Reviews from

in the past

This game had me hooked from the start. I loved the original story and the fun dialogues between the characters. The visuals are beautiful and the space settings are stunning, which made me feel part of this universe. The gameplay is very good, and the combat is very dynamic, although I still don't quite accept the fact that we only play with Peter Quill, despite understanding that it would be better that way... but overall, the game provided hours of entertainment with its charismatic characters and an exciting plot.




This game is one of those weird cases (for a linear singleplayer 3rd person action adventure game) where I felt that the gameplay, including the combat, isn't particularly fun or engaging. However, the visual presentation, writing, characters, and the performances of the cast completely outshine the gameplay and make this a truly remarkable experience.

This game is full of heart and it absolutely nails the tone of the Guardians of the Galaxy as seen in the MCU, while still offering a fresh take in terms of narrative and presentation. The environments are gorgeous, with truly weird alien landscapes filled with vivid colours. The narrative is super interesting and unpredictable, and the amazing writing is delivered with such emotion by the cast that I genuinely laughed out loud and had goosebumps in many moments throughout my playthrough. This game essentially felt like a really good 20-ish hour movie.

I was a tiny bit disappointed though, how for a game with such an emphasis on dialogue, voice lines frequently cut off or overlapped, making me miss out on the stellar writing and banter between the characters. There were also a couple of annoying bugs, but not nearly bad enough to stop me from playing an otherwise fantastic game.

Hope they make a second one...

Super fun. Characters were well written, the VA was great, it actually had me laughing most of the time. Combat can get repetitive and enemies can be bullet sponges, but overall very enjoyable and genuinely felt like I was playing a third Guardians movie. It's a shame we may never see a sequel to this gem because of the shit storm that was Marvel's Avengers

Tudo que o Marvel's Avengers não foi

Coming from a person who have zero knowledge or insight about the universe of the work, This game is super flarking amazing. If only the developers invested more time and work and changed some aspects, this would have been easily one of the greatest games this generation. 9.5/10

Completely caught me by suprise - some of the strongest writing of the year! GotG is heartfelt, sincere, and gives space to all of its characters to shine. Captures what makes the Guardians great, from their dysfunctional family energy, to Starlord's obsession with earth music (both encapsuled beautifully in the Huddle Up mechanic).
The combat is not super deep, and GotG has maybe the ugliest version of Detective Vision I have ever seen in a vide game, but the vibes are so good, the story hits hard, the environments and set pieces look great. A suprise hit.

A slept on gem that truly embraces the fun of comic book adventures.

Pas mal de bugs, mais une aventure avec des persos attachants (et d'excellentes répliques de Rocket), avec quelques délires visuels, et une bande-son au top !
N'invente rien, mais fait les choses globalement bien.

Jogo muito bom .Um belo exemplo de como fazer um jogo de um grupo de herois

A lot better than I expected. Definitely wasn't expecting to cry at a Guardians of the Galaxy game. The combat system isn't bad. It does a good job of incorporating all of the characters into the fight. Major points for not being another Arkham copy with the combat. I've never heard so much banter and dialogue in a game before. Is best taken very slow. I stood around in several corridors shocked that the team had something else to say about what had just occurred. It's a shame we will probably never get a sequel. It didn't make the splash that Square Enix thought it would, but honestly it's their fault for not promoting it better. This should have been on everyone's radar. Great time.

I activated a super and got Rickrolled I'd like to have a word with these developers

I unironically like these versions of the characters better than I do the movies. I wish all superhero games were like this. Not some grinding live service BS, but just a start-to-finish game that allows players to explore the characters they already know a bit with an immersive environment and enjoyable story.

Really impressed with this. The amount of dialogue, and how is implemented in-game, is astonishing. Great, smart, and fun writing paired up with some amazing looking environments, a decent combat system and plenty of likable characters (really liked what they did with Gamora, Mantis and Drax, for example). It has some bugs and it's extremely polished in one place, and lacks some in another, but overall a very enjoyable experience I'll strongly recommend to other people.

I don't really read a lot of comics, I just watched the James Gunn movies, but without hesitation I can say this is one of the best stories in any superhero media, I didn't expect anything from this game, but it really surprise me all the way, the actual gameplay isn't anything special, but it has the right amount of dept, too bad Square Enix sucks and we probably never get a proper sequel.

Acredito que a maioria dos jogadores que você questionar sobre o que acharam de Guardiões da Galáxia irá responder algo como "Uma grande surpresa". E não é por menos, o game chegou deixando muita gente com um pé atrás depois da experiência desastrosa de Avengers, mas que acaba fazendo valer todo o tempo dedicado com a equipe do Senhor das Estrelas.

Para aqueles já habituados com os filmes encontraram no jogo uma atmosfera muito próxima da do cinema, com diálogos afiados e personagens até mesmo muito semelhantes fisicamente com os atores principais. As conversas que permeiam a jornada são um espetáculo, por vezes eu esperava para conseguir acompanhar com calma as interações. A história por si só é o ponto alto da obra, e me fez pensar muito sobre como esse vilão é maldoso fazendo aquilo que para muitos seria uma dádiva: te fazer viver aquilo que você sempre sonhou. Esse sonho dentro do sonho que por fora é apenas uma manipulação rende cenas muito marcantes te obrigando, às vezes, a cometer atos dolorosos para avançar na narrativa (são pedaços bem pontuais principalmente na reta final mas que me marcaram muito).
A jogabilidade não é das melhores, na maior parte do tempo você irá encarar NPC`s que são esponjas de bala. A dinâmica de comandar o resto da equipe mandando ordens acaba ficando enjoativo com o tempo, pelo menos eles fizeram um sistema de progressão que nos permite ganhar novas habilidades que torna o jogo um pouco menos repetitivo. A própria "chamada de equipe" que buffa o time acaba se tornando meio sem graça depois de usada por muitas vezes.

Os cenários são muito bem feitos com lugares que encantam os olhos. A equipe se dedicou mesmo na criação de uma viagem espacial por planetas e cidades muito fora do comum, principalmente pelo contraste de elementos, luzes e texturas. Vale a pena ficar um tempo observando cada detalhe.

Por fim posso dizer que mesmo com certos problemas referentes a jogabilidade o game compensa com um universo visual riquíssimo, diálogos muito bem escritos e uma história fascinante.

After the Avengers game, many people were not interested in this game, which was honestly understandable, BUT oh boy we're they pleasantly mistaken!

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy was intensively loud, amazingly colorful and masterfully done, quite linear, sci-fi adventure game that combined sarcastic, raunchy humor with deep emotions in spectacular vortex of awesomness, rock'n'roll and badassery!

The game was full of little details that made it even more pleasant. When you explored your way around as Star-Lord the other guardians always commented on your exploration, always wondering why is he going the other way!

The collectibles and outfits were pretty dope, the soundtrack was absolutely fantastic, especially when you were battling an intense fight, you huddled your team together and started to kick some ass, and then "don't worry be happy" starts playing, like, WHO COMES UP WITH THESE!? It was so hilarious and amazing at the same time.

The battles could get a little repetitive, which was maybe the only minus to this game that I could honestly find. Everything else was a major plus and I enjoyed the game thoroughly!

Final thing, which might be a slight spoiler, the actual gall of these devs to rickroll everyone at the end was just so great, literally did not see that coming honestly.

Last but certainly not the least, Dog Report Item: We Need More.

it's such a shame that this game was a commercial flop (fuck you avengers) because it's genuinely incredible.

hot take: I prefer these versions of the characters to the MCU versions.

This game was really fun! It didn't require too much effort, and has quite simple gameplay mechanics, but it was very intuitive, and very fun to just be able to play. I loved the story and the characters, and how different it felt from the movies and characters in the MCU. I give it a 7.5/10

This review contains spoilers

I usually dont play licensed games but I was hearing that this was an awesome game to try. I have watched the movies before and enjoyed the not so serious tone so I said flark it. Booted up the game and wow this was like one of the movies! The humor was fantastic, and crazy if you think about how they get into these situations. The voice actors are obviously different but I feel like they done a great job. The combat too was chaos, letting everyone use they specials. The stagger mechanic definitely a Square Enix kinda thing which this game reminds me of FFXV, and plus of course the elements from the gun. You can only play as Star Lord but that’s fine, the run and gun third person felt like Uncharted and it cool.

I AINT HAVE ALL THE SKINS, can’t check, I ain’t tryna go through the whole credits or start a new game.

The game does feel like the movies even got a banger soundtrack.


I found the banter between the guardians to be funny and engaging. Gameplay, namely the combat, looked and felt repetitive at first, but it grew on me. Soundtrack was solid, as expected. If anything, COSMO alone is worth a playthrough.

Guardians of the Galaxy was an experience I thoroughly enjoyed, and it really nailed what it wanted to be : an interactive movie. However, as a game, it does fall a bit short in my opinion.

Firstly, let's start with the good stuff : the story and characters are on point. The guardians are insanely likable and funny, and all of their characters are spot on. The only one which is a bit botched in my opinion is Gamora, who shouldn't be as sociable as she is at the beginning of the game. But even then, it's no deal breaker. Drax is hilarious, Rocket is just the right amount of scumbag, Quill just the right amount of idiot, and Groot sure is Groot. As for the story, it perfectly encapsulates what the Guardians are about : moving on from tough times by getting help from others. It's not amazing or anything, but it more than does the job, perfectly encapsulating the essence of Guardians, at least as presented in the MCU.
I also really like the "social system", by what I mean the dialogue options and alternative branches. They don't matter very much as they'll just make certain parts pf the game easier, but they are satisfying to get right. Also, it's just a perfect idea for a Guardians video game.

Now for the low points. I have a few, mainly to do with the gameplay. It's not bad per say, but it is poorly paced. The combat is good and enjoyable, comboing the guardians abilities is fun and the huddle-up system is great, but you don't get much of said combat for long parts of the game, or you get too short a burst of it. For the last few hours of the game, it's the opposite problem: you get too much of it. You just go into fight after fight after fight, and it really exposes how simple it is. At the end of the day, it's just maintaining L2 and R2, and issuing orders to the guardians. It does the job when you get one encounter every 10 minutes, but at the end of the game, you really feel how simplistic it is, even though you coudl see that as early as the E3 gameplay demo. Also, the enemy design and variety is pretty cheap, and the boss fights aren't very interesting at all.
As for the rest, it's a lot of walking around. And even though the charisma of every team member and the quality of the dialogue makes it all very enjoyable, it sometimes feels like it drags on ever so slightly. The pacing of the game simply isn't the best, partly because it is too long, also because the different fighting sequences aren't very well balanced through the game. Exploration isn't particularly interesting, as the guardians' abilities in that field are never used in interesting ways, although I will say that seeing the chemistry between members evolve during the game through their gradual encline to perform certain actions without even being asked was nice.

Overall, Eidos really succeeded at makign what they wanted to make : a Guardians of the Galaxy interactive movie. However, with better pacing and a bit more complex gameplay mechanics, wether that be in combat or exploration, the game could've been way better, so that's a bit of a shame.

For what it is, Guardians of the Galaxy is a solid game. The combat is fun, fast paced, and stylistic. However, it lacks much depth and can grow stale by the end of the playthrough. The story in this game is probably the best part about it. There is a lot of detail put into these characters and they do not get along with each other well. The tension between them is palpable. Later in the game, however, after going through hard times together, the team learns to work together and value each other's company. There is a very simple mechanic where you can control characters to do basic commands in sequences between combat. At the beginning of the game, you have to command each team member to do each of these actions, but by the end of the game the team members will mostly do them by themselves, showing how the team has grown and how they can work together. Graphics in this game are absolutely phenomenal, it looks incredible on PS5. Environments are vibrant, colorful, and very deeply uniquely detailed. The licensed music was absolutely appreciated as it is not very common in modern games, and this game has quite a few licensed tracks. Overall, just a very solid experience with a great story and beautiful graphics/art direction.

Sights & Sounds
- The game is extremely nice to look at. The color palette is bright and vibrant to the point that I found myself stopping and looking around at the scenery fairly often
- Although the voices aren't performed by their MCU counterparts, the voice acting in this game is superb. Quill's actor could be a little grating at times early on, but he grew on me over the course of my playthrough
- Textures, lighting, and liquid effects are all very well done

Story & Vibes
- The writing is amazing and the game is hilarious. Very true to the spirit of the comics
- The story is far better than I expected it to be. I actually liked the plot more than that of GotG 2
- Almost all characters are well-rounded and interesting. I think they could have painted the antagonist as a little more sympathetic, though. It's easy to sympathize with the antagonist's motivation for trying to destroy the universe, but a little more exposition would have gone a long way in making that boss fight more interesting
- The game managed to make me care about a child character

Playability & Replayability
- I want to give this one a replay. There's a ton of hidden areas, and I missed out on about 60% of the collectibles. Exploration in this game is fun enough to warrant a revisit sometime in the future. The prettiness of the environments and the hilarity of the dialogue would make it not feel like a chore
- Combat is fine. If you've played a Kingdom Hearts game, it'll feel pretty familiar. At first, it's fun to dart around the battlefield, order your team around, and bust out special moves while blasting away with your multiple weapon modes, but the battles all begin to feel a little same-y after a few hours
- The space flight sections suck. The controls are clunky and there's very little variety in the enemies you face. They are mercifully rare, though
- I don't know why the developers felt like quick-time events were necessary; the story was engaging enough without forced engagement in cutscenes/scripted events. Also, why do I die when falling off a cliff on a scripted fall/slide (forcing a reload with long load times), but missing the very next jump just takes a little of my health?

Overall Impressions
- I had to mess with NVIDIA settings a bit to cut down on framiness. The optimization is mediocre compared to other modern games.
- Once I got things running smoothly, the game was a feast for the senses and a blast to play. Unfortunately, the payoff was dreadfully long load times
- Cosmo is 11/10 best boy

Final Verdict
- 8/10. The outstanding visuals, fantastic writing, an interesting plot, and a whole lot of exploration more than make up for the game's flaws

Oyunu oynadığım ilk saatler epey eğlenceli geçiyordu fakat chapter 13'den sonra öyle bir sıkmaya başladı ki bitsin artık diye dua ederek oynadım resmen. Hikayeye ve özellikle sunuma bayağı kasılmış, MCU filmi gibi ilerliyor açıkçası. Diyaloglar ve karakterler arası etkileşimler güzel yazılmış, neredeyse hiç susmuyorlar sürekli birbirlerine bir laf sokma çabaları var tüm ekibin. Mizahi yönü gayet başarılı. Savaş sistemine gelince, Star-Lord'un oynanışı epey zayıf olsa da diğer ekip üyelerine komutlar vererek çıkarttığınız kombolar oyunun oynanışını keyifli hale getiriyor. Aslında 4 vereceğim bir oyun olabilirdi lakin dediğim gibi oyunun sonu aşırı aşırı uzayınca (1.5 saatlik bir 14. chapter var lan oyunda) puanını 3.5 vermeye karar verdim.

historia meio meh mas e bue fixe de jogar, mas o gajo principal e bue chato

Que jogo incrível!
Todo aquele humor que tem nos filmes, sentimento de companheirismos e aventura, está presente aqui. Simplesmente incrível, joguem Guardiões da Galáxia.

Good game. Extremely high production value.

But the game doesn't take a lot of risks and the gameplay became a bit repetitive towards the end.


A story full of heart that surpasses the characters' MCU counterparts and mechanicsthat become tedious halfway through the story, it is an injustice that we will never see a sequel to this game.

Guardianes de la Galaxia son de esos juegos que nadie pidió, pero a la vez lo necesitábamos. En cuanto a la jugabilidad no se compara con las leyenda como los Batman Arkham o el Spider-Man, pero cumple lo necesario para la historia. La historia es super entretenida, pero la magia que da este juego son sus personajes, el desarrollo y la personalidad calcan perfecto de como debe ser los guardianes de la galaxia. Se que paso desapercibida por el desastre de los Avengers, pero gracias a la película de los Guardianes de la Galaxia Vol.3 volvió a al auge de todos, y bien merecidos.
PD: Bioware, saquen un juego de los Guardianes de la Galaxia por favor.