Reviews from

in the past

This game was my first introduction into the Fire Emblem franchise and I've always wanted to check out the games from it. I am no longer interested in checking the other Fire Emblem games.

I loved the music and some of the art/ designs in the game. The voice acting was fun and some of the character interactions were fun too. It was my first time seeing the classic FE strategy gameplay in action and was pretty fun. It's not my cup of tea but I can definitely see the appeal of it.

Unfortunately, majority of my issue with this game is the writing and the direction. It's one of the most, incredibly, unsatisfying writing I've ever read and I am genuinely baffled as to how people can accept this terrible writing. There is something I can nitpick with almost every (major) scene but I don't want to bother putting up a spoiler warning.

The writing is so, so bad it ruined the entire game and interest to a franchise for me.

Buenos bichos y una cantidad de rectángulos repetidos que uf

My introduction to the Fire Emblem series, and despite its terrible graphics, this is one of the best video game stories I have ever experienced. Great strategic combat as well!

i think this game was the first time i become chronically obsessed with a video game character ahem edelgard

Very good game it’s just a shame some routes are significantly better than others

Three Houses introduces a lot of changes to unit progression which allow for a more flexible, personalized approach. Because units can be trained in any area, you are limited only by that unit's predisposition towards certain skills. There is honestly an overwhelming amount of options not only when choosing classes and skills, but also in the methods of training and bonding between units. This increases tactical flexibility, but when you combine this with the removal of rock-paper-scissors combat the result is units which feel a bit less distinct on the battlefield. I definitely enjoyed the progression planning a lot, but tactical options more often boiled down to RES/DEF rather than skills, weapon type, range, terrain, movement, and so on.

On top of this, most maps/encounters are very bland. Some of the story missions were interesting, but the paralogues in particular were a complete waste of time. Likewise the supports are largely forgettable one-note chatter. It's a real waste of potential, since the university context is well-utilized to ground the player in the setting. Nevertheless, I found the overall story to be immensely satisfying and well-told. The Crimson Flower route is evocative and at times emotionally challenging. Tactical difficulty on Hard absolutely skyrockets for the last two chapters, even with fairly min-maxed characters, which felt uncomfortably abrupt. Still, I enjoyed seeing the story to its conclusion.

I'm glad that Three Houses experimented with so much of the Fire Emblem formula. It's truly a unique and addicting experience that is worthy of the series. Of particular benefit was the Divine Pulse system, which I hope becomes a staple of the franchise. That said, by the end of the game many of the new elements wore out their welcome and I was left yearning for another game on the level of Awakening.

Probably my favorite Fire Emblem game. It offers a very refined, strategic gameplay loop that hooks you. Have yet to play DLC, but I want to someday. Only docked a single star due to the somewhat poor graphics, and the separate storylines reusing a little bit too much from each other.

The characters, story, game play were amazing and so fulfilling. Fire emblem is one of those games where I get really invested in the characters and this entry in the series had me caring about every single one. Blue lions best route #1 Dimitri fan

Solid if sometimes underbaked ideas. Generally tend to not vibe with FE too much, but had a solid time with some of the thematics and character beats. But as per usual, just didn't feel like there was enough meat to get as into it as I would've wanted. But I get I'm playing a strategy game with characters and small story beats rather than a story game with a strategy game attached.

locked myself out of the Edelgard route so I see no reason to keep on playing...
Didn't really enjoy the first 11 chapters anyway. I understand why a lot of people love this game and I was obsessed with it for the first 15 hours myself, but the gameplay got boring pretty fast and the story, although it has its interesting moments, did not convince me to spent another 30+ hours in this world without being able to explore Edelgards motives further, which of course is my bad after all.
Maybe I will pick it up sometime in the future and explore whichever route I got in the end but for now Im done with Fire Emblem Three Houses and I sadly gotta say I would not recommend it.
I have now completed the silver snow storyline and my opinion about this game has not changed. It has fun combat for the first few hours and a decent story to keep a narrative between the fights but if you don't fall in love with the fighting aspect you are going to have a hard time enjoying this game.

Trabajó majestuoso de simulador social combinado con el combate de todo fire emblem. Personajes muy bien desarrollados con historias súper complejas, giros en la historia sorprendentes y Banda sonora épica. Único punto malo es lo repetitiva que es la historia de los 3 personajes hasta el capítulo 9. No lo considero para cualquier tipo de jugador.

Fire Emblem Two Important Houses And Also Claude Is There I Guess

Facilmente a minha melhor experiência com a franquia, o jogo me conquistou desde os primeiros minutos, curti muito como foi feito o sistema de Reclass e a parte de dar aula é uma ideia do caralho, ajuda e facilita pra cacete em como ser criativo com as builds dos personagens. Em relação dificuldade, o jogo não é difícil, tem no máximo 3 capítulos que exigem algum mínimo esforço mental, o resto é andar pra frente e bater, sem muito mistério (Pelo menos na rota que eu peguei).
No futuro quero rejogar já que existem outras 3 rotas para eu explorar ainda, a historia é boa e sinto que deve melhorar muito com a DLC e o conteúdo das outras rotas.

Gameplay: 4
Art Style: 2
Story/Lore: 4.5
Systems: 4
Character: 5
Total: 3.9

Golden Deer (100%): A nice good vanilla storyline, Claude best boy
Black Eagle (25%): Feels more like a classic FE game
Blue Lion (0%): TBD

This review contains spoilers

Fucking hell i love this damn game, the characters are so well written and the story is actually goated. I am a little bitch for emotional stories and how this game wasnt afraid to pull its punches the asshole, the game does however look like a steaming hot pile of dog shit so that kinda sucks but it makes up for it in every other area with a banger soundtrack, edge of dawn still making me tear up like a little baby, banger story, and banger gameplay. A downside though could easily be that to get the full story you kinda have to play all of the routes and i do wonder a hypothetical world where they told this game through one main story if it would be better and if you dont like doing the three stories thats a fair criticism, but i say suck my ass, the characters are all way too good to where i dont fucking care ill play this game 4 times not including the dlc why not. The best route just purely story wise is probably blue lions so if you just wanna play one route go for that one, but I really do recommend playing through all, being able to see stuff from other characters perspectives makes all the shit that happens in the game and in each route hit so much fucking harder. Edelgard did nothing wrong and by that i mean she did a lot wrong go off queen go commit more war crimes you the actual goat for all that stuff. Edelgard might be my favourite character in all of fiction, maybe i have bad taste but fuck you. Crimson Flower is kinda rushed and there are genuinely a lot of criticisms you could give this game, but even just for the world they created and characters they made this game always gonna be a top 3 for me, excited for the remake of this in 15 years where they make it so you can actually look at it without feeling immense pain and suffering

The more I think about this game, the more disappointed I get.

The first time that the Personafication of a game series has ever worked

Absolute amazing game that gripped me the whole time. Hilda best girl

This was a lot of fun. I can't imagine the emotions of playing with permadeath. That would be brutal.

The game that got me back into video games. Thank you Into the Aether.

I love fire emblem but three houses is a little long for my liking.

peak. dimitri my wife i love you. please come back. (story and characters are all so good release me please)

ojalá encontrar una rom sin crypto mining

The strongest aspect of the game is easily its cast of characters. Every playable character (besides the protag) feels fleshed out and adds something to the world of Fodlan, which isn't the case in the majority of other FE games.

However, the game feels very unfinished despite its lengthiness. The story is super interesting conceptually and there were moments I found incredibly well done. But it hardly reaches its full potential because every route but one is extremely similar. And the unique route is significantly shorter than the others.

And while the gameplay is weak, I found it much more of an issue that maps were reused so much, even in a singular route. Overall, the game is incredibly strong in some aspects but very weak in others.

Eu conseguiria passar o dia inteiro falando sobre Three houses, mas para resumir eu diria que esse jogo é a porta de entrada perfeita para qualquer um que tenha interesse em se aventurar na série

J'ai fait la route de Dimitri en premier