Reviews from

in the past

One of the ONLY 2 games that ever left me speechless

Not everyone's cup of tea, but this game will forever be my favorite for healing my soul, pulling me into a relationship and helping me understand who I am and what I've gone through.

Eu estou simplesmente abalado com este jogo. Eu não sei o que relatar aqui, só quero dizer que esse foi uma das mídias na qual eu mais chorei em toda a minha vida. O final é MUITO lindo e com certeza vai te fazer pensar nele por dias e até semanas.

One of the worst game I have ever played, like desdass this shit is straight garbage.

You know what? This shit don’t even deserve a full star, fuck the creator of this game btw.

When seeing people criticize this game I always see them talk about the dream world segments and the gameplay in general, which is justified because those are both insufferable and make this game an absolute chore to play. The gameplay lacks any depth whatsoever and becomes an absolute slog to play almost immediately. Dream world in general has a similar issue in being a complete slog with the dialogue being extremely dull and the segments being way longer than they have any right to be, this game is about 20 hours long but dream world makes it feel like 50.

What I don't see people talk about is the dumbass story with some of the most fake character interactions & dialogue I have ever seen in my life. Like brother there CANNOT be people who say this game's story is realistic when years of unhandled trauma are handled immediately and the main cast goes back to being friends with no problems whatsoever, obviously there's still the drama with Omori & Basil but that extends past that immediate friend group. I'm talking about the main 4 characters here, which is the main focus for the majority of the game and is resolved immediately. Even fucking Shark Tale had a more realistic conclusion between Fish Man and Mob Boss Shark and all they said was "We cool". The Dialogue after said issue is resolved is bland as hell and falls flat on its face with most of it just being them reaffirming the fact that they are friends, gj Omori, this is how real people act I think.

The real meat of the plot is so edgy and stupid it honestly circles back to being funny, Black Space and the real twist behind Mari's death are SO fucking dumb man, how do people take these seriously I need to know. Surely real children would see that beloved sister died and say "Ah man I don't want my friend to get in trouble gotta frame it as a suicide", very real and relatable traumatic experience thank you Omori this is definitely not edgy garbage trying to be something deep.


it just kinda doesnt hit for me, i cant really put my finger on which part of it doesnt work but like 1/3 - 1/2 of the way through the game i just kinda... didnt care. i didnt really get invested in the characters or the mystery and it comes off a little like ??juvenile?? idk its like they go "OHH SCARY BLOOD DEATH" and im just like yeah ok man im depressed too but nothing about this depiction makes me feel anything

THAT BEING SAID if you got something out of this and its important to you more power to you brother im glad u found something that means something to u

One of the most unique RPG's I've ever played with incredible story and characters. The game has a nice contrast of being very whimsical but also very dark. The OST is awesome and the combat, although very simple, is enjoyable and has a unique spin on status effects with emotions. In an unexpected way, it's also one of the creepiest games I've ever played (even more than many horror games I've experienced).

Easy recommendation especially for anyone looking for a unique/different experience from a JRPG.

undertale for mentally ill people, oh wait.


If this game is gay then I like big hot and sweaty men piled up butt booty naked

I am biased to this title only because I played it with my best friend, so it holds a special place internally for me that I am very fond of. Critically, I believe its highs in its story lines and aesthetic are something unrivaled for indie titles. Its art direction is beautiful with its drawn backgrounds and pencil like scribble textures. Its character design can only be described as kawaii meets emo, which combined, makes for a great visual theme. Mix that with its lofi soundtrack and dreamcore sound design, and it leads to a great experience your first playthrough in. I will say, in contrast to its highs, its lows are abysmally low. Its battles get repititive, and its narrative, while great at its core, gets frustrating. It purposefully holds back the entire way through, as if its teasing you with its storyline at every narrative for the sake of padding and symbolic storytelling. It is show, not tell, at the max output. Ultimately, its a good game with a good message at its core, but I cannot rate it higher than this.

Fuck this stupid fucking fucking shit game. Hope it's rating lowers to a 1.0


first thing i want to point out is that god damn does this game overstay its welcome. everything from its menuing, traversal, combat and even the script feel like they've been designed, intentionally or not, to stretch out as much time as possible. without delving too much into detail, it's especially noticeable in the dream world sections, where the party gets into wacky subplots that ultimately lead nowhere and add barely anything other than some scarce lore about a background item in the real world. some might argue that all that padding out is for character development's sake, but that's not it either. the main characters barely advance or change as the game goes on. their personalities are set in stone as early as the picnic scene in the forest playground on your first day. i'd excuse such padding if at least the inbetweens had some fun moments but no, this game's attempt at humor is the equivalent of a 2014 tumblr post that ends in keysmash.

combat is a chore, and i say this as someone who enjoys turn based combat. not only menuing in combat feels clunky with its four main cracters strewn across each corner of the game's window (seriously guys, simple is best. JRPGs solved this more than 25 years ago), fights themselves aren't rewarding most of the time. the game's reliance on emotions as a "rock-paper-scissors" type mechanic is very interesting... as long as you can apply it. most mob enemies die to regular attacks in a single turn, and spending juice or items to set the enemies' moods feels wasteful outside of boss encounters, especially when those same mobs can change their own emotions anyway.

i don't even want to talk about the plot. some might really like the narrative it (tries to) build interluding its dream and real segments, but to me that final twist legit felt like dropping the entire narrative down a flight of stairs for the sake of a punchy, serious tone. i'd expect it from a short RPG maker title, but for a game that's longer than earthbound with extra levity on top, it completely undoes whatever character advancements it tried to make during its almost 20 hour runtime. graceless doesn't even begin to describe it.

honestly, either play a short-form RPG maker horror game like yume nikki or a JRPG with actual decent combat and plot instead of going for this tepid inbetween.

One hour into playing Omori I stood up, said WAIT THIS GAME IS FOR LITTLE KID LOSERS then dove straight out of my window and broke my femur

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Finished the hikkikomori route this time, being my third time running through the game, and my first time trying this route and trying to do most of the extra console content.

With how much they packed into the Omori route, lore wise, gameplay wise, I’m pretty satisfied! The unbread twins, the bossman hero battle, boss rush, the abyss, all the extra boss battles, it’s all outstanding. I never did orange oasis prior to this route as well, and it was a lot of fun! Dino’s dig allows for an easy method of getting everyone to get to lvl 50, and the amount of equipment and extra side content here makes Omori feel like a well rounded package for those who want both story and excellent gameplay ideas.

The Omori route never feels like it’s only tacked on; it fully realizes its potential and I feel like it adds a lot to the base story of Omori. I will say that I think it should be played after a Sunny route, as some of the lore bits will only be evident once you know what is truly going on. But nevertheless, the added console content and Omori route feel like a substantial expansion pack to the Sunny route. The Omori route definitely is just a bonus for those who enjoyed Sunny’s, which makes it feel even more like the cherry on top of an already fantastic game.

Also sweethearts castle can go tumble down some stairs because jeez why is it like the second area of the game and it’s TOO LONG

Nunca mais serei o mesmo depois de Omori.

Sou absolutamente apaixonado por RPGs baseado em turno que seguem a fórmula da série Mother (jogos em que um grupo de crianças lutam contra objetos inanimados e monstros fora do convencional).

O diferencial de Omori são seus temas pesadíssimos que tratam de eventos traumáticos, saúde mental, e seguimentos à la Silent Hill com alucinações provindas do passado do protagonista. A arte única de Omori traz cores pasteis e personagens fofinhos que parecem ter sido teletransportados diretamente da animação Adventure Time, o que é um total contraste com os temas abordados.

Nunca senti tanta agonia num jogo pra saber o final que me esperava. O mistério central do enredo me atiçava cada vez mais a curiosidade, e os elementos que o cenário usa pra contar a história é absurdamente bom uma vez que te dá dicas a todo momento sobre o que de fato aconteceu com o protagonista.

As side quests por outro lado são bem repetitivas e tentam dar um ar mais fofinho pro jogo. Mas Omori está bem longe de ser fofo.

Às vezes desejo não ter tido jogado esse jogo porque o final me destruíu. Até mesmo o final feliz.

A heartfelt story with an adorable artstyle and a charming cast of characters that's unfortunately sometimes held back by its RPG structure, which sometimes seems to do all it can to kill the pacing. However, even with its issues, it's worth the ride.

I didn’t cry during my graduation but I cried during this game! One of the most compelling story’s and some of the most well written characters in all media. By no means is this game perfect—I could talk about its flaws for hours—but it’s a raw and emotional experience, and I think that’s kinda beautiful.

One of the best stories in any game, however the repetitive and mediocre gameplay brings it down.

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Summary of my thoughts the mystery behind Mari's death is corny as fuck because it just feels like it's supposed to make you feel bad in some edgy way, like yeah almost the whole game you get these crazy ass visions and then you find out it was somehow death by stairs except the actual death might've been through hanging which makes more sense but is also fucking stupid in all honesty this game would've been better if it was just a bizarre game with bizarre stuff and kids facing the most bizarre shit you've seen, Mari's twist could've been shortened and changed significantly and it probably would've had a big impact anyway, something that is more "she died and sunny's failed to move on properly" or something like that" really feels to me like they tried to capture the melancholy of Mother 3 but even if you know that game's twists it doesn't feel like it's a stark contrast to the rest of the game, and I get that's what Omori is going for but whiplash and jumpscares every 5 minutes isn't how to do that
I will say that I do like the idea of Headspace and the whole thing with you opening the door to the real world, and I do like Mari as well. Music's rockin. I don't know what to rate it, I didn't even beat it I just read into the twists like an idiot, got spoiled but realized it was probably better that I did

Incredible story and characters with an interesting combat system that the game doesn't make great use of (until post game). I really like Omori

Kel my goat. Oh and final duet was pretty sick ig

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erm major spoilers... my honest thoughts on the game...?

it was good. and then i got to the end. and then it was just ok. i played through the whole thing thinking it was a game about depression and dealing with the loss of a loved one through suicide. but then there is a plot twist and suddenly you didn't lose her through suicide you actually accidentally killed her??? which is like okay i'm sure a lot of people had their minds blown and love this twist but for me it was just so disenchanting and the game lost ALL of its charm... like i don't know but i felt cheated and the game did not stick with me at all because of this. Also I do not like omocat.

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A deep dive into trauma and depression.

This game delivers masterfully the depiction of traumatic events, guilt and depression in it's own unique way. I personally went for the good ending and couldn't be more satisfied, seeing Sunny slowly healing from the guilt and finally getting rid of Something and lifting the burden. I also find it very interesting how we do not see the reaction of the friends after Sunny tells them the truth, the game leaves it to the player's consideration, which I find pretty neat.

The other big aspect this game has and I want to praise is its psychological horror aspects. They maybe are not jumpscares but the way the play with the player throughout the story and scare the living hell out of me in the most unexpected circumstances was scary, but pretty well executed.

google show me "omocat controversy"

Essa é uma daquelas situações em que vc simplesmente não consegue continuar jogando algo, não pq vc não gostou, mas só não consegue. Eu tenho isso com a maioria dos RPG de turno (ou todos eles), mas, apesar disso, eu gosto do que Omori representa.

This is one of those games where you just sit there after the game ends, wrought with grief and something inexplicable. Days, weeks, months after you watch the credits roll, you still think about this game.

If I had to describe this game in a word, it'd be: haunting.

(Is this review a bit dramatic? Most definitely. But I feel like this game deserves it for making me feel so very empty after having completed it.)