Reviews from

in the past

you shouldn't have to replay an entire game 4 times to get the entire story :-)

This was my first Fire Emblem game, and hoo boy was it an experance to say the least. So many branching paths and plot twists I was not expecting, and the combat was quite forgiving at times while at others... I felt like every move I was making from turn 1 was wrong. The cast of characters is very strong in terms of the house leaders and some side characters you can get to know. All in all this is a great point to jump into Fire Emblem for a newcomer and will be something you will remember.

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I played this a long. Long time ago. I still hold the opinion that the most enjoyable route is Crimson Flower, if only because I don't feel like I'm making the world a worse place to live in, but a better one, by making the choice I make. I'm glad Byleth is her own character, not completely meant to be a player insert. I played as M!Byleth, but F!Byleth feels more canon to me personally, but I don't insist on others seeing her that way. Overall, I wouldn't recommend Three Houses to most of my friends. Silver Snow and Verdant Wind being so similar is a tragedy. And the way that Edelgard's route doesn't even let you go to defeat TWSitD, but Verdant Wind does??? I did buy and play the DLC, was it worth it? I can't really say. It's been over 2 years since I played it, I barely remember it. Anyways, to sound like a 9 year old. Edelgard rocks. Dimitri smells. Play Silver Snow instead of Verdant Wind. also. Crimson Flower->Silver Snow->Azure Moon->Verdant Wind is probably the best idea. But that's just my take. Make your own decisions. I played this game to feel good about myself. I understand the story of Azure Moon can be great. Not to my taste though. You can't deny that Dimitri is one of the villains of this story, even when he is on the Protagonist's side, he's absolutely awful. Also the Faerghus 4 thing is a farce, don't fall into that propaganda you hear.
Flayn and Seteth so should have been recruit-able on Crimson Flower. Also getting Manuela and Hanneman on Crimson Flower default should have also been a thing.
I'm pretty bad at games like this in general. so it took me a ridiculous length of time. I'll probably go back and replay Crimson Flower soon. Just to see Bernie again, and Romance Jeritza again. I can appreciate that man. He's hot.
I'll probably rewrite this review later. see ya later folks. idk if you can block or message people on here. But block me if you wanna get into Edelgard discourse, I left the fandom for a reason.

claude von riegan i will always love you

This has got to be one of the most flawed games I have ever had the pleasure of playing. There are so many parts of this game that just feel unfinished which is unfortunate cause while already great, this game still has so much untapped potential sort of just sitting there. But even with it's flaws, it's still a fantastic game with amazing stories, and an amazing cast.

This game has a lot of flaws, but it also offers some of the most content and some of the best gameplay in the series.

The graphics are awful, probably because it was made in the Warriors engine, but the voice performances are impressive and the soundtrack is one of the most creative, beautiful, and inspiring in any video game I've ever played. The gameplay is standard, Fire Emblem tactical action with a random calendar mechanic ripped straight out of Persona.

It's an absolutely colossal game with four complete story routes and hundreds of hours of genuinely great replayability. However, a lot of that replayability comes from lazily reused maps and overworld exploration, which gets old quick. Still, despite its flaws, Three Houses has more than enough good things going for it to make it worthwhile.

Silver snow and Crimson Flower working on blue lions - An amazing game hindered by repetition, its filled with amazing characters in every single house, the map design is pretty ok, the progression system is so good on how it lets you Experiment with diffrent units and make your team into however you like and break the game so hard that it just becomes addicting grinding their character skills and levels, the problems comes in repetition, repetition in enemies plastered end game, repetition in what YOu are doing before missions the monastery while cool in concept and fun the first few times arround it becomes so repetitive you will just be either skipping or resting for most of the days at the end game and as it comes to enemies They either just splatter armored units, cavalry units or just demonic beasts through out the whole map with demonic beasts being the one they stick with the most being an enemy type thats cool in concept but is just there to exhaust you of your unit's resources This game is still amazing regardless and im enjoying it a whole lot but the fact you have to deal with those issues for 4 seperate playtoughs can muddy a lot of the later playtroughs later on just to experience a new story even tough that story has great writing

Claude von Regan you're my favorite guy to drink tea and dismantle theocracy with. Minus half a star for Sothis.

A fantastic blending of social sim elements and strategy combat that Fire Emblem is known for. Gameplay is fantastic and keeps you engaged throughout. Characters are lovable and bonds are formed naturally.

Will hope to replay the further routes.

Petra best girl.

Dimitri Blaiddyd is the phantom third figure in my marriage

Good story with great characters. The customization is good for diversifying your team.

The multiple routes are pretty annoying for replays as you have to do the pre-time skip every single time.

Not only that, the game is long so you have to invest over 40 hours just to experience all of the story which is absurd even for RPGs.

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Man what a wild ride this game was. I enjoyed much of it especially dimitri's route.

Except silver snow.

Fuck silver snow.

just played nothing but this game for a week straight, [picked golden deer]. and it was very very fun.

i think this game was a little too ambitious with all the stuff you can do, as its a little overwhelming.. [especially with the next game, engage, being a lot simpler].

all of my problems are just tiny things that are annoying over time, [weapon durability and how the level up screen pops up SUPER often and takes like 5 seconds, istg by the end of the game i wasted an HOUR just because of those screens..]

very very fun, can recommend, especially [prepare for a niche group of people that i happen to fall under..] for people who want to get into the series, and have played the persona games.

The saying "it's the journey, not the destination" couldn't be more true. After over 70 hours, I was kind of surprised how abruptly everything wrapped up. 18 chapters about political intrigue and war, only for the final battle with Edlegard to kind of just happen without much fanfare. Then, the big baddies are finally revealed, only to immediately kill them lol. But wait there's more! A world ending threat appears?! That shouldn't take more than exactly one chapter to deal with...

Aside from the ending (which I thought was quite sloppy) the writing throughout the rest of the game was a bit hit or miss. The political backdrop was actually quite interesting, and seeing characters switch sides depending on where their house's allegiance was some of the best writing I've seen in a Fire Emblem game (or dare I say, in gaming in general). Then there are certain parts and dialogues (particularly in support conversations) that vary from stiff to down right comical.

Gameplay follows the writing in the middle of the road aspect. There is so much to do and so many options given to you in the "monastery" portion of the game that allow you to get stat boosting items, improve support ranks, boost skills, gain useful items and gold... only to be paired with one of the easiest Fire Emblems I've played. Ultimately the added gameplay elements introduced feel more like fluff more than anything. They added 20 or so hours to my playthrough probably, only for it to feel like it wasn't at all necessary. I maxed the supports on most of my team by the 3/4 mark without even trying for most of the playthrough, but I still have hundreds of gifts, lost items, teas, and ingredients sitting in my inventory.

Overall, really great Fire Emblem for the cast of characters and interesting story introduced, but ultimately against the larger landscape of games it doesn't hold up so well. I would suggest fans of the series to start off on a higher difficulty to avoid steamrolling the entire game and not getting much out of all the extra mechanics added.

i tried playing other fire emblem games in the past but didn't like them i didn't play beyond the first hour, but this one somehow is so much better and drew me in way better, great story experience

I've never had a bigger brainrot over a game in my life this was the only thing I played for a year straight the moment it came out

This is one of the more conflicting Video Games I've played in my time. This game has the best gameplay of the series, but some of it's worst maps. This game has some of the best characters of this series and compelling moral conundrums, politicking and relationships, but it's story suffers from being spread out in four paths that don't feel complete with forming plot holes and a silent protagonist in a game already that feels like it's trying really hard to emulate Persona's least compelling aspects. The game has the most content in the series but it has so much repeat content in that and a new central mechanic that gets repetitive really quick.

I think on balance this is a good game. I also think it's very deeply flawed and truly held back from greatness by them doing multiple story lines instead of just picking a path and focusing all around that. For the record, I would have picked either the Blue Lions or Black Eagles for that role depending what direction they wanted to go.

Looking back after Engage's release, it's clear to me that the best idea would be taking like everything Engage did but giving it this games story and character writers, just limit them to not doing a path split again. As for Map design, it's really just the most bland in the series and doesn't help with the issue of repetition in a game that is this long.

This game is still really good in my opinion, regardless of it's flaws, the cast is enduring even if they all need therapy, the gameplay itself is the best FE has ever been, and the OST is an absolute banger. I'd just recommend playing the game's paths separately from each other for your own sanity and well being...

also Edelgard did nothing wrong and Claude is hella hot, that's all.

After completing my fifth playthrough this game, my first ever maddening run, on Blue Lions, I can safely say i still love this game. I love how much freedom you have with your characters. I love how the combat feels, the story, the characters, the acting, the music, everything. Is this game perfect? Fuck no. Is this game my favourite? Undoubtedly. Not many games make me feel like this. I don't think I've ever had as much fun on a Fire Emblem final boss as I did fighting the Husk on Maddening. It forced me to create a wholly new strategy from the rest of the game, and I loved it.

don't download fire emblem three houses you will get a virus on your console called fire emblem three houses

Constance my beloved 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

Really drags it's feet in the latter half of the game, like the last few months just felt pointless which blunts the impact of the ending since it feel so abrupt. The first part is really engaging since it's a new world and lots of mysteries are being revealed but past that is just the story playing itself out which is fine but the novelty wears off at that point. The main reason I played this game was because I thought F!Byleth was hot lmao, oh I played blue lions btw

It was pretty fun and big (that's what she said) but jokes aside I enjoyed the game!!! I am very happy with the house I chose and I felt really glad when I could see how the characters are progressing throughout the game. As for the characters...there are so many of them I'm sad that I couldn't get to know more about some of them but that's okay since I've got to know SO many more.
Story was nice although some things moved very fast and some things fell flat....thankfully there was the gameplay which pulled through. But if we ignore that it was a very fun experience!!

You can kick me if you want, Edelgard!

I like this game but i think i soft locked myself bc i spent too much time drinking tea :(

This game has one of the more enchanting settings in Fire Emblem, but I just couldn't get through it. I'm sure the social stuff clicks with a lot of people, but it's not for me, and you'll spend more time in this game reading, teaching classes, and fetching gifts for people than actually doing meat-and-potatoes Fire Emblem stuff. Maybe one day I'll return just to wrap up the story.

this game came out 5 years ago and ive probably thought about it at least once every day for the past 5 years its genuinely insane how much of an impact ts had on me

crimson flower is so good i wish the other routes existed

First entry I played, its pretty good liked the story I picked. but its a total drag when it feels like you have to slog through tons of dating sim elements and class just to get to play the game. I'm already married I don't need that in my life.