Reviews from

in the past

I think I'm just too dumb for this game

Um marco dos jogos indies da época e um ótimo puzzle plataforma até hoje.

Excelente. Jogo ainda extremamente atual, com puzzles desafiadores e inteligentes.

very cool concept and puzzles,it still holds up to this day

It is an interesting game, that speed run achievement was really challenging.

Bulmacalar bazen gereksiz zorlayıcı. Fena olmayan bir deneme. Önemli bir oyun.

A hybrid of fairly simple platforming with head scratching puzzles. You are encouraged to solve puzzles using time mechanics and platforming. By solving the puzzles, you get rewarded with more storytelling.

I did not solve all the puzzles so I didn't get the full story. It was (to me) a challenging game. I enjoy playing puzzles but this had some precise timing that made me stressed. I do feel bad that I'm moving on with this game without getting the full story. It wasn't anything against the game itself; I think it's just not exactly for me.

The game was beautiful. The mechanic to go back in time made it interesting. Each world added a new challenge to the puzzles. I thought it was really cool that when you go back in time, some songs went in reverse too. It has a lot of love into it.

An all-time indie classic, and deservedly so. One of my all-time favorite puzzle platforms, essentially birthing my love for the genre. Doesn't get five stars because the story was too abstract / pretentious for me... and just not very good

Juego de puzzles y plataformas con un apartado artistico y una música geniales, y mecanicas muy entretenidas.

Los puzzles se me han hecho pesadísimos, pero sorprende con la trama.

I went back to play Braid recently after having some fond memories of playing it 15-years ago (as hard as I find that to believe). I still loved the pastel art-style, and the soundtrack is amazing. I got a super cozy vibe when I was playing. However, in terms of the actual gameplay, the puzzle-solving was a lot more frustrating than I remember. I did still enjoy the time reversal system and the way you use it to solve puzzles.
When it's clicking, it can be a very rewarding experience. However, there were many puzzle pieces that I simply just gave up on out of sheer frustration, which ultimately ended up leading to me walking away from the game. I couldn't figure out if the issue was that I was just incompetent (very likely) or if I was supposed to come back with an ability-upgrade to finish them later, and I couldn't recall from my previous venture in 2009. I also feel like the game didn't do a good job of making that clear either.

Ultimately, I feel like with the strides that indie games have made over the last decade, the gameplay in Braid just didn't age as well as I had hoped. Still, from a visually and musically artistic perspective, it still shines.

Mario+Pop little indie puzzle game. It has had a huge influence on the medium

The best incel game since Hitman Blood Money

Where is the anniversary edition?

I remember playing the demo over and over as a kid. It was so pretty and unique. I was so onboard. Once I finally got the full game, it was pretty tough to beat some of the levels/get the keys. I think this was one of the first games that I had looked up solutions on for particularly difficult levels. It started to get less "fun" for me as it was less about platforming challenges and more about trial and error rewinding. The funniest memory about this game is the indie game movie scene. Soulja Boy playing the game with his friends while the developer reacts- too funny.

Played it for the first time recently and it still holds up for what it is. Hellman's graphics make the already inspired world of braid into something incredible and otherworldly.

Concepto sencillo explotado al máximo que acompaña una historia atípica, aunque he de decir que, cuando miré en internet los textos del verdadero final, me pareció demasiado compleja.

Los puzzles son lo suficientemente complejos como para dejarte un rato pensando, pero no demasiado para sentirlos injustos o enrevesados.

Entiendo que en su momento fue un indie low-cost que marcó nuevos precedentes, pero jugándolo actualmente, tampoco lo noto tan sobresaliente como la gente lo suele pintar. Es un juego que cumple con lo esperado, sin más.

this shit stupid as hell man

Maybe the real Braid was the friends we made along the way... also something something atom bomb?

Puzzle mechanics were cool, but nothing really stuck with me

Very creative, I discovered the maker of Braid and follow him to the next game The Witness which I also did not manage to finish.

Un gran juego, a nivel visual, musical y jugable. También tiene el honor (junto con otros, como Cave Story o Super Meat Boy) de abrir las puertas del videojuego indie, de hacer ver las auténticas joyas que pueden desarrollar estudios independientes.

Another game that I play one level and then abandon for 2 months! Tbf this is definitely a great game even though I couldn't get into playing it conistently.

Non ho voglia di fare la speed run

An extremely impressive game at the time of release and the one that made most people aware of "indie" games. These days it's not that special and Jonathan Blow is a huge weirdo.