Reviews from

in the past

I used to play this on it's dedicated website and I somehow had a love/hate relationship with this game IDK why. And also, who the hell is Mad God?

the game went downhill once i got employed

one of those games you play for a week or two once a year

This game prepared kid me for my journey into the roguelike genre. After what this games permadeath did to me, nothing else could ever hurt me again

Scientists have spent years theorizing and scheming, spending countless sleepless nights working and researching. Building and destroying, creating life, proliferating death, and it all resulted in ROTMG

an mmorpg that's fun within the first 5 minutes of gameplay

This game is one of the only in history to provide a common knowledge mental illness known as Stockholm syndrome. Much like autism, this can be a super power or a deadly weapon ; A mechanism for detatching yourself from friends or Uniting with new ones.

If you're unprepared for this, play with a surface understanding and Impatience ; For your sake, this is better.

Do not be like me... grinding the same dungeons since day 1.

Juego qliao lageado imposible de jugar. Increíble. Revivan flash.

I wish I had spent a looooot less time on this game...

an exercise in frustration for no real endgoal

When I was a kid I used to rush home from school just to play this game until I was tired of it. Great game.

I adore and despise this game at the exact same time, and I think thats what makes the game special. Within a fraction of a second over a month of work can vanish right before your own eyes, no matter how stacked you are. I can never stop playing this and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Fun enough to play with friends. Game loop was enjoyable but a bit basic. Got worse when the company was bought out.

yeah microtransactions are all over the place now and getting to a point where you can consistently do the fun stuff in the game takes far too long for a casual player
but the end game dungeons and "raids" are incredibly fun mechanically and thematically
the lore is really interesting and getting good drops feels hella good
but everyone will have a different quitting point whether that's from getting your first lvl 20 or getting max exalts

I think I understand what brain damage feels like.

The game used to be really good, but the IP getting sold to a different developer caused a lot of issues. such as pay to win microtransactions, much worse servers as a result of a reduced budget, and a much smaller player base from the change in developers. if they somehow released a classic version of this like they did with Runescape or WoW it could be good again but I just cant recommend it in the current state its in.

thank fucking god I spent time playing this game instead of improving my life or talking to people, those last 200 hours I sunk my life into really got me going

Don't understand the hype for this game. (Probably because I'm not a sex offender)

I've got a real soft spot for this game, but man it's got a lot of issues. This little flash game had an infamous memory leak issue that made longer play sessions a nightmare. Not to mention it also had a bit of a power creep issue that discouraged more unique play styles.

Despite that, I found this game weirdly addictive back in the day. Even when Kabam owned it and refused to do anything with it, I still found myself playing it almost daily. I don't think this is a particularly great game, but it's super nostalgic for me.

Liked this as a flash game on website when I was young, had some fun with it when I was older.

how to waste 4.227 hours of my life

Played this game a shit ton. Mainly for the trading that occurred in the Nexus. I was a merchant pro. Flipping pots and high tier items.

Okay but honestly, how is this game NOT shut down yet. Like, don't get us wrong, it's kind of a guilty pleasure for us, but for all intents and purposes this game should have died and been dead and had private servers fill its void maybe like a decade ago? This game is like a cockroach to us.

At least it introduced us to our favorite shade of red ever.

I have too much to say about this game, so instead I will say nothing at all. 3.8/10. With the right fixes, this could be a genuine 10/10 but sadly that day will never come become DECA continues to squander any chance at retaining a player base by beating the dead horse that is their cash cow-whale playerbase. Have some self respect, don't play this game.

if you value your life never play this game. only in the harshest circumstances should you consider using this game. it's like crack but worse. if you want a bullet hell game please go somewhere else. if you want a game that hates you, you've come to the right place, but i suggest you play dark souls 3 instead because that's an actually good game that loves you while also stabbing you in the heart repeatedly (lovingly)

god fucking DAMN this games brutal. permadeath & lag & bullet hell is a wonderful combo