Reviews from

in the past

Forever salty by how the Ratchet and Clank game that reenacts the plot of Treasure Planet and gives you oodles of goofy, silly pirate content is also the shortest one at only a 2-3 hour runtime. I understand this was meant to be mildly overpriced DLC to tide players over before the release of ACIT but that trap-ridden pirate's cave filled with pilfered booty and dead man tell no tales should've been twice as long.

At least Insomniac understood the value of a good pirate in the ol' character roster and made both Slag and Rusty Pete reoccurring characters starting with this game. I'm glad that Slag inexplicably comes back from the dead and later hosts a radio station in ACIT.

I enjoyed this side story of the Future trilogy. A well-tight crafted story that doesn’t leave too many holes in its short span. The enemies and the main villain of the game are quite charming and have just the right amount of humor tying in with the pirate theme.

Some of them will find this game exciting, and some of them not. This game its not a major game, but more of an extension of the Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction. What I want to say is that you can finish this game in just few hours, 4-5 if you are new to the game. For this reason it doesn't put a great impact and the gameplay isn't so groundbreaking, which led me playing this game several times ( I think 6 or 7 times till now). All in all I recommend this for the fans of R&C, but for others, better not.

dont remember much of it but it was good

Surprisingly fun, maybe cuz its shorter but I didn't get as bored as I thought I would.

I understand why this game came with my PS3 but I don't understand why people have to buy it when it doesn't come with a PS3.

I was a really big fan of the R&C series when I was a young teenager but the Playstation 3 games seem worse. I personally felt that this game was too childish and that the story was crappy.
The battles and the world are okay though.

ummm this was a weird one. i just don't even know why it needs to exist when it's only like 6 hours long. still fun i guess

Not quite sure why this was a standalone game. It wasn't bad by any means, but it felt like a director's cut extension of Tools of Destruction. Is that a good thing? I don't really know. Weapons were fine, story was a little weird but nothing to knock. If you liked Tools of Destruction, you'll have fun. If you didn't you can probably skip.

It's a nice continuation of Tools of Destruction but it's main purpose of being there to make the wait for A Crack in Time less frustrating clearly disapear when playing it in 2024. But well, I clearly won't complain since I get to have more Talwyn Apogee.

This game is a booty (booty as in ass)

Harmless fee hours. Nothing special, but worth playing on PS+

It's one of the best although it's my least favourite from the trilogy they limit you a lot which makes it a different experience and can be very cool.

An utterly useless game. There were neither new weapons nor new gadgets. The checkpoints were awful, with some really annoying, unenjoyable segments. 95 percent of the game is a re-use of R&C TOD mechanics. The uninteresting pirate plot made me want to sleep. At the end, this really short game could have just been a small introduction in "A Crack in Time" without all the unnecessary pirate stuff.

Quest for Booty is... odd. It's definitely DLC-sized, but it's different in some small ways from Tools for Destruction to justify it not being a DLC, but then it's too short to justify it being a standalone game.

More to the point, it's nowhere near good enough to justify it being the middle entry of the Future trilogy, and it seems as though it was made in the middle of A Crack in Time's development just so that the Future games could be a trilogy.

I don't mean to rant, but, like I said, Quest for Booty is just odd. My issue isn't so much that it's short, as I've played and loved many games that were as short or even shorter, but the swashbuckling adventure it depicts isn't quite exciting enough to justify being its own game and could have easily been covered in an intermediary comic series that bridges the gap between Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time.

In a sense, it's pretty much just an epilogue to Tools of Destruction instead of a narrative with its own individual merits.

The story is... there? It's not quite the pirate adventure it promises, but it's not exactly bad either. Not very much happens to further the characters or even provide interesting plot points that lead into A Crack in Time, apart from the end reveal just before the credits.

Some of the platforming on the main island, particularly involving repairing the wind turbines, is fun, as are the puzzles in Darkwater Cove, but other than that, and not to sound like a cliche, Quest for Booty is certainly one of the Ratchet & Clank games of all time. Not bad enough to be bad, not good enough to be good.


This game actually goes pretty hard for a side-game meant to tide players over until A Crack in Time, and I think the short length works in its favour as I find most of the other Ratchet & Clank games begin to lose steam in the endgame. However, I can totally understand players back in 2008 feeling that it was an overpriced DLC for Tools of Destruction.

The space pirates are my favourite recurring enemies in the series, and I love pirate themes in general, so of course I was delighted to have a game all about them. It's a fun ride and doesn't overstay its welcome. But it may have been better off actually being DLC, and if it was released in the current gaming landscape it probably would be.

Was really bored playing this. Ratchet gets betrayed and you’re shooting waves of pirates on a beach with shitty weapons,

that’s when I decided this wasn’t for me.

Ratchet & Clank Quest for Booty (2008): Aunque vendido como juego completo no puede quitarse esa peste a DLC. Como añadido no está mal pero como juego se siente corto, precipitado y sin mucho que ofrecer. Quita el hambre pero está lejos de ser una experiencia satisfactoria (5,95)

It's fine! Short, and basically inaccessible these days, but it's fine. I do mean short- you'll clear it in less than an afternoon if you've picked up a R&C game before. Basically an expansion pack that slipped its way into a distinct package and served as tech demo for mechanics Crack in Time would further expound upon.

I'd recommend trying it if you can at a /reasonable/ price.

Very short but sweet game with an entertaining and well written story as usual. I really like the experimentation here with the dialogue choices for Ratchet (even if most of them will halt your progression), and even the gameplay choices. I was shocked to find out you could actually skip out on certain things such, spoiler warning, as not saving Talwyn in the caves, and it creating direct gameplay impacts. I saved her of course but it was insane to know I could NOT do it.

Very fun and challenging boss at the end with good platforming challenges (though the tight rope walking is a bit lazy imo) and I found it interesting how the final upgrades/modifications for weapons were things you find in the overworld instead of buying in the shop with raritanium. Kinda sad the weapons and some assets were just flipped from Tools but it's to be expected here.

Now onto Crack in Time for my binge of this series.

A fun enough short little pirate themed-romp, that is as inoffensive as it is inessential. The weapons and gunplay here are as good as they’ve ever been, but are let down by tiny unimaginative levels with next to zero room for exploration and populated with a very small variety of enemy types. Not bad, but there’s nothing to recommend here either.

baseado (foi dos unicos que joguei)

It's an okay little side game. Not much else to add here.

I like Ratchet & Clank and I like pirates so really this is totally my jam.

Very short and kind of pointless but it's not bad. The main island is pretty good with a solid blend of platforming to balance out gunplay but in general, just not much to this game.

Cheap game, shorter than the others, but in a way that worked to its advantage.

A very enjoyable platformer, but short. You can see that it was planned as an addition to the first part rather than a separate part

A cute enough little standalone companion for ToD. The art direction is very striking in this one, and more Ratchet and Talwyn is always fun.