Reviews from

in the past

This game rules. The checkpoint system sucks, but you can just restart the level. It's not a huge deal.

This is an overall really good game that I would recommend checking out. The gunplay feels really nice with all of the weapons feeling and sounding really beefy as you'd expect, plus the enemies are all well designed and fun to fight (except for the Slayers). My biggest gripe with this game has to go to the Nexus Points which unfortunately trivialize any difficulty the game would've had. This is due to the fact that when you respawn at them, all of the enemies you killed stay dead. Other than that and the weapon grid feeling a little clunky at times, the game is really fun to control and the combat is great.

It gets an 8/10 overall.

its like doom but you can look up

It's a good game! 'Oldschool' shooter, way better than Boltgun - the level design is on another level, more variety, cool weapons. Pixel enemies are cool. It's almost an 8/10, but hey, Doom Eternal is 8/10. Bought it for the community levels — extended the fun a bit. But the core gameplay loop is a bit too easy, and the checkpoint system is weird (death has no consequence)

Better than Doom 2016. It feels like the first act of something greater

I haven’t beaten it, as I’ve taken a break from it. Plan to go back as it is damn fun.

Avrei messo 4 stelle ma dura più del dovuto, cosa che mi ha fatto ammosciare il cazzo ad una certa

Excellent Doom-like qui brille par son style graphique superbe. Le feeling des armes est excellent et certaines offrent des possibilités jouissives et originales notamment le fusil à plasma qui permet de marque un ennemi ou une surface pour que les tirs s'y dirigent ou bien le shotgun automatique dont les tirs peuvent ricocher. Les boss sont quasi absents malheureusement mais la qualité des niveaux compense largement. le déroulement de l'histoire est incompréhensible même si on s'en fout dans un jeu comme ça on aimerait au moins comprendre comment les niveaux s'enchainent et pourquoi. Les nombre d'armes et le mapping des touches est parfois un défaut car certaines armes n'apportent pas grand chose et plusieurs armes sont assignées à la même touche du clavier. La variété d'ennemis est pauvre avec notamment des recolors bleus qui sont les mêmes ennemis en plus résistants. La fin du jeu est assez décevante en comparaison au reste, pas de boss, un niveau qui consiste simplement en une arène dans laquelle on affronte plusieurs vague d'ennemis. Au final, un fps excellent, très nerveux avec des armes jouissives et des ennemis qu'on prend plaisir à massacrer mais qui à de nombreux petits défauts qui teintes l'expérience.

Fun and polished DOOM clone. I haven't actually played original DOOM yet but I can say it plays similarly to DOOM 2016. The only problem is that DOOM 2016 is way better than this game in every metric. The graphics and gunplay are great but DOOM does it better, along with stronger ambience and more intensity.

I played this game on MS Game Pass, it's leaving soon and this game is definitely good enough that I'd normally go ahead and complete it but I'm playing too many other good games right now to dedicate time to this.

It's solid but ultimately I'm never going to go out of my way to finish this game unless I can pick it up real cheap.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for November 2023, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before December 5th, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Doom 2020.

As I played Prodeus I couldn’t help myself, this is a game that screams Doom’s name as it emulates the king of all shooters so hard, and yet, that’s me praising Prodeus. The levels look great, the music got my blood pumping, and the enemies while taken from Doom look awesome. This feels like a version of the original Doom done in the modern era, with a similar-sized team. This just gave me flashbacks to 30 years ago when I was running around Phobos and Deimos for the first time, just having the most awesome time blasting enemies through a variety of levels. Prodeus is a boomer shooter that also seems to remind people why this genre is popular rather than trying to reinvent the wheel at every turn.

I wish I could end there, but Prodeus does have some issues. There’s almost no difficulty in the early levels. I played on Medium and rarely went below 90 percent health and armor. On Ultra Hard, the hardest difficulty level, I had almost no death the entire third level, and the respawn system will trivialize the difficulty I think. I’ve heard the game does get harder after what people call the first world, but experienced players won’t be too challenged.

Pick this up if you were ever a fan of the original Doom, this lives up to the original incarnation, and that’s about as much praise as I can give. I’d have to play more but I could even see giving this a nod over Doom Eternal, as sacrilegious as that is to say. I like it that much.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Great looking and feeling game with a somewhat lacking enemy variety and a shotgun with the most pathetic range I've ever seen.
Cool level design that loops on itself and makes you backtrack through the same places while changing their geometry and filling them with enemies again to make it fresh, and somehow never ends up feeling like you're just retreading your steps.
Wish it would be more popular; there are only like three custom campaigns made for the game and one of them is broken due to changes introduced by the 1.0 version.
I should finish it one day.

Great level design and combat unfortunately undermined by a boneheaded "checkpoint" system that respawns you without losing any progress in the level (enemies that you killed already stay dead). It's being removed as an option as a later update though so I'll update this later when the elder veil comes out.

A very well put together retro shooter with not only clear inspiration but a clear vision
everything about the game is well rounded and enjoyable, my only real complaint is the length, it ended way to early for how good it is
hope that new dlc expansion is good

Fun weapons and DOOMy level design and enemies, but the early access and spread out design of it is a little tell-tale, with easier and gimmicky levels in the latter half padding it after a more naturally ascending level of difficulty. I still liked it enough that a future episode could be potentially interesting.

Абсолютно тупоголовый шутан для тех, кому за 80. Никакой глубины геймплея тут не ждите, всё предельно просто: ходи, стреляй, еби гусей. От такого скучно становится после первого часа игры, разбавляют всё это довольно солидные арсенал и бестиарий. Хотя и тут не без минусов - пушками особо не пожонглируешь, так как тут не колесо выбора оружия, как в Doom: Eternal, а архаичная поебота из старпёрских шутеров, типа Сэма или Кваки. Нажми четыре раза "3", чтобы переключиться на нормальный дробовик, бля.
Короче, на любителя штука.

A fun mix of classic and new Doom. More fun than the former, nowhere nearly as good as the latter, not that much could hope to be. All of the guns feel satisfying and the maps are fun to explore. The blood is a little much, sometimes it obscures the action.

loved the look and atmosphere + music. the rotating sprites are a wonderful touch

not a huge fan of the unlock system or the weapon and enemy variety, quite a bit of strange design choices... maybe they were just too adamant to diverge from the source material and made changes haphazardly? that's how it felt at least.

there's some "story" to be had here, but the main thread is the changes in locale. would have loved for the variation that comes towards the end to be introduced a bit earlier, as I was already halfway out the door by the time the big changes occured

maybe i'll revisit it? not in a big rush

Really great modern-era boomer shooter. Even better in co-op

I didn't expect much going into this game, but exceeded my expectations.

It takes all the best parts of the Doom games and puts its own spin on them. They take the movement from Doom Eternal and the gameplay from Doom (2016) while having an art style that has a modern and retro feel.

Prodeus looks great, sounds great and feels great. The levels are really fun, and you get a lot of different weapons to play around with.

With that being said, I do think it lacks its own personality. This may sound vague, but Dusk for example sets itself apart from Quake.

With that being said this is one of the better indie boomer shooters and you're doing yourself a disservice not playing it.

fast, not much variation to gameplay & the default style is a little too jank for the kind of game its trying to be but cant go wrong with doom-like fps

boomer shooters are hard to properly get right and prodeus ALMOST gets it right in my eyes. if it had more color besides the effects, or had a better ending sequence, it'd get a 10, probably.

Eye candy graphics and weapons were very good even though I didn't even unlock the most fun weapons. Will come back when the DLC drops.

Really fun game. The best way I would describe this game is it's a retro version of Doom 2016.

This game is a send up to the original Doom game. The graphics are very interesting in that everything is on a 2d plane, like the original Doom, but the whole world is in 3d. It feels nostalgic, but also new and somewhat fresh. I think there is supposed to be a story in this game, but I couldn't really tell you what it is, as it was not front and center. If you want a modern take on the original Doom, check it out. It is worth your time.

FPS old school que faz lembrar Doom ou Quake.
Shooter bastante competente, mas que peca pela pouca variedade de inimigos e cenários.

Se gostam deste tipo de FPS, Prodeus é uma boa escolha.

- Fun old school Shooter with interesting weapons and enemy designs.
- The game can feel a bit long even though it isn't, but it is engaging enough so that you stick with it.
- The weapons look and sound great in this game and you can feel how punchy they are.

Thats some real Doom shit they got going on in there, and I'm here for it