Reviews from

in the past

shepard pls help the weird alien is doing weird alien stuff

a great intro into the mass effect universe
while the combat is weird at times, the story, setting, and characters all make up for it. each character is written very well, tons of depth, and i found the voice acting to be great. the mechanic of dialogue options, along with charm and intimidate, was a great addition to the game that added weight to your decisions and would change how the story played out. while this is a staple of mass effect games and many games nowadays, this game does a great job at it. the addition of the solar system and being able to explore random planets in the mako was really cool as well
the skill point menu and most of the ui in general was pretty annoying, but i still found this game to have a great story and it really kept me invested throughout my time playing it

When I first played Mass Effect, something about the game failed to engage me - from the cookie-cutter characters to the clunky controls, I felt I couldn't stick it out to the end, so I quit. But after returning, I soon realised that was a mistake. What this game lacks in those qualities, it makes up for in its mesmerising world and narrative craftsmanship. By the midpoint of the story, it had me absorbed. The game isn't narratively perfect or devoid of cliches, but among a sea of generic sci-fi stories, it's refreshing to see something so well thought out. I can't wait to see where the story goes next.

For a game that is a start to a very wonderful and engaging story this game really does set up a lot of events that will evolve into a trilogy of beloved games even if each game has their own issues.

In my experience playing this game I have a lot of fun with it despite it being an old game from 2007 I would say that it was decent but still a good time to play it despite some of the world in differing clusters are fluff besides the important side activities and the story still holds up to this day and very much worth it going through this game since it has some role playing stuff involved (paranade for the win!) but despite all its positives I have to address the negatives such as the leveling system where it feels so useless because it just gives the illusion of increase values of damage when based damage alone is already effective and throughout all my runs with the game Adept is very broken even in insanity so it’s practically the best class by default but otherwise THSI game is good

I like this game a lot. I like the world-building the most and it makes it feel like a big-budget sci-fi movie. The story is pretty good too. The characters and dialogue system were pretty cool too. The gameplay is janky though, which is a big knock for me. I just didn't have a ton of fun in the combat, which is a lot of the game.

O melhor da franquia, podendo ser melhor aproveitado na edição remasterizada.

Both of the stars are for the story, because the gameplay made me want to cut off my fingers so I could never play games again.

a little rough around the edges but still good

I think I would have a more positive view of this game had I not 100% it first time playing. The main story missions are way higher quality than the many hours going around barren planets, walking down identical corridors, and trying to sort the stupid inventory system.

I'm commander shepard and this is the worst game in my trilogy

The first Mass Effect is a little rough around the edges, but it serves as a compelling foundation for a legendary series. A space RPG epic was something rarely seen in games at the point that Mass Effect came onto the scene, in my opinion. Obviously there were Star Wars games, but a brand new IP was a great move by Bioware (the makers of Knights of the Old Republic!).

First time I played Mass Effect I was totally throttled by thresher maws on some random planet and I bailed for about 4 years. Skill issue, I know. Returning in 2018 I had a virtually seamless experience and I was on board for more. I had played Andromeda at that point, though, so the first game wasn't my first real Mass Effect experience. Check out my review on Andromeda if you want to hear more.

This review contains spoilers

Checkpoints are way too far apart

I know I'm beating a dead horse but the Mako really does suck to drive

Biotic abilities are dope

Why is there no way to skip certain dialogue cutscenes? In the first Saren fight on Virmire I lost, now I respawn and have to redo the entire cutscene every time? I'm having Elden Ring flashbacks except this is 10,000 times worse than that. There should be an autosave at the beginning of the boss fight, and if not that, at least the option of saving. There's literally nothing you can do except have the same dialogue every single time if you lose the fight.Like I have to kill all the enemies before Saren spawns, then do an unskippable dialogue cutscene with Saren that lasts several minutes, and then if I lose do that all again every single time? Why???

That being said, the narrative is really good. However, the dialogue choices are mediocre at best. Also, why does my character not say what dialogue selection I make? Sometimes I make a selection and Shep will just say something completely different, the game is really cool about having it so that the choices that you do make matter and they carry on to future games

Some of the cutscenes are legit movie tier

Great story, brilliant rpg and thrilling world building

The Volus deserve to be on the Council.

At its best, Mass Effect feels like living through a season of a Star Trek-like show: you get to experience an exciting story with a well-written and diverse group of characters, all the while making choices that impact the direction of the narrative. It's a very memorable experience that feels like it takes the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book formula to the next level.
On the other hand, the combat is dreadfully boring, and made worse by the PowerPointesque framerates on the Xbox 360 version. I don't remember enjoying a single fight in this game. I spent as little time playing around with my stats in this game as I could--anything to get back to the story and away from the combat. And the Mako is possibly the worst vehicle in a big-budget game that I have ever experience. Nothing can prepare you for the awfulness that is driving the Mako.
I highly recommend this game if you like Sci-Fi, but (unless there are issues I don't know about) I would recommend playing the Remastered version on PC to avoid the framerate issues.
Also, this game has a lot of loading screens. Bring a book.

garrus bisexual mod nex- oh shit this isn't google

A long time coming to a series I’ve been recommended countless times over the decade. “Oh you’ve gotta play mass effect you’ve gotta play!” The humorous Fox News reports of the “SexBox” and whatever else came with it. The ball is slow to roll, I did not have the full experience until I replayed the game. Little did I know this would be the start of a near obsession within the coming years about the series as a whole. Mass effect takes you into the shoes of the protagonist Commander “Jane” or “John” Shepard. (Names are customizable.) They’re unique as they aren’t silent, but they aren’t overly chatty either that they’re still a vessel for the player. There was a phrase for this which I have unfortunately forgot. A protagonist who can be filled by the player’s decisions and actions. Will Shepard be the shining hero of all that is good and righteous? Or will Shepard fulfill the role of a soldier hardened by the horrors of war? The companions, villains, complicated allies, and morality of it all play very well into telling the story you curate as the player. Bonds form with your companions, but you can take it further by becoming friends. The game houses 3 romances depending on the sex of the player. Gunnery Sergeant Ashley Williams for the male Shepard, Lieutenant Kaidan Alenko for the female Shepard, and one that accompanies both sexes. Doctor Liara T’Soni. An Asari archeologist. To keep the section short Asari are an alien race of “Biotically enhanced” people. Basically space magic cause they’re born with it. Lieutenant Alenko shares these powers but on a weaker level, as he and the player (if chosen) require implants to use. These three characters, if taken down a path to romance, branch your story outwards as you become closer and learn things they would rather not tell a friend. As for the rest of the companions you are accompanied by other alien races. Garrus Vakarian, a Turian who works for the Galactic Capital city security. Urdnot Wrex, an aging Krogan mercenary wandering the stars for glory. Finally, Tali’Zorah, a young Quarian on her journey to adulthood. Many of ideals of you and your crew are shared as the villain, Saren a rogue Turian spector is wanted for murder. In one way or another Saren wrongs your team. You and your companions go on a journey across the Milky Way to bring him to justice. The captivating feeling of extending bonds, fulfilling personal requests, exploring secrets about hidden organizations and much more accompany this game. For 2007 it was impressive, it is impressive. The stars were going to welcome a fresh commander 13 years later, and I could not have stepped up to the role sooner.

This review refers to the first part of the "Mass Effect" trilogy from the "Mass Effect: Legendary Edition" and NOT to the stand-alone game.

🕗 Total time played (approx.): +50h
🏆 Completion: 100% (35/35 Trophies)


This game, a timeless classic now reintroduced with modern enhancements, provided me with an unforgettable voyage through the captivating universe of Commander Shepard and the Normandy crew. I embarked on a quest that allowed me to fully immerse myself in the epic narrative and achieve the remarkable milestone of completing the game at an exhilarating 100 percent.

From the moment I set foot aboard the SSV Normandy, I was entranced by the sheer depth and intricacy of the universe crafted within "Mass Effect." The beautifully remastered visuals breathed new life into the cosmos, while the attention to detail in character design, alien species, and awe-inspiring landscapes drew me into a rich and immersive experience. Every conversation, every exploration, and every battle felt like a significant piece of a grand, interstellar puzzle.

Revisiting the narrative of the first "Mass Effect" felt like reuniting with an old friend – familiar, yet full of surprises. The heart-pounding action sequences, the meticulously designed dialogues, and the captivating character interactions underscored the immense craftsmanship that went into creating this masterpiece. Each decision I made, whether strategic or emotional, played a crucial role in shaping both my Commander Shepard and the unfolding storyline.

Achieving 100 percent completion within "Mass Effect: Legendary Edition" was no small feat, but it was a journey well worth undertaking. From delving into the myriad of side quests that brought the universe to life, to meticulously scanning every planet for resources and secrets, I relished every moment of exploration. The rich lore and attention to detail rewarded my curiosity, and the sense of accomplishment I felt upon uncovering every hidden gem was truly satisfying.

As a dedicated player, I also embarked on a captivating adventure with the additional content provided in the Legendary Edition. The inclusion of the "Bring Down the Sky" DLC expanded my horizons and offered fresh challenges that seamlessly integrated with the main narrative. Each encounter, whether aboard an asteroid or amidst a volatile hostage situation, added layers of complexity to the game, making my journey as Commander Shepard even more engrossing.

"Mass Effect", basically Part 1 of the "Mass Effect: Legendary Edition" served as the catalyst for my decision to embark on a full replay of the trilogy. The captivating allure of the first game reignited my passion for the series, and I eagerly anticipate the immersive experiences that await in the subsequent installments. The iconic characters, the morally challenging decisions, and the vast galaxy of opportunities beckon me to explore further, to uncover hidden secrets, and to continue shaping the destiny of Commander Shepard.

In closing, "Mass Effect" for the PS4, as part of the Legendary Edition, is a triumphant return to an unforgettable universe. The meticulous remastering, the absorbing narrative, and the enriching gameplay mechanics make it a journey well worth revisiting. As I continue my expedition through the trilogy, I am reminded of the boundless possibilities that lie ahead, and I eagerly anticipate the emotional highs and lows that only the "Mass Effect" series can deliver.

⭐ Rating: 5/5

yes dude lets FUCKING go dude yes alright man fuck it lets rock it

I'm trying to log this as if I played it years and years ago. For various reasons, including but not limited to the controversial attitude of Bioware towards same-sex romances in the game, and including Tari voice actor being "uncomfortable" in Tali being Bisexual, I always kept the whole ME trilogy away.

Finished this, I've found it aged horribly, but still amazing for 2007. It drags on and most secondary missions are just copy/pasted, cutscenes are super static and combat isn't exactly thrilling... yet, it kept me intrigued. The story is indeed some fine space opera and I enjoyed the game, even if not without issues.

I played this game years after it came out and after playing the modern FPS games of 2015, so needless to say I felt the game played a little clunky. My friends who like this game would beat me over the head with a rotted tree branch if they heard me say that, but its true nonetheless.

The voice acting and overall RPG-ness in this game is enjoyable, and I found myself wanting to progress more and more with every checkpoint and story landmark in game.

Паутина вселенных от мира видео игр
Это буквально один из худших игровых опытов. Когда то трейлеры андромеды в далёком 17 году пропиарили данную франшизу, и я решил оценить народного любимчика. И был пойман на ошибке
Конченная боевая система, напарники, которые являются одной из главных фишек игры - конченные придурки, тупее фриза
Исследование галактики и планет омегарофл, где каждая планета - ctrl+c, ctrl + v, с ублюдским ландшафтом и ублюдским МАКО
Сам же сеттинг блеклая версия Звездных Войн, в части Которов от той же студии. У этой игры был один плюс - когда то ТалиЗора была идеалом моей жены, но относительно недавно пересмотрел нарезку любовной ветки с Шепардом, и мне поплохело. Зато это единственное в чем шарит ЗероДота))

I admit that this is just not as good as Knights of the Old Republic.

Seguindo minha energia do fim de 2023, depois de zerar a trilogia do Gears of Wars chegou a hora de dar uma chance para Mass Effect. E mais uma vez não decepcionou, que jogo maravilhoso, apesar das limitações da epoca e da jogabilidade travada e bugada. Fazia tempo que eu não investia em um jogo a ponto de ler todos os dialogos, todos as informações extras disponiveis ou até escutava algum audio de informação bonus até o fim. Mais um que se eu tivesse jogado na epoca provavelmente perderia meses da minha vida fazendo tudo que é possível no jogo. Infelizmente hoje em dia nos temos um complexo de não conseguir mais se divertir pois temos que jogar mais milhares de jogos, hehe. Mas provavelmente um dos melhores jogos do estilo que eu já joguei ( e olha que eu odeio jogo sci fi )

Finalizando o ano com esse jogão, espero finalizar o 2 e o 3 em 2024. Um feliz Natal e feliz Ano Novo a todos. Que tenhamos muito tempo e saude para aproveitar os joguinhos que esse mundo nos proporciona.

This game definitely shows it's age. Even when playing in the legendary edition.

The combat was clunky and kind of boring, i played adept and a lot of the biotic abilities kinda did the same thing and none of them where particularly fun to use.
But despite how flawed the combat is, it was good enough. I didn't find it annoying most of the time. It was just there.

The story was actually pretty enjoyable. The world building was good and i enjoyed learning about it. The squad mates where all pretty alright, except by Ashley and Kaidan who i found rather boring. My favorite ended up being Wrex because funny shotgun man. (And also the Krogan's story was pretty interesting)

The choice/morality system is exactly what i expected it to be, so i ended up full paragon because of the copaganda writing. As one does. I like to play games that give you choices by picking what i would do in that situation, and this is from an era of games where devs thought being cartoonishly evil was fun. Which i assume it is for some people but not me.

The game is very dialogue heavy, which I didn't mind since it's not like i was craving for more combat and i actually enjoyed the story a fair bit.
I hoped I could get more of it in the sidequests but as many people have said before me, i could not bring myself to do all of those assignments. I was not gonna play through all of those loading screens and generic battles so I could find the good quests, so I thought "I'm just gonna stop doing sidequests until i feel underleveled for the main quest." And then my pistol was two-tapping enemies on the last mission so i didn't do any more sidequests.

More on the ending, the last choice actually had me thinking a lot more than i expected though, which was a nice surprise.

Also when it comes to the romance, i didn't end up kissing anyone because i looked up "can you be gay in mass effect" and found out there is a cute lesbian in the third game so im gonna wait for her.

Overall, this game is very very dated, but i can perfectly understand why people liked it so much back then. I think i will be giving it a replay at some point.

also the game is kinda wack politically. i think that has to be said.

Imported from my Backloggery: (Beaten on Normal)

What a blast this game was to play! Although ME had combat that felt floaty, playing on a lower difficulty alleviated this problem. What works so well is the pacing of the main story. Every time you touch down on a new planet, a 1-3 hour story plays out, which has an engaging beginning middle and end, which feeds into the main story. It's an excellent way to keep you constantly engaged. I also liked getting attached to characters in your party, I just wish they expanded on that part more.

i cant lie this one had me goin honk shoo honk shoo

To everyone in the gaming community I've interacted with, Mass Effect has always been considered the absolute classic of modern CRPGs, and now after playing it I can truly understand why.

The world of Mass Effect is insanely cool, and so are the characters that populate it. The politics quickly capture you, and so does the epic mission against the freakish AI and machine race enemies that face the nicer races of the galaxy.

The gunplay is surprisingly enjoyable, though a bit too easy on the normal difficulties to bother really putting effort into the combat system (enemies would die before I considered being creative with my squadmates abilities).

The dialogue and choice system of the game is great and far beyond a lot of games of its time, although the cut and clean back or white morality can be a bit jarring at times. You have to either be really good or REALLY bad, with little room for moral greys.

For the most part mission design is good, but you spend too much time driving across barren planes and travelling on the galaxy map between missions, making simple tasks tedious as all hell.

I enjoyed the epic tale of Mass Effect and the stakes that unfolded before me, and I look forward to moving forward with the series and playing it's sequel.