Reviews from

in the past

Loved this game on PS3. Love it even more on pc blasting the settings to 4k ultra 60 fps. This is the poster child of a true definitive FPS title. Does not get much better than this. It also has a solid sandbox vibe considering they let you do fuck around provided you have malaria pills to keep your attacks in check. This is peak ubisoft here in terms of Far cry (3 is still awesome but it is where ubi begins to create that formula they have overused to death in this day and age of ridiculous amounts of collectables/grind and adding rpg mechanics to games that arent suppose to be rpgs). Story is amazing and is similar to spec ops the line in that it shows the horrors of man, war, and why things are never BnW just shades of gray. It does not get much better than this bois. This is also one of the few games to really get me truly anxious as shit especially with the guard patrols.

loved it but it was hard for when i played it not sure now though

У игры прикольная и даже уникальная атмосфера. Я больше не припомню ни одного более менее крупного проекта в таком же сеттинге. Дополнительных баллов накидывает внимание к деталям, начиная с анимации и заканчивая физикой. Первый час игры заходит на ура.

Но потом игра начинает жестко душить тебя как дальнобой душит дешевую шлюху с трассы. Самая большая претензия - блок посты. На кой хуй мне их зачищать, если буквально через метров 100 они ресетнутся и меня снова будут долбить в очко? Причем проскочить мимо них тоже бывает не просто, твою тачку быстро выводят из строя и вот ты сидишь в блядском ведре как конченный дебил, пока куча сами поняли кого играют с тобой в тупака или хххтентасьона. По этой же причине нет никакого желания заниматься побочками, вроде задания оружейника или звонков с вышки. Обычное задание в стиле "сходи туда и убей того" превращается в марафон говна с блокпостами и патрулями.

Несколько раз пытался начать и добить - каждый раз бросаю на переходе на вторую локацию. У игры был мощный потенциал, но конкретные неудачные решения ван-шотят её. Как-то так.

You've seen everything this game has to offer about 2 hours in. It just repeats everything after that with nothing new interesting ever happening.

An amazing nihilistic look at violence that needs a remake.

otimo FPS, grandes melhorias se comparado ao seu antecessor, e uma história extremamente interessante.

Ah, Far Cry 2, o jogo que nos ensinou valiosas lições de vida, como a importância de um bom seguro de saúde na savana africana e que entrar numa picape em alta velocidade é a resposta para muitos problemas, inclusive para inimigos que insistem em ficar no caminho.

Neste épico situado na savana, somos transportados para um país em meio a uma guerra civil, onde as facções competem para ver quem consegue ser mais inconveniente para o protagonista. De um lado, a Frente Unida pela Libertação e Trabalho, do outro, a Aliança da Resistência Popular. E no meio, um protagonista com malária, porque a Ubisoft decidiu que a sobrevivência não seria fácil apenas por causa dos inimigos.

Vamos aos pontos, porque Far Cry 2 merece ser analisado, mesmo que seja para rir um pouco. A jogabilidade é um espetáculo, especialmente quando você decide que dirigir uma picape pela savana é o seu novo hobby. Os gráficos, para um jogo de 2008, são dignos de aplausos, porque, afinal, quem precisa de realismo quando se está ocupado evitando picadas de mosquito e crises de malária?

Os cenários são de tirar o fôlego, mas talvez seja a malária fazendo efeito. Afinal, ver tudo embaçado dá um toque especial à experiência. O áudio é imersivo, com os gritos dos inimigos se tornando uma trilha sonora reconfortante enquanto você tenta sobreviver em meio ao caos.

Agora, vamos aos contras, porque até no paraíso selvagem há espinhos. As missões podem se tornar monótonas e chatas, mas não se preocupe, a malária está lá para adicionar um toque de emoção inesperada. E bem, quem precisa de diversão quando se está ocupado tentando encontrar remédios para a malária, não é mesmo?

No geral, Far Cry 2 é um "belo game" para quem gosta de ação, adrenalina e tem vontade de morrer. Afinal, quem não quer enfrentar uma guerra civil enquanto lida com crises de malária e aprende a importância de um bom seguro automotivo na savana? A Ubisoft, com certeza, sempre inovando nas lições de vida.

I’m not sure what to say about this game. The fun play is solid, the setting drips with atmosphere, and there is a clear vision that they were going for. On the other hand, the voice actors sound like they are being held at gunpoint. I’m glad I played. I might never play it again.

Malaria hits a little different after this one

Played this a few years ago. But the basic thing that makes this game special is how every aspect builds around the theams. From the art, the mechanics to the graphics, the long winding suffering that is a Heart of Darkness story.

Far Cry 2 is really lucky that its ambiance is some of the finest stuff I've ever experienced, because there is not much behind the eyes. The gunplay is serviceable, the story is barebones, the mission variety is downright abysmal - all told outside of how the game looks and sounds there's not much to really write home about. But oh my God is the presentation good. The sounds of the rustling jungle around you, the frantic scrambling during a gunfight to try and figure out what's going on, the way weapons degrade and jam to add tension to a normal situation, and above all the complete silence when the firing stops? Kino

Çok tekrar etmese güzel oyun aslında. Grafikleri de o yıla göre çok güzel.

Ugly as hell, a slog to play through

Although. It's a decent game. Much worse imo than far cry 1, it has a lot of creepy bugs, like shaking heads, sometimes can't accept missions etc.
The gameplay as well, feels so dry. The missions feel repetitive, no character development, just feels not that right. Excited for far cry 3 tho

Probably one of the Very Few ubishit made games. With weapon realism and fires and grand scale map in Africa.

this game goes on forever, 17 hours played and it still isnt NEAR the ending

Possibly the grungiest game ever made. Everyone hates you, 99% of people want you actively dead, your guns explode in your hands, you're constantly dying of malaria and the few people you can convince to join you are gonna blow your brains out one day if they don't get shot first. Ramming another syrette into the heart of your dying backing man and watching the light fade from his eyes as his heart overloads on adrenaline is surreal. Limping back to a ramshackle town with blood on your hands, ready to be handed an envelope full of rough diamonds worth more than your life or the corpse you left behind. Desolation with no shred of hope. Fascinating that so many enemy AI interactions were never copied until Starfield of all games. Pathologic levels of decay with a flamethrower engulfing everything before your eyes.

Playing it with "Redux + Realism" mod is amazing, huge recommend!

This game has a lot of differences among other Far Cry games but other unbalances in game is makes the immersion frustrating. You can repair your car if it's damaged, when you want to use map character is taking out a map from his pocket or something etc. but immersion is not enough for a game to be good, this game's gameplay is too bad. Half of the gameplay is driving a car and driving car doesn't feel good it feels slow and on top of that cars is too vulnerable, even 6-7 bullets can make your car broken. The protagonist is like doesn't exist, he can't talk. Missions are all the same. The other half of the gameplay ''shooting a gun'' is bad too, NPCs not reacting good to bullets. There is not an auto save feature. The story is dogshit we can see the villain a few times but he is not an interesting person. There is enemy camps in game even if you clear the camps they will respawn again and they will make the game too much frustrating for you. You have to repair your car or your car is become too much slower and these camps are on the way to the missions so when enemy shoots your car six and seven times you are going to slow down, and then they will send a car after you to shoot you more. Game loop is repairing your car, and clearing the same camp or roadblock over and over again. Far Cry 1 was frustrating, but Far Cry 2 is frustrating and boring at the same time.

farcry 2 é bom, mas o mapa é enorme

Nice story, decent gameplay.
Overall, an improvement over the first installment.

I don't think African tourism companies like this game

I admire a lot of what this game does. The instantly respawning outposts, not so much... but there are so many systems in this game that feel a little ahead of their time. The fire propagation, bullets able to penetrate and destroy cover, guns jamming, needing to get medicine to treat your malaria... it's cool!

Africa is beautiful in this game, but bro why is it so empty? This game is literally just go to point A and shoot. No variety at all. This did not need to be a open world game. Also the malaria was annoying. Guns break, combat feel flat, and everything catches on fire all the time. This game sucks.

- Great gunplay
- Makes you FEEL like a mercenary, constantly making you question your choices
- Great setting and atmosphere
- Cool mechanics like gun jamming and malaria seizures
- Enemy AI never ceases to surprise you, with enemies trying to run you over and cowards hiding from your shots
- Fire physics means an accidental molotov could change the tide of battle

- Disappointing story
- Meaningless main and side quests, with the player having to fetch this or do that with practically no variation
- Bus fast travel system means spending most of your time driving around the map
- Guard posts that you have cleared respawn like 2 seconds after you leave, making completionist stuff meaningless
- Driving around the map combined with having to pass through guard posts makes for an annoying experience
- The game just isn't deep, it doesn't have much to do besides repetitive missions
- Annoying bugs, ranging from bouncing npcs to quests that can't progress because you can't interact with npcs

ande pra caralho de carro até uma missão na puta que pariu, que consiste em destruir algo, salvar um cara ou matar um cara, desça do carro e seja atropelado do nada, volte no save lá na pqp(repete isso até o jogo acabar)