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in the past

I got bored after a few hours since it's not really my type of game but I can definitely see why people would like this.

Honestly pretty fun but feels like there isn't enough to keep me there. It's a city builder where each run lasts like 2 hours or less, it's alright.

Two Point Campus (2022): No sé si es problema del juego o que el género está estancado pero no le veo nada que no hiciese Zoo Tycoon hace 20 años. Los "chistes" dejan de tener gracia cuando más allá del nombre no tienen ninguna relevancia. Divertido pero con muy poca mecha (7,05)

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for January 2024, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before February 6th, 2024, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Building a clown college, no literally.

Two Point Campus is the sequel to Two Point Hospital, and once again you can create the facility of your dreams. Or at least the one that will satisfy the conditions for earning the progression stars. Each of the twelve campuses have different rules and a few have unique situations. Early Campuses tend to have a specific course load that you will need to pursue, but there’s still a lot of freedom given to players and the game is mostly about waiting for either money or for the school year to progress.

The downside is that as well, there’s a lot of waiting and you have to wait an entire school year to make the big, most important changes to the curriculum. At the beginning of a year, you decide which courses to offer, and until the beginning of the following year, you’re locked in. In addition, money comes from tuition for classes of which the size is a bit limited, so there are limitations on the income as well. Finally, this is a management game, if this genre doesn’t appeal to you, this almost certainly won’t either.

Pick this up if you’re a fan of Theme Hospital, Two Point Hospital, Planet Coaster, Planet Zoo, Jurassic Park, or anything else where you build out attractions and then wait for NPCs to use them. I enjoy this game and I’m looking forward to whatever Two Point does next, but I’m also a realist and know that’s not going to be everyone.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

only played 3~ hours but lacked many important details, like why can't i put the walls fully down or up? or some small details like i'd like to be able to interact with the curtains, to keep them open or closed, i was kinda surprised to see these mechanics not already implemented in the game and makes me feel like the developers didn't put that much thought into it. i was craving a game with campus vibes but this isn't it :(

I beat this entire game within the scope of 2 days when it was featured on Steam as free for a weekend - there is just not very much content or difficulty at all once you figure out the system in the first hour or so.

However, my bigger complaint is that this lacks everything it is advertised as having (and assumed to have based on the prior Two Point game). In all the promotional material you see whacky classrooms and gadgets and silly stuff happening, much like Two Point Hospital and it's original inspiration Theme Hospital...however, with Two Point Campus there is basically just the cooking room that has any goofiness to it (which is what was featured in EVERY advertisement for it and on their steam page) and maybe the knight stuff as a "weird thing". Beyond that, it's very bland and boring with very little creativity involved in any of it - science class does boring to look at actual science type lessons, clown class surprisingly does basically nothing funny, etc. Loads of potential but ultimately a game that takes 2 days to beat and doesn't ever get past it's peak of "I guess this is okay". It's absolutely not terrible, but it's more of a maximum $15 time sink (priced at twice that) than anything more.

Mais um jogo dos criadores de Two Point Hospital. Tem um gameplay mais complexo, ao menos inicialmente, mas que combina muito bem com o novo ambiente.

É bem engraçado como o jogo anterior, e o cenário de universidade permite mecânicas e piadas completamente diferentes. E você criar salas que são fora das paredes do campus dão uma diversidade interessante.

No entanto, no geral achei menos divertido que Two Point Hospital, e menos engraçado. Acredito que o cenário do hospital permite doenças mais engraçadas e animações mais criativas nos tratamentos. Mesmo assim é um ótimo jogo que me fez rir bastante e joguei até finalizar a campanha, apesar de não estar interessado em DLCs como estive no outro jogo.

Two Point Campus does not have the same level of creativity and comedy with its classes as Two Point Hospital had with the illnesses in game. I still enjoyed the sim parts of the game, but honestly could have had the audio turned off the whole time.

Aufbau Strategiespiel mit kindlichem Campus Thema für die Leute den Cities Skylines einfach zu komplex ist.

Oder einfach nicht genug Geduld und Lernbereitschaft mit bringen, so war es zumindest bei mir der Fall. Two Point Campus, der Nachfolger vom beinahe gleichnamigen Two Point Hospital hat sich dieses Mal die weiterführende Bildung von Two Point County vorgenommen. In gewohnter aufbau Manier spielt man sich so von Campus zu Campus, man verdient Sterne für Missionen, bietet kuriose Studiengänge wie Clownskunde, Zauberei oder Ritterkunde an und sorgt dafür, das es seinen Studierenden gut geht. Das Spiel verzeiht einem viele Fehler und wird, nur selten anspruchsvoll so lagen man die Basics drauf hat und sich mit dem Bauen nicht übernimmt. Und auch wenn man sich mit seinem großzügigen Budget verkalkuliert, bietet das Spiel eine Kreditoption an, um seinen Campus zu rehabilitieren.

Soweit so einfach, ich als Perfektionist, der ein Spiel gerne zu 100% spielt, heißt Platin und DLCs, wenn welche vorhanden sind, habe mir das Ziel gesetzt jeden Campus, jeden Studiengang, jede Weiterbildung mit zu nehmen die geht. Mit erfolg, Spielzeit, wie schwer das Ganze war, und was die mieseste Trophäe war steht am ende. Ungefähr nach 20 Stunden Spielzeit, ab dem Campus mit der Ritterkunde hat man fast alles in diesem Spiel gesehen, selbst wer vor hat das Spiel casual zu genießen und sich auf die Kampagne konzentriert wird schnell merken „Das dauert hier alles länger als gedacht“. Spätestens wenn sich der Radiosender zum 10 mal wiederholt und man die ständig gleiche Moderation hört, ist das ein toller Zeitpunkt, um den Ton aus zu schalten und sich einen guten Podcast zu geben...

Was sich anfangs spaßig und simpel anfühlt entwickelt sich schnell zu langweilig und eintönig, zu den DLCs spare ich mir eine eigene Review, die waren bis auf „Schulgeister“ nervig und einfach nur More of the Same. Nostalgiker werden aber mit dem „Medizin“ DLC wohl ihre Freude haben, das schiebt die Campus Element so gut wie beiseite und ist quasi Two Point Hospital in mini.

Spielzeit: 93 Stunden (100%) +DLCs
Schwierigkeit: 4/10
Nervigste Trophäe: „Der alte Goldstandard“
(Erhalte 1 Stern auf dem Pointy Peak.)

Really good. Not as hard as Two Point Campus, but still bags of fun.

I originally played this game on my Nintendo Switch at some point in 2022 and that was an absolute nightmare. It literally crashed every 30 minutes and I constantly had to restart it. That was truly a terrible experience. It should be illegal for game companies to release games on a platform when the game is going to crash so often. Clearly it’s not ready. Eventually, I ended up playing it again on the Steam Deck and that was a much better experience. It runs so much better on the Deck than on the Switch. Platform issues aside, I enjoyed this game a lot more than Two Point Hospital. It was a bit easier to complete and didn't have as many unnecessary hurdles. There were no levels that felt unwinnable. Everything flowed nicely and seemed to make more sense to me. The achievements were not easy to earn, but they were very doable. This game retains the same humor style that made Two Point Hospital great. There is also more customization available in this game than in the previous game, but it still felt lacking to me. A lot of the rooms still turn out kind of ugly. I feel like a lot of the available styles in this game just don’t go well together. I wish there were more "normal" wallpapers and floors to choose from. I enjoy some of the crazier wallpapers every now and then, but I would also like the chance to just make some simple, stylish rooms. But that’s a more minor issue. Overall, this was a really fun game.

fun, but gets repetitive quickly

"Two Point Campus" entertained me for a few hours, but I didn't feel the urge to continue. Maybe it's the lack of emergencies to face? The gameplay can get much deeper than expected though, there's a lot of information to juggle with and choices are not always as immediate as it seems.

Two Point Campus, o segundo título da desenvolvedora Two Point, uma subsidiária da Sega. A obra é uma sequência direta em gênero e proposta do primeiro título da franquia, o famoso Two Point Hospital, nesse novo título é apresentado um simulador de Campus oferecendo um gerenciamento estratégico do negócio.

O jogador ao assumir o papel de um administrador de Campus, deve atingir certos objetivos para fazer esse Campus prosperar e dar lucro. A obra acaba por propor um simulador que leva em conta os mínimos detalhes de uma organização escolar, tem-se detalhes específicos de alunos, professores e funcionários, além de objetivos diversos que variam do tipo de universidade que se quer construir.

A obra se apresenta em fases, cada uma com o jogador podendo atingir 3 estrelas, para cada estrela há uma gama de objetivos que precisam ser realizados. Cada fase é diferente de outra, cada uma apresenta uma característica de curso principal diferente, porém os cursos complementares ficam a cargo da decisão do jogador, os cursos complementares disponíveis são aqueles apresentados nas fases anteriores. Então, por exemplo, na fase do Campus de magia, o jogador pode como curso secundário escolher o curso de gastronomia da fase 2, e/ou escolher o curso de cavaleiros da fase 4, as possibilidades adicionais ficam a gosto do gestor. Essa ideia acaba por abrir uma gama gigantesca de possibilidade de universidades, pois cada curso tem uma dificuldade específica para os alunos, uma renda anual e um tempo de duração, o jogador tem que pensar minuciosamente como controlar esses aspectos e encontrar uma combinação de cursos ideal para cada universidade a fim de concluir os objetivos da fase.

A Two Point pensa em todos os aspectos de uma universidade ao criar a obra, tudo que pode influenciar a vida no campus está presente e faz sentido no contexto expresso. Além do básico, que não deixa de ser importante, como fome, sede, a necessidade de ir ao banheiro, limpeza, etc, a obra vai além e traz a tona outros aspectos que podem ser desconsiderados em um primeiro momento mas não deixam de ter relevância, como uma mini clínica para atendimento de saúde, uma central de atendimento para saúde mental, uma academia, um sala de aulas particulares, etc. O ambiente da universidade criado pelo jogador é importante de diferentes formas, tanto para atender necessidades imediatas como para aumentar satisfação que indiretamente influencia na conclusão das fases.

Os detalhes são os toques mais importantes, cada aluno, professor e funcionário tem suas respectivas necessidades: saúde, sede, fome, necessidade de ir ao banheiro e limpeza, etc, no acúmulo de pessoas com a mesma necessidade ocorre engarrafamentos nos ambientes, então é preciso levar tudo em consideração, é necessário pensar: o que meus funcionários e alunos precisam agora?, logo o administrador deve atender a todas as necessidades. Claro, tudo isso é limitado em relação ao dinheiro disponibilizado para investir na universidade, então o planejamento é extremamente importante, é necessário focar em objetivos principais e complementá-los conforme os recursos financeiros estiverem disponíveis. Para aumentar a arrecadação tudo irá depender das notas dos alunos, alunos com notas altas rendem mais dinheiro a instituição, e ao começo de cada ano o jogador pode redefinir a anualidade de cada curso, os deixando mais caros ou baratos, obviamente influenciando diretamente na falência ou não do Campus.

É resgatado o humor que ficou característico em Two Point Hospital, ele está presente nos detalhes do Campus e dos cursos, como por exemplo os alunos pedirem para ser aberto um clube da soneca, ou como o curso de culinária que cozinha somente comidas gigantes, um curso para formar cavaleiros medievais, ou uma escola para ensinar magia, e ainda mais absurdo, um curso para formar atletas de um esporte de arremessar queijos. A obra tenta ser cômica e consegue, ao apresentar todas essas bizarrices com certa naturalidade, e essa apelação para o lúdico acaba por tirar um pouco do aspecto sério que poderia rondar a obra dado o gênero de simulação com suas diversas estratégias.

Gostei bastante da progressão da obra, a dificuldade é bem cadenciada entre as fases, cada uma exige para sua conquista diferentes aspectos, e esses aspectos acabam por muitas vezes ensinar alguma características do jogo que o jogador deixou passar, como por exemplo, aumentar o nível de prestígio da sala para que o seu funcionamento seja melhorado com a diminuição do tempo de conclusão das atividades. Além disso a progressão do escopo também é bem empregada, a cada fase há sempre uma sala e/ou mecânica nova sendo exposta e estando disponível dali pra frente nas próximas fases, como por exemplo os zeladores que lutam com invasores que ficam disponíveis depois da fase dos cavaleiros, como também nessa fase é apresentado a sala de cuidados médicos que permanecem como necessárias para as fases seguintes, ainda tem-se a sala de treinamento de funcionários liberada na fase 3, a sala de cuidados mentais da escola de magia, enfim, o ponto é que o escopo do jogo cresce conforme ocorre a progressão nas fases, isso é um elemento engajador que sempre instiga o jogador a jogar a próxima fase, pois sempre há aquela ideia: o que eu vou liberar na próxima fase? o que haverá de novo?

Ao jogar diversas fases sinto que há um momento específico nas fases entre o segundo ano e o terceiro ano que é crucial, um momento onde os primeiros alunos ainda não formaram, então o espaço para novos alunos fica congestionado e o dinheiro permanece difícil de conseguir, quando as primeiras turmas formam, todo o processo de gerenciamento fica mais simples. Nesse ponto, a crista de dificuldade é grande e para cada fase seguinte essa é mais intensificada, então acaba por ser necessário fazer uma estratégia precisa para passar esse desafio, seja pegar empréstimos, aumentar valor do curso, vender certas salas ou mesmo demitir funcionários.

Se for para apontar outro ponto negativo, eu acredito que seja a trilha sonora, essa tem muito pouco haver com o que está posto na obra. A música simplesmente não combina com aquela fase ou momento específico, me vi considerando mutar a música do jogo em diversos momentos.

Esteticamente a obra conta com um cartoon bonito e simples, que atende ao propósito direto da obra. Segue-se o modelo claro do Two Point Hospital, não há tanto problema nesse aspecto já que ele funciona como um complemento para toda a mecânica de simulação. E ainda, esse cartoon acaba por auxiliar na ideia cômica que a Two Point quer passar durante o jogo.

Concluindo, Two Point Campus é um excelente sucessor de Two Point Hospital, ele manteve os pontos positivos que estão presentes no primeiro título e acrescenta tanto outros que acabam por tornar complexo e desafiador toda a obra. Apesar de um defeito ou outro, Two Point Campus não se perde na seriedade e mantém um ar cômico e divertido, conseguindo assim apresentar o que se há de melhor nos simuladores presente no mercado.

Not as in-depth as it could be. It felt promising for the first few hours while the game is gradually introducing its mechanics, but it eventually becomes clear that all you'll be doing is adding new buildings when it tells you to, and hiring new staff when it tells you to.

None of the clever, strategic management I would expect of a game like this is required of you, nor is it possible. For example, once your campus gets large enough, there will be students complaining about having to travel long distances between classes. But, while you can view timetables, you can't change them, so you can't reschedule classes to fix the problem. And while the game will yell at you about it, there aren't really any consequences for ignoring it.

There is fun to be had here if you meet the game where it is. My issue is just that I wanted a campus management sim, but got the Sims build mode with a fun gimmick.

This game is a time-eater, I had to stop playing it for long periods because I would lose track of time while playing. Tycoons really get me hooked, and this one was no exception. It's accessible and challenging at the same time; getting one star is usually easy, but getting all three is a challenge, you have to optimize resources to the maximum. I like that the campuses get renewed in mechanics, and each one has something new. I've gotten three stars on all campuses except for three, and in those remaining three, I didn't because they removed the game from Game Pass XD. On the negative side, I miss more indicators of what you can change to improve results (for example, they never tell you that you have to put the bathrooms and showers next to the residences), and it can become monotonous, but that's intrinsic to tycoons, I would say. A good simulator to fulfill the fantasy of better management than your college XD.

good for when you have to put your brain on a hamster wheel for a bit

So good, but so laggy and when you start getting somewhere with your campuses

A pretty fun easier going sims kinda comedy business simulation game with some issues that hold it back

Just really nice looking generally and I liked the odd differences between the college. A room looks decent every time with barely any work.
Its fun to watch the sea of A rated students.
I enjoyed slowly growing the campus's over time.
I liked all the weird comedy in the game with its bizarre degrees.
Some levels mixed it up more than others in a fun way, in the spooky dlc to unlock more space you have to defeat giant ghosts with your "ghostbusters in training" students.
The game is a bit too on the easy side
Training a staff member is basically worthless due to how long it takes, Its much easier just to go to add a staff member and keep generating new staff until you get one with much better skills, then fire the previous one.
The "beauty" of the campus is dead simple to the point i'm wondering why its even there, just throw 5 or so posters in every room and it'll be 90%.
The teaching rooms aren't very well explained, you'll need items for later on for classes that it says are cosmetic only anything when you're buying them. Also it seems to speed up learning but I can't say for sure.
I can only assume the heater system in some levels is there because theme hospital had it, again dead simple.
size limit for some rooms is also a bit annoying.
Having to spend 30 minutes building every room you need for a basic school at the beginning of every level is a bit annoying.

Generally I liked it a lot but the loop started getting a bit tiring for me. i'll probably keep playing for a bit longer though.


Nunca fue tan divertido controlar la vida universitaria, y la ansiedad de los alumnos, de unos chavales. Buena secuela.

really solid management sim that succeeds in a lot of ways where Hospital felt kind of clunky or undercooked. i grew up with Theme Hospital and it's great to see the same energy return.

Two Point Campus is exactly the same as Two Point Hospital except instead of building a hospital you have to build a campus.

It's a fun management game.
On the switch oled it continues to crash, so maybe better to get on PC.

Her şey dlc olmasa daha güzel olurdu

Spent HOURS on this game and could have spent more if I wasn't stuck on the last challenge. The soundtrack and PA announcements will be stuck in my head forever.

Not entirely sure what the fanfare for these Two Point games is for, my best guess is this is what happens when fans of The Sims play something else. The only aspect of the game I find myself enjoying is the art style, which is cartoonish and bright, which really makes this game stand out from its life sim counterparts. Very average in all other aspects however, does about everything you could want a college simulation to do, minus all the unpleasant interactions with frat boys or melodramatic egirls.