Reviews from

in the past

yeah i know about the fucking batmobile shut up

It's just as solid as the previous titles in the Arkham series. So if you liked those games, you will definitely enjoy this one.

The biggest change is the addition of the Batmobile. It's a lot of fun to drive around the city in this thing and cause all kinds of mayhem. However, I found that it was still much faster to just glide from point A to point B instead.

The art direction and visuals deserve special praise. The game still looks amazing despite being almost a decade old (at the time of this writing).

The writing maintains a consistently serious tone, without the cringe-worthy Marvel-style tension-relieving humor. There are quite a few twists and turns in the story, though to be honest I was a little disappointed with the ending.

I avoided playing this game for the longest time because of all the negative reports surrounding the PC version. However, I didn't experience any of the performance issues. The game ran very smoothly with all settings maxed out on the PC.

lembro de gostar muito mas eles exageram nas missões do batmóvel. fazer o final verdadeiro é coisa de maluco.

Gameplay wise, the best Arkham game, memes aside.

Batmobile isn’t my favorite to use at all, and it’s overused in the story mode, but it’s cool that it’s there, I suppose. Totally robbed us of a good boss fight, though.

The main plot twist was peak pretends to be shocked, but what can you do.

In general the story is pretty weak, to be honest.

But the appeal of Arkham to me is fighting bad guys as Batman, and the game delivered that plus a litany of Batfamily characters of varying degrees of being worse than Batman.

Except Red Hood, if you lose while playing Red Hood you suck.

You get the batmobile! and uhhh, its decent i guess. It looks cool but is only decent to actually play and they really want you to use it all the time.
Also the story has a severe lack of an... ending. It just sort of stops at some point. Just not as good as arkham city really, more of the same with some more things pushing it to the side.


I want to love this game, but I cannot give it that 5/5 it so desperately shot for.

This game knew it was special. The game had so much hype and so much awe behind it. That might be why even though I enjoyed it back in 2015 I never went back to replay it even though I replayed the hell out of the other Arkham games.

This game still looks so stunning in 2024. I cannot fathom how rocksteady was able to make a game look this good that and still looks incredible almost ten years later.

The story is kinda bumpy but my love of Mark Hamil's Joker and Kevin Conroy's Batman knows no end. I LOVED my time spent in this game. I'm not gonna lie. During my replay of City, I got really emotional. It was that scene when you're Catwoman and you have a choice to leave Arkham City or save Batman. I always leave the city first and then go back and save Batman. In that alternate ending, someone says "The Batman died." That... That Hurt. My Batman. The Batman, Kevin Conroy. It made me take a second to continue playing. Damn. I miss Kevin so much.

I got a similar feeling playing this game during the end. When Batman jumps out of that cell when you're playing as Joker. Kevin Conroy gives his ICONIC lines. "I am vengeance. I AM the night. I AM BATMAN!" It is bringing me to tears right now writing this.

What these games mean to me, cannot be stated in words. Kevin Conroy, Mark Hamil, they are my childhood, they are my formative years as a teenager and as a gamer. These games are the reason I am the person I am today and I am so thankful for that.

Rocksteady made the best Superhero videogame series of all time. They gifted us 3 incredible games with Kevin Conroy at the center. I will be grateful that if I have children or a niece or nephew, that they will be able to play these games and experience Kevin Conroy's iconic Batman like I did.

Kevin was not just a Batman, he was THE Batman. Whenever I picked up a Batman comic I would read it in his voice and that meant the world to me.

So while I think this games has some speedbumps, I can really overlook those because it gave me like 35 more hours with Kevin Conroy as Batman.

this game still looks better than 90% AAA games coming out

Arkham Knight is an odd game for me. It’s certainly worst of the Arkham Quadrilogy but is not bad by any means. It’s really solid on its own, but when grouped with the rest feels like a first step design-wise and narratively the ending to a different series of games. It’s a lot of fun, but with an asterisk attached. Beautiful though visually, a decade ahead of its time

I think history is being kind to this game, but I really believe that if we all work together, we can put a stop to that. Literally, all time, the most disappointed I've ever been about preordering a video game. That is not a joke; I was optimistic about fucking Star Fox Zero and it didn't burn me as hard as Arkham Knight.

The story? Dumbfuck Edgelord Sociopath Batman With No Redeeming Qualities at his most All Those Things, being menaced by the like three most obvious plot twists of all time simultaneously. (I remember with perfect clarity the moment I knew for sure I had made a terrible mistake having faith in Rocksteady, and it was when Batman tortured a guy by driving a car partway over his skull like a fucking cartel hitman.) The gameplay? At its best it's the same shit as the last three games, but you spend genuinely a solid two thirds of it playing a mediocre tank battle sim instead. But hey, at least you could make the tank look cooler with some of the shitload of obnoxious microtransactions and preorder bonuses!

The story, again, I'm not done complaining about the story? They killed off the Joker two games into a quadrilogy and still made him the main villain of all four games, I couldn't come up with a joke that scathing about Batman writers being terrified of trying to have an actual fucking idea. To be fair, when they do try to have ideas they come up with "you can run people over in the Batmobile without killing them because it has a taser force field that instantly delivers such a powerful (but nonlethal!) electric shock to anyone that comes within two feet of the car that, even if you're going 120 miles per hour, they are guaranteed to be tossed clear before you can hit them," a concept several orders of magnitude too fucking stupid to fit in with the Adam West show here employed in the service of being Dark and Gritty. Rocksteady was aching to have Batman just go full spree killer and as much as that would suck shit, they might as well have gone for it considering the entire game is just agonizingly dumb for the paper-thin pretenses on which they avoid it.

Also: the "I am vengeance" speech at the end is like. The apotheosis of shallow, masturbatory references to older and better versions of a franchise and Kevin Conroy clearly knew it because it was the most phoned-in, begrudging-ass line read of his entire career. This is praise for Conroy, to be clear, what an icon. I'm so sorry you had to be in this game and the Suicide Squad one, king, RIP.

I still dont think there is a single game since this and FFXV that looks better visually, idk why, idk how, but for some reason we hit a peak in graphics around this time.

And the batmobile IS FUN

This is probably my favorite Arkham game. It looks a lot better and runs really smoothly on PC for the most part. Combat feels even more streamlined. Wasn't super into the story, but it's neat seeing so many characters from the Batman universe in one game. The heavy emphasis on the Batmobile takes some getting used to, but it's fun once you do. My biggest complaint is probably the collectibles. The Riddler challenges are super tedious because of the sheer volume, the minimal reward, and the fact that you are locked out until you make story progress or get a certain item. I'm glad I didn't pay for the DLC because they don't really add a new experience gameplay-wise and their plots are too short to really get engrossed in them.

I would like to start off by saying anyone who thinks City or any other asylum game is even comparable to this one is mentally insane and needs to check themselves into Arkham Asylum. Second thing, this game is amazing, everything they learned from the first 2 comes into play in its final game in the arkham world(suicide squad is not a thing). The biggest complaint I saw about this game is how the batmobile is overused, ok bro, dont use it, glide around Gotham bitch.

Perhaps we treated you too harshly

A good Batman game, but the tank mechanics are severely overused. The main story has its high and low lights and requires a bit suspension of disbelief. The most disappointing thing is how buggy the game can be, ruining your stealth by stuff like dropping in front of the enemy instead of on to the enemy and stealth take downs bugging out is just extremely frustrating. The graphics are incredible and most often do not look like a game from 2015. Overall I can recommend the game to anyone who liked Arkham Asylum and Akham City, but my favorite game of the series still is Asylum.

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Great game with phenomenal gameplay and graphics that make games being released today look bad but it also has quite a lot of flaws and those include: WAAAY too much batmobile, dogshit boss fights, scarecrow and arkham knight are so underused and overshadowed by the whole joker disease thing, decent story at best, very repetitive side missions and batman is quite a bland character in this game until Barbara’s “death”

Fun combat, great stealth and cool gadgets, made me say out loud "I am batman" a couple of times I can't lie.
Also, am I really the only one who likes the batmobile segments?

A year after my original playthrough, I suddenly had an urge to collect every riddler trophy and take on new game plus. This lead to 10 discoveries.

1. Core Gameplay in Arkham Knight is stellar. The Challenge map extra mode is demonstrates. Especially as a sizeable improvement on previous games that aspect is brilliant.
Pro-Tip: pick up baseball bats off the floor and beat ppl with them. Highly effective.

2. Quite Ironically, Riddler is the best boss fight in the game. That aspect is quite disappointing compared to Arkham City. There’s nothing comparable to fighting Mr. Freeze, Clayface, or Ra’s Al Ghul in Arkham Knight.

3. Batmobile Racing kicks ass. Zooming in and picking off drones with Perfect/Critical shots to power your secondary weapons is very satisfying in Batmobile combat.

4. It’s very easy to download and install costume mods online. There’s great stuff out there too.

5. The story, while bombastic, is full of holes and leaves massive gaping questions.

6. Mark Hamill’s Joker as a haunting sidekick/npc/villain was brilliant. He’s a perfect comedic relief throughout the game before a really epic villain climax before the end.

7. The alternate playable characters are heavily underutilized in story mode.

8. I wish you had full freedom to investigate side missions to completion. Story progress determines a lot. Not a very “open” world.

9. There’s something viscerally satisfying, about personally driving Batman’s enemies to be locked in this game. Especially from a completionist prospective, GCPD might be a favorite hub area for me now. It’s probably the smartest idea of game design going on here.

10. This game still looks next-gen however many years later….. 3D Graphics are peaking. It’s time for higher era of art direction.

The first Batman game I played, back when it came to PS+ nearly four years ago. I was initially put off by its art style and open world. At the time I was looking for realism, and I couldn't figure out why there were no civilians, and why the Batmobile bulldozed everything in its path. It turned me off.

Coming back to it now I really appreciate the sandbox nature of the world. In general I appreciate open world games more as little sandbox/dioramas than realistic, interactive creations. I love this game's art and presentation. I love how polished and weighted down the world feels. I love the mix of Tim Burton era gothic art style mixed with Nolan/Snyder's brutal neo-fascism. I don't think I've ever really appreciated how much Batman feels apart of his world more than I do in this. All the villains, all the characters, they all feel of a place and that they belong. Batman's brutal eccentricities and psychosis feel utterly at home in a game where you drive a tank and use its enormous rubber wheels to interrogate thugs. His wealthy psychopathy feels suited to this world. He is simply another character in a world full of characters. Why all the female ones are designed like porn stars, I don't know, but maybe that's genuinely how Bruce Wayne sees women.

The biggest obstacle for me in the Arkham games has always been getting a hold of the combat, especially the militia enemies with their guns. This was maybe my fourth attempt at playing through this game. I was maybe 1/5th done by the time I got the idea to start again last week. I found myself adapting to the rhythms of it for the first time, finally finding satisfaction in the game's weird groove. Even the stupid Batmobile stuff I eventually settled into. This pairs really well with Mad Max - another WB game that had annoying driving combat that had a steep tolerance curve. Both feel like odd timeless classics now, 8 years from release when they kind of don't really make games like this any more. We get the Ubisoftification of games with Gotham Knights instead.

A 3 star game that just feels better with age, imo.

Why is Man talking to the Jonkler even though he’s dead? Is he schizophrenic?

The ultimate staple for superhero videogames.
The Arkham series has cemented itself to be one of the best superhero game of all time. These games understand batman's character more than some actual comic writers do, the journey through origins to knight is delightful to say the least. Each entry in this series is fabulous and really well crafted and thought out. They kept improving and innovating through each game and it really shows in arkham knight. The grand finale of this wonderful series offered one of the best character journeys I ever experienced. As a huge batman fan these games are like a love letter to all the fans out there. The traversing in this game is just phenomenal. I was skeptical when I first played the game and realized it was an open world but to my surprise, gotham is really an immersive open world. Every corner in the city has something going on for it. The gorgeous and absolutely disgusting city of gotham with its neon lights and rainy weather 24x7 is incredibly beautiful.
The gameplay is insanely good and it makes you feel like batman himself. Just an incredibly fun game overall.
RIP Kevin conroy, one of the most notable and talented VA ever. He'll forever be the Batman

It's like City, but better in every conceivable way. This feels like Portal going to Portal 2, where the original gets credit for creating the premise and the second only expands upon and improves it. This is one of my favorite games.

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Finally I've finished with the Arkham trilogy. After 3 months where pretty much all of my gaming experience was playing as batman, I must say that I've had an amazing time...but I can't wait to play other stuff.

Arkham Knight has some big changes to the gameplay specially with the inclusion of the batmobile which probably takes almost half of the game. The tank bits become quite repetitive although I must admit that I found them surprisingly fun. Moving around the map is a joy like in Arkham City, but with the added bonus of having a need for speed game with a cool looking batmobile.

The story has possibly the biggest premise out of the trilogy but it fails to set the scene as well as the other games. The arkham knight is quite a boring character and I saw the twist of his reveal coming from miles away.

The key to this game, as its always the case with batman, is on the joker. Even when he's dead he plays a massive role on the story and on the psychological health of batman. Absolutely loved his lines being a sort of a narrator and batman's devil on his shoulder. Once again shoutout to the legendary Mark Hamill.

The game is as polished and good looking as any batman game can ever be. It still has some notable flaws as you feel that the original smart one-man detective that started in Arkham Assylum has slowly turned into a warlord/tank commander/CoD character which most modern action games try to recreate. Apart from that, I loved most of the side missions (the one with professor pyg had an incredible ending) and the overall story was a fitting end to the Arkham series. I've had a don't talk to me about batman until the next film comes up.

Graphics and gameplay still hold up nearly 10 years later but the story not so much…

Is there a lore reason why Crow is trying to scare Man? is he stupid?

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The story would've been better if they didn't make it obvious that Jason Todd was the Arkham Knight

Phenominal gameplay and graphics for a game in 2015 and amazing conclusion to the trilogy. I don't think the story reaches the heights of City, but it outclasses City in every other way

Not as good as Gotham City, but still a great game. The batmobile tank fights were cool in concept, but unfortunately turned out bland and unnecessary. What this game really nailed were the aesthetics. Everything looks absolutely stunning, often times even better than Gotham Knights which came out SEVEN years later.

When this came out. Not gonna lie, hated it, perhaps irationally. The Batmobile offended me that much.

Replaying it to the end this time. Its still the weakest of the main Arkham trilogy.

But its overall, still pretty good. Just very flawed.

The good
-combat and stealth are amazing
-the best interpretation of scarecrow, best batman villain that isnt the Joker imo
-a satisfying end of batman story
-loaded with content, a huge value proposition
-the section where you simultaneously play as Batman and Robin is amazing
-Kevin Conroy
-the batmobile is actually fun at its core.

The Bad
-the batmobile while fun, is overused to an absurd degree.
-the believability of Bruce not killing anyone is stretched to its logical limit. With him blowing up hundreds of unmanned drone tanks
-The titular Arkham knight is lame. He is everything he says he denounces, a monologuing villain who never just shoots Batman when he can. Idk if Red hood is like that in the comics but this was awful.
-joker is just....annoying ? Straight up. He's like a built in game twitch streamer making stupid jokes. Since Batman never awnsers him. Hamill and Conroy's chemistry is wasted
-locking the ending behind completion is beyond bullshit

Also side note unrelated to this game but the fact that we never got nor a Batman Beyond nor a Superman game from rocksteady and will instead have to settle for an awful looter shooter involving the suicide squad, who i really dont care for, dc, stop shoving it in my face, is a shame.

Suicide Squad has some massive Bat-Boots to fill.