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in the past

História muito foda, ver o desenvolvimento da Senua (ficando maluca) é angustiante , o que definitivamente era um desejo dos diretores, a experiência é aprimorada com o trabalho de áudio que é do caralho, transmitindo as vozes da cabeça da personagem. Porém, em algumas ocasiões o game não explica o que quer do jogador, por muitas vezes me peguei perdido voltando de onde eu tinha acabado de sair. Os puzzles, outra parte que eles focaram bastante, são maneirinhos depois que você pega o jeito. No geral, é interesssante, ansioso para jogar a continuação .

"In this waking nightmare where all dreams come true...
You searched for control, a way to pull through...
When you were in love you left him in tears
To smother your furies and banish your fears...
But in darkness they came, through stormy black seas
They raided these shores... Do you still hear his screams?

And now... that you're home... he's so far away...
They've taken his soul... To these gods you cannot pray...
They can break you, but not your promise.
Even death won't keep you apart.
Through this darkness you will find him.
In your sword still beats - a heart.

You fought for love unspoiled by your darkness within.
You fought for your dreams, now there is no way to win.
In the head of his corpse lies the seat of his soul,
So you must carry his vessel and bring him back home."

Since the newest trailer for the 2nd game looked kind of neat from a directing and editing standpoint, I was curious to finally try this out.
This is exactly what I cannot stand about a lot modern video games. Just full on blast pretentious "we aren't like those other video games, we are... Hollywood. And video game systems are cringe".
The concept itself, great idea. Execution is insanely annoying and falls flat.
Combat is horrendously simple for a game that genuinely does not offer any other interactivity than its combat. It reminds me of licensed games that usually just slap the most straight forward combat system they can think of, while not engaging the player with anything else. Enemy variety essentially does not exist.
The whole game is just making you walk forward while being blasted with voices, the novelty of this wears off instantly. Then stopping you at obvious doors to spawn the same enemies over and over or gracing you with a "puzzle", which makes you look at surrounding garbage.
Literally just looking around with your camera, to form rune shapes by aligning objects like twigs or fences to match the shape superimposed on your screen. It will also tell you when you are near such matching objects through visual and audio cues, essentially removing even the tiniest bit of player agency in the only section of players interacting with the game.

Fuck "games" like this.

I really loved the premise of the game, beautiful haha next-gen graphics but with actual gameplay, compelling Celtic mythology and a very enticing atmosphere.

Esse jogo é uma experiência única, MUITO lindo, difícil achar algo tão bem feito, o combate é muito gostosinho e os puzzles funcionam muito bem, mas claramente o foco é a narrativa e sinceramente, É MUITO BOM.

Toda a jornada da Senua é intensa e retrata temas sensíveis e doenças mentais da maneira mais criativa e madura que já vi em uma obra, fazendo a personagem crescer MUITO pra mim, amo muito a Senua, uma das melhores personagens femininas nos jogos pra mim. O jogo conta com toda uma ambientação da mitologia nórdica muito boa, cheio de historias e um universo próprio que faz você se sentir na pele da Senua mesmo, me senti imerso no game e na mente da Senua a cada segundo que passava jogando.

Holy shit what a stellar piece of art. The concept was crazily innovative. The amount of experimental shit done in here in order to convey the main character's thought process is extremely impressive. The combat is fun but the camera is so damn clunky, sometimes it completely blinds you if you go near a wall and you get whooped by the enemies as a result. But yeah like I said it's fun but it lacks any sort of depth to it, it's your usual parry, evade and attack kind of thing but the parrys feel so good when you time it properly and there are moments when the voices in your head help you if there's an enemy attacking you from behind so you can parry in time to save your ass. The idea of Auditory hallucinations during combat is so damn good, sometimes you get demotivated by those voices when in a fight and sometimes they guide you and kinda motivate you to push through, the implementation of that is just chefs kiss. They're annoying and pestering you all the time giving you a slight glimpse of how it feels to be in such mentally unstable and anxious state of mind. The Valravn puzzle was a pain in the ass to finish other than that all the puzzle/walking simulator segments were fun albeit time consuming; the alphabet/symbol matching one grew too old too quickly and that is what they stuck with until the end. Again goated atmosphere and goated sound design. The story is kinda messy and it's probably intentionally done that way since the protagonist is kind of insano. The graphics seemed too good for a 2017 game, the second game will definitely push some boundaries in that aspect. The ending dragged on a bit but what an amazing game nonetheless. Also congrats Microsoft on killing the 2nd game even before it's arrival with absolutely no marketing whatsoever, gotta be the most dumbass corpo to ever exist.

selling schizophrenia as an aesthetic is WILD

I really don't understand what people see in this title. The psychosis representation is well done and the pattern identifying gameplay is interesting because it's indicative of paranoia - but that doesn't make the game any better.

I could rant about just about every section of the game, but in the interest of my own time I'm going to keep my critique brief:

- The graphics are technically nice, yet every area looks the same and the whole game is far too dark.
- I didn't care one bit for Senua, her journey or any of the other "characters" in the plot. The narrative was entirely ungripping to me.
- The puzzle design is loathsome. I know it's subjective but I never had any clue what the game wanted from me, and when I eventually fumbled my way to a solution it still made no more sense. It's all so obscure and poorly informed to you.
- The combat sucks. I have the feeling that's the point, but it didn't need to be so plentiful if it was meant to be bad. I did, however, like the final boss encounter (the music and the "let go" solution was cool).

I know this game is entirely unique (excluding the existence of the sequel) and that the developers should be praised for their creative vision, but I really didn't get on with this game at all. It is a very short game and yet I spent most of it just begging for it to end. I know it's a representation of Hel and that it isn't supposed to be fun, but I don't think that's an excuse for being just plain not very good.

Que jogo sensacional, todo o esquema das vozes na cabeça da Senua do início ao fim é muito foda, ao mesmo tempo que elas te motivam a continuar também ficam te desmotivando, te culpam pelas coisas e até possuem medo. Os puzzles são bem interessantes por sempre se aproveitarem do cenário em um certo ângulo de visão. O gráfico nem se fala, dá um banho em muito jogo de nova geração. Já o combate por mais que seja repetitivo eu curti, ele é como se fosse uma dança de tão bonitos que são os movimentos. Curti a história mas o final achei bem confuso, porém eu gosto bastante de jogo com esse tipo de final meio loucão. Um jogasso que nem todos vão curtir mas para mim foi uma ótima experiência.

Obra de arte, definitivamente um dos melhores jogos da história. E pensar que isso vem de um estúdio indie...
Toda a técnica e utilização do som, as atuações, o combate, os puzzles, o ritmo geral, e definitivamente a ambientação, juntando tudo isso...
Eu não consigo nem dizer se é uma aventura ou se é um terror, porque ele entrega os dois num nível altíssimo.
Não entendo como a média daqui é tão baixa, pois esse é um daqueles jogos próximos da perfeição por tirar proveita de tudo que os vídeogames podem propor.

It's good, interesting story which makes it worth a play-through. But this game is not without its flaws. Combat is way too simple - easy to master which makes the game very easy even on hard difficulty. The puzzles are fun but after your first or second play-through, you’ll remember most to all of them which hurts replayability. There’s still audio mixing that has some bugs. And the movement speed...goddamn they could have made the "sprint" speed the default movement speed cause that button was held down the whole time.

Honestly one of the best story-based puzzle games I have ever played in my entire life. The combat sections are hard but fun and rewarding when you parry correctly. And witnessing Senua descend into madness every so often was jarring but seeing her fight back against was motivating for me to keep going and as well as for personal reasons. Currently ive been going through a rough patch but playing the game and fighting off the northman and refusing to succumb to madness related to me in a way as to keep pressing on and to keep going and you will fight off all your mental demons you are dealing with. Bit of a long and personal review of this game but it really stuck with me and i loved it, can't wait for Hellblade II now.

Joguinho da esquizofrênica q luta pra karai, bem legal 👍 muito bem ambientando, apresenta boas ideias, bem cinematográfico tbm eu diria, ótima atriz que faz a senua, as expressões faciais são muito boas, mas é um jogo q pode ser chato pra alguns pela gameplay, o combate tbm é extremamente simples e do início ao fim são sempre os msm movimentos, as mesmas estratégias pra matar os inimigos, com exceções dos bosses q tbm são muito bem feitos aliás, vale a experiência, e eu tô muito animado pra sequência q supostamente chega ano q vem (né Microsoft? 🧐) muito curioso tbm pra ver como vão continuar essa história.

Maneiro demais, pessoalmente gosto muito de temas envolvendo transtornos, psicologia, saúde mental, pensamentos, filosofia e basicamente tudo que venha da mente.
Esse game explora justamente um dos pontos que mais me interessam, que é em como a nossa mente, dependendo de diversos fatores (no caso da Senua sua psicose e esquizofrenia) podem alterar e manipular a maneira da qual nós vemos o mundo.
Só isso já seria o suficiente pra eu curtir o game, mas a atuação da atriz principal, juntamente do trabalho incrível da direção e do audio design das vozes nos fazem sentir como é experienciar essas tais condições, por mais que de uma maneira bem mais segura.
A historia é bem interessante também e me manteve entretido do início ao fim, as únicas coisas das quais eu fiquei um pouco enjoado, foi a pouca variedade de inimigos no início, onde você acaba enfrentando o mesmo cara 40 vezes seguidas, mas depois aparecem outros tipos de inimigos e aí o combate fica mais diversificado e interessante, já o outro ponto foi a maneira da qual alguns puzzles são colocados no jogo, tem momentos onde você realiza o "mesmo" puzzle duas ou três vezes seguidas, onde todos eles seguem a mesma linha de raciocínio e por serem um em seguida do outro algumas vezes acabou por me cansar, mas nada que deixe o jogo injogavel.
Ambientação também é bem interessante, e com certeza estou ansioso pelo segundo jogo.

reading the reviews for this is insane what game did people play? i feel like if all you have to talk about is the "depiction of metal illness" or the gameplay you didn't get it.
extremely focused and smart exploration of abuse, it uses psychosis as its main thread but explores the way it intersects with religion, family, and prejudice in a really great way.

Very engrossing and unique game (at least in my experience) that's the perfect length, and is extremely interesting. I'm extremely glad I didn't play this on a console, as I wouldn't have played with headphones on. PLEASE play this with some headphones; it does a fantastic job in immersing you into Senua's role.

The combat feels nice, and I grew to love the visual puzzles more and more overtime after a sort of lukewarm introduction to their implementation and frequency. And as weird as this sounds, the collectables in this game are about as numerous as they should be; there isn't an overabundance of them, but there is enough of them to do a bit of exploring off the beaten path. Plus, hearing more of Norse legends is always hella cool.

The art direction was also great; I really enjoyed how they blended live action footage with the already nice graphics. The clash they sort of create made me uneasy in a way to only immerse me more in the world. Not to mention there's some cooooool hellish visuals that were really interesting to just sit there for a moment and watch. I highly recommend this game, it's absolutely worth the praise it's been getting.

Wonderfully unique, dark, one hell of a psychological tale. Intense combat at times, fun puzzles and a truly special story makes Hellblade a game people should at least try once.

Another solid game made by Ninja Theory with a few flaws. One of the few games to address mental health well.

Firstly, this game is pretty. The atmosphere is amazing. The beginning moments are very eerie. The voice acting sells this game. Playing it with headphones is an actual benefit.

Be warned though, this game can be triggering. The story is beautiful. It deals with a lot of heavy topics. Don't let that stop you.

Combat is a bit simplistic. It is still fun though. Some fights can be a bit infuriating. But once the game clicks, it has a great flow.

The rune puzzles are fun and not fun at the same time. At first it is enjoyable to find the runes. Later on it gets really hard and frustrating. Nothing like walking around for 10 minutes because you can't find the vague shape of a rune off in the distance.

Puzzles do vary throughout the journey. Enemies are based on areas. Each area has a gimmick. Some are better than others. Near the end there is a set of challenges that can bite me. Some are simply not fun and annoying.

Trophies are easy to get. It is one of my few platinum trophies. Look up a guide for the collectables. Everything else is a freebie. It's also a short game.

This is such a unique game. A game that should be played with headphones. It's a joy to play. I just hope you like looking around for runes. Because you will be doing a lot of that.

Um bom jogo com uma história muito boa. Design de áudio e gráficos impressionantes, só os puzzles e combates que são meio rasos e as vezes chatos e repetitivos. Recomendo
Obs: zerei e platinei com 12h

É tão bom entender a história e a mensagem do jogo, eu tenho um cérebro e ele funciona. Ele não funcionava na primeira vez que eu joguei.

Weird genre mashup, this game. Like a story heavy walking simulator mixed with a hack and slash game. I had it described to me as "indie God of War" and got a chuckle out of that. It's not far off honestly.

So Hellblade has you play as a deeply troubled girl named Senua. We're talking heavy psychosis and hearing voices while dealing with immense trauma. The devs of the game even consulted psych experts to try and convey the mental trauma in an impactful way. The most effective of which comes in the form of the voices Senua, and by extension you, hear as you go through the journey. The game encourages you to play with headphones and I think this is the primary reason why. With headphones, you can hear the voices she hears but also distinct directions they come from making for a more scattered feel. It's chaotic and immersive.

Senua is on a quest to save her beloved's soul from Hel. She journeys the lands with his head in tow hoping to find someway to get Hela to bring him back to her. You quickly find the gate to Hel but you first have to unlock it by facing two different trials. It's also at this time you're informed that if you die too many times you'll just lose all your progress in the game. I dunno if this is true or not and never heard it actually happen to anyone but it's a ballsy thing to present people with and an effective way to instill anxiety. Bit detrimental as a player adjusts to a learning curve but whatever.

So most of the game consists of two types of gameplay loops. First is solving puzzles involving runes. Senua will come up to literal road blocks in the form of big closed doors with runes on them. She focuses on them and then as she finds the same shapes in like debris or parts of the world, the symbols of the rune on the door glows white and as she finds them all she can go through the door. It's this that I find to be the most well thought out and engaging gameplay mechanic as it ties into her psychosis and finding meaning in things despite what they aren't. It all plays very well with the theme of the game. You also get some puzzle solving with perspective puzzles bringing things into view and working with illusions at one point but the real meat of it is these rune puzzles.

On the other hand, you have the combat. This for me is the weakest part of the game. It honestly feels like they tacked on the combat last minute to make it feel like more of a traditional game and I think it really suffers for it. The combat here is box standard light attack, heavy attack, parry, dodge combat salsa. You fight against viking looking spectres that just come out of nowhere to impede progress and every one of them is just so spongey that you can just swim in the tedium. Mash heavy attack button, parry parry-able moves, dodge otherwise, repeat.

It sucks and it just takes me out of the game so hard for what is otherwise an immersive story experience. You could argue the combat in this game is because they point out her being a warrior and being strong but honestly I think it plays against what they're going for when you just mash the same attack and makes her look like more of a savage than any sort of skilled warrior. I legit think they could have just done without having the warrior aspect at all and still portrayed her as strong enough to face her inner demons. Oh well.

Ultimately you're able to experience Senua's troubles and backstory through this journey. The voices nipping at her the whole time along with some flashback sequences do a good job conveying how tortured she is. There are also lorestones where Senua recalls stories told to her by a man in her life that seems to take on a sort of mentor role and they characterize him well. His stories I think also give players insight into how Senuas perceptions of the world and herself are shaped. I think the lover she's out to save comes off a bit flat but it serves as a good enough motivator to go on and her struggles handling that make for a decent core to move things along.

Hellblade is a solid story heavy walking sim marred by tedious boring combat. It all looks very pretty in its foul way and does a good job sucking you in. Even the combat doesn't come off as too detrimental as the whole game isn't too long and you aren't in it for too long. Overall I recommend the game for people who like interactive storytelling even though it's a bit on the nose. Solid ending too. So much so that I can't imagine what the sequel could be about? but yeah good experience mostly. Just wish it was a little tighter.

Senua's Sacrifice é um jogo muito impressionante quando consideramos se tratar de um jogo de baixo orçamento. A qualidade das capturas de movimentos são fundamentais para a experiência, que acima de tudo, é narrativa. E neste ponto, fica evidenciado o grande respeito que este jogo tem com quem sofre de algum tipo de psicose, passando muito bem ao jogador (especialmente os que jogam com headset) o desconforto de ouvir vozes. A jornada de luto da protagonista é profunda, lúdica, e quase filosófica. Infelizmente, a bela narrativa e ambientação nórdica não são suficientes para apagar os combates repetitivos e os puzzles sem graça que permeiam todo o jogo, que só seguro o jogador pela tragédia de ver o mundo a partir dos olhos de sua grande protagonista.

The ultimate "this game is best experienced with a headset" adventure. There are so many things I love about Hellblade. In its core, it's a short story about loss and grief, which is not an uncommon plot at all.
But the reason why this stood out was a combination of amazing graphics, simplistic gameplay, gripping atmosphere, fluid combat, incredible sound design, good lore, impressive acting, with literally no hand-holding and the tension of perma-death...
Perfect in its own little world and league.


This is up there with Silent Hill 2 for me in terms of psychological horror, the amount of experimental shit done in here in other to convey the main character's perspective is extremely impressive and the story in turn is deeply empathic to her struggles while also not allowing her to live in denial. I will review this game in more detail later,!

feel like i've made enough progress to review this. genuinely the scariest game i've ever played. made me feel like i was hearing voices. started to mess with my reality a bit. there is something about this norse horror stuff that really gets under my skin. if i ever work up the courage to play this again, it will have to be with other people around. one of the most effective games at what it's going for. fucking scary

This game is beautiful in every sense: visually, audibly, and storytelling. It can be completed in an afternoon (it took me about 7 hours total) and should be experienced in as few sittings as possible.

This is a deeply personal story, a story about love, grief, acceptance, overcoming hardships and of course, mental illness. It's gorgeous and incredible, and the story and setting never falter for the sake of gameplay; this is one of the most immersive experiences I've had in gaming. You truly feel like you are part of Senua's story, guiding her along her journey as she fights the demons of her past.

The puzzles throughout the game are farily simple, with the rune puzzle getting a little monotonous towards the end, but they are nevertheless immersive, genius, and rewarding when you solve them. I have seen people harp on the combat in this game, but I genuinely loved it; it felt fluid, and the parry mechanic was relatively easy to master, leading to cinematic fights that felt good to overcome throughout the game.

tldr; please play this game, it does not overstay it's welcome, play with headphones on, and enjoy.

Jogo profundo e com uma história MUITO boa, além das metáforas visuais que o jogo gosta de brincar toda hora e dos signos nórdicos que o jogo nos apresenta.

O combate é divertido e não fica repetitivo (mesmo os inimigos sendo bastante parecidos do início até o fim)

O que mais me pegou negativamente nesse jogo foram os puzzles, eu sou burro e fiquei mais tempo do que eu deveria preso em puzzles, que acabou atrapalhando minha gameplay no sentido de ritmo, eu até diria que a culpa não é do jogo, mas tem momentos que os puzzles estão realmente mal localizados e confusos no sentido de level design, então eu não tenho 100% de culpa por ser burro, ok?

Bom jogo.

"The hardest battles are fought in the mind, not the sword."

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is a uniquely horrifying game in which you play as Senua, a Celtic warrior with Psychosis who goes on a journey to save the soul of her deceased lover Dillion from the Goddess Hela. Throughout this journey Senua must endure death and the challenges her condition places in front of her so she may be reunited with her lover.

Where Hellblade excels most is within its sound design and atmosphere. From the very beginning the game tells you to play with headphones, and for good reason, as throughout the games nearly 8 hour long story you are placed within Senua's head and get to hear the voices in her head as they surround your ears to either act as her guide or tormentor. The atmosphere is brilliantly designed as well, each surface is filled to the brim with detail, and does a phenomenal job at setting the tone, especially in areas like the labyrinths and villages.

While the combat in Hellblade does certainly take a backseat for most of the game, it is by far one of the most fun and satisfying combat systems I've had the pleasure of experiencing. While being very simple and only consisting of light attacks, heavy attacks, and a punch/kick attack used for breaking shields, achieving combos and hitting a perfect parry feels unbelievably good. The combat especially becomes even more fun and rewarding as you develop the "Focus" meter, in which time slows down for your enemies and you get to go nuts and beat the hell out of every enemy in your sight.

Hellblade's narrative is an exceptional one. As stated previously you play as Senua who must face the challenges her Psychosis throws at her as well as challenge the Gods as she aims to save the soul of her lover. From the very beginning you realize that YOU are now one of the voices in Senua's head, as the voice that acts as the narrator begins to speak to you, and even in some cases Senua herself will talk directly to you. The stakes are immediately raised for the player after the combat tutorial ends, in which we are told that if Senua is killed too many times, the curse of darkness she possesses will spread to her head and we will be forced to restart the entire game. This threat however is empty, or at least I believe it is, as in most cases in the game it's harder to die in a battle than it is to win it, which I won't complain about. As the story progresses however, I felt as if it began to lose itself as it tries to confuse the player more than explain itself. I especially began to feel more iffy on the plot as I reached the ending, which felt very anticlimactic and felt to be a huge and sudden 180 from the tone the rest of the story had.

A few other minor gripes I had were with the puzzles and the backtracking. In Hellblade, the puzzles typically consist of finding a locked door with runes on it, and to unlock the doors you must find the listed rune within your environment. I will give credit where credit is due, a good many of these puzzles have very unique solutions in which you have to line up two objects in the horizon perfectly to create the rune, which was very cool to me. However the awe I felt from these unique solutions faded quickly due to the repetitive nature of these puzzles, especially toward the end of the game I found myself asking "Why can't I just keep going through instead of having to solve these puzzles after every little bit of progression?". The backtracking this game throws at you can also at times be completely absurd, especially in the beginning of the game. After defeating bosses like Valravyn and Surtr, you have to then go ALL the way back to the beginning room, which can take several minutes, and when every path looks identical it can be very hard to tell if you are going the right way, ESPECIALLY due to the lack of a map.

Overall, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice provides a unique look at how Psychosis affects the minds of those who have it and the obstacles they face, while also providing fun combat, a banging OST, outstanding sound design and atmosphere, and intriguing characters. However these positives come at the cost of repetitive puzzles, unenjoyable backtracking, and sometimes a less than satisfying narrative, with incredibly high highs, and low lows. I'm eagerly awaiting Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 now, and with better puzzle design, less backtracking, and a more stable narrative, I could easily see the sequel becoming an all time great.