Reviews from

in the past

Harry Potter and the Fucking Wizard

The PS1 version of Sorcerer's Stone is largely a downgrade on the PC version, but it has certain things going for it, that's for sure. For one, Hogwarts is slightly more open, you discover a lot of the secrets at your own pace and can return to certain areas to collect missing cards or beans. Not every area though. The platforming is pretty tight, the auto-jump gives you this huge boost of speed after you jump off a platform, and you can climb really high ledges, making for some reasonably fun moments. There is a semblance of a combat system, though I honestly prefer the instantaneous, mouse-aiming spellcasting of the PC version. Also, the character models are funny, the voice acting is very British, the situations you play through are ridiculous and some of the mechanics and even entire sections (such as returning to Diagon Alley to collect some ingredients) are unique to this particular version of the story, adding to the charm.

My problem lies in the general atmosphere. The lack of music during exploration is brutal, as the over-exaggerated sound effects really stick out without it. The game's secrets are actually hidden minigames a lot of the time, but they're not particularly exciting or fun, so I wish they just weren't included honestly. I'd rather just go in and pick up a card and feel clever that I found a secret, rather than have a kid or a ghost already be there and give me it as a reward for some trivial task. Collecting beans leads to upgrades for stuff like Quidditch or your basic offensive spell, but they are not noticable in the slightest. The game doesn't have spell challenges, which I enjoyed in other versions because they added scale and mystery to the castle. Here, Hogwarts feels much, much smaller, and a large chunk of this game is just really forgettable due to the level design being really messy. Just like with the discoveries, there is no impact, no special music, no pizzazz.
And absolutely fuck the Gringotts Mine Cart minigame. I really want it gone.

I wanted to like this game more, but I think it doesn't have the staying power some other versions have. Even though I think I liked playing it more than the GBC RPG, that game was far more unique and interesting to go through. This one just feels too small and limited for the system it's on.

ps1 hagrid IS real and WILL hurt you

Aged like milk. I have a lot of nostalgia for this game but I think even as a child I was aware of it's faults.

In the last year, I replayed the game with the intention of 100%ing it, with the main objective being to collect all the Famous Witches and Wizards cards. This game is devoid of any fun, and the controls are so poor that even the better designed mini games feel like exercises in anger management. The biggest issue I had with the game was it's missables (if you've played it you already know I mean the shambles that is Gringotts), with many areas being locked forever upon leaving which isn't ideal for a game of adventuring and exploring.

It doesn't even make a good companion piece to the book/film as the narrative differs in places.

The Philopher's Stone.

A childhood favorite of mine. The atmosphere is great and they did a fine job to combine elements from the books and the movies. I remember this game much harder playing it as a kid. Especially those levels on the Diagon Alley at Gringotts and one involving peacock are still ass and over the top hard and annoying. Most of the levels are still fun to play and got a good mix between puzzle solving and free roaming.

Harry himself is pretty shallow. Ron and Hermione aren't all that fleshed out but still ok. PS1 Hagrid is legendary. The score is terrific. Flying on a broomstick is meh.

8/10 golden snitches.

Make sure to check out my review of The Philopher's Stone on letterboxd:

This game is pretty mid even though it doesn’t feel cheap. There’s a ton of voiced dialogue and it’s all good, but the pacing is borked. You have this neat lil open area but they regularly lock doors behind you so it’s a very linear affair that constantly pushes you from one thing to the next. It moves so fast that they completely forget to introduce or develop Professor Quirrell as a villain, and the final boss fight just kinda comes out of nowhere. There’s a bit of variety to the gameplay, but none of it is really good. This game wasn’t frustrating to play, but it also didn’t do anything cool.

At least specific evil people can't profit over me emulating this game.

Game is pretty mid by the way. Sorry, nothing special to say about this one besides it spawning the funny PS1 Hagrid meme.

Never finished this but alongside Space Invaders on PS1 it was one of my earliest experiences of gaming so it gets so extra personal points there.

At least one of those stars is for PS1 Hagrid and another one for all the silly quotes my family still reference to this day.

Not a terrible little game. Nor the best .


Muy repetitivo, las "jijeadas" no fueron en vano igualmente.
La parte de sigilo que están Snape, Filch, etc con una lampara me molestaba mucho


Very repetitive, the laughter was not in vain either.
The stealth part that Snape, Filch, etc. are with a lamp bothered me a lot

Even my pro chess playing Granddad couldn't figure out the final mission chess puzzles

Na medida da possível, consegue ser bem fiel ao livro, mesmo com todas as limitações da época e do console, ele entrega uma experiência interessante para os fãs da série que sonhavam em explorar Hogwarts, lançar feitiços e enfrentar os inimigos clássicos, e é justamente isso a melhor coisa do jogo: ver como cada coisa é adaptada para um jogo, andar por cada local e vivenciar os mesmos acontecimentos do original, claro que não da melhor forma possível pois era um jogo de 2001, mas ainda sim, fizeram milagre com o que tinham, tendo direito a muitos minigames interessantes, como os de quadribol, da mina e até o do xadrez de bruxo que é bem criativo. Uma pena que o jogo tenha sido um saco ao mesmo tempo que era convidativo. Missões chatas e irritantes, level design mal planejado e partes maldosas fazem o jogo durar muito mais do que deveria, mesmo não sendo tão longo, eu demorei mais de uma semana pra terminar simplesmente por estar de saco cheio de tudo, pois no meu save deu que eu terminei em pouco menos de 7 horas, só que foi muito mais devido ao tanto de game overs que eu dei. Experiência intrigante para a época, mas que peca em divertir. ''Quem não tem Hogwarts Legacy caça com Harry Potter de PS1''.

This review contains spoilers


I love the memes about the character's stupid faces. I had fairly good memories about exploring the castle in this game. It was developed before the film came out, so it has some stuff from the book which is nice.

who tf wants to do homework lmao, this dumb shit is for nerds gtfo with this shit

Played before the Terf Queen showed her true colours. It's a solid PS1 platformer. It's janky, sure, but ultimately it's quite enjoyable. Shame the whole franchise has been tarred by it's creator being a bigot.

(Nota: Condeno e boicoto qualquer tipo de transfobia.)

Esta adaptação entra fácil na escassa lista de jogos de filme que são bons.

O título é um adventure que segue exatamente a história do primeiro filme. Contém elementos dos mais variáveis gêneros como corrida, platatforma, puzzle, e até stealth.

O mapa consiste no castelo de Hogwarts e seus arredores, repletos de portas e caminhos para entrar dando uma impressão de mundo aberto, porém não é o caso. Em um momento do jogo é possível explorar o Beco Diagonal e o famoso Gringotes. Tudo quase idêntico ao filme.

Infelizmente o jogo não é focado no público que não assistiu/leu a série, pois dá apenas o mínimo contexto do que está acontecendo e não explica quase nada do universo de Harry Potter, te obrigando a consumir um pouco da lore como pré-requisito para o entendimento completo do que você irá presenciar.

No decorrer da gameplay nota-se que o jogo bebe da mesma fonte de Crash Bandicoot, pois há passagens semelhantes ao título como correr em direção à tela desviando de obstáculos, boss fights semelhantes, dentre outros.

A dublagem é boa para a época. Os modelos 3D são muito engraçados principalmente a do Hagrid que até virou meme.

A atmosfera desse título é única e nostálgica, tornando-o obrigatório na biblioteca de PS1 de todo amante de adventures.

God the meme faces this game has. XD

I remember I borrowed this one and another harry potter game from a friend back in 2008. It was great! I have always enjoyed the series as a child and I still do.

PS1 Hagrid is my spirit animal

Well at least it gave us PS1 Hagrid

Silly, enjoyable game. Has aged poorly in some aspects, but if you grew up with it, you'll still get fond memories. Worth it for Hagrid alone.

You've done it now Potter. Get a taste of my super wizard crackers.

This game sucks hot ass but is so fun to play it makes up for it.

Seeing this in a charity shop got me misty-eyed for the shoddy movie tie-ins of yesteryear. Now it's just shitty F2P mobile games instead of janky console platformers and beat em ups. And we call this progress????

Nostalgia goes a long way but even if you tire of the low res textures and a time when Harry Potter was much more whimsical and less brooding, the game is still a fucking vibe, the perfect thing to play on a sleepy Sunday. For the most part the difficulty is non existent thanks to auto-jump platforming and a generous health bar that compensates for the fiddly lock on system. You're able to breeze through this hazy retelling of The Philsopher's Stone in which Harry arrives at the school, takes several classes, does his first broom lesson, fights the bathroom troll, joins the Griffindor Quidditch team and visits Diagon Alley in the space of a day. It's very chill, an accessible game for small children that doubles as mindless relaxation for adults.

The PS1 atmosphere is really fab, the textures are solid and evocative and the abstraction that comes from trying to render Hogwarts and its surrounding grounds on something as underpowered as the PS1 gives the whole thing a dreamlike feel that I got completely sucked into (see also: 80% of the films events occurring over one day). Hogwarts is open to explore between the main story beats and while its mostly empty and devoid of music, it's eerie and makes the game world feel like an actual place rather than a bunch of discrete levels.

Unfortunately said relaxing vibe is ruined by the final gauntlet to get to the Philosopher's Stone. Actual challenge? Shoddy checkpointing that drags you back thru unskippable cutscenes? No save points which means you haveta complete it in one sitting?????? No no no where did the chillness go???

This is where the pratfalls of playing old games on original hardware come in. If I had this running on an emulator with save states we'd be laughing but since I'm playing it with an OG playstation (complete with og analog-less controller which is suprisingly nice to use in a 3D game) I'm stuck with this horseshit and it made me rage quit after two hours. It didn't help that I was under time pressure to pick up drugs from my plug and found myself shackled to this playstation trying to complete the game, but it's winter, there's an energy crisis, I'm hardly gonna leave the PS1 on over night like ye days of olde.

So I've kinda abandoned it after rage quitting the final boss but I feel like I will return to it so I can look myself in the mirror and say that I, a 27 year old man, wasn't bettered by the PS1 adaptation of Harry Potter and The Philsopher's Stone (side note: fuck that American bullshit, it's The PHILOSOPHER'S Stone).

If you can past the difficulty bump in the last hour or so, it's actually a suprisingly enjoyable game. It reminds me of the low stakes PS1 throwbacks you see popping up on all the time now, but polished to a high degree since it's an actual professional product. Viewed in that context, I can actually give it a firm, non-ironic recommendation.

Visually the game looks rough, hilariously so, but the game overall is solid and fun. As an adaptation of Philosopher's Stone it's not the best as it glosses over several plot points and changes the context of certain scenes for the worse but as a game it's passable but a little dull.

Gringotts is beyond frustrating for no reason though and that was annoying.

I honestly found this version to be quite frustrating to play, it's surprisingly difficult with some platforming challenges and mini-games being quite punishing. One location that stood out to me is Diagon Alley and its mini-games (yes, I'm looking at you, peacock!!!).

One of the best PS1 games to have that classic PlayStation "crunch" - always a fun one to go through when I have some time spare.

Completed many times before, shelved this time because it crashed on the Voldemort/Qurriel fight and sent me back quite a way (my fault for not saving).