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A huge game that I’m not yet willing to put the full time into doing all the side activities as they’re pretty daunting. However, having completed the main story I very much enjoyed my time with FF12. The combat, whilst different, was personally enjoyable. Ashe, Balthier, Larsa, Cid and Fran were all really cool and interesting characters that I enjoyed learning more about. Basche’s story was also very touching, especially in the final act of the game.

I wish there were moments where the game took itself a bit less seriously (thank you Balthier for the levity you bring). Overall though, I felt the heart put into the game. As much as people might call it Star Wars, I think that’s just diminishing the effort that went into every aspect. I can’t deny similarities but by the end I was satisfied that this is its own story.

I feel similar towards this as I do to 5, and much like that game, I can see myself replaying this and trying something different.

A versão definitiva desse título. A única coisa que me incomodava era a progressão dos personagens, que não tinha distinção. Com o Zodiac Job System, tudo melhorou. Talvez o melhor remaster já feito, ao lado de Metroid Prime (não confundir com remake).

There was a lot I liked here but a lot that I didn't. I loved the soundtrack, the gambit system was one of the most unique and entertaining combat systems I've played, and I enjoyed exploring the world. That being said I did not care about the story. It's extremely politics heavy and I had trouble keeping track of what was going on; making some of the later moments of the game fall a bit flat for me. I also felt it lacked many compelling characters. Besides Balthier who I loved; most of the characters in the game just don't have much about them I find likable or interesting. The English voice acting also felt hit or miss to me; with performances sounding either pretty good or devoid of emotion (the low audio quality doesn't help). Like I said the gameplay was great, but in a series that can have some really good stories, I felt just a bit let down by 12 even with all the things it does great.

This review contains spoilers

This is a weird game. A lot of the time I feel very strong or very weak, but I finally had an in-between. The good definitely outweighs the bad, but I will list them as normal.


This game is definitely more story driven than character driven, which is fine, on paper. But the villains aren't on screen nearly long enough to get that point across. It's supposed to be this large scale political drama but it doesn't feel like Vayne himself does much. Cid carries the antagonist super hard.

This game's story feels like a zelda-game at certain points. Get item to help beat bad guys --> get new item to adjust to situation --> get new item to adjust adjust to situation --> finally fight bad guys. It leads to these deadzones in the story because the characters can't hold the story together because of lack of focus towards them.

Basch has a great foundation for a character but it doesn't feel like he gets to do anything until super late into the game. He barely even feels like Ashe's "Knight" because Vaan and Balthier do all the talking for him. Was pretty disappointed in him honestly.

Penelo and Larsa should certainly get more screentime together. They are definitely trying to show the gap between classes but there's only 1 main scene that shows this. I wish there was just something inbetween.

Vaan is alright, but I do agree with the majority, I have absolutely no clue why he is the vocal point of the story. They could of done it with Penelo. She narrates the ending, and builds a connection with a super major character in the story. He actually has enough for a supporting character. He feels quite contrived at times as they were trying to force a supporting character to be a main character. It feels very messy.

The traps are just irritating. I have no clue why this game has an obsession with them. They just make progression 10 times more annoying unless you consistantly float your party. Or remove all of the AIs to make sure you don't want into them.

The dungeons are pretty weak, especially Great Crystal, Pharos. Insanely tedious. Or just mazes.

There's a ton of walking because there isn't some teleport crystals in some points where there definitely should be.

And this is more personal but I think there is a little too much status spam, and bosses that just become immune to certain moves which slow certain battles to a crawl. Since this game doesn't have the Xenoblade mechanic of enemies ignoring you if you're higher leveled.

The chest system is really, really stupid. Along with the Bazaar system, I would put them in the same catagory. Very frustrating and grindy mechanics, that are basically impossible to utilize without a guide. There are some spells that are just completely luck-based, you really have no reason to collect most chest blind because 90% of them have basic potions that scale horribly, or like 10 gold. The Bazaar not holding the items you already sold is pretty damn baffling.



Balthier, Ashe, and I actually think Penelo are all pretty great. Penelo got sold completely to me by the ending but I think that alone justified her pretty meager role in the plot. Ashe and Balthier are actually just complete characters. They fit under the standard that I expect from this series.

The guest party members are fantastic. Hell, even better than most of your actual party members. Most of them have at least a few scenes that are genuinely impactful, and stay for quite a long time. I think being able to do side-content with them really adds to them feeling like main-stays. I would love to see more games experiment with guest party members like this.

The writing really gets it together in the last 2 dungeons. It feels like it regains the direction that it is periodically messing throughout the game. The definition of a slow-burn.

The ending sequence is fantastic.

The Gambit system and class system are both pretty incredible. I do have a few minor issues here and there, as I think the AI relies too much on gambits sometimes (They will just keep spamming shit if the enemy is immune to it or absorb it, and there's no real gambit around it unless you set a new guide in-battle.) But it's definitely a highlight of the game and you can be pretty exact about what you want the AI to do. It sets up for a ton of really good optimization and it's entertaining to watch builds (the building is super flexable) just absolutely desimate the main story as it is piss easy.

The music and world are both pretty damn solid.

The hunts can be pretty fun, and are a great challenge. I will note a lot of them have really annoying requirements and gimmicks in mid-game that are definitely not fun though. But the late-game and early game ones are pretty great.

In-all, pretty good game, but it definitely can overstay it's welcome sometimes.

(I am sorry for my terrible formatting I just write what is in my brain oopsies)

Eu estou mega apaixonada por esse ff <3

I've never thought i would like this game as much as I did.

A truly masterpiece. 5/5

So nostalgic that I still hum that soundtrack all the time.

A perfectly decent combat system and a pretty well-realized setting are unfortunately mired by tedious pacing and grind, not helped by its bland story and characters

Meu FF favorito e um dos melhores sistemas de batalha da franquia pra mim, combinando elementos dos FF atuais e os anteriores, amo os personagens e o universo desse game

Esse jogo é muito bom, ele é viciante e envolvente até um certo ponto.

Não curti muito as License Board, além da maior parte ser apenas licenças de equipamentos e o que beneficia o personagem é tudo passiva, senti como se a party não tivesse uma real identidade da classe, foi uma sensação de que a party era composta pelo: "bate seco com escudo e espada", "bate seco com espada grande" e o "bate seco com arco que cura em area".

A história que me interessou desde o começo pareceu que no meio do jogo perdeu o ritmo, só te joga dungeon atrás de dungeon e acaba, isso prejudicou tambem o desenvolvimento dos personagens, o final também é bem apressado.

O protagonista é uma decepção.

O loop de gameplay é divertida, as caças são um grande ponto positivo que com certeza eu vou continuar jogando pra fazer todas, as boss fights também são divertidas.

nota: Balthier e o Botão L1 são os verdadeiros protagonistas

After nearly twenty years of playing this game, I finished the post-game of Final Fantasy XII! Both the vanilla superbosses and the Trial Mode The Zodiac Age added in. I left a review on the PS2 game’s page but figured I’ll add my thoughts on The Zodiac Age version.

The big sell here is the job system and it’s pretty cool! I like the dual-classing upgraded they added in this edition of FF12, but character being so focused creates a lot of small inconveniences. Only the Time Mage has Float, a very important spell if you are going through a place with traps. I had to keep my Fran out through most dungeons because I didn’t have a lot of Float Motes and mines were abound. You can unlock some extra abilities on everyone’s License Grids with Quickenings and Espers but there should have been more options available for late game conveniences. I was missing the absolute freedom of everyone sharing vanilla FF12’s maximalist License Grid.

While The Zodiac Age took away a lot of original’s need-guide BS like the whole thing with the Zodiac Spear, a lot of spells are stuck in normal-looking treasures that you can easily miss then go through the whole game never having that spell. It’s two steps-forward, one step back with this game.

The 2x and 4x speed settings were a great edition. Got a lot of use of them beating Hell Wyrm and Yiazmat. On the other hand, TZA could have improved the gambit system more. While the multiple gambit sets are a nice addition, I wished for more gambit types and additional complexity.

Overall, the speedup option and cool job system make this the definitive version of a game that I, despite my criticism, think it is pretty good and still love a lot. Maybe I don’t think it’s as good as I used to, but still something that is worth playing. A lot of my problems are things that became more obvious in the sidequest/post-game parts of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age so someone playing a casual playthrough probably wouldn’t butt heads with those annoyances.

Es raro de narices. Los sistemas (gambits y licencias) complican en exceso el juego si no lo entiendes bien, el combate no me ha convencido, prefiero turnos o acción pero no un híbrido, la historia es interesante al principio pero luego decae mucho y al final ya te da igual y los personajes son muy irregulares, a destacar los protagonistas que son los peores que yo recuerdo en un videojuego. Bastante decepcionado después de venir del XVI. [6/10]

Absolutely my favourite Final Fantasy game.

The story is a grand game of political chess, and how every rung on the class ladder - and their struggle for supremacy - affects those below them. The environments are sprawling and wonderfully realised, and the soundtrack does NOT get enough love.

The Gambit System is super interesting with the options it opens up, and allows you to optimise as much - or as little - as you wish. The enemies and all the status ailments they can inflict can be really, REALLY annoying, and the last couple of dungeons absolutely suck, but outside of that? This game is well worth your time.

i say "mastered" because the only trophy i'm missing is the goddamn trial mode one
see you in hell.

i still love this game tho

It’s always saddened me that FFXII isn’t talked about very often. It’s one of my favourite FF games and maybe one of my favourite RPGs.

The zodiac job system offers a dizzying degree of customisation, greatly rewarding those willing to plunge into its depths. A lot of people seem to dislike the more passive combat, but when you finally figure out good builds and gambit loadouts to compliment those builds, watching your strategy succeed is so satisfying.

The Ivalice setting is as well realised as it always is. The writing is far more subdued than typical FFs and features another great localisation by Alexander O. Smith. I’ve seen a lot of people say it’s boring; I love it, personally. I can’t deny it does get much weaker towards the end; its development troubles end up being quite apparent. And I do agree that Vaan and Penelo are bad.

Love Hitoshi Sakimoto’s cinematic soundtrack. Love the detailed towns. Love the voice acting. Love the cutscene direction (much like Vagrant Story, a game developed by a lot of the same key players as FFXII, it has better cutscene direction than most FF games). Love this game.

This is honestly one of my all-time favorite games.

This is one of the many "Final Fantasy: Star Wars" entries into the series. The story has a lot of exposition explaining the political conflict between warring countries, and that can be really heavy at first, but they are just setting the scene so you understand why all the characters are doing what they do.

The world has a ton of variety (once you leave the desert) such as vast forests, underground mines, snow covered mountains, cursed ruins and more! The soundtrack is great as well!. Balthier and Fran are probably my favorite pair of FF characters from any game in the series.

This game gets a lot of hate because of it's weird combat system, but I love it. I tinker a bit with programming as a hobby, so the Gambit system being one big if/else statement made immediate sense to me, and I loved being able to program how my party members would react to any given situation.

Another thing I really enjoyed about XII is they replaced the need to mindlessly level grind throughout the game with a series of Hunt side quests. As you journey through the world, a few major towns have job boards in them, where petitioners have posted monsters that are causing them trouble. This is all completely optional, but if you decided to do them, there are so many cool monsters! The final hunt took me just under 4 hours to beat. It was wild.

This is honestly one of those games that is on my list when people ask me "If you could only play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

An underappreciated gem that needs more love.

One of the best Final Fantasy, and definitely my favourite. The Zodiac Age makes a great game only better and, no matter how many years pass between playthroughs, the world and characters are still lovely. It still has its issues, like, why is every single person in this desert country white, but nothing we haven't seen in a JRPG before, to be honest. The gambit system is very useful, and the fact that you can change the difficulty makes it easier for begginers and/or people who want to play the game without suffering (like myself), which is ALWAYS a plus, and incredibly welcome.

P.D: Balthier, Fran, I love you, you were my bisexual awakening.

you know what they say about a leading man.

Right off the bat, I think I prefer FF9's characters more cuz I like the goofier vibe they have.
Regardless of that, this game's more serious tone really allows for some amazing interactions between the game's 3 best characters who are always in the party. The political side of this game is so interesting and I loved watching it unfold, seeing the ways in which the antagonist did their utmost to essentially save the world in their own way even if it involved so much bloodshed. Vaan is definitely not as good of a protag as Zidane and that's mostly cuz Vaan doesn't get as many moments to show off his character, but when he does it's great. Gameplay-wise, this game is an improvement over 9 in basically every way for me because I just LOVE building my own party using classes I can pick and customize, and as long as you're not stupid it's actually pretty easy to have an easy time in the game (minus those freaking Espers that're optional). Music is great, too, but it's obviously more cinematic and less about being a good standalone listening experience like FF9 was. I'd say I enjoyed this one as much as FF9, and it's a story I wanna revisit really badly cuz I wanna pay more attention to what it was showing me.
And yeah, it's a pretty great Star Wars movie

great gameplay with an impersonal story. I found it hard to get attached to the characters but the gameplay was intriguing enough to power through

The beginning of the end for me playing Final Fantasy games until XIV/XVI. The automation of combat via basic coding in the form of Licenses was the wrong direction to go in.

Easily my favorite mainline Final Fantasy game.
Stunning visuals that make the most of the PS2 to deliver the most authentic representations of Akihiko Yoshida's art this side of Vagrant Story, an incredible soundtrack, an intricate story with phenomenal voice acting, and one of the best realtime RPG battle systems ever seen. There's so much customization with the gambit system that it's crazy to me it isn't the standard for AI-controlled party members in every RPG by now.
The world of the game is so expansive that it'd be such a waste to just run through the main story. It's full of interesting NPC dialogue that fleshes out the world, obscure hidden away secrets that feel like a treat to stumble across, and an entire chain of harder hunt fights where the meat of the high level play lies.
The Zodiac Age is arguably the best version of FFXII - the visuals and soundtrack have been extremely faithfully remastered and it sees a host of new gameplay options like expanding the IZJS job system with dual classing and a very welcome fast forward option to speed up dungeon crawling and mob fights. The only complaints I could have are a few eh fonts choices (not nearly as bad as some Square Enix remasters in that regard tho) and it'd be nice to have the option for vanilla, pre-job system FFXII (even if I think the game is overall much better with it than without).
I cannot recommend this game enough, it's the magnum opus of Square Enix's amazing PS2 era output.

Another Final Fantasy game about endless grind to defeat the final boss.
License and Gambit systems are cool, the story is interesting, but about 70% of the total game time has to be spent grindin' experience, license points and money for equipment.
Bro, in JRPGs I just want to go through story dungeons 😭

P.S. Fran's buns are amazing