Reviews from

in the past

Eu joguei ele pela primeira vez no Playstation 2, essa nova versão é muito bonita e as mecânica novas são muito boas

uma das mudanças de gameplay mais ousadas e incríves que já vi, em uma franquia que era conhecida justamente por seu modo combate.

its like star wars but with good carthers and good job systm

Пока провел мало времени в игре. Но по первым впечатлениям - неплохой сюжет, но очень медленная и странная боевая система

Least favorite FF game so far. Combat was repetitive and the story and characters were bleh. That said, my stupid completionist ass put 100 hours into it.

Although the battle system may be a little controversial, in my opinion it is the best aspect of the game. Count by that some beautiful music and great visuals, and you have got a winner.

kinda mixed on this one. like i get it, it’s clearly real cool, but it was way less glimmeringly perfect than i’d hoped. the graphics were obvs outstanding, but the gambit system seems to have been both inadvisably fiddled with (don’t make me choose which class my characters are permanently locked in to! i don’t know anything! do a game design and choose the most interesting arrangements of classes for the story got darn it!) and was also not as deep as i had imagined (i was expecting to be able to put the controller down and just watch, but the gambits didn’t actually cover a lot of stuff that i wanted so i had to keep my hands on the wheel more than i’d hoped).
anyway i had a good time but i got to like the 3rd or 4th town and was like ok yeah i get it i think. it’s cool and i respect those for whom it is their favourite. maybe i’d like the original more.

This here (and the original), are by far my most favorite Final Fantasy games. The characters and battle system are just so good.

A game so good I bought it 4 fucking times. One of the only times this mid franchise has a story with good characters, a decent plot, and doesn't have forced emo shit in it. A fantastic dub as well, and an incredible soundtrack to boot. By far, this is one of the best single player games I have played. What makes this one a 9/10 and what makes the original release such a mid as fuck game, is the level system. This game forces you to pick classes, making you not some bland overpowered "I can do everything" monster that ruined the original game's feel for me. The gambit system effectively letting you code your own AI partners so they won't do stupid shit unless you make them is so kino. Just a nice, turn my brain off, comfortable, but kino and real as FUCK game. Good. Shit.

Hell yeah. The story may hasn't clicked much, but the characters (Balthier <3) and gameplay definitely did A LOT.

I liked Final Fantasy 12 quite a lot early on. The combat and character development systems were just different enough from what I was used to to pique my interest. The story had a fairly strong start, and I liked all of the characters (even Vaan and Penelo). The presentation of Ivalice was excellent, and I actually liked trudging around the deserts.

However, as the game progressed, I found myself losing interest and becoming more frustrated. Once I had decent gambits set up, combat largely became a matter of just letting the game play itself. I don't think this is actually a bad thing in and of itself. Being able to operate at such a strategic level has its charms. Unfortunately, the combat animations were just flat out boring. This was further worsened by the lack of interesting abilities. Technicks just weren't cool or useful, and the magic system was quite standard. The martial classes felt far too similar to one another to feel like there was much more diversity in the party than "casts spells" or "doesn't cast spells".

Unfortunately, my growing dissatisfaction wasn't limited to the combat and character building. The main party interactions felt very limited -- I really wanted to see the characters play off each other more. I may have had this feeling in part due to the extraordinarily large amount of dungeon crawling that separated each tidbit of story. Even on x2 or x4 speed, it ended up feeling like an eternity between story elements. Now, this is partially my fault. I don't think I should have hit as many of the hunts early on as I did. I think the story also hit a pretty hard lull about halfway in, which didn't really resolve itself until the very final portion of the game. On top of that, there were several story elements that just felt like they came out of left field or were cool but didn't end up playing into the storyline nearly enough for my liking.

In the end, I don't think it's a bad game, and I think the people who love it are justified. It just didn't really click with me the way I would have wanted. I lost my motivation to keep slogging through the dungeons in the penultimate dungeon. It was just too damn long for me. I ended up reading a synopsis of that dungeon's story elements and then watching a lets play of the final boss and ending FMV. I have no regrets about making that decision-- I actually ended up enjoying the ending of the game, but don't think I would have if I'd spent another 5 hours slogging through dungeons to get there.

Quebrando vários moldes da série, Final Fantasy XII é único e um verdadeiro tesouro para amantes de JRPGs.

Dentro da franquia, Final Fantasy XII sempre foi visto como uma entrada estranha, mas ainda assim, apaixonou milhões de jogadores que apostaram no jogo, sendo recompensados com uma excelente aventura RPG, cheia de belos visuais que encantam até hoje em um mundo fascinante e uma abordagem única de exploração livre e combate.

Após Final Fantasy Tactics e Vagrant Story, a Square Enix nós leva novamente ao mundo de Ivalice, criando a série de jogos Ivalice Alliance e definindo como talvez o melhor mundo já criado em um Final Fantasy.

E vamos começar aqui por ela: Aqui nos é apresentado uma Ivalice em guerra entre os grandes impérios de Arcadia e Rozarria, e no meio destes fica as terras de Dalmasca e Nabradia, que pretendem se manter neutros nesta guerra, contudo, por seu posicionamento estratégico e por fazerem fronteira com os impérios em guerra, acabam sofrendo ataques de ambos os lados. O Rei Raminas estava pronto para assinar um tratado de paz entre Dalmasca e Nabradia a fim de unificá-los, e para isso, a sua filha Ashelia havia se casado recentemente com Lord Rasler, príncipe de Nabradia, mas em um avanço das forças armadas de Arcadia, Rasler é morto, assim como o Rei Raminas, e dias depois Ashelia é dada como morta por suicídio, assim Nabradia foi incorporada ao território de Arcadia.

Nossa aventura começa com o órfão Vaan em Dalmasca, que vê a cidade sendo obrigada a receber uma visita de Vayne Solidor, o herdeiro do trono de Arcadia, que irá apresentar um projeto de incorporação de Dalmasca ao Império Arcadiano. O garoto que sonha um dia ser um pirata dos céus pretende invadir o castelo de Dalmasca para por as mãos em qualquer coisa preciosa que puder encontrar, e então se depara com os piratas Fran e Balthier que tiveram a mesma ideia enquanto de fundo o castelo está sendo atacado, na fuga há algumas revelações, coisas acontecem e Vann descobre que acabou de entrar em uma aventura ainda maior do que um dia sonhou.

Aproveitando da premissa, é importante enfatizar que FFXII aborda temas mais adultos, como vingança, até onde o poder altera as pessoas, a conquista pela liberdade, julgamentos prematuros que afetam toda uma sociedade e uma política irresponsável, oportunista que busca favorecer poucos e fazer justiça como bem entender. Tudo isso ambientado em um mundo incrível graças a uma impressionante direção artística e sensação de locação, cheia de ambientes distintos, designs dos personagens e criaturas que parecem reais o suficiente para torná-lo vívido, único e inesquecível.

Na jogabilidade o jogo imediatamente difere dos demais, possuindo uma enorme profundidade e que é reforçada ainda mais quando temos o Active Dimension Battle refinado como sistema de combate que aproxima o jogo de um action RPG. Ao contrário do que era tradicional, os monstros agora são visíveis na tela e basta entrar no campo de visão para começar o combate. Sendo assim, você pode realizar os comandos normalmente ou utilizar do sistema de gambits, que basicamente automatiza as ações e reações dos personagens às situações, puxando bastante dos conceitos de programação, é tão lindo ver o quanto esse sistema funciona bem e como é possível virar uma batalha a seu favor graças as seus gambits bem configurados.

Nessa versão do jogo, além das muitas melhorias gráficas e diversos ajustes resultando em uma excelente otimização, nos somos apresentados ao sistema de profissões baseados nos 12 signos zodiacais, introduzidos para balancear a dificuldade e ampliar as possibilidades. O jogador pode escolher duas profissões para cada personagem e resetar a qualquer momento. Cada job possui seu próprio tabuleiro de licenças que funciona como uma árvore de habilidades ou progressão. Ao desbloquear as casas do tabuleiro através de pontos, você abre casas adjacentes e assim progride para conseguir níveis diferentes de armas, acessórios, magias e melhorias, como aumentar seu HP ou seu dano físico. Ter duas profissões aumentam as possibilidades de criar um estilo próprio pra cada personagem.

E com um mundo bem construído, não se pode faltar coisas pra se fazer. Final Fantasy XII tem um dos melhores fatores replays da franquia e fico impressionado como que tanto conteúdo cabia em apenas um CD de PS2 e ainda possuindo gráficos excelentes da época. O tempo de duração da campanha principal é de 30 a 50 horas, podendo esse número aumentar para mais de 100 horas se for buscar tudo que o jogo esconde e oferece: caçadas, quests secundárias, bosses opcionais, summons, dungeons, itens, trial mode... enfim, essa sensação de descobrimento e evolução constante mesmo após a finalização do game me deixa maravilhado e é o tipo de coisa que torna uma platina gostosa de obter.

Meus únicos problemas com o jogo são os extremos: o protagonista e o vilão. Vaan é criado para ser o personagem principal porém possui uma história tímida que é rapidamente abafada logo nas primeiras horas de jogo. E o vilão que por possuir pouco tempo de tela não dá tempo do jogador construir uma relação com ele, sendo outros vilões da trama muito mais emblemáticos e que roubam mais as cenas. Entretanto, todos os demais personagens aqui são bem desenvolvidos como padrão na série e aqui bato palmas.

Devido à forma como quebra com o que era considerado convencional e perfeito na aclamada série, Final Fantasy XII nos mostra que é possível ser diferente e mesmo assim elevar o patamar da franquia a outro nível, sendo uma referência pra muitos jogos posteriores. É uma experiência fantástica e que mesmo apesar do preço, vale muito a pena, é um port remasterizado mas que possui relevância triple-A até hoje. É um jogo incrível e atual não por motivos de ter envelhecido bem, na verdade é incrível e atual pois Final Fantasy XII está muito a frente a sua época de lançamento.

Best combat of every Final Fantasy. MOST boring story and characters ever in a video game.

One of the worst battle systems I have ever used.

I won't ever think about this again it just had zero impact.

one positive I will give it is I love an integrated series of maps with lots of little nooks and crannies to double back on and explore as you level up. more of that please.

it's also funny how XVI just stole this whole game's deal but added a nonsense somber tone on top of it. least this is trying to be fun!

This game is pure art, have a deep lore and cool characters, if u are a final fantasy fan you will certainly like it

Thrilling story from start to finish, an absolutely amazing performance both via music and vocally by the cast. The characters shine with one another and the gameplay mix is quite fun and endearing.

I loved the game, the combat is good but it gets boring fast, that's where the 4x speed mode shines, mainly for farming and traveling through maps.

The story feels somewhat lacking, although it does have some great moments.

Le paso muchas a este juego, pero lo de presentarlo en el mundo de Ivalice, que tiene como diez razas distintas (entre ellas moguris, claramente la raza superior) y la party sean cinco humanos y una viera...


O queridinho do PS2, que nunca consegui terminar no seu console de origem. Esse jogo é simplesmente um MASTERPIECE para mim. O gameplay, a história, os personagens, os segredos, o conteúdo end game... chefs kiss

Had to use cheat engine to one hit kill every enemy here (boss fights looked funny because of it) cause I didn’t feel like grinding and all the progression systems combined (job system, license tables and having to buy skills and gambits from the town shops) felt like a huge time sinker. I would prefer if they had kept it simple: level up, get skill. Reach enough stats, can wield weapon. that’d be best, pretty straightforward. Then again, the way this game is designed in general is full of stuff meant for you to sink your time in. some might find it fun, I sure don’t.
So yeah, at times I was just rushing through the dungeons one shotting everyone with 4x speed on. I did, however, take my time to appreciate the places I thought looked good, and the game is full of pretty delightful to look at sceneries. I like the concept of the viera village too. Subterranean areas in general looked kinda boring though and there’s one specifically that could’ve been neat but was damaged by its level design. This might sound like a nitpick but I felt it could’ve been way better if done otherwise. I’m talking about the sword of kings temple. Our goal there was to lift the statue’s sword at the lower floor so that we could pass through, but instead of descending into the passageway from the floor above, we’re warped there through a portal as if it were a whole different area. This put me out of the feeling of adventure and cool puzzle solving that a more cohesive area design would convey.
Overpowering myself with a cheat kept me from experiencing the strategic possibilities the gambit system offers, I’m aware of that. i might replay it someday making proper use of the system. Honestly, I just wanted to beat this thing and be done with it already. Why did i almost entirely eliminate a great deal of what makes this game unique, you ask? Why did I keep playing a game whose gameplay wasn’t all that enjoyable til the end, you ask? Am I just stupid, you ask? Well, I probably am but the reason I finished it is because the plot was interesting despite being presented in an unclear way. I don’t really have anything to say about it other than i had to read the wiki to fully understand it. Still a neat little political intrigue story

Probablemente sea uno de los Final Fantasy que más aprecio, y aunque no es perfecto y tiene problemas que hacen que no sea tan recordado, para mi es una de las obras que más me influyo en el género de los jrpg. Gracias a él, y algunos más de la familia FF, he podido disfrutar de aventuras apasionantes y de conocer personas con las que compartir esta pasión.

Es un FF complicado, un juego que no esta "terminado", pero pese a ello nos brinda uno de los mejores sistemas jugables de la franquicia, y que a día de hoy sigue funcionando de manera increíble. Su ambientación y apartado visual han envejecido bastante bien, teniendo en cuenta que este juego solo salió en Ps2 en su momento, siendo de aquellos juegos que tocaron el techo gráfico y visual de la consola.

Sinceramente, no creo que esto que escriba se pueda considerar un análisis, ya que lo que he dicho no es nada del otro mundo. Personalmente creo que es un jrpg muy recomendable pese a sus errores, y que nos da una aventura muy disfrutable. Aunque probablemente acabes odiando a su protagonista.

A great story and battle system, the mechanics of this game kept me engaged. I loved the tone and focus on a geopolitcal story, even when it was mostly ripping-off Star Wars. The combat, exploration, and combat design were all top-notch, and the gambit system was a ton of fun throughout the whole game.

One of the best games I have ever played!
The Zodiac Age version added some stuff that made the game even better (such as faster movement).

Played the playstation edition before this one, but they're basically the same

Get vaan and penelo the fuck out of here

Job system and difficulty changes makes it way too easy.
The original was better, sorry not sorry.

There's a lot I like about this game. The gambits system is cool, graphically it's leaps and bounds ahead of the previous titles (in particular is the facial animation. I'm not sure I've seen another game use micro expressions as well as this game) and the characters are nuanced and endearing.

However, the gambits system (while interesting) turns the combat into a complete bore. It's neat setting up your gambits and seeing it all play out once or twice... but then it just becomes a monotonous bore. I shouldn't get to a boss fight and think 'ah, I can just leave this running while I look at my phone, or grab a drink, or use the toilet'. It wasn't until the very last boss that actually forced me to rethink the tactics that had gotten me through 90% of the game (and even that was only because I ran out of Phoenix Downs).

I also found the story to be quite underwhelming. It lacks any sort of momentum until the final couple of hours. Also there's hardly any comradery building between the party members. My favourite moments were the times Vaan / Penelo were sharing some light hearted moments with the team but I could count on a single hand how many times that occurs.

Ultimately it's very ambition, and I appreciate that it does have it's fans, but for me this ranks towards the bottom of the mainline Final Fantasy games.

Spectacular story, great characters and good gameplay. It isn't a 5 star because of some personal points, like ways of earing gil, how high (price) some equipaments can around early/mid-game (or even late), the "final dungeon" and some more. However, if you are an intermediate/veterean FF fan, you'll enjoy it (like I did)

História espetacular, ótimos personagens e uma gameplay boa. Só não é um 5 estrelas por causa de certos pontos pessoais, como as formas de ganhar gil, o quão caro os equipamentos podem ser no early/mid-game (até mesmo no late), a "dungeon" final e etc. Porém, se você é um fã intermediário/veterano de FF, você vai curtir (que nem eu).