Reviews from

in the past

Shitty nerd ass game deserves to be shoved in a locker

Honestly better than Wordle or other recent word games. It forces you to think more laterally about the words to find how they all relate to one another. If Wordle is about testing "What words do you know?" as its conceit, Connections is about testing "How do you use them?" instead.

My mother asked me to play this game.

It seems alright at first but it becomes really obtuse really quick, especially since you're looking for their solutions and whatever ones you come up with won't suffice. One pair is usually pretty obvious, but the rest may rely on specific knowledge that you won't get the hint to. So when you get a solution you don't feel stupid, just wish that one of the more obtuse pairs had a hint system so you can at least get an idea of what you're looking for.

Weird little game, I'll stick to wordle but thanks for letting me know of this one, Mom. But thank you.

a fine new york times daily game that sometimes makes me feel smart and other times makes me think the people at the new york times are slime alien people who come up with the strangest groupings of four words i think ive ever seen



But seriously it's cool having to increasingly think further outside the box for each category. The Brits are laughing at us because y'all complain that it's not just "match the four words that start with C" and other baby shit

Goes from making me feel like the smartest person to the stupidest person

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fucking Birds Minus Last Letter holy Shit

how the creators feel when they put words in that look like they obviously should go in a group but dont: 🤭🤭🤭

the most evil thing created since people stopped making i wanna be the guy fangames

Either makes or ruins my day.

Whoever makes these needs to die

The design is elegant and quick to play. The fun depends heavily on the quality of the daily puzzle, which can have clues that vary wildly between making you feel like a genius and being frustratingly obtuse. It's also a game best enjoyed with people to share results with and vent about the clues. I bounced off it when it first came out, but became addicted when I could "compete" with a group. I'd like the game even more if it had better built in stat tracking, even something as simple as attempt distributions and win rates like Wordle.

I'm not smart enough for this game

There's literally never been a puzzle where I felt like the categories were a straightforward stepladder of 'progressively harder' its either the 100% easiest shit I've ever seen or 100% absolute nonsense. I remember once I literally got purple (hardest category) on my first try but then ran out of turns trying to get the other three.

i believe this is what they call # gaming