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in the past

Mega man and bass is often described as a very difficult and unfair game, but that wasn't gonna stop an epic gamer like me from giving the game a try. Boi am i glad i gave this game a shot because for me, this is easily a top 5 mega man game.

You get to choose between 2 characters to play as which are of course Mega man and Bass. In my playtrough i decided to play as Bass.
Bass is really fricking fun to play as! He has a dash, a double jump and his base weapon has the abilty to fire rapidly in almost all directions. The weapons that Bass acquires throughout the game are all very fun. Copy vision, lighting bolt and spread drill are my favorite weapons.

Copy vision creates a clone of Bass fires for a few seconds and then disappears, and thats cool as fuck!

Lighting bolt summons a bunch of lightings that will inflict damage on everything on your screen.

Spread drill shoots a giants ass drill tha can transform into smaller drills.

You can also buy many upgrades by using bolts acquired during levels. These upgrades are very useful and some of them are definitely worth buying to give yourself an easier time, the one that i mostly used is the one that upgrades your base weapon which is very useful for both enemies and bosses.

I was a huge of fan of the levels in this game.
Every single level is just the right lenght and all of them are unique, challenging and very fun to go through.
My favorite levels are: Magic man's stage, cold man's stage and astro man's stage.

The bosses are hit or miss. Some bosses in the game are very solid but some bosses are straight up poo poo stinkers.
King, burner man, cold man, magic man and ground man? Very great bosses and my personal favorites of this game.
King's tank, atetemino, jet king robo and green devil? EW! DOO DOO! POO POO! STINKY BOSSES!

The graphics are very nice and colourful, like seriously every single stage looks really good in my eyes.

The music is pretty great. Some of my favorite tracks include: the robot museum, king stages, boss battle and astro man stage.

So yeah i really like this game! Wanted to make a short review during school since i was bored.

na minha lista de ansiedades que rotacionam mensalmente, a que me foi escolhida pra quando joguei esse jogo foi o medo de pessoas mais inteligentes que eu. sabe, pode parecer bobo, mas é paralisante pensar que alguém sabe mais coisas que você e você não tem a menor ideia de entender a cabeça dela, de compreender ela, de participar num mesmo nível de discussão. eu me considero bem burrinha indiferente se as pessoas maravilhosas da minha vida dizem o contrário, talvez porque eu sei demais como minha mente funciona, como eu vou pegando cada caco de informação pra formar um todo, como eu falo as coisas vindo apenas de intuição, o que de certa forma é um tipo de inteligência, mas não a tradicional, não a que eu percebo nos outros. basicamente, eu não fui instruída em debate e discussão, eu vivo no limiar do conhecimento e é um milagre que qualquer coisa que eu fale faça qualquer sentido.

só que as vezes essas pessoas mais inteligentes nem sempre são isso, as vezes elas são más, seja consciente ou não. e essa maldade faz parecer que elas sabem de algum segredo profundo, inalcançável, a renegação do senso comum e enxergam o mundo pelo que ele é. essas pessoas também muitas vezes são traumatizadas.

mega man & bass é um jogo do mal, ele não só é do mal como otário e filho da puta. não sei se a ideia era ser uma versão estendida do 8 só para os verdadeiros, mas ele é do mal. e como toda coisa que é do mal você vence e fica melhor em combater de pouco em pouco. o inicio é desgastante, mas de repente você está bem armada e confiante.

até que essa pessoa procura puxar o mal inteiro por uma ultima vez, tanto que você perde o eixo e a esperança. mas quem vence uma, vence todas morra dr wily desgraça de castelo 2 gigante tnc

(não sei se vou terminar com o mega man se eu terminar eu aviso não vai mudar nada além de que o mega man é mais baby eu sou meio bass pq eu tbm sou um tanto do mal sem escrúpulos a diferença só é que eu gosto de tudo e choro fácil)

Update: Terminei com o Mega Man ele é péssimo, o mundo é cruel demais pra ele

All the stages and bosses were really fun and playing as Bass really elevated the experience, even if the lack of E-Tanks really got on my nerves at times.

The hardest one in the series

First, why is this game on the Super Famicom and not on the Playstation? Simple, more Japanese people had more Super Famicoms compared to Playstations at home during 1998. Capcom just decided to make a game for the console that was more avaible at the time, re-using most of Mega Man 8 content while at it. Inafune said it himself.

This game is also secretly considered "Mega Man 8.5" kind of how Super Mario Galaxy 2 is secretly known as "Super Mario Galaxy MORE".

It's also considered a different continuation of the Classic Mega Man mainline series. Take the Mega Man games for the Game Boy for example. Which means the events of this game don't affect the overall timeline of the mainline series. It's canon then? Who knows! Nor the Mega Man Legacy Collections or Mega Man Anniverssary Collection include this game, excluded for all of them. Which probably means Capcom wanted just to do a one-side game for the Super Famicom in 1998, and just call it a day.

After getting that out of the way let's talk about the game itself. As the title suggest we can take control of either Mega Man or Bass. Mega Man can slide and charge his shots just like in the previous games while Bass can dash, double jump and rapid-fire. Bass is the safer option for beginners since his platforming skills greatly surprass Mega Man, combine that with the infamous level design.

The boss selection still stands at eight, 2 bosses from Mega Man 8 are present here: Astro Man and Tengu Man. 6 being original bosses exclusive to this game just like any other Classic Mega Man game. It uses a different system to progress the stage selection, where as Mega Man 1-6 used the classic 8 bosses selection, Mega Man 7 and 8 used the four and four system this one uses a more linear progressive system. Let me explain. After finishing the opening the game let's you pick 3 Robot Masters at first. Top, Center and Bottom. If you decide to go for the top, the next levels will be unlocked inmediatily, 2 in this case. A weird selection system that was never brought again. Needlessly convoluted if you ask me.

Let's talk about the infamous Level Design. The definition of bullshit should be erased from dictionaries and replaced with this game cover. It's very close to the old Mega Man 1 level design, yes the oldest one of the bunch. And that game is still easier than Mega Man & Bass with enough patience. This game takes patience, skill and memorization. Compared to past games, no rush adaptors or special weapons. Mega Man is totally screwed. Bass at least has a Dash and a Double Jump to compensate most of his glaring issues which is that he barely does damage to bosses. It's one way or another, you either suffer at the start or suffer by the end. Oh-ho boy don't get me started at the castle levels. But why it is bullshit then? Insta-kill spikes, botomless pits and bullshit enemy spawns are plastered everywhere. As a word of advice pick Bass in your first playthrough. I didn't.

In short, it's hard Mega Man game. A mean one at that. Forgotten by most but an interesting title nonetheless. Give it a shot if you want a challenge. I still like it more than Mega Man 8.

Either this game gave me stockholm syndrome or actually knowing some of the things the levels throw at you in advance makes that much of a difference. Either way this might be the first time I've fallen in love with a game that I can wholeheartedly say is full of bullshit and bad game design but will still come up with things to defend it with, like how impressive it is that they were able to backport sprites from a game a generation ahead and it being one of the best looking Super Famicom games as a result. The soundtrack is probably the best in the series, hands down, there's a whole 100+ optional collectables that act as a database on just about everything established in the classic series just because, and god it just plays so good. I praised the Mega Man World games for backporting the NES gameplay to the Gameboy smoothly, but this is something else, man. Hell I'd even argue it feels better than Megaman 8, on top of a new playable character with a unique default moveset. This game had absolutely no reason to exist but Capcom said "yeah some poor motherfuckers haven't gotten ps1's yet let's drop this on them" and tbh for a 1998 sfc release they dropped something pretty damn good. I was able to run through this as megaman, no savestates, no rewind, and only really struggle on the last two stages because the flying tank boss really just sucks. Boss weaknesses are arguably the most intuitive in the series and I found myself using every boss weapon at some point or another.

GBA Version: This review is Going to be Complicated...

To start Off well, This is the only Megaman game So far that I needed To use Save State (Most of the times I Saved were in Front of the Boss door) The lack of E-tanks Also helps in this Aspect.

Now talking about the Playable Characters and Stages.


bass is very More or Less at the beginning, The good thing About it is That it can shoot in 8 Directions and Has the Double jump and The bad thing is that its Shot does very Little damage, it Only gets very Good Towards the End with Items from the Shop making it the Beginning It's Very difficult in My opinion


Honestly, Megaman is very Good at the Beginning and in the Middle of the Game because of His Charged shots. But at the End it gets a Little Complicated Because of the Stages designs, But other Than that He is The best Character to Start with.


To begin with, I want to say that I hate the Stage designs in This game, Depending on the Character You are Playing, it Can be Very Easy or Very Difficult to Pass the Stage and The Worst Stages are the king's Without a Doubt. The worst of All Is that the GBA Screen doesn't Show Everything, Causing you To fall Into holes and Take Random Damage.

It's not a Bad game But it's a Terrible Megaman to Begin with. Maybe I'll play The SNES Version... Maybe.

The better Mega Man 8! No but seriously pretty much all my issues with 8 were fixed here! Bolts and the store are normal. You can buy all the power ups, half of them are permanently on and the other half are limited to equipping one at a time, which is kinda how I wanted MM8s system to work. The CDs are neat but I do miss the collectables being able to find the power ups in stages like MM7, made it feel like you're actually growing stronger as you explore the stages. Speaking of MM7 tho, this also fixed one of my issues with that game. In that game 2 collectables were hidden in spots underground that you need Rush to dig up with nothing indicating you need to do that, this is not a big deal tho since you can just buy the items later in the shop if you miss them. But this game now added an item that shows sparkles in the areas Rush needs to dig. There are things that substitute E-tanks but tbh it still kinda annoying they're not here.

Bass Playthrough: It was really neat to have another character to play as with a slightly different move set. I see a lot of people say Bass is easy mode and I can definitely see it, the double jump and 8 direction rapid fire makes platforming and enemies easier to get through, but at the same time I think he has his own draw backs. He has less support skills (no Beat, Eddie or the Auto Heal) and the King fight is made harder.

this games gets two dildos out of ten, why two? easy! it's the perfect amount for the amount holes this game fucked me in!

that was pretty good, y el epilogo de Bass es la cereza del pastel.

This game was real fun playing as bass but some of these bosses are very shit-asscore and the levels aren't too much better. But I get to play as bass!!!! My Black-Getter look-alike goat!!!

Miren, he jugado los juegos de Mega Man del 1 al 8, y este, y, sin pelos en la lengua, les digo que este juego es Peak, al menos de los que he jugado.

El juego presenta 2 personajes jugables, Mega Man y Bass (por si no era lo suficientemente obvio), cada uno se controla de forma distinta. Mientras que Mega Man, se controla de la misma forma de la que se esperaría, Bass tiene básicamente una metralleta de Buster, la barrida de la saga X, y un doble salto. A simple vista, parecería de que Bass está más roto que con Mega Man, pero no, ya que, a diferencia del Bombardero azul, este no le hace mucho daño a los jefes, además de no poder usar la barrida para pasar por ciertas secciones.

Ahora, hablando del diseño del nivel, es simplemente Peak. Son niveles bastante variados, repletos de gimmicks bien introducidos, etc. Además,bde que se fomenta el uso de habilidades especiales como el muro de hielo para atravesar pinchos, el doble salto de Bass para ir por ciertas secciones etc. Son niveles, que si bien, son difíciles, al final nunca se me hicieron pesados.

Hablando de las armas especiales, todas estas son bastante útiles, literal, no creo que haya ninguna a la que no le saque provecho. Cosas como el taladro, el rayo, el copia cuerpos etc. tienen bastantes usos a lo largo de este.

La tienda regresa, mejorando el concepto de las mejoras de Mega Man 8, esta vez, haciendo posible la obtención de todas en la misma partida, además de que los tornillos se consiguen de la misma forma que Mega Man 7, haciendolos bastante más cómodos de conseguir.

Los jefes son muy buenos. A estos, a diferencia de algunos de los juegos de la NES, no bastara con spamearle su arma de ventaja, sino que requiere más habilidad del jugador al momento de luchar contra estos.

La única razón por la que no le subo más nota es, porque el posicionamiento de enemigos suele ser algo molesto en varias secciones, y por un pequeño detalle llamado King Fortress 2. En este nivel, el jugador deberá pelear con 4 jefes, los cuales son bastante tediosos a su manera.

En fin, creo que ya no hace falta decir que me parece uno de los mejores juegos de la saga clásica, si no es que el mejor. Lo recomiendo bastante.

[played on original SNES hardware as Mega Man]

I think it’s fair to say that Mega Man & Bass is probably the most disliked Classic MM game by a wide margin. It’s gained quite the reputation for being an incredibly tricky and punishing experience, and in a series that’s known for being difficult, that’s saying a lot. When I was going through the series last year, I wasn’t initially planning on playing through MM&B, but eventually did give it a go as Bass and stopped right at the penultimate stage out of frustration. But something funny happened recently. I got the urge to play the first few stages as Mega Man just to see how he felt, and it ended up really clicking! A few days later, I made my way through the whole thing in just a few sessions, and had a pretty good time! And now I’m gonna talk about why this incredibly challenging game was a whole lot of fun for me.

Mega Man as a franchise was already solidified by 1998, but MM&B makes a few changes and additions to help it stand out. The first of which being that you get to play as someone besides the Blue Bomber: his rival, Bass! Instead of having a slide and charge shot, Bass gets a MMX-like dash, double jump and a rapid-fire arm cannon that can be aimed in any direction, although it can’t initially shoot through walls and does pitiful damage against bosses. The other big feature of MM&B is that, like I said at the start, it’s really difficult. But honestly, I thought it was still fairly manageable! I’ll get more into specifics when I talk about the levels, but there’s quite a few elements that can help you tip the scales, the first of which being Auto’s shop. It’s an interesting fusion of how it was in 7 and 8; bolts have returned to being enemy drops, but a lot of the items you can buy are equipable, and they include enhancements like taking less damage, saving more energy when using Robot Master weapons and dealing double damage when you’re near-death. These can really come in handy, and given that you’re able to swap between them at any time, switching things up when the situation calls for it can help a bunch.

Another useful asset comes in the form of the various Robot Master weapons, which are a really solid bunch! Ice Wall’s a great mobility tool, Wave Burner’s an excellent close-ranged option for weaker enemies, Spread Drill and Remote Mine do plenty of damage, Copy Vision can help reduce button-mashing and Magic Card’s useful for snatching goodies from hard-to-reach places. Overall, it’s an excellent selection of weapons, and due to how the stages are laid out (in a grid system where beating one unlocks the path to another), you get more of an opportunity to use them since you’ll be guaranteed to have them for certain levels.

Now we get onto the stages, which I thought were really good! They’re certainly challenging, but they never feel impossible as either character; so long as you use a bit of patience, memorization and utilize everything in your arsenal, you should be able to get through most of them without much issue. It also helps that they’re not too long, so getting a Game Over doesn’t feel like a massive setback (and for me, it helps me become even better at remembering the layouts and obstacles so I can smoothly get through next time). And in traditional Mega Man fashion, there’s a ton of variety which makes every level feel distinct and unique, which is an element of the series I really enjoy!

Unfortunately, there’s quite a dip in quality when you get to the Fortress stages. I don’t think they’re as bad as people say, but they feel a lot sloppier and way more frustrating than the regular levels. It feels a lot closer to the type of game I hear MM&B be described as, which is a shame.

Now it’s time for the presentation, and I’m probably gonna gush a lot because I adore how this game looks and sounds! You can tell Capcom really had a grasp of the hardware by 1998, and they absolutely knocked it out of the park. The graphical style definitely takes cues from Mega Man 8, but it doesn’t even look like that much of a downgrade; everything’s still colourful and immensely detailed. In fact, I’d say it’s on-par with a lot of the Sega Saturn’s 2D games in terms of fidelity, which is really impressive for a console that was first released in 1990! The soundtrack’s also great like usual, with a ton of catchy and melodic tunes. My personal favourites are probably the Robot Museum, Cold Man, Magic Man, Tengu Man and Pirate Man themes.

Despite the general reception, I really liked MM&B! I guess it’s not too surprising given my love of intense difficulty, but I’m so glad I found this much to love, and as such, I think this is a new favourite in the series for me! I’ll have to do a proper playthrough as Bass someday (and find all those data CDs), but that probably won’t be for a while. Overall, if you’re fine with really hard games and are patient enough, I think you might find something to appreciate in this one!

i've seen the light
i've unlocked my stockholm eye
i see this game for what it is
Mega Man and Bassed

The Super Famicom version is actually good. However, there are a few stupid ass bossfights and most the stages are easy to get through. I really like how Bass plays though it's fun

Logically speaking, this game is not good for the most part. It is way too unfair, essentially requires you beat the robot masters in a certain order, and also has insane screen crunch on the GBA(which is the only version I’ve played). But I love it, 33% for nostalgia reasons, 33% for “I get to play as Bass” reasons, and 33% for “Holy fuck this OST rocks” reasons(seriously the intro stage theme might be my favorite song from any MegaMan game). It being so unfairly hard makes me feel a weird pride that I ever beat this game at all, let alone when I was a kid.

C el mejor Megaman de la saga clasica (junto al 7), no hay discusion.

PD: Los que dicen que es malo, o que solo funciona con Bass, se la comen

As an avid fan of Mega Man 8, MM&B is essentially Mega Man 8-2 (especially when you consider 2 MM8 bosses are reused here). Bass is interesting, trading in alot of advantages for omnidirectional shooting. Really good for a Game Boy era game.

rating this 4 just because of what the gba version did for the soundtrack, giving the game a warm and very uplifting mood (especially tngu man and the intro stage robot museum)

é um jogo ok.
tem umas músicas que curti e achei os gráficos bonitos, chefes são ate que tranquilos apenas um ou outro é mais puxado. agora o level design é meio capenga, se tu for jogar apenas com o rockman tu vai ta lascado

Me can get the spike pillar disk without getting hit, but ain't revealing how. The world would fall into anarchy otherwise

I think this game is amazing, the SNES version at least, I've never played the GBA version. I played it through as Bass first and then as Mega Man. This is my second time playing the game with both characters, so technically the 4th playthrough.

The game is very hard. If you don't use the shop or use your weapons effectively, you're going to have a hard time. The music is a certified banger as the kids say.

Playing as either character is a completely different experience. Ice Wall goes from being a movement tool as Mega Man to a high damage move as Bass. I think Bass is harder overall compared to Mega Man. The special weapons fill out the gaps in Mega Man's abilities better compared to Bass. Bass is easier to get started with, but in return Mega Man has a higher potential. Bass looks better on paper, but not being able to shoot through walls or not being able to walk and shoot are subtle things that make him worse overall. The special weapons are good enough that they even even the playing field considerably. Bass is still better vertically, but everywhere else, Mega Man is better, which just happens to be the majority of the game.

I really enjoyed all the levels. They're all a perfect length for what they are in my opinion. The mid-bosses can be kind of tedious, but otherwise the pace is pretty good throughout. The more dangerous and scary looking sections of levels usually have safety nets in the form of respawning extra lives, (Tengu Man's Cold Man's and King Stage 2), or extra platforms that help you stall out the situation (Tengu Man's, Cold Man's, Dynamo Man's, Magic Man's stages). If I had to choose one as my least favorite, it would probably be Tengu Man's stage since the camera doesn't like moving vertically so its easy to just get killed by spiked above you. This is also kind of a problem with one section near the end of Magic Man's stage, but its not too much of a problem for me.

The weapons are all really great. I found myself using all of them throughout the levels, except for the screen nuke, which I never use in any game, and the drill. The drill still had its uses, just a lot more situational than the others. Its probably the most useful and balanced selection of weapons in all the classic games.

I love all the bosses in this game. I do them all Buster only the first time, and then with weaknesses in the refights. As Mega Man, they all go down pretty quickly once you understand their patterns, with the exceptions being Pirate Man and Magic Man which are a lot harder. They're a lot of fun, with tells to what they do next. Bass is the same, except he's a lot more of an endurance test because of the nature of his buster. Burner Man in particular becomes a lot harder. It feels great to beat all of them with Bass though since it requires more precise play. Magic Man and Pirate Man are a lot easier with Bass. Its easier to dodge the mines and prevent Pirate Man from bubbling. With Magic Man, you just shoot him while he's in the center, then jump over to the other side of him while he's attacking, wait for him to dash back to center and repeat. Bass can ensure Dynamo Man doesn't refill a lot of health by aiming his buster up at the rails. Dynamo and Burner Man are interesting because their weaknesses only come into play in certain phases of their attacks, otherwise the buster is better. The King boss fights are all pretty easy, just kind of annoying since they have so much health. The plane can be kind of annoying because it can destroy the platforms, but usually you can just prepare to jump to a platform thats coming in when you see the fist. King Stage 2 is just annoying because it would've been fine if it was 3 individual levels, but the fact thats its all crammed into 1 just makes it a slog. The final level is pretty nice though. Fighting the bosses again with little challenges in between is fun, even if a bit long-winded. The wily battle is pretty fun and is over pretty fast.

I didn't collect all the CDs. It doesn't look that fun anyways from what I can tell, but seeing the flavor text is pretty nice. This is my favorite classic mega man game. Its probably my favorite Mega Man game period, but I haven't played much of the other series. I don't really understand why this one has such a bad rap when it does nearly everything perfectly in my eyes. I guess its because I don't use E-tanks or the rush abilities ever really, so I don't miss them. Its one of the harder ones, but with a bit of patience, anyone whose beaten a classic Mega Man game should be able to beat it. Anyways, I absolutely love this game.

Most don't like this game cus they have a skill issue and think it's too hard
I don't like it because it's fucking boring

This game fucks so hard. Notorious for some, I went in really expecting to hate it especially on my first playthrough with Mega Man but this really blew me out of the water with how good it is. It is challenging as hell, and definitely feels like a step up on difficulty from 7 and 8 before it, but it really hits that Mega Man sweet spot of feeling frustrating but still beatable. For most of the runtime anyway. The SNES Mega Man games really have a habit of being incredibly great right up until the final bossfights. This gauntlet isn't really as bad as Wily Machine 7 if I think about them, but I think I hated them a little more in the moment due to the sheer quantity of challenging bosses this endgame has. Two playable characters who both can get through the story with different strengths and weaknesses really gets a lot of points for me though. I haven't given 10 a fair shake as each character, but in my humble opinion right now this is the best multi-character setup in the classic series. One of the best, despite what people will tell you!

the level and boss design suck so bad but it's so cool in every other way. sorta like sonic cd honestly

Not as hard as people say (unless you play as Mega Man), but very cumbersome. The stage design is pretty tedious, and the final stages in particular are way too long and annoying. Playing Bass is way more fun than any classic incarnation of Mega Man though, I'll give it that.