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To call it "so bad, it's good", is a massive disrespect towards its intentions. God Hand is indeed rough, and often has weird design decisions, but in the end? Ridiculously campy, over-the-top combat, and the overall ridiculousness of God Hand cements it as one of my favorite character action games.

Shinji Mikami literally shows up and revolutionizes a genre every time he makes a new game.

This game is homophobic ✓
This game is sexist ✓
This game is racist ✓
This game is perfect ✓

There's a legitimate argument that this is the best action game ever made. A ton of depth, dynamic difficulty system that gets harder as you get better, wacky ass context sensitive actions and so many different movesets to try and enemy encounters to test them out on. It's just straight peak.

Genuinely insane how this game has been passed over by so many people when it should be the blueprint.

Fist of the North Star but with more wacky bullshit, it's great!
Combat feels like RE4 mixed with DMC with more of a focus on countering enemy attacks and crowd control rather than making stylish combos, it's incredibly hard but very satisfying to learn and the pummel actions never get old (though they did absolutely destroy my arm with all the mashing).

It's pretty dope beat em up with unique mechanics and a wacky story.

What makes this game unique is its customisable combo system. You can set up your moveset with 80-90 different punches and kicks you buy. All the moves you buy serve a different purpose; you use them for juggling, launching, guard breaking etc. Also, the animations of your moves are sick. You look like a total badass when you do your combos, Clover really nailed that power fantasy aspect.

I also want to mention about the difficulty. I don't think its as hard as people talk about. Yes, character has tank controls like Resident Evil 4 and you can get surrounded pretty easily but game helps you in multiple ways, you just gotta be mindful. You have powerful roullette moves to deal with big crowds and you also have your god hand which makes you invulnerable. If you don't have them, there are some busted low attack moves that dodges your enemies' high attacks automatically. If you get frustrated in a 1v1, you can cheese the fight with these low attacks. There were only 2 levels in the chapter 8 that frustrated me, other than those, the game is fair.

In short, if you like crazy action games with old school controls, check this game out.

Hey remember when IGN gave this game a 3/10, tanking it?

Anyway, this is an incredible action game, with a lot of fun ideas that I haven't seen done elsewhere. This right stick is used to dodge, which gives you a lot of option when trying to move out of the way or cancelling your combos. Speaking of combos, your entire movelist is made by you! You select the moves and the order, which leds to different people having different playstyles! Personally, I like quick hits, with a big finisher, while others might prefer more powerful moves, or moves with a bigger range. There's still tons I haven't talked about, like the Roulette Wheel, funny story or great soundtrack! This game is incredible, highly recommend! (Though you might find one or two bosses have aged poorly)

Seguinte: jogo difícil, porém perfeitinho.

Eu sempre quis jogar este jogo e tenho certeza que se não tivesse um propósito para joga-lo, provavelmente não jogaria. Não pela sua dificuldade em si, mas pelo conjunto da obra mesmo que de início se apresenta de um jeito e a confusão permanece até você se adaptar ao jogo.

God Hand é sim um jogo difícil e como amante dos 8bits, mantenho minha opinião de que qualquer jogo difícil que te ensine com os próprios erros sejam os melhores em qualquer geração. Tive a mesma dificuldade com Ninja Gaiden (NES) e The Adventure of Batman and Robin (SNES) que ensinaram a mim que qualquer jogo é digno de ser finalizado se você aprender... isso que eu ainda nem joguei Dark Souls.

Não, ele não foi feito na engine de Resident Evil 4 e sim em cima de Okami. De início pode parecer que tudo ali faça alguma ligação com RE4, apesar disto conforme o jogo vai encaminhando, tudo parece muito diferente e igual ao mesmo tempo. Não existem uma variedade enorme de inimigos, mas sim de reskins dentro de esqueletos. Existe um ou outro inimigo que seja único fora os chefões, porém nada muito diferente do esqueleto de um gordo por exemplo.

O Devil Hand parece o Leon da shopee.

A única música que realmente importa no jogo todo está no pós crédito porque as outras são poluições sonoras ao meu ver e, por incrível que pareça, é cantada.

O jogo brilha na sua jogabilidade. Não há muito o que dizer se você não tentar jogar ao menos porque o jogo é o que você joga. Existe inúmeras combinações que você pode fazer, ativar a god hand e usar os especiais dela. Tudo gira em torno disto e é nisto que o jogo se apresenta ser muito foda. Você irá apanhar muito, se muitos inimigos juntar em você; você irá surrar muito, se um inimigo por vez vier você e talvez, se alguém vier com um arma de curta distância ou longa distância, você conseguirá tirar muito sangue deles se todos vieram atrás de você e usar o golpe mais forte. Você irá correr muito e MUITO PROVAVELMENTE, a câmera fixa irá te atrapalhar bastante... e como ela irá te prejudicar no início do jogo, apenas cuidado ao usar a volta de 180º porque isso pode te matar. E, ATENÇÃO, ERRO DE TODO INICIANTE: NÃO USAR O GUARD BREAKER!

Por nada estar ao teu favor, este jogo é difícil até que você aprenda como jogar e depois disto se transforma num pesadelo ainda maior. Não é aquela dificuldade falsa e sim aquela que você aprende a cada passo que você da e isto é muito gostoso porque o jogo te força a ficar nele até que aprenda o que esteja fazendo/executando. Qualquer erro é prejudicial e assim é a vida real, pisou em falso... morreu! JOGÃO!!!

Chihuahua coded, this game is literally made for me

how tf was this developed in 12 months and is better than like every other game

Make a Remake, this game is fuckin good i swear.

If only this was a breakout hit and we had 100 "God Hand-Likes"

God or demon, what are you?
It's time for you to choose your path.
The power of... your God Hand.
No evildoer will get past.

Hand-to-hand or fist-to-fist.
Kicking nuts or twist your wrist.
God power will keep your pimp hand strong.
So trust yourself.... or you won't last very long.

Dragon kick asses intothe milkyway!
Don't act like you don't like the ball buster!

Your arm, your arm, your arm, your arm, your arm, your arm will summon up the power of the God Hand!

GOd hand is peak fiction, I won't elaborate on it. Just play it!

Shinji Mikami peaked here
Fuck Resident Evil, overrated ass franchise. I want God Hand 2 and I want it NOW!

fam not a chandelier, not a candle, not a flicker, and not even a smoke can valorant do when you hold it up against god hand

Man I dumped like 20 hours into this game and spent most of it just doing slots. Told myself "Yeah I'm gonna get enough to get a new launcher" and then I missed my son's 8th birthday :(

More like Arthritis Hand

(I had a lotta fun with the game, but I took a long hiatus and my skills have deteriorated too much to go back. And I hate the soft lock, makes it hard to switch opponents. Fire game otherwise)

I am literally Gene from the hit game God Hand on the PS2

Yeah, this goes straight into my top 5 of all time. Absolute banger of a game.
I could say so many things about this game to explain why I enjoyed it so much, from the small details to the gameplay mechanics but...

...I'll just leave this here

The fact we lost the chance to have Gene God Hand in a Marvel vs Capcom game is absolutely criminal. There is a lot I can say about God Hand but honestly this is a game where you really need to see to believe. Is it ballbustingly hard? Sure, but thats the true fun of it, its been quite awhile since I've felt this rewarded for getting better at a game's combat system. Everything flows quite nicely for the most part, a couple difficulty spikes withstanding, and the freedom you get for creating your own strings is a ton of fun. God Hand also has one of the most enjoyable Capcom OSTs to date, and that is one hell of a catalogue to be put up against.

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll get angry, but most of all, you'll dragon kick someone's ass into the Milky Way (milky wayyyy)

God Hand, Clover’s cult classic PS2 brawler (probably best known now for IGN’s infamous review of it) was such a bizarre experience start to finish. It’s a game that I think is honestly not very good, more frustrating than not, but is carried purely on the strength of its wacky, goofball charm.

God Hand throws a lot of interesting systems, mechanics, and ideas at you and I think just about as many of them work as those that don’t. For starters, and most obviously, the tank-style controls are a frankly bizarre choice for a 3D brawler action game, especially releasing after multiple games that sort of established a standard in the genre. It kind of feels like a don’t fix what isn’t broken situation, and in God Hand’s honestly pretty tough combat sections, especially as the game goes on, you’ll be fighting the controls oftentimes more than the enemies themselves.

Another huge problem is the lack of a manual camera control and no proper lock-on function. You rotate the camera while rotating Gene, and he sort of auto-locks on to the nearest enemy. But it still feels really inconsistent? Sometimes he locks on to whatever enemy just attacked him, sometimes you can charge directly at a group and completely whiff an attack as he barrels past them. I don’t really understand the programming behind this and I think if God Hand were to ever get a modern re-release or port, a manual lock-on and the ability to change targets would be pretty much mandatory.

The camera’s arguably a bigger issue, as it’s shoved really close to Gene’s back, and unlike other action games, God Hand’s enemies don’t give you the courtesy of not hitting you when they’re not on-screen. This leads to a lot of enemy attacks that kinda feel cheap as you couldn’t see them charging up an attack, and the most you’ve got to work with are their dots on the minimap in the corner. Kinda reminds me of the close up camera in God of War 2018 that I also hated, but at least in that one Kratos has more than a simple quick turn to work with.

When you’re not fighting with the controls or camera, there’s actually a lot of cool ass mechanics in God Hand. For one, I absolutely love the huge amount of customization given to the player to craft their combos to their liking. There’s over 100 techniques in the game, any combination of which can be combined into a single combo designed by the player themselves. It’s super fun experimenting with different combinations of attacks and special moves to see what works and what doesn’t. It’s a crazy cool way to encourage player expression and I wish like literally any other game would copy that, it’s so unique and awesome.

Gene’s super powerful finisher moves are performed using a roulette-wheel like “minigame” of sorts where you can pull it up and then flip through it til you land on the move you wanna use, then let it rip at the cost of a consumable orb. These moves are flashy and fun and deal a ton of damage. Time is put into super slo-mo during the roulette section and it feels awesome to slow everything down right as an enemy attacks and unleashing a finisher on them to interrupt their combo. There’s also a ton of these and you can also customize which show up in your wheel.

Finally, Gene’s own version of Devil Trigger/Spartan Rage power up mode is the god hand itself, where his combos become uninterruptible and unblockable, and Gene himself becomes invincible for a short time. You can very easily refill this bar back up through regular combat and it becomes mandatory later on for the safe damage it allows you to perform.

Game structure is odd, each “stage” is really broken up into several smaller ones, usually just a few rooms, but it helps turn the stages into easy-to-manage stepping stones instead of a marathon slog. Checkpoints are generally pretty forgiving and it allows you to pause the stage and return to the base of operations to purchase new moves or gamble in between each mini-level. I didn’t mind this and it actually helped in the later stages for me to more easily adapt to the challenges I was facing.

Finally I wanna talk about God Hand’s sense of humor and what really helps it stand out. I would probably rate God Hand at least a full star lower if it wasn’t pretty much consistently making me laugh throughout the entire thing. Cutscenes are totally bizarre, oddball non-sequiturs that just sort of end and you’re thrown into a level without almost any context. Enemies (and Gene himself) drop incredibly strange one-liners that don’t make any sense, and a countless amount of the techniques are wacky, over-the-top attacks that take out enemies in hilarious ways.

I’ve never seen a game carried by its humor this much before, like I’m not saying God Hand is bad, but the comedy elevates it and makes the game’s frustrations more bearable as you wanna push through to see the next goofy cutscene or event. Gene as a character is super derivative of Devil May Cry’s Dante (complimentary), and the game’s overall tone I can only describe as feeling like it’s in the exact same vein as something like No More Heroes or many of the wackier substories found in the Yakuza titles. It’s not just le random wacky Japanese humor, it’s a very specific sort of brand of Japanese humor that I find very appealing. It’s completely over-the-top but in a way that also takes itself seriously while doing so. The music, by Grasshopper’s Masafumi Takada, also helps sell that goofy vibe and the end credits song made me laugh out loud. I streamed God Hand to a group of friends for the whole playthrough and it was a wonderful time.

God Hand is a total mess and I understand its lukewarm reception upon release, but it also manages to somehow be fun through that and I completely get how it’s morphed into a cult classic over the years. It’s incredibly dumb and silly throughout and has a lot of really cool gameplay ideas that I wish another developer or game would give a second crack at. God Hand is almost objectively not a good game, but it sure is an awesome one.

Greatest video game of all time. It keeps my pimp hand strong. The end.

It's really cool, just a bit hard for me but the gameplay system is still very fun and clever, and it's definitely worth your time. The jank is okay considering the time of release, especially because the game responds veeeery well. The only wrong thing might be the homophobia ans sexism, which is not very susrprisnig in a japanese game from the 90's.