Reviews from

in the past

i played this game for 6 hours and it made me want to kill myself in ways you can't even imagine

divertido pra jogar com amigos e de preferência com chat mutado
infelizmente sou muito ruim

I've played way too much Overwatch in my life, probably my most played game (maybe I played Minecraft a bit more or a bit less xd) and it makes me so sad to see what Blizzard is doing to it.

I don't think I need to explain exactly what they're doing, so lemme just say that it can still be an enjoyable and fun game played with friends, but please don't put any money into it :)

The 5v5 doesn't work for me, feels like I'm constantly playing an arcade game mode.

The store is a joke and at this point you've probably seen why (a single skin costing £20). I hate battle-passes, despise them. Honestly the old lootboxes were perfect.

Just not the same as what it used to be, although Overwatch 1 was going downhill anyways before this one released.

Can't review this on steam because I don't even want to put this on my computer again.
Look, the bad design started before all this, back in Overwatch late 2017, around the time they started marketing to the E-sports crowd, rather then the actual player base. Since then, Overwatch slowly devolved and Overwatch 2 is just a giant money pit of micro transactions and "skill based" algorithm lobby hell. Sitting on a pile of PVE, and story content promises that old fans were excited about because we didn't want to play PVP due to the uptick in toxic player base, and never got because Blizard decided it wouldn't make them as much money.
What happened to server lobbies where the "skill based" algorithm wasn't absolute garbage and you could, I don't know, Talk to people and learn to play the game? Instead of listen to a bunch of brain dead baboons screech into their microphones before being kicked by the game to a whole new lobby of crazy.
Just, for the sake of your own sanity don't play this.

Hear me out: this could be the 'ET: the video game' of our time.
If this game actually manages to kill live-service games altogether then it's a 5/5 from me.


An example of everything wrong with a lot of modern game companies today.
It seems like the whole concept of this project was based off deception.

Overwatch 1 was probably one of my all-time favorite multi-player experiences. It was one of the last big multiplayer games I played with my original squad of friends before we all went our separate ways. So, as you can imagine I was both excited and skeptical when I heard they were making a 2. OW1 had fallen off for most of us in the last few years especially after they started changing heroes around so much, really the addition of Brigitte and that whole meta is what broke the game for me. After a while of not playing, I heard an announcement of an overwatch 2 with a co-op campaign story mode and my initial reaction was the same as many... "why?". As cool as a campaign would be the idea to make a whole new game for that seems ridiculous to me. Their excuse was because of the engine, making a campaign mode would be too difficult or some sht and I was like "okay well I like the story, so I'll maybe check it out when the game eventually becomes free." Then they announced the game would be free to play and after months of waiting for it. Then we got the game but with no campaign and a battle pass system that is basically pay to win. It's almost impossible to level up and make it to the end of the battle pass if you are an adult with a day job and almost everything good is locked behind it, they even have heroes locked behind it now.

Gameplay wise it's the same as OW1 but different in the sense the Meta is turned upside down. There are insane balancing issues in this game, some heroes feel overpowered while others feel useless with no in-between. There are only 3 classes now with attack, tanks and healers which I guess makes sense, but all the fun builder characters have been reworked into basically different heroes. Speaking of that, half the heroes in this game have an entirely different kit. The game is much faster paced now and is less about stationary defense and more about movement. All stun abilities are gone for some reason and most of the heroes that weren't as overpowered are now and some of the heroes that used to be OP are meh now. A lot of the fun old maps that were attack and defend based maps seem to be gone from the main que and replaced with a new mode and maps that are based off pushing a robot across the map in a sort of "tug of war" type game mode and it is fun, but I miss the old maps more that only seem to show up in arcade now for some reason.

The graphics and art style look exactly the same to me and most of the voice acting is still great. As for the story well... after months of not having a story mode they decided to just cancel it... Yup, the entire point in making an OW2 seems to have been canceled and a lot of people including myself think this is obviously because they probably never had a story mode planned in the first place. They just wanted an excuse to get away from loot box's and sell another 60$ game and when they realized no one would buy the same game again they decide to go free to play with a trash battle pass system that's probably the most unrewarding one I've ever seen in a game before. You can complete your 55+ hour battle pass for the season and it will only give you a new hero (sometimes) and like probably a few meh skins and a couple other things like sprays or some sh
t. Absolutely not worth it, you basically have to buy it. At this point I’ve stopped playing the game so I couldn't tell you if the current story lore is any good. It was always a bright side to OW so I'm sure it’s decent. From what I hear now they do have a DLC story mission pack that you have to pay 15 dollars for, can’t finish right away and have to wait weeks for the next part to release, which is absolutely insane. As much as I liked the story, I'd never give this company a single dime ever again. I've also heard these missions are basically the same thing as the archive events and not as good, but I wouldn't know.

The reason I say this game is a pay to win is because you have to play either 55+ hours to get the newest OP hero OR buy the battle pass and get them right away AND you have to do this every season... imagine giving this company money from a battle pass every couple months, getting skins on a store and money for a story mode!? A company that's known for shady sexual misconduct, gaslighting, racism, layoffs, people quitting and getting fired and loads of other controversies? Yeah, I supported it too in the beginning I bought way too many loot box's, more than I'm proud of on OW1, don't fall for it like I did on this game. To be clear I'm not into cancel culture, if the game was good, I say whatever download and play it, but I don't think this is worth your time. It's just a money milking scheme for blizzard (and yeah, they don’t deserve your money) they killed what was left of a decent OW and replaced it with a half-baked one I couldn't sit though anymore.

Overall OW2 is a huge let down and basically an example of what's wrong with a lot of these modern game companies and its sad because this game had such potential, but the truth is, overwatch is past its peak and only seems to fall farther downhill every time I hear about it.


Really bad, unfun experience. Character design fell off, garbage monetization and long waits for even finding a match. Its also one of those multiplayer games that feels like you're playing ranked in casual. At least its free, and mei is still cute.

pretty bad/10

Shit from a butt but somehow still kinda fun

man the matchmaking fucking sucks in this game. i was in a ranked lobby with some guy named “twomad” and they were afk the whole game. fucking threw that game. fuck this game it fucking sucks.

(Sometimes) a good time when friends beg me to play.


The porn will make you happier.

maybe i will change the rating when the pve come out

why are you laughing?

Such a fall from grace, but there is still a good game at its core. There was just so much untapped potential and squandered opportunity, it's unbelievably sad.

making a pact with the devil seems more appealing than playing this game

Playing Overwatch 2 is like playing a game of Russian Roulette, except five of the six bullet chambers are loaded.

This game is like watching the stairway scene in john wick 4 but, it never ends

I hate this game👎👎👎

suco da merda tentaram sugar o máximo dessa vaca com aids dst tuberculose chumbo branco e entre outraqs doenças

boring as fuck imagine that someone that plays lol and genshin thinks that ur game is boring lmao

It's always been a game of contradictions. A game with a light, inviting atmosphere, playful abilities that are designed to be "just fun to press" in the developer's own words and wide, forgiving hitboxes for those abilities that ensures even the bottom fragger on your squad can participate, making it the perfect squad game on paper. The heroes are lovingly crafted homages to 'superhero' culture around the world, coming with their own powerful and unique skills that'll make up for any deficet in your FPS fundamentals. It's a garuntee everyone will have a favorite.

but that quickly crystalizes into a hardcore competitive FPS any time you're in a state of actual play. Everyone swoops on the low performers like vultures and it's not hard to see why. If you're performing even slightly suboptimially, your team gets ran over instantly and you're unable to even press any of those fun buttons we've just talked about! None of the downtime of a game like Fortnite that allows for whole conversations with friends to take place as you explore and scrape together supplies means that you're always expected to be "on" and in the thick of it in Overwatch. One whiffed ability or lazy play could mean your entire team gets snowballed. Those strong individualized roles for heroes quickly backfire as you realize that counterpicking is key, meaning that you'll usually be swapping off the hero you want to spend time with in favor of what hero you need, or worse, be pressured off into what your team thinks they need. That character select screen goes from a well of infinite possibilities into a spreadsheet with optimal picks and no-hopers very quickly.

It's a hardcore team-based FPS, and yet it's competitive mode is dysfunctional. Strict restrictions on who can play with who means that you can't actually play with whatever team you've cultivated and usually have to settle for scraping together some kind of rapport with randoms. Que the insane amount of bitching I talked about earlier being tripled. You simply can't play this team based game with anyone you might have actually been practicing the game with at a high level.

The final nail in the coffin for competitive Overwatch is, ironically, the heroes themselves. The game had a good sense for risk vs reward when it started, but a series of overwhelming additions seemingly added out of obligation have broken this idea over it's knee. A new overwatch hero has to turn heads in a game that's already filled with broken abilities, so it seems like with each subsequent released boundaries get pushed and rules get broken. That might be part of the fun in a casual game, but in a competitive one it makes for a nightmarish hellscape where a bad decision by the hero designer can turn the game into a boring slog where you fight the same comps using the same strategies for months on end. If you think Kiriko's easy to use, Ultimate ability denying cleanse or illari's autohealing turret are a little frustrating to deal with in quick play imagine dealing with it in every game.

No hero bans in sight give you no control over your experience either, so the community can't even pick out problem heroes until the developers fix them like they can in games like Rainbow Six Siege. Blizzard has remained adamant that players should always have access to the full roster to pick from..or at least they did, until they started locking new heroes behind predatory battle passes. It's fine if it lines their pockets, essentially.

All of these had knock on effects on the game's ambitions as a pro esport. There was no variance in team comps and the few characters with skill expression were outgunned by boring, fire and forget cooldown rotation. It was sluggish from the word go, but it limped along through sheer force by activision until sponsorships dried up in the wake of Blizzard's notorious sexual harassment scandal and viewership hit all time lows.

So the competitive scene is in shambles and the game is a joke at high level play, which funnels sweats back into quick play and ironically makes the experience woeful for the casual player. There has to be some kind of third option to just relieve some stress and fuck around. And there is...if you don't mind playing the same shallow, reheated arcade modes that have been in rotation since 2016. Modes like low gravity and Mei's Snowball fight didn't hold anyone's attention back then and they barely do now. The odd inspired mode like limited duel can be fun for a lot longer, but the rotation means you'll have to wait until the day it's available. Even the casual modes are uneven and designed to exploit fomo.

The obvious third pillar Overwatch has been missing was planned to be an extensive single player mode built in with replayability and RPG progression, with the team able to lean into making abilities more overpowered and fun without any of that pesky obligation to balance. Not only would spending time with your favorite heroes be allowed, it'd be encouraged as you'd unlock new abilities for the time spent. Alas, after a quiet, protracted development cycle it fell through and left the lopsided experience we're left with today.

What little progression there was in Overwatch 1 was gutted out. It used to be possible to earn special skins in event challenges or by just completing enough games. You could probably make a great point about how such extrinsic motivators can directly contribute to low match quality by having people force themselves to play beyond what's satisfying to earn virtual goodies, and I'd probably agree, but the current system is far worse. A lot of the same trappings still exist, just rearranged and forcing you to drop real money on overpriced currency to participate. That cool Tracer skin is still locked behind a grind, but now the GRIND is locked behind a 10$ buy in. It cuts into the fun for the crowd who doesn't want to spend money and exploits those who can't help themselves. it's a lose, lose unless your name is Activision-Blizzard.

In 2024, after almost 8 years, it feels like Overwatch is buckling under it's own weight. I've been playing since 2016, and while I can say for a fact that parts of the game are still good, they're mostly things that came out that year. Making risky plays with Tracer's extensive movement, landing a critical dive with Winston or saving a friend at the last moment as Mercy still feel good, and syncing those risky plays up as a team to cover each other still feels like nothing else in the genre.

The problem is they're experiences that become increasingly rare, suffocating under poorly considered addition after poorly considered addition. Your old favorites feel obsolete in the face of new characters that can do their jobs in less interesting ways or deny their impact entirely with no skill required. Good times with your friends feel fleeting as the game quickly turns into a sweatfest with half the modes bent on breaking up the squad anyway. Any cool addition is underlined with increasingly growing price tags.

It seems like it wont be much longer before the dam busts. A pivotal leadership change from microsoft could stem some of the damage, but from where I'm standing it feels like too little, too late. I loved you, Overwatch, but I can't stand by what you've become. Blizzard needs to stop and decide once and for all what they really want from this thing. Until it does, I'm taking an extended sabbatical.

I weep for those who play this and I hope that they come across better times soon

İlk Overwatch'ta olan iyi özellikleri çıkarıp yeni birkaç karakter ekleyerek 2 ismini verip oyunu yeniden çıkarttılar. Aşırı derecede saçma bir hareketti. Oyunu oynadığınız sürece düşen kutuları kaldırmaları sadece dümdüz savaş biletini kasıp çek git yapısına sokulmuş bir oyuna dönüşmüş. İkinci oyununa böyle yorumlar yapsam bile ilk oyunu da o kadar ahım şahım bir oyun olarak hatırımda kalmadı. Overwatch 2 oynanmayacak bir oyun değil ancak kesinlikle oyna sarar tipi bir FPS oyunu değil. Ben de genel anlamda çok yapacak bir şey yok diye eski günlerin tadını verir belki diye ara sıra göz attığım bir oyun olarak elimde duruyor. Overwatch 2'nin en iyi yanı Steam'e gelmiş bir Blizzard oyunu olması çok sevindirici diğer Blizzard oyunlarının Steam'e ekleniyor olması sevindirici bir haber.

it is now my life mission to kill every person responsible for this game