Reviews from

in the past

Pretty good Kirby game, nothing amazing compared to the other entries in the series though. I felt the lack of collectibles in the levels outside of the spheres took away from it for me, I would have preferred dress-up masks be collected like Keychains in Triple Deluxe or Stickers in Robobot, instead of tied to the mini-games.

Magalor's Epliogue elevated my overall rating a good bit, it was a bit short but such a fun experience. Nintendo keep nailing it with these extra side modes in their ports.

Great experience, still a TON more to do. 8/10

Never played the original, but this remastered is pretty good. I felt like very tired when I was close to the final, because the levels are too long compared to previous Kirby games. A strenght of the game is the variety of trasformation and moves that you can do. Also the multyplayer aspect and the minigames are pretty solid.

I prefered, unexpectedly, the Magolor story that was added in this chapter exclusive on Nintendo Switch. Levels are really short but fun to play, they fit really well in a portable console (not good to do in Wii version). The possibilities and variety of Magolor's power are incredible and development of those are really fun to obtain.

I recommend this game to the original game fans, the story of Magolor is worth buying and original. The base game is a classic Kirby (before Forgotten Land) nothing more, nothing less.

Straight forward Kirby game. Way better than Star Alies. I found it to be way more fun playing with three other people.

Kinda disappointed actually, I really loved this game as a kid, but now? So sluggish and easy, and you can only really be a good game while being one of those things not both. As proven by the very fun Magalor Epilogue which is easy but fun due to it's snappy pacing.

This will be the second time I played this game, after having beaten it the first time it came out all those years ago. With Kirby games, I find that returning to many of their adventures can be a hit or miss, either still very enjoyable like with Super Star Ultra, or disappointing, like with Star Allies. In this case, I'm happy to say that it is the former... though with a couple of caveats.

I doubt most people playing a Kirby game care about anything other than content and gameplay so let's just jump into that. There is a lot of content to sink your teeth into, both returning and completely new, so you won't find yourself lacking things to do for a while. There are challenge rooms, minigames, missions, masks to collect, powers to use, an entirely new post-game side story, and most of the content from the original game.

The gameplay is also engaging, as the controls are responsive and it just feels fun to play as Kirby or any of his friends. In the original game, the Co-op was such a pivotal part of this game's identity, and playing through many of the stages with Co-op it was still a great time.

This leads to my biggest flaw with the game. In order to access a lot of the new and engaging content, you are required to beat the story mode once. For any experienced players, you will know that Kirby games can be almost mind-numbingly easy and this is still the case here. Getting to the new and challenging content felt boring after a while.

Overall the game is good, and I do recommend this to players who want an easy time, or to introduce platformers to new players. For the experienced crowd, there still is something for you however you will have to slog through it a bit.

Simple, fun, silly (with a touch os cosmic horrors at the final boss), this is what I expect from a kirby game. And may I say that this one delivers as expected.
The stages are kinda short, but that was a positive point in my opinion. I probably wouldn't have liked it if I played solo, but I had lots of fun playing it with a childhood friend (André).

My 3,5 stars rating on this shouldn't read as me saying it's a bad game. It's just a regular one. It delivers as expected, but it also does not bring anything new to the table, and even if I considered the time when the original game was originally released (2011), this would still be true.

Anyway. Not a lot to talk about this one, honestly. But it's worth the playtrough if you can lend it from a friend or play together with someone :)

Really don't know what else to say except I love Kirby. I tend to play Kirby games when I'm in a rough mental place, and I started this one for that reason. I had an absolute blast, and actually was compelled enough to go back and 100% levels, which is not something I typically do with any games. I even played minigames! Me, a professed minigame hater!

I do feel like I was spoiled, in a way, that my first two Kirby Games were Epic Yarn and Forgotten Land, while this one feels more of a predictable Kirby Game. But god, it was fun, and it made me smile when very little else could.

I decided to save the Magolor levels for the next time I need a pick-me-up, so I look forward to checking those out in the future!

Absolutamente fenomenal.

Eles conseguiram, pegaram um jogo que já era praticamente perfeito e lapidar de um jeito que só a HAL sabe. Mas já era esperado, é Kirby, do Kumazaki ainda por cima. Mas eaí? O que ele tem acima da versão do wii?

A movimentação é a mesma, anda, corre, pula, slide e flutua. Kirby nunca foi exemplo de ser um platformer de velocidade tal como Mario ou Mega Man, mas sempre foi muito dinâmico. O remake trás um fast-fall parecido com o de Smash o que dá um pouco mais de dinamismo nas fases que exigem um pouco mais de precisão. Uma reclamaçãozinha que tenho é que aumentaram o hit-stop dos golpes UM TIQUINHO, coisa pouca, coisa que só um otário viciado tipo eu iria perceber e reclamar que afeta o fluxo de um jogo que é inerentemente mais lento que a maioria dos outros jogos do gênero. De resto tá tudo intacto. Se quiser movimentação um pouco mais rápida vai ter que esperar até aparecer o Ninja ou Wing (ou usar o Meta Knight).
Puxando o gancho das copy abilities, as duas novas adições são muito bem-vindas. Sand é bem mais criativo que boa parte dos outros elementos e MECH É SIMPLESMENTE GUNDAM, O QUE É FENOMENAL. Eu não conseguia conter meu sorriso enquanto jogava. Sair do forgotten land e ir pra esse te faz apreciar o quão rica é a gama de golpes das habilidades da série 2D, e lembra o quanto isso faz um pouco de falta no ambiente tridimensional do novo, e consequentemente, dos futuros jogos da série.
Ainda na gameplay, revisitar o level design do RTDL sempre é uma delicia, Kumazaki é um safado, ele tem umas sacadas nos micro puzzles de cada fase que tiram o tédio do andar e bater. O otário aqui sempre vai cair naquele puzzle que esmaga...
A dificuldade é... o que você esperaria de um jogo do Kirby, as vezes chega a ser ofensivo o nível de dificuldade na primeira campanha. Mas de prache, o jogo compensa com um pós-game, arena e epílogo que oferecem uma dificuldade decente.
A gimmick não mudou nada. As Ultra Abilities sempre foram um Show Off bem monótono desde o Wii, não muda muito aqui, mas uma nova animação de início e efeitos mais refinados ajudam na dose de adrenalina que vem nesses segmentos eventuais.

Indo para o que importa, o epílogo é maravilhoso. Kirby sempre teve um "problema" esquisito de passing na movimentação, dificuldade e até combate até certo ponto. Digo problema entre aspas pois não é nada que agride a qualidade da franquia. Só são pontos minunciosos que diferenciam ele de um platformer um pouco mais hardcore. Não tem nenhum desses problemas nesse epílogo. Controlar o magolor é rápido e intuitivo por conta do air drift e dashs do magolor.
A dificuldade é bem digna e nada insultante como boa parte dos segmentos de Kirby, early game é bem desafiador e late game (se você não upar muito) é um baita desafio. E o combate é estupidamente divertido e encoraja muito a versatilidade. Por ser combo based ele segue a filosofia de design que o Kamiya bolou lá em 2001 com Devil May Cry 1: Bata pra caralho, com estilo, não repita golpes, não perca o rítmo e ganhe um score bom. Assim dá pra sentir que a curva de aprendizado e o senso de conquista é muito mais palpável que a maioria dos outros jogos. Contribuí bastante que as mecanicas são gradativamente sendo apresentadas por meio do level design exímio HAL Lab.
Como é um modo bem curtinho, o sistema de skill tree completa bem rápido, tudo funciona na medida e dosagem certa. Se fosse maior, seria muito enjoativo considerando que o moveset do magolor, apesar de bem completo e versátil, é apenas um.
Quanto a história, gostei da proposta desde que foi anunciado e achei interessante o twist. Achei meio brisa e tals, não sou mto fã do Kirby Clash mas passo um pano e confio no plano do Kumazaki, pra ele expandir o multiverso é dois palitos...
Eu digo e repito... tenho CERTEZA que esse sistema de combos/skill tree etc. é zona de testes pra um futuro jogo "hack n' slash". E POR FAVOR QUE SEJA UM JOGO DO META KNIGHT, PUTA MERDA SE FOR ISSO EU EXPLODO. Se for 3D melhor ainda...

Não vou falar muito do Magoland, não é lá muito a minha praia. Acho legal isso ser o ultimate Mario Party dos Kirbys mas não é o tipo de requisito de platina mais apelativo pra mim, é coisa minha, não descarto o fato que isso é FODA PRA KRL.

Graficamente é um jogo bem polêmico, e já adiantando, eu gostei da nova cara, tá? Gosto muito de como o jogo era na época do Wii mas aqui está lindo de uma forma diferente, é mais vibrante, os cenários são mais detalhados e coloridos. Eu prefiro bastante algo novo, se for fazer um remake, QUE MUDE, o original ainda está lá, se quiser voltar e jogar o do Wii ele não saiu do lugar. Mas não dá pra ignorar que de fato a outline é tão low res que parece que saiu do Smash do 3DS...
Ademais, adorei a repaginada, cenários novos, alguns modelos novos, as cutscenes receberam um upgrade, o design do Dedede parece o wide neck daquele meme de 2019 mas tudo bem. É um jogo graficamente agradável. Ansioso para os próximos remakes.

ADOREI A OST REPAGINADA, MUITAS TRACKS TEM MAIS PESO AGORA. Rtdl tem uma das OSTs mais nostalgicas pra mim, ver ela recebendo um tratamento especial deixa o meu Samsung Music/Youtube Vanced bem feliz!
Obrigado Hirokazu Ando e Jun Ishikawa!

RTDL Deluxe é um prato CHEIO nesse enorme rodízio anual que é ser um fã de Kirby. Agrada todo tipo de fã da série, é uma ótima porta de entrada, e me deixa bem esperançoso para um eventual remake do Triple Deluxe e Planet Robobot.

best Kirby game you can't change my mind

Never played the wii version and was excited to finally play it, I dont get the hype

its like the first one but better and still as nostalgic to me

soy un pequeño maricon tonto y travieso

Every Kirby game is a majestic Kirby game.

Estos juegos son serotonina pura y un lugar cómodo al que volver cada vez que sacan uno nuevo, aunque sea un remake.

Kirby Return to Dream Land Deluxe is a fun game that is the typical Kirby sidescroller.

This is the upgraded remaster of the original Return to Dreamland on Wii.

The gist of the story is, a Wizard named Magalor crash lands on Planet Popstar on his ship. Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee, Meta Knight, and King Dedede are hanging out when they see Magalor's ship crash. Magalor gives a quick gist at what happened to him, the 4 headed Dragon Landia shot his ship down after a great battle. Magolor needs you to travel Popstar to different lands in order to collect the missing ship pieces that broke off.

Kirby and Co help Magalor get his ship pieces back in 5 different lands. After getting all main pieces of the ship, Magalor takes Kirby and the gang to Halcandra.

After going through Egg Engines land, and Dangerous Dinners they finally fight Landia the 4 headed Dragon with 1 head having 4 crowns, after Landia takes too much damage, it splits apart into 4 dragons.
Kirby finally learns the truth that Magolor wasn't randomly attacked by the 4 Landia dragons, he was trying to get the crown, after successfully putting on the crown Magolor travels to cosmos in order to destroy Popstar and rule the universe. Kirby and co are helped by the 4 Landia Dragons in order to defeat Magolor EX, after this the true aspect of the Crown is revealed when Magolor soul is corrupted by the crown, making Kirby destroy Magolor. The game ends with Kirby and co returning to dreamland seeing the Lor Starcutter (Magolor's ship) and the 4 Landia dragons fly off into the cosmos.

There is a bonus epilogue where Magolor redeems himself by going through the dark dimension in order to regain his powers and reconstruct a Gem apple. After he does so the Gem Apple is corrupted by the Crown turning into a the Master Crown, a giant demonic apple tree. After Magolor defeats it, the crown is destroyed... allowing a portal for Magolor to escape the dark dimension... allowing Magolor to complete his redemption arc. Taking the apple with him and planting it in Dream Kingdom allowing for more Gem apples to grow.

Magalor redeems himself, and decides to become a business tycoon, making him become a business owner of Magolor land, and also being the Manager for Super Kirby Clash, officially canonizing it and Galacta Knight.

The game has 7 worlds with 4/5 levels within each, with boss stage. So for the most part for the main game you get 5 level (4 traversal + 1 Boss) for 3 of the worlds, for the next 5 worlds you get 6 levels (5 traversal levels + 1 Boss).

The power ups in the game are:

- Beam - Magic wand
- Bomb - BOOM!
- Crash (Insta-kill all enemies on screen when used - 1 time use when obtained)
- Cutter - Boomerang
- Fighter - Punches and kicks
- Fire - Fire breath
- Hammer - SMASH!
- Hi-Jump - Hi jump that causes a small quick flight
- Ice - Ice breath and skating
- Leaf - leaves...
- Mike - Microphone shout
- Needle - Spikes
- Ninja - Sword and throwing Kunais
- Parasol - Umbrella that helps you float down and attack within... generic and boring
- Sleep - Sleeps and restores health
- Spark - Electricity
- Stone - Turn to stone/statutes
- Sword - SLASH!
- Tornado - Mini Tornado
- Water - Water breath
- Whip - WHIP!
- Wing - Fly like a bird
- Festival (Insta-kill all enemies on screen when used - 1 time use when obtained)

And there are 5 Super Abilites:

- Flare Beam - Giant energy ball that floats on screen via player control.
- Grand Hammer - Giant hammer that gets bigger depending on how you move the joystick
- Monster Flame - Kirby summons a fire dragon to fly across the screen quickly.
- Snow Bowl - Kirby becomes a giant rolling snowball
- Ultra Sword - Giant Sword Slash

In Magolor's Epilogue it mainly works as Magalor restoring his abilites after going through levels in the dark dimension.
Throughout said levels and combos, you can upgrade his energy spheres, and dash!

Levels play out like this:

Get from point A to Point B, fight a miniboss occasionally on levels. Along the way throughout the levels, collect gear spheres scattered throughout all levels (120 in total in the entire game). After doing that 4 or 5 times depending on the world you fight a boss with Kirby a special ability (if in co-op you play as BANDANA WADDLEDEE, META KNIGHT, KING DEDEDE with their unique playstyles)

If you collect all gear spheres you unlock challenge mode in Magolor's ship that has you use specific abilities pertaining to the door associated with said ability. Essentially you go through the challenges by defeating all enemies and collecting all coins for a high score of either Bronze, Silver, or Gold rank, and if you're a perfectionist speedrunner, PLATINUM!

The gear spheres also unlock multiplayer minigames for you and your friends to enjoy on either Magolor's ship or via Magolor Land! Here in Magolor land you can unlock a bunch of Masks for kirby to wear of different characters, both hero and villians like: Dark Meta Knight, Galacta Knight, Morpho Knight, Marx, etc.

There is also the Arena mode that essentially works like a boss rush mode having you fight different bosses depending on the difficulty chosen it features stronger versions of ingame bosses as well as special variation bosses. And a secret boss, GALACTA KNIGHT!

Overall I enjoyed my time with Kirby Return to Dreamland deluxe, it's a very fun game that works both single player, multiplayer when going through the main game. Magolor's Epilogue is a great addition adding more to the kirby lore and making Super Kirby Clash Canon. I'll be honest I didn't check out Magolor Land too much since I don't have friends who want to play the multiplayer mode... and certainly because they don't want to use the joycons for said minigames lol.
The arena is a fun boss rush.


I think overall as a remaster, it's the definitive way to play Kirby's Return to Dreamland! However I'm giving it a 4 out of 5 stars because while the levels were distinct, they did get repetitive, and while storywise I liked Magolor's Epilogue and I love his gameplay and abilites... his levels needed more uniqueness, they all felt he same and felt like the development team didn't know what else to do to make his levels unique.

Still I recommend Kirby's Return to Land Deluxe to anyone looking for more Kirby! Thanks.

Kirby makes me smile.
Magolor is my favorite gremlin.
Good game.

Magolor qui vient en clutch
(dommage qu'il faille faire le jeu 2 fois pour finir à 100%)

Better than the original in every way, except I like the original music better

I like this game a lot. i love you kirball. sorry for not playing your games

RtDL Deluxe is prime Kirby, it's influence can be tracked in the three mainline games that follow it. The controls are satisfying, the graphics and music are well made, and the level design is excellent as always. I would recommend any Kirby game, but this one is certainly high up in the rankings.

Kinda like Kirby Super Star and Kirby's Adventure mixed together, with 4-player. Which led me to first think of the game as having no identity, but I retried it years later and ended up having a very different second opinion. Now I really like it.