Reviews from

in the past

Uma direção de arte linda com uma trilha sonora perfeita, porém falta gameplay.

O jogo sabe muito bem abordar o tema "Luto" de uma forma simples e subjetiva, utilizando sua trilha sonora e os traços do jogo para complementar isto.

Em questão de gameplay o jogo sofre. Puzzles super simples e fáceis, um ritmo de game super lento e um estilo de "Point and Click" que seria legal em 2010 em algum jogo de Navegador (JURO É TUDO EXTREMAMENTE FÁCIL NO JOGO).

A história é a coisa mais linda porém a gameplay é a coisa mais feia.

- Direção de Arte e Trilha Sonora.
- Ótima história (Uma ótima narrativa mesmo o jogo não tendo uma única linha de diálogo).

- Gameplay lenta e chata e Puzzles fáceis e bobos.

Eu juro que insisti pra tentar chegar ao final, mas o jogo é bem mais lento do que eu esperava, a história não clicou e o simbolismo se perdeu. Os puzzles até são legais, mas são tão simples e espaçados que não conseguiam dar tração a uma experiência que era pra ser pequena.

A game about loss and moving on through the power of memory. A young female musician meets another musician (an owl) and recalls her time with him from meeting to caring for in when he becomes ill. The game has simple p&c mechanics and little puzzles in a cozy hand drawn art style. Very quick game but worth checking out.

is that character a owl a man or both 🤔🤔

When the Past Was Around is a short and simple found-objects point and click game that effectively tells a touching story. The art is absolutely beautiful and the soundtrack is simple and comforting. It doesn’t explore its themes in a powerful or unique way but that doesn’t stop it from being effective.

a beautiful game about loss, grief, and being gently held by a hot owl who loves you. felt like a really good old flash game in the best way.

One of my favorite games to date. It has a beautiful story, captivating music, and amazing art. It's the perfect length, not too short but not too long. The puzzles are a little challenging but I've never been good at puzzles anyway. I'm a sucker for romance and heart wrenching stories and this one hit home. It has a bittersweet progression to it that doesn't make you feel blindsided. Will keep recommending this game to everyone, always. Definitely recommend buying the soundtrack and artbook on steam too!

short but sweet game with a heartbreaking story and beautiful visuals. i guess i just wished i liked the 'game' parts of it more.

my ass was sobbing by the time thr credits rolled

So basic, that I couldn't stop yawning. Trying to tell an emotional story, it fails to deliver in all moments. The art style does not safe it, and even only 2 hours long, I regret spending them with this game.

When The Past Was Around is a short and bittersweet narrative point-and-click puzzle game about newfound love, heartbreak and learning to move on and let go. The story is beautiful and sad, told without words, just pictures, scenes and music. It made me very emotional and got me bawling my eyes out at the end.

The soundtrack is perfect, even though a little repetitive, but it gets better near the end. I am also in love with violins and this game just made me love them even more!

I also like to point out that the other main character is an owl man, a very beautiful owl man who looks like the perfect boyfriend, which further confirms my suspicions of being a furry all along. The puzzles were relatively easy to do, so there was nothing difficult about the game.

I would 100% recommend this game to people who like emotional stories.

An emotional story that, despite its short runtime, manages to hit the nail in the head and connect with the player and make them feel what the characters are feeling. The puzzles are not that hard to figure out, but that's not what the game is about.

MAIS UM JOGO DE LIÇÕES, puzzles gostosos, sonoridade perfeita, EDA OWL MY BELOVEDSSS <3 When the Past Was Around, é muito sobre o que o próprio nome diz, é pra mostrar que quando amamos alguém, independente da perca, seja pra morte ou pras situações que a vida malucamente faz delivery, essa pessoa não nos abandona por completo, todo mundo acaba sendo composto pelas pessoas que encontra e desenvolve emoções fortes, diferente de Florence que te ensina a seguir em frente de cabeça erguida e aceitar o fim do amor, When the Past Was Around fala sobre observar o que ficou de quem foi, absorver e entender que a memória é viva mas não podemos ficar presas a elas, nos consolamos com elas, e nos tornamos livre. A história da Eda e do Owl é magnifica, fofa, e apesar de triste, libertadora

Que jogo bonitinho, historia emocionante e arte foda. Muito massa a franjudinha e o cara coruja

Just finished up When The Past Was Around, another absolutely stellar game from Mojiken and Toge. A gorgeous, heartfelt, narrative puzzler with incredible artwork and fabulous music. Can't recommend this short, memorable experience enough.

- Artwork: 5/5
- Music: 4/5
- Characters: 3/5
- Story: 5/5
- Gameplay: 4/5
- Overall: 4/5

A touching story about death and dealing with grief, featuring a beautiful art style. A bit of the symbolism was lost on me, and some of the puzzles did not feel like belong in this world.

This game would be much better appreciated by someone who knows more about love and art.

It's sad, but it's true
I'm not too good at goodbyes...

Adoravelmente triste. Joguin aqueceu meu coração de formas 😖

I don’t remember why I bought this. I think I just got it on a sale. I’ve played so many of these little indie visual novels that I’m numb to them. It’s fine and the puzzles are good but I didn’t really feel a ton towards it.

A short and bittersweet puzzler about coping with grief. A lovely soundtrack guides you through the touching two hour insight into the characters mind.

Un minijuego narrativo muy melancólico que trata el duelo. No dura casi nada, es como leer un cuentecillo, pero son las imágenes y la música, y no el texto (que no tiene), lo que acompaña la historia. Unos cuantos puzles point-and-click nos hacen avanzar por varios episodios en los que conocemos a los personajes y su historia. El arte, sencillo y suave, encaja a la perfección con el tono del juego.

Nothing in the world belongs to me, but my love mine all mine...

Sweet puzzle game revolving around love, loss and moving on. Can be finished in under 2 hours.

A rather easy puzzle adventure game. Beautiful graphics and music. The story and theme are quite common in recent indie games. a new life. came out a few months earlier and told basically the same story.

Cute & simple puzzle game that is able to tell a sad story in a short amount of time. Drawn art style and reoccurring music helps in its beautiful simplicity.

It touched me in some way, but it is way to short, I think the reception would be better if it would let us spend some more time with the characters, get to know them better and let them grow on us.