Reviews from

in the past

I haven't played any other Halo games. I can't comment on the story because I skipped it to prevent myself from spoiling the original/well-received ones, which I hope to play someday.

I wasn't very impressed during my hour of gameplay. The soundtrack and the general aesthetic were bland (at least for the opening level). I thought Halo was known for having a great soundtrack and art direction.

The level design is uninteresting. It felt like a bunch of enemies were placed around haphazardly.

The enemy AI is some of the worst I've seen in a modern FPS. You can hide behind a wall 10 feet away and enemies won't even throw a grenade toward you. They're laughably passive.

The inability to carry multiple weapons (besides a little pistol that's also used up in two seconds) greatly limits strategy and feels frustrating. The issue is compounded by how little ammo each weapon has; I've never played an FPS that's this stingy with it. Even with good aim, I often had to backtrack to find more weapons, which hurt the pacing.

The nicest thing I have to say is that, on a purely technical level, this looks very good for 7th-gen standards.

I mean they tried I guess. Like the story has it's moments and so does the campaign. But it's mostly boring, that goes for campaign and multiplayer.

I have quite a large bias towards this game since it was the first Halo game I played. Though when I went to play the other Halo games I realised how different Halo 4 is compared the Bungie Halo games. Though I think it breathes fresh life into the franchise rather than having a very similar type of game for the 6th time in the franchise.


343's first halo game and it was decent. The campaign, while I personally felt like it wasn't on par with the other game's campaigns, was good. Multiplayer was kind of a slog fest, however, with this game trying to become call of duty game, rather than becoming a halo game. While I did like the flood theme infection mode, I do wish they would've allowed the infected to wield other weapons other than a sword since that would've help the custom game community. Firefight was removed in favor of spartan ops, a move I personally wasn't a fan of. In the end, the game isn't horrendous, it's just not not the best

Never understood why people didn't like it. It's just more Halo

I feel like if they didn't radically change the art style I'd like it more, but the game's good. The Gameplay loop is fun, I enjoyed the story, and multiplayer is... interesting. Since they added load-outs, it created a really weird meta of just the boltshot and a precision weapon. It was kinda lame. Despite this, it still manages to be pretty fun in my eyes. I go back and play it every so often on the Master Chief Collection.

343s first attempt at the franchise and they lost all their magic and talent afterwards. the narrative is by far the best since halo 2 but the myriad of issues like the strange art style changes, reliance on external knowledge, and gameplay changes (i personally like them) really hurt what could have been one of the best halo expierences.

This game is okay for what it is but it was the start of the downfall for halo. I think the plot actually isnt bad at all, but i really do think the gameplay changes killed the series for me. The sandbox isnt great and the promethean enemies arent interesting enough to fight against. A lot of the levels are very boring and uninspired.

used to seriously hate this game but I've learned to appreciate it and it's story. definitely not as bad as I remembered

Halo 4 had the extremely unenviable task of living up to the standards set by the Bungie era of Halo, the sad but unsurprising truth is that Halo 4 could never have lived up to the high expectations. With that in mind I do still believe it did an admirable job, it has a compelling narrative, new enemies and weapons, what truly holds this game back is it's gameplay with feels like a butchered version of Halo Reach, a myriad of strange creative decisions including the choice to redesign almost every recognisable asset and sound, but also a distinctly different characterisation for the Master Chief making him almost seem like an entirely different character. In summery Halo 4 is still largely slept on and I'd say is probably worth a shot.

nothing sandwich of a game, i liked the ending though (cutscenes not gameplay)

Overhated, solid game. Nothing more nothing less. Gameplay tight.

kinda crazy this was the best one made by 343. its actually fun sometimes but it just doesnt reach that high the bungie games did.

i loved the story of this game it was a great continuation of 3 i really did enjoy it

I actually like this one but I can understand a lot of the criticism.

Not really a downright bad game, but it still has many flaws. Coming off of 3 and ODST, I was really disappointed. A poor return to Halo. New enemies get boring after a while and the gunplay is fine. I felt the new villain was really bad and the story was bland. Still haven't played 5 or infinite, but 4 is the worst of all the mainline I've played. Left a bad taste in my mouth for the series.
Final score: 4/10

I haven't played this game in years but I always remember I had to look up a video guide because I kept dying on the same QTE during the final boss and I found out the game had just been giving me the wrong button prompt the entire time

One of the best in the series. Decent gunplay, excellent story.

Probably one of the earliest games I was ever excited for. How little memory I had outside of the opening and the spaceship level only goes to show just how bland this game is. Even the music doesn't hit anymore.
I could honestly write an essay on all of this game's failures, those of which are even more evident after playing the Bungie games directly beforehand. The level design is flat and generic and the complete antithesis of the varied combat scenarios you would find yourself in even the first Halo game. The new enemy faction is actually quite cool design-wise, but it just doesn't fit the already established universe at all making them feel very out of place along with how repetitive they are to fight (such a step down from the flood). The story relies on you to have read about 13 books to understand what is going on, lacking any real context between what is going on leaving no real desire to progress through the story because the events happening feel like convoluted nonsense. I don't think a game should ever rely on anything outside of the game in order to understand the story, it's just lazy storytelling. It goes for a much more gritty and serious story, but the writing and voice acting constantly flip-flop between being bland and comically bad/corny. The corny and over-the-top dialogue made more sense in the Bungie games as although the plot was actually quite dark, it never took itself too seriously, basically, it's more of a tonal issue than anything. The Chief and Cortana relationship stuff was fine I suppose but I never really cared too much and just found it a bit weird most of the time but that's just me I can see why people would like that side of the story. A side note I feel like one of the things that Halo has always done best is give a really good sense of scale, which this game achieves to an extent but not nearly as consistently. Oh shit yeh and also that ending was wank.
Though on a more positive note, I think cinematically this game has some great moments with some quite striking imagery which occasionally rivals Bungie's best, though definitely occasionally.
It just feels like the soul was sucked out of the series with this entry and it was a bit of a slog to get through. I do remember quite enjoying the multiplayer back in the day though so there's that.

343’s first try at Halo was whelming. Prometheans are not a fun enemy type. If you thought other games had sandbox redundancies you will not believe what you find in Halo 4, five precision weapons, 4 of which all being essentially equal in power. A narrative that is… okay. Certainly tries to tell a story but how well it connects with you is on a case by case basis. The multiplayer is alright, map design there is pretty alright.
Not a bad first try, but certainly lacks the charm of the original five bungie titles.

somehow 343 made a great demo for Destiny 2 Lightfall

Ass campaign. Stay mad at precision weapons

Extremely underrated game. While not on par with Reach or three, I think it matches up with the other games.

The story is great. It expands on the world and its characters. It brought us an incredible villain (that surely will stick around right?) that has great dynamic with the story and characters.

Sandbox is good. Arguably one of the better sandboxes. Level design is unique as well. Each feels different.

It's still a good halo game but the magic is gone

finally... the LAST halo game...
really though im not playing any more this is the last one for me (unless halo 5 comes to pc and infinite goes WAAAY on sale because i am NOT paying 60 bucks)

actually kind of okay, didn't hate it, thought the story was alright but it was pretty predictable even before i played it
like of course after 3 games of "ARMY HOO-RAH" they gotta go with the very subversive "but what if army structures lead to bad people in charge???? questionable morals for super soldier creation????" "master chief SAD????????"

in this game cortana has lost her chin. i think it's in the next game
she's also the bluest she has literally ever been, which i think at this point is established to be related to her age which makes sense considering one of the key plot points
she also removes your suit flashlight? like she says at the beginning "i updated your suit firmware" and then you just dont have a flashlight the entire game so thanks for that i guess cortana?

the forerunner areas reminded me of the original covenant areas in the first game (in that they looked really boring and repetitive) though other areas were pretty alright

they brought the special abilities back which is cool but wow do all but a couple suck
the shield slows you way too much to make it useful at all for traversing between cover,
the camo is SUPER nerfed compared to the camo in like halo 2 or something,
the decoy just doesn't seem to do anything? you can't really make good use of it because once you expose yourself so you can send it on a path to distract the enemies, they are already focused on you,
the armor lock literally makes you a sitting duck (i actually forget if it was in this game or reach tbh either way its bad),
the forward launch both never showed up for me until the end of the game and also just seemed pretty difficult to use in general,
and the x-ray vision is mostly useless because even though it lets you know where enemies are they almost always are immediately aware of where YOU are, which then alerts you to them anyways because they start shooting at you, also i never got it in an area where i could really take advantage of it with grenades or sneak attacks or anything
that leaves just the jetpack which provides pretty useful upward mobility (can skip taking the stairs) and the auto-turret which is basically like a more useful decoy because it actually draws fire to it, shoots back, and splits the enemies attention

the ending of this game is really unintentionally funny, just (SPOILERS SPOILERS FOR THIS ONE LINE CMON BACKLOGGD!!! INLINE SPOILERS PLEASE???? IM DESPERATE!!!!! I CANT TAKE IT!!!!!!) master chief going "oh yeahhhh she said that once" and it just ending with that

thats basically all i have to say, honestly these games aren't super deep or involved, i beat this one in 2 days (i had basically no distractions)