Reviews from

in the past

Builds upon the first game so much with frantic gameplay and combo chaining, one of my favorite games ever!

For now the game feels amazing; the aesthetics are good, the story is good (but confusing), and the controls are amazing even for a PSVita. The soundtrack is a banger too

1 defeito que é a dificuldade bizarra que fica depois de um tempo mas ainda sim muito bom e a historia tarantiníca é daora

Violência com uma OST bala 2

Tao bom quanto o primeiro, bang pa krlh

i like to kill people in games and blood

Tiene buena banda sonora, no jugué al primero, así que no puedo decir que tan bueno es con el primero.

gosto mais do que o primeiro, não é meu estilo de jogo mas mesmo assim me conquistou

jotkut vois sanoo cringeks mut ite tykkään

I prefer the level design of this game, HM1's is great but for me this one is better and is more fun to make combos here.

Extremely disappointing sequel. I think I enjoyed like maybe one level. Finally had to just give up on the last level. Just was not enjoying it at all.

alright first of all this game has one of the best soundtracks of all time. its unbeliveable. on the other hand it is far more frustrating than 1 with many missions that took exceedingly stupid lengths of time to finish. the story is convoluted, difficult to follow, a bit pretentious, and full of symbolism. exactly the kind of story i love. theres a lot to unpack here and a lot of it reveals what dennaton think about game sequels, violence in games, fame, and more. characters are all memorable and represent the various types of people who played 1, which the levels reflect accordingly. story has several huge gut-punches and one of the most crushingly bleak final levels and endings ive ever encountered. theres many moments where the adrenaline is so fucking high that you will need some fuckin valium to calm down (see death wish). overall its a great game with a lot of highlights but fuck if it didnt leave me frustrated.

i beat this shit on hard mode, and all I got was some lousey quote about war in the credits :(

Puede que sea skill issue, pero a mí este juego me pareció injusto, no desafiante. Tenés enemigos que te disparan desde la otra punta del mapa que NO PODÉS VER EN PANTALLA, no es que estén escondidos, es que no tenés oportunidad de verlos venir. Los niveles llegan a tener hasta 3 fases sin ningún tipo de guardado, lo que me gustaba del primero es que los niveles eran cortos, así que si te lograbas hacer un nivel te ibas a descansar satisfecho, pero aquí llegas a la 3ra pantalla y estás obligado a terminarla porque sino perdiste todo el progreso de las otras dos pantallas al salirte.

Algo bueno del juego es que me gustan las distintas máscaras con distintas habilidades y obvio la estética y OST siguen siendo muy buenos.

Story didn't work for me at all and game felt a bit more frustrating and less fun than the original. Music is still just as great as the first.

Game didn't really live up to the first one in my honest humble opinion. I guess the story didn't quite catch me as much as the previous one did. And the mission design felt different, hard to explain but i didn't really get the same level of enjoyment.

woke type game i hate you!!! im going to keep killing people sorry!

hotline miami if it sucked

8.3 is just 1 but with better gameplay and a weaker OST and the story in this game is so confusing to the point that I just gave up but still better then one's story in a way but still enjoyed It

One of my favorites. Always go back and play scene 19 House Call whenever I’m in the mood. “Yeah, but I didn’t sign up to be no hero, rescuing women and shit. That’s not my thing. I just want some action.”

Frenetic shooting action, highly recommended. A nice sequel, a bit harder than the original as well. With a psychedelic ending.

This game is insane, insanely frenetic, amazing soundtrack , astonishing visuals and style and the story is amazing , I cant explain how good this is but holy fuck

Cara, o único defeito desse jogo como sequencia é o level design ter muitas fases abertas onde tu morre por tiros off scream, tirando isso á historia é uma continuação quase que perfeita e todas ás mudanças na gameplay são muito fodas e á OST desse é ainda melhor que á do 1

Core gameplay is really not good - unfair, bad level design. Made up by the outstanding story, even if it seems initially confusing and convoluted.