Reviews from

in the past

he's so crazzzzzzy! love him!!!


i played this in tiny chunks daily across a few months to get my daily rewards points for getting an achievement in a game pass game. it has a few moments but ultimately the humor feels like it came out of 2007 (which could be charming for some) and some of the scenes end up being annoying to replay through length wise.

i've had the first game in my library for AGES. wondering if that might have a bit more appeal or not.

Before Devolver Delayed 2023 I had never heard of this series, their “one more thing” was saying this title had DLC “available everywhere” so I checked to see if it was on GamePass.

I read some brief descriptions of it online “WarioWare meets Point & Clicks”. Sounded great to me, maybe if this was good fun I could check out the previous entries!

So as I said, before Devolver Delayed I had never heard of McPixel and now I wish I hadn’t.

The concept itself seemed good on paper. It should be a laugh but the answers of the puzzles were usually completely nonsensical or not following rules established previously. This nonsense I’m sure is meant to add to the hundreds of “gags” this game has but the humour was so bad.
Repeating segments over and over until you click the correct thing can only hold its charm for so long and whilst I enjoyed a little bit of the music and there were a couple of great bits of pixel art the rest of the presentation was a bit poor. No sound effects for most of the game was a major strange point that had me checking menus to see if I’d turned them off.

Regarding the humour, I do find farts funny. However, pissing and farting jokes one after the other, kicking all the NPCs, these things lose any comedic qualities they have if that is all there is.
I won’t lie and say I never laughed but the hit rate was so abysmally low it wasn’t worth the rest of the time I had to spend playing the game to enjoy those very rare chuckles.

There will be some folk who play this and they will be absolutely wetting themselves and I guess, good for them, however I did not and if your game is mostly jokes over anything else then it’s a failure to me.

This game has lot of charm and made me laugh quite a bit, but ultimately I think I'm not the target audience. I love the Wario Ware-like elements and humor, but I confess I'm not a fan of point and click adventure games. Some of the puzzles are too obtuse for their own good. I know I could look up a walkthrough, but doing that always makes adventure puzzle games like this seem pointless. If you're a fan of all genres mentioned above and are sharper than me, maybe you'll get more enjoyment out of McPixel 3.

Uma boa continuação depois de 10 anos do primeiro, adiciona muito mais conteúdo e coisas para serem feitas sem tirar a loucura e bizarrice do primeiro.

I don't really understand what I played, but it was like Wario Ware on crack.

We don't talk about McPixel 2

I had nice 45 minutes or so on this spent remembering good times playing the original, but I think the absurdity of that worked better in a time when there was still novelty to seeing "random" humor in a game...not to mention when I was much younger. Still good for a chuckle or two but the past decade of indie games created to be as ridiculous as possible to catch the attention of YouTubers and streamers have really desensitized me to this kind of thing.

I've no problem with this, really, but I also doubt I'll go through it all.

Cringey juvenile humor with no real gameplay. Quick delete

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Me diverti demais. É bestinha mas divertido. Gostei da mecanica de puzzles rapidos e faceis.

A comedy game that is trying its best to zap away its fun with frequent annoying repetition (even more before the game informs you of a skip button) and absurd puzzles and continuity. The absurdity is the joke, but if even the settings menu is so incomprehensible that I just gave up trying to understand it, you're pushing it.

Many of the puzzles also run out of steam long before you are done with them (especially some minigames), forcing you to repeatedly retry scenes that have already lost all of their humour potential. The absurdity here works both for the benefit of humour but also to the detriment of solving the puzzles, often relying on trial-and-error to find the correct answer, with a lot of tiresome cutscenes upon nigh-inevitable failures. And if I have to see Steve, the harbinger of repetitive actions for (mostly) lacklustre jokes, one more time …

Ultimately, if you are open to its absurd and frequently scatological humour, there's enough laugh-out-loud moments (and occasional snickers) to justify the game's existence (and the one euro I paid for it), but I still finished it on YouTube.

A very good continuation of the game for 5 cents, just a joke. This is one of the games that shows that you can convey an interesting idea even through your ass, literally.

Очень хорошее продолжение игры за 5 центов, шутка. Это одна из игр которая показывает, что передать интересную идею можно передать даже через жопу, буквально.

GROW x Wario Ware mit GANZ rudimentärer Grafik
5-7 Rätsel nacheinander mit mehreren outcomes, immer Reihum. Fertige werden übersprungen, eigentlich ganz cool
Nix für am Stück, am besten wohl 1-2 Welten pro Session?
- Retro Sitcom/TV-Welt
- Olympiade
- Bei Fail explodiert einfach immer alles
- Standardinteraktion mit Menschen ist, sie zu treten :D

Okay, it can get a bit repetitive but there are things that are funny. Maybe I shouldn't binge games like this lmao

I'm not quite sure about how to classify this game; we can start by saying that it's a really random game. If we want to categorize it, we would say it's a puzzle game, where we have to find a way to 'Save the day' by interacting with different objects in the scene in the strangest ways imaginable. The truth is, I've had some good laughs with it; I love its silly humor. It really encourages you to interact with all the elements in the scene and see what bizarre things happen. It's a game that doesn't take itself seriously, and that works to its advantage. It's not a masterpiece, nor does it pretend to be; it's a silly game to have a fun time with. I also want to highlight the small mini-games that sometimes appear and the references to other videogames and films have brought more than one smile to my face. My issue with the game comes with the way to complete it 100%. In a puzzle game, the flow of the gameplay is supposed be finding the most optimal way to solve the presented situation, and it's the same here. However, to complete it 100%, you must find all possible routes in each scene, including the ones where you fail. This has its fun side, but sometimes it becomes tedious, slow, and incongruent. Obviously, it's not mandatory, but it's something to consider for completionists like me. Nevertheless, as I mentioned, I recommend the game if you want to have a lighthearted and enjoyable time, especially if you enjoy silly humor.

Funny trial and error game that gets repetitive quite quickly. The gags are good, some of them are silly. Some QoL changes are nice. Wish you could move faster on the overworld.

An impressive collection of self-described gags that plays like WarioWare meets a point-and-click adventure game. The animation is impressive, even more so when you see that McPixel is the work of one man. It’s constantly silly and surprising, though a few of the puzzles are frustrating. A hint button wouldn’t hurt.

An absolutely ridiculous and silly adventure game. This game is basically if you took a point and click adventure game and made it really fast paced with different scenarios where you need to act quick (think Warioware) with a HUGE dash of immature humor.

Note: I played this on my Xbox Series, not WIndows PC but BackLoggd doesn't have that selection for some reason.

In this game, you play as McPixel who is supposed to be a humorous take on McGyver (for the kids out there, this was an old show where a guy could make any object to get himself out of a jam).

You get thrown into scenarios that run the gamut of "bomb in normal every day situation" to "bomb at a modeling show" or "monster attacking city" or "I'm an Amoeba". All the while, you will be making the worst decisions you can, as you click on objects. Not that you get a choice in the matter, you basically click a lamp post, or another person and McPixel will surprise you with whatever he does. Some times it helps the situation, most of the time it makes it worse!

This game is 100% based on the humor. If you don't like immature humor about pee, poo, hitting, getting hit, humping and all sorts of other craziness, you won't like this. I happen to like a lot of the humor in this game. It's not perfect and some of the gags I do roll my eyes at, but there were many times I giggled or out right laughed because it caught me off guard.

There are some solutions that are really tough to figure out and there isn't any sort of logic to it, so you just need to keep trying different things. So there are times where you just feel stuck and want to move on, but you can't. This happened to me more than a couple times and slightly soured my experience where I would have to walk away from it.

There were also some scenarios that were too long for their own good. Like some that had multiple stages of actions and others that were just several minutes long. These could take you a while to get to the point where you're trying to guess the solution again to break out of it and if you are stuck, then it becomes a bit frustrating.

I have to give the creator a lot of credit. Whether this game is for you or not, he's created a lot of different scenarios, artwork and gags that you can tell probably took him a good chunk of the full ten years or so between this and the last McPixel game. And for the most part, I had a hell of a time with this one! It really cheered me up. I just wish I didn't get stuck.