Reviews from

in the past

Gameplay: 4.5
Art Style: 5
Story/Lore: 4
System: 4.5
Chracter: 4
Total: 4.4

Best metroidvania you can find, seriously the game is hard but it's also rewarding, there are a lot of things to unlock and the DLCs add a great bunch of content

Good movement, fluid gameplay, and some neat bosses. I played it on the switch and I'm still thinking about buying it for PC. I am always tempted to have it in my steam library. Maybe the next sale

i think this is on the top 3 rogue lites games ever made.

bom combate, infelizmente é roguelike

Logging after credits but may continue on. Found extremely hard to put down like it’s two closest contemporaries (Hades, and Rogue Legacy). Just feels so good to play and love the way it looks and sounds. Probably due to my inability, find a few too many runs DOA.

This wasn't the first time I played Dead Cells, but it was certainly the time I put the most effort into exploring it to the fullest. The other times (without any DLC added), I remember struggling a lot to progress, dying a lot, and only defeating the Clock Tower boss. This time (with all available DLCs), it seems like the game was more enjoyable, more fun to play, and much smoother.

As a Roguelite, dying is part of the journey, and here death is very punitive and frustrating since in Dead Cells attempts are quite long, challenging, and to reach certain points you not only need time but also skill and knowledge of the path you're taking.

The paths, with DLCs included, are quite varied and interconnect in a cool way to explore and get to know, but I recognize that without the DLCs, doing the same path can be torturous, since for me, even with the additional content included, there comes a point where the path becomes repetitive, as they all lead to the same endings, and the variation is significant, but not enough to keep you from getting bored.

The game has a huge variety of enemies, weapons, and powers, which surprised me a lot. Each weapon and its combinations with powers completely change the way you have to behave to move forward. The bosses are cool but they can be repetitive and there are few compared to the enemies in the stages.

The gameplay is very well done, canceling combos with rolling is perfect, there are passive powers that you can choose during the run that also change the way gameplay flows.

The game also offers skins for clothes and headwear (I personally didn't unlock any that changed my head), they are VERY cool. The one referencing Hotline Miami was my favorite and the one I used for a long time, but besides that, there are others that reference other games (besides items that also reference).

There are boss fight modes, daily challenges, and training, which are very well done and are cool to vary from the same things in normal mode.

The achievements give you non-explicit objectives that help with the fun as a whole, and they include killing enemies in specific ways, killing bosses with specific outfits, finding secret places, and killing bosses without taking damage.

Dead Cells as a whole is repetitive but not to the point of preventing me from playing it completely several times, punitive, frustrating but also very good. Its characters are charismatic even though they don't speak much, the story is told in a subtle and well-done way, the gameplay is a very strong point besides the variations of weapons and enemies, definitely a game that I recommend (but please, get the DLCs along with it).

Hands down my favorite roguelike; amazing developers who have updated the game far-beyond what is expected. Having barely stopped short of beating 5bc, still feel like I can give this a perfect rating as there is just SO much replayability.

Starts out very slow. Dying is required a lot. Very fun once you have a build and mutations you are going for mid-late game. First metroidvania rogue-like completed. Satisfied i pushed through slow parts (repeating).

El vicio que pillé con este juego me hizo comprarme otros metroidvanias, todavía no los he jugado porque siempre volvía a jugar a este.

Roguelike + Metroidvania = Perfeição

La DA est superbe, les musiques sympas et le gameplay agréable. J'aime la difficulté, mais je ne pense pas que j'aurai la foi d'aller jusqu'en cellule 5.

Love to do the same thing over and over


Outro roguelike legal, focado mais em combate, com osts boas e bosses difíceis.

É bem legal se você gosta de desbloquear MUITAS coisas.

As DLCs são legais mas acho muito caras, especialmente a última (de castlevania) que é provavelmente a pior.

Ótimo roguelike porém a dificuldade disso aqui me irrita um pouco as vezes

Um jogo muito bom, realmente, mas achei um pouco repetitivo depois de zerar.

Very cool action/metroidvania/roguelite game

A really fun and unique roguelike, amazing gameplay, animations and sprites, the art is gorgeous, the soundtrack is also insanely good. The level design is very pleasant in its kind of "metroidvania" style. It's really cool.

this game is really hard and punishing, but because everything is so fast and the controls feel great it never feels like the game is at fault,
there are a ton of weapons to choose from which all feel pretty unique from eachother, different areas to go to and different bosses you can fight, easily in my top 3 roguelike/roguelites of all time

I really enjoyed my time with this game. It is probably the most roguelite title I've played. I loved how every single weapon felt, but I ended up gravitating more towards some of my favourites like the Balanced Blade or the Twin Daggers. Game is really balanced with pretty much all the builds but I did feel that for how the game is structured, the Survival weapons didn't quite match for me into the essence of the game. Also I would've enjoyed if the different weapon types had more distinct passive effects.

Enemy variety is great, specially if you count the DLC. It would've been nice if the game told you at some point in the tutorial that, the more you kill, the more damage you do and the more speed you have, since, when I started playing I took it in a more conventional roguelike way, carefully. I like the general upgrades you get when you spend cells but I feel like there were not enough of them. I usually tend to purchase the upgrades that will give me the most value for the long run, and since, most of the upgrades were simply to unlock new weapons, I was a bit underwhealmed, specially considering that it is a roguelite.

Art is really well made, though I thought that, for the intended gameplay of speed in the game, the camera would be placed a little bit further from the character.

Music was very nice and story did it's job. I really enjoyed my time with this game.

A near-perfect rougelike. Impossibly difficult, incredibly replayable, impressively fluid, and absolutely beautiful.

Really good roguelike with an intriguing world. There is a lot of depth, especially with all the DLC. I am not a fan of every aspect of the game, but many of those I am not a fan of are because I could not fully grasp them. I don't think it's a fault of the game itself.

I love the implementation of Metroidvania elements into this. The mix of elements made the experience more rich. There was an addictive gameplay loop that made the majority of the game fun to play. Some areas are annoying, but you don't need to go there every time. Overall a really fun roguelike and great dlc.

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A perfect rogue like that is so much fun to return to year after year. Wonderful fluid gameplay and satisfying combat design.

exceptional action platformer. incredibly addictive, incredibly satisfying, incredibly hard.

único roguelike que me prendeu, muito divertido e com um conteúdo insanamente grande
só acho que não vale o preço cheio se for contar as dlc's, devia ser mais barato