Reviews from

in the past

Added the Super Shotgun and completed the roster of monsters that mappers still make masterpieces with to this day.

Doom II's mapset is a bit more gimmicky that Doom's, but the quality feels a lot more consistent throughout vs a lot of it being frontloaded like in the first game. The combat dance is one of the most satisfying you'll find in shooters from that time, so much so that the engine's still being used to this day.

These levels are so much worse than the first game.
Still, slightly better source code for modding so there is that.

As much as I enjoy the super shotgun and the new enemy designs, THESE LEVELS ARE ABSOLUTE TRASH AND ONLY GET WORSE AS THE GAME GOES ON
Also the soundtrack is weak as fuck compared to the original


I didn't grow up with Doom. I enjoyed them for what they were, but my FPS darlings will always be the Half-Life 2 and Modern Warfare 2 campaigns.
Playing this on my switch, I've been slowly ticking away at the wads that were added, and for me that's where the real fun has been. For a game like this, fan levels are more interesting to poke around in than what was in the original, credit to those originals of course, if it weren't for those we wouldn't have so many geniuses making their own Dooms today.

Doom 2 is the perfect game. But not because of the base game, the base game is just alright, perfectly serviceable classic FPS action. Where Doom 2 goes from good to fantastic lies in the dedicated modding scene that, to this day, creates maps, gameplay mods, and full on conversion mods you can play for FREE.

All you need is a copy of Doom 2, a modern source port such as GZDoom or ZDoom, then make your way over to Doom World and find some WAD files to download. Experiment, read what people recommend, and you will quickly get lost in absolutely top quality maps.

Some recommendations I can give are Scythe 1 and Scythe 2, Pirate Doom, Ancient Aliens, Going Down, and you can check the yearly "Cacoawards" to find more top quality maps.

I have sunk thousands of hours into hundreds of WADS, I can't recommend enough if you have any love for classic Doom gameplay.


Por mais agressivo que essa review possa parecer, Doom II NÃO É um jogo ruim, mas chega a ser assombroso o quanto ele consegue falhar como sequência. Eu não consigo pensar em nenhum ponto que Doom II executa melhor que seu predecessor, os novos inimigos são chaaaatos (o Arch-Vile da um medinho até); a super shotgun é ok, mas pouco útil contra hordas muito grandes (90% do jogo); a música é fraquíssima, nenhuma trilha é memorável, e eu preferi jogar com uma playlist de heavy metal tocando no spotify de fundo, do que com a OST original (System of a Down funciona bem)... Mas nenhum ponto é negativo o suficiente pra se equiparar ao level design desse jogo; a ausência de John Romero na produção realmente é sentida, com fases que mais parecem um labirinto do que com as profundezas do inferno; todos os ambientes são muito parecidos, os keycards são espalhados de forma porca, e é tudo simplesmente confuso, ás vezes eu só preferia olhar um guia na internet, do que ficar quebrando a cabeça (isso quando eu não skipava a fase com um cheat); não chega nem aos pés da intuitividade e criatividade dos levels do primeiro Doom.
Eu sempre considerei Doom II o patinho feio da trilogia original, mas apesar de tudo, ele ainda é divertido, quando você releva todos esses problemas, continua sendo a carnificina de demônios que todos amamos, e se você ficar muito frustrado, é só ativar o god mode que ninguém vai te julgar. Apesar dos pesares, Doom é infalível.

Alright fine, I've been won over. This one kicks ass, and yeah, it's better than 1. I think 1 has a simplicity to it that I really love, but god the highs in this are some of the best the FPS genre has to offer. Completely shifts the focus of the first game being tight arcade-y levels with surgical enemy placement to throwing you headfirst into the grinder, whole fields of enemies that are as eager to shred you as you are to them. I wish I could rank this game even higher, because I really do love it and what it stands for, but the low parts in this feel torturous. Nothing in 1 comes close to the pain of trudging through Downtown or The Chasm or Bloodfalls. But, also, nothing in 1 comes close to slaughtering through The Spirit World or Nirvana or The Courtyard or Dead Simple or

You get the point.

Not as timeless as the first game due to some at times questionable level design, but it's still more classic Doom with a few new goodies.

As a kid this absolutely blew me away, and I played it way more than Doom 1. I usually would have a blast with the first 10 or so levels though and then start getting extremely confused and lost looking for keycards and switches as things went on. As an adult I much prefer the level design in Doom 1. Guns still feel great in this though, and the enemy death noises are classic. Awesome music

Bu oyunun fazla uzun olması aşırı sıkıyor. Üstelik son bossu falan angarya ve çöp gibi hissettiriyor normal düşmanlarla savaşmak daha keyifliydi ama son bölümde bildiğim pazar gibi kalabalık olunca sinirden köpürüyor insan. Kaç defa oynadım şunu yine sinirlendim.

Good but oh my gods, fuck the jank ass Icon of Sin.

The mods are the best part of Doom II, the base game is fun as well.

i took off half a star because i fucking hate archviles but the addition of the super shotgun is the best thing they could have done

icon of sin more like icon of shit

i think i mustve not been in the mood for doom 1 because this one felt a lot more fun. weaving in and out and taking shots with the ssg was really satisfying. the game's a lot of fun, but also the level design is confusing. i was usually running around the map trying to find where to go after everything died. there should really be a certain texture that tells you you can shoot a wall and something happens/texture that brings an elevator down. when youre in a toxic pit its like a mad dash humping every wall piece. some levels also have too many enemies. this game is also guilty of the too many weapons problem i find in nearly every single arena/boomer/whatever shooter(only circumvented by eternal and ultrakill as of 6/14/23) . i only really used ssg and rockets, sometimes plasma and only chaingun if i was out of ammo. everything else i rarely touched, even bfg. tbh i barely remember anything from doom 1 so i dont feel right judging which is better.

The level design is a massive step down from Ultimate Doom

I do kind of wish they stuck to the episode structure, but there's nothing really else to complain about here.

Both DOOM and DOOM II occupy a shared space in my head, so my thoughts on the original - a watershed release that unbelievably still kicks ass and occupies a valid and unique space in the modern FPS landscape - remain true for DOOM II. Honestly, I tend to rank the two games in a shared spot whenever I'm putting together a list of favorite games, so complete do the two games feel together. A bit like Sonic 3 & Knuckles, just without lock-on.

But let's go ahead and talk up DOOM II specifically. The game runs on the same engine as its predecessor - why mess with perfection, honestly - but a few things have been added to shake up gameplay. On your side, you have the Super Shotgun, which basically outpaces every other weapon in the game. And they know what you're here for, so the game doesn't waste time before chucking it your way. On the bad guy side, you have a lot of new demons to round out the legions of the damned - honestly a welcome addition, given how prevalent Imps and Pinkies were throughout the entirety of the original game. Most of them are instant favorites, and "Mancubus" and "Arch-Vile" join "Cacodemon" and "Cyberdemon" in the pantheon of Greatest Video Game Enemy Names (bonus points if you imagine "MANCUBUS!!!" as being shouted by Laura Bailey every time the name comes up - thank you, Critical Role).

The other major change after the weapon/enemy shake ups is the design ethos behind the levels themselves. If I had to put a word to it, DOOM's levels are designed around "place", while DOOM II's levels are more "high-concept". This isn't to say that one precludes the other, and in DOOM II's case, there's a clear progression through an Earth city to another citadel of the Underworld - but the specifics of where you are tend to be informed by the type of high-concept design that comes from being there. Progress through settings is broken up with levels like 'Dead Simple', 'Tricks and Traps', and "Barrels o' Fun". All fun levels, but different from the first DOOM, which had little in the way of gimmick levels.

As I said before, I tend to think of DOOM and DOOM II as parts of a whole experience, so I tend to rank them together. As for which one is better - man, I dunno. Probably DOOM II, since it's just DOOM with more stuff. Certainly, I'd expect most fan-made level packs to pull from DOOM II's toolkit for that reason. But I also cherish how unique and groundbreaking the original DOOM was, too. Besides, there's no moment in DOOM II as effective a challenge as 'Tower of Babel'. Yeah, it's fun seeing the Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind duke it out in 'Gotcha!', and yeah, the Icon of Sin is a funny clusterbomb of a fight, but there's just no comparison. Usually I give the first game the edge, but I could hear an argument for the second just as easily. Both are very much worth playing, either way.

I really like doom 2 but I think the reason I can't give it a 9 unlike some other flawed games with really high, highs is how many fanmade level packs there are out there that are just better then doom 2. Like playing a classic doom game where at least 30 of the levels are good to great instead of just like 15-20 makes doom 2's flaws more noticable. Still a lot of fun though

Was a tad disappointed with how this was pretty much just "more Doom" with very little to set it apart, but I still had a good time, even if the level design was very hit or miss, especially towards the latter half there were some stinkers

The new enemies have too much health and the lack of episodes (i.e. arsenal wipes) means things get really monotonous if you don't pistol start, which the game doesn't tell you to do

The early doom series is historically important in the world of games, and it is fun to dip your toes in, but to stick with it would be a little more than I was willing to do.

I was having so much fun playing mods for Doom that when my dad said he could get me Doom 2, I didn't care much since at the time, it had few mods. Eventually, I did get it, and I continued playing it, by playing the mods and mostly ignoring the base game.
When I did play the base game, though, I was greeted with a pleasant surprise: vastly improved level design. I didn't care much for the base game of Doom 1, but Doom 2's levels showed such a huge leap in creativity and design that I was really surprised. So I give it a lot of credit for that. Still, I predominantly played mods, and this and Doom 1 defined my middle school gaming experience (while I still played SNES games).

Let down big time by a disappointing final boss/stage.

i geniunely could not telll you how many times i replayed this game and how many wads i played throught my life time, this game is timeless.

levels are quite annoying. particularly if playing from pistol start, a lot of them start off with repetitive and/or easy segments before getting into the level proper (the crusher, gotcha!, barrels of fun etc) which wastes a lot of time. in some levels, pistol starting means you HAVE to know some of the secrets or the levels are borderline impossible. really frustrating for a first-time player. besides that, the levels are really long and full of trial and error garbage that will be sure to make you have to restart a few times. and for what? the new enemies arent utilized well, the maps look and play terribly, the soundtrack is awful compared to the first game, the one new "boss" isnt even a real enemy, like... idk. huge letdown after the first game, which for the most part did not have any of these issues.

just a more confusing version of doom 93. still incredibly fun tho.