make a live service above anything interesting. It’s engaging so that you keep playing, not so that you have a good time.

i will NOT look for alexios fanart after this

even after i finally came around on the gameplay and the unnecessary rpg elements the game is TOO FUCKING BIG. its too long, theres too much game and too much map and too many things to collect and none of it is worth it!

O jogo que tem vergonha de se chamar Assassin's Creed, mundo aberto recheado e saturado , e com tempo de jogo que você implora que acabe, horripilante

This would be a great game if it wasn't so bloated.

Primeiramente para começar a analise eu NÂO estarei analiasndo como um AC e sim como um jogo totalmente fora do universo de AC e com isso consigo dizer coisas boas sobre primeiramente o jogo é mto lento para engatar foi cerca de 20 horas para eu começar a achar o enredo interessando e querer saber mais fora as sides obrigatorias que tem de fazer para poder manter o nivel das quests principais.
O mundo e os graficos sao maravilhosos gostei bastante da exploração mesmo senod gigantesco e as vezes andar de um lado para outro seja "chato" as DLC foram algo que me deixaram bem animado com o jogo tmb por envolver mais da mitologia.
No fim é um bom jogo que sofre do que Days gone sofreu porem nao pode se chamar de Assasins Creed jamais

Story was pretty good, gameplay was very repetitive, DLC was horrible, there was so many excessive thing that was unnecessary

AC: Odyssey is beautiful, the Greek theme is stunning, the seas, the islands, the boats, perfect. The naval battles are good, but they're not a highlight of THIS game. That's all I can praise about Odyssey. I could sum up this game as a cheap copy of AC: Origins, although they stripped out the soul of it. The characters are unpleasant, the side quests are annoying, the story is dull and takes like 10h of bullshit before something start to going on, and everything else is the same. The loot mechanics are the same, the outpost conquests are the same, the enemies are the same, the builds are the same, the cities are the same, the parkour is the same and so on. Boring as hell. For those who haven't played AC: Origins, maybe this one has some value. But for me, it's just disappointing in every way. Not even mid, just straight bad.

My first Ac game, it’s really grindy and boring sometimes but I dunno something about it made me really like this game and it introduced me to the rest of the series something I am really thankful for

i love this game so much, its not an assassins creed game at all but still a very fun and good game.

100 hours in this game and not even done.

Way to big in all aspects, ubisofts writing and game design cant handle a 80hr game. as a fan of the period its fun to explore the world.

Tão bom que daria pra escrever um TCC sobre

Spent close to 160 hours on it including the DLCs, one of the most I've ever invested in a game. I get how tiresome the missions may be to some however the Aegean shores have such a magnificent pull that the game has become a personal favourite of mine. Playing this with Alexios is a disservice, Kassandra best girl.

Great RPG, terrible Assassin's Creed

Every time I think back on this game I think about:

1) How I had to grind boring side quests to advance the store OR I could pay money.
2) How ONE dialogue choice changes the entire ending from the best to one of the worst.

A fun trip through ancient Greece that ends with a whimper. Is gonna be my last Assassins Creed though.

just say you hate women and go 👋🏻 i liked that it was different from the other ac games, you can only do the same story so many times folks

When you want to load in the game, you get to choose between the 2 playable characters, Alexios and Kassandra. For me 100% playthrough I’ve chosen to play as Kassandra. The characters in the game are super lovely and I instantly felt a great vibe when I first loaded up the game and began the story. The story started off pretty confusing for me personally, but it opened my eyes 2 / 3 hours into the game. The story of the game is one of the better stories we have seen in any video games yet, it’s very family and character based, which was a really good match for this game. Also that there are multiple endings in the game motivates me to do a second playthrough a year later for example, just to see how I can experience the game differently, also with Alexios as playable character.

The gameplay of Assassin's Creed Odyssey is what you would expect from an Assassin’s Creed game, the stealth combined with heavy combat, but the weapon which is my favorite to use in any AC game missed in this game, the hidden blade. Besides that there is a huge amount of different weapons you can use in the game. The stealth felt really good, the detection system was really good in the game in my opinion. The fact that you can use Ikaros to tag the enemy soldiers when you try to infiltrate the fort is something I really like in the game and which is very useful to use. The idea of the level system is good, so the game won’t be too easy at any point where you are in the game, but I don’t like it when I’m forced by the game to do a lot of side content to be able to progress further into the main quest. Which happened in chapter 7, I entered the chapter at level 19, but for the main quest I had to be around level 32, which really demotivated me from the game for a few weeks. The naval combat makes a return to the game and really improves it from what we had in Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag. It feels really good when you control the ship.

The world of Odyssey is big, beautiful and fun to explore. The environment fits good for the old Greek time period the game is based in. For me it feels like I’m exactly in the time of ancient Greece when I am playing Odyssey. The photo mode is also very good to use and I have made over 150 pictures in the game! I am normally not a person who cares about graphics, but I am super surprised with how good Assassin’s Creed Odyssey looks and it pushes the PS4 to its limits for sure.

But it was better if Ubisoft released it under ''Odyssey'' instead with the Assassins Creed franchise.

O começo desse jogo é épico, mostrando a batalha de esparta com leonidas. O jogo é muito bom tanto na historia como na jogabilidade e vale a pena jogar. O personagem principal é muito bom.

Fr, Meh This game is a lot worse than Origins before it

100 saatin üzerinde oynamışımdır. 3.dlc dışında oyundaki her şeyi bitirdim. Oyunun ana hikayesini çok beğenmedin fakat antik yunan dokunuşunu çok güzel işlemişler. Güzel yan hikayeler vardı. Oyunu stealth ve okçu karışık oynadım. Stealth açısından origin daha iyidi ama upgradeler ve itemlar bu oyunda daha iyi. Dlclerin mitolojik olması hoş ama 3 dlcde ilgimi kaybettim. Bu oyunla gelen meydan muharebeleri güzel olsa da birkaç defadan sonra sıkıyor.

I played it on PS4 when it first came out and loved the atmosphere on the giant TV. Years later, when my interest in the game's story and atmosphere grew again, I decided to play it all over again on PC, but this time I also wanted to finish all the DLCs. After finishing the main game, I moved on to the DLCs and today I finished the game after 109 hours. Honestly, I enjoyed every moment.

The atmosphere is strong, Greece is wonderful and spacious, the architecture is impressive and some of the characters are interesting and fascinating, the DLC zones are incredibly beautiful (Elysium, Underworld or Hades and Atlantis), the soundtrack is good, traveling by ship is nice and many other pleasant experiences.

As for the cons, I think the main story is a bit lackluster, it feels a bit disjointed with the side quest structure of the game. Even though the characters are strong, I got bored at some point with the story being so sprawling, but as I said, the positive things cover it up to some extent. Honestly, Greece is incredibly big and there's a lot to explore, but I didn't give up and kept going. Even though the mission structure felt repetitive, I kept seeing the positives. The combat system gets very repetitive as the game gets longer and longer, and after a while you can't find a gameplay style. The abilities are good, but as I said, the repetitiveness is a bit overwhelming. New abilities are unlocked with DLC, or existing abilities get stronger as you play the Atlantis DLC. This reduces repetition a little bit, but a lot of people may not have gotten to this point and seen these things, so this point is a little bit more for the people who are loyal to the game. Our character's animations aren't nimble, they're a bit heavy or clunky as they're a bit more RPG-ish, and frankly, I found myself missing the old-school nimble and different animations. As heavy as the character is in this game, I would have liked to see more, jumping, running, walking and similar animations.

I also enjoyed playing the Atlantis and Legacy of the First Blade DLCs, but again, the fact that they are too long is a shortcoming. There is no need for it to be so long. Ubisoft can't or doesn't want to adjust this... I'm satisfied with what I've seen here and what I've learned about how the other games continue. The information about how the story starts and how it will continue was very helpful. Both DLCs had their own unique, character-changing narrative touches, both happy and sad. Anyone who has played up to this point will obviously not have any question marks.

In summary, I enjoyed and digested this game in general. It is a game that can provide continuity by covering its shortcomings with other positive things. I did not and will not regret spending my time on this game, even though Ubisoft made it. :D Thank you to everyone who has read this far, I hope I've translated your feelings somewhere...