Reviews from

in the past

A super fun and unique version of tetris. its a bit disappointing that when you purchase the game there is no real single player mode.

I still haven't gotten first place but I love how it hurts.

Yeah, it’s great, it’s a Tetris battle royale and it works insanely well, but I think a lot of people forget that this game’s unsung strength is how the game fits the Switch so well. It’s a great game to just play one or two rounds of in handheld mode while chilling out. I can’t really say whether or not the DLC content is worth it though when you might as well just buy Tetris Effect Connected or Puyo Puyo Tetris if you really want more Tetris on the switch. Regardless, don’t sleep on this if you have Switch Online - no matter how good or bad you are at Tetris.

Diferente dos outros 99 da big N, esse sim é bom e divertido, realmente vale a pena jogar, é so tetris, mas é divertido dms, o que fizeram aqui foi melhor do que parece

Really ingenious and addictive way to revitalize a classic


getting first place on this day was without a doubt the highlight of my year (probably)

Tetris, but you squash other people's dreams.

still haven't won a single damn match

I'm not really into multiplayer Tetris but this was still so cool when it first came out.

This game is bad because I can't ever win. Fix your games before your realase them,

The stupid amount of hours I have in this game is unbelievable

Someone is four-widing in your lobby and they are super annoying but you just wanna get the limited edition theme: The Game ™️

I've spent so many hours on this game. Getting first place is incredibly difficult and I got my first win after over 100 games. I do wish it had some sort of guide/instructions because I remember being confused when I first started playing. Like I know how Tetris works but I wasn't familiar with sending trash blocks or the K.O. power meter. I don't even know why this game is so addicting for me but it is.

It's Tetris except if you make a single mistake early on, everyone who set their attacks to KO will target you automatically causing you to most likely lose early on. Making a decent run isn't too hard tbf. Cool take.

My greatest regret in life is that I did not try Tetris sooner. I tried Tetris 99 because it was free with my Nintendo Switch Online subscription, and it changed my life. Tetris is a perfect game. I would be hard-pressed to rate any Tetris variant low.

As a variant though, I'm not sure how well Tetris 99 holds up. The "battle royal" has a particular strategy to it that takes some time to pick up on, but in the end, it's not complicated. Play Tetris better than everyone else, and you will have a pretty good chance at winning (but not guaranteed). It does not really add much besides keeping rounds short.

I suppose the competition is part of what kept me going, long enough for me to have a pretty consistent win rate, at my peak. If not for Tetris 99, I may not have discovered Tetris for its own sake. For that, I will always regard this game highly.

Surprisingly fresh take on the battle royale, it plays fast and it's easy to get into, despite not having a tutorial. Its ease of play is so refreshing that whenever I feel like playing I can just sit and do it, hit the dopamine receptors and then put it away.

Tetris battle royale. I'm not bad at Tetris but I'm definitely not good either.

the theme for this game could play in a club and i wouldnt bat and eye this shit slaps so hard

A nice way to play Tetris for free on the switch.

Would be better if I didn’t suck ass

What a cool idea for Tetris. I would love to see this with Super Mario Bros.!

I've wasted too much god damn time on this game.