Reviews from

in the past

Played before the Terf Queen showed her true colours. It's a solid PS1 platformer. It's janky, sure, but ultimately it's quite enjoyable. Shame the whole franchise has been tarred by it's creator being a bigot.

I remember I borrowed this one and another harry potter game from a friend back in 2008. It was great! I have always enjoyed the series as a child and I still do.


Muy repetitivo, las "jijeadas" no fueron en vano igualmente.
La parte de sigilo que están Snape, Filch, etc con una lampara me molestaba mucho


Very repetitive, the laughter was not in vain either.
The stealth part that Snape, Filch, etc. are with a lamp bothered me a lot

i have been trying to beat this game without a memory card for 22 years. i will one day

I knew American English had different spelling but to fuck up "Philosopher" this much is crazy

Opened this game for 3 minutes, like a mere appetizer before the main course, and then decided to close it, while relishing the dulcet tones of Tom MacDonald's musings on the contemporary music scene. It's almost poetic how the two experiences paralleled.

It was a stark contrast to the relentless mashing needed for Alessi's push, and honestly, it felt like a soothing balm. A stark departure from the training needed for Gun Girl, the game made me appreciate the simplicity of Alessi's unstoppable power.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone offers a magical world that leaves much to be desired when compared to the pushing prowess of Alessi. In the world of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the antics of the wizards at Hogwarts appear rather quaint. While Alessi's push commands attention and leaves hands mangled, Harry's wand-waving actions might make you yearn for the magic of Melty Blood or the wizardry of Final Fantasy XIV.

In the end, the magic of Alessi's push remains unrivaled, and any game lacking the force and power of this maneuver pales in comparison. To truly feel the energy of the ultimate gaming experience, you'd have to put JoJo's Bizarre Adventure side by side with Harry Potter, and the result is just as predictable as an intense Alessi ditto match: one stands victorious while the other is merely a fleeting flicker in the dark.

Score: 3/10 for the Sorcerer's Stone. Alessi's push, however, deserves nothing less than ∞/10.

Потрясающе примитивная игра, при этом полноценно дающая чувство исследования и раскрытия секретов.

One of the most popular games coming from the PS1 era. Not so much due to its gameplay (even though some challenges control like trash) but more so for its blocky and heavily compressed graphics that made each character look like prototype Roblox models. They look blockier than the Lego adaptation that came many years after, how did they do that?. Even with some of the frustration it can carry a lot of nostalgia since it adapts the books with some fonds cutscenes, charming narrator and classcial soundtrack.

PS: Screw Gringotts.

This game was clearly made on a strict deadline, even by movie tie-in standards.

Clunky but still has a lot of charm and the music (made by the guy who composed for Skyrim) is my favorite part. Super nostalgic for the Hogwarts theme.

Bem, vou separar por categoria a avaliação:

SInceramente, é um pouco bizarro o modelo dos personagens, mas considerando a limitação do console, digo que é ok

Flipendo!, catar jujubas, parkour e "genius" para aprender magias...
A parte de colecionar as cartas dos magos eu até agora não consegui identificar como pegar todas...
A parte de gringots é quase impossível você pegar todos os itens sem repetir várias e várias vezes
O quadribol é bacana apesar de simples

Segue boa parte a história do filme/livro, tendo algumas adaptações para criar obstáculos para a gameplay

We stan shitty movie tie-ins.

youtube shorts made me revisit this

The Philopher's Stone.

A childhood favorite of mine. The atmosphere is great and they did a fine job to combine elements from the books and the movies. I remember this game much harder playing it as a kid. Especially those levels on the Diagon Alley at Gringotts and one involving peacock are still ass and over the top hard and annoying. Most of the levels are still fun to play and got a good mix between puzzle solving and free roaming.

Harry himself is pretty shallow. Ron and Hermione aren't all that fleshed out but still ok. PS1 Hagrid is legendary. The score is terrific. Flying on a broomstick is meh.

8/10 golden snitches.

Make sure to check out my review of The Philopher's Stone on letterboxd:

I spent almost 10 minutes looking for Philosopher's Stone and then I remembered...

ok start to serious i guess listening to harry moan every time you jump climb or anything is a little unsettling

I liked this game even though I know it’s a bad game. Purely nostalgia.

j'étais absolument minuscule et je comprenais strictement rien mais les elfes de maison faisaient des bruits super droles

I never beat this, but a certain spell you learn which can be spammed is burned into my brain not for the better.

very surprisingly fun lil game from the ps1 era i had no hopes for these ps1 hp games but this was pretty good even if everyone looks a bit silly

Made Childhood a lot better

La verdad es que no está mal a día de hoy

Considero o jogo definitivo para pessoas que NÃO JOGAM NADA, começarem a jogar. Dificuldade boa, itens bem espalhados, castelo bonito, representa bem Harry Potter.

I'm not sure what this game's deal is. Even less sure why I decided to sit down and beat it