Reviews from

in the past

Le vrai Doom 3, mais gné arf quoi ...

This is the response to the question:

"What if you did DOOM 2016 & DOOM ETERNAL with the modern combat, except kept the digitize style in terms of enemies and weapons being retro/pixelized?"

This is what Prodeus, and jesus I love it. Anyone who complains "this is a DOOM clone" legit, I have no clue what you're complaining about it's more of what you want and you're mad? Like what?

The game features a plethora of levels, and even a shop levels that seperate you from the combat and has many collectibles that make you want to strive to find them all and obtain all weapons and upgrades.

The game's story is a bit barebones, and I must admit the Backers level felt a bit forced as it's a level that is dedicated to the people who helped fund the game to exist in the first place, Just imo I think it should've been a seperate viewable thing within the Menu, sort of like Bioshock's museum mode, instead of a level that you'll go into to obtain a collectible, and technically spoil you on the final boss.

I find it awesome the devs of this game made a campaign creator that would allow creativity and creation of peoples own personal campaigns. Though I will admit, I see very little interaction with this unique idea, I feel like Playstation Users aren't as interested in this, maybe STEAM users actually use the campaign creator to create unique new campaigns for people to play through.

The game features a bunch of enemies that are similar to that of enemies from classic and modern doom, though I will say I do wish the protagonist you play as had more uniqueness to them instead of just being a weird humanoid organic robotized thing. Though I appreciate the unique detail of the characters face deteriorating into a skull the more hurt you get until death.

Overall if you love classic and modern DOOM and want more of it, I highly recommend Prodeus!

Muy bonito visualmente pero algo tenía que me hizo dejarlo.

TLDR: play DOOM2016

Prodeus is all show, no go. It has a wonderful presentation with the spritework and general art style. The level design is fun, typically revolving around a central goal like "blow up the reactor" or "open the portals". Some levels have interesting gimmicks, most notably in the Prodeus Dimension. Andrew Hulshult's soundtrack, like anything else he's worked on, shines through with some pretty intense riffs.

The story is pretty minimal all things considered, following the immortal words of Carmack comparing video game stories to porno stories. It ends on a fart, but the story not being present isn't that big of a deal.

Unfortunately that's where it all goes downhill.

The unlock system is hot garbage. Rather than finding the super shotgun, plasma rifle, double jump upgrade, etc around levels, you collect ore fragments to buy them at the shop. There's no grandiosity to any of it, no horde of enemies that could be shredded by the plasma rifle or platforming that can only be done with the double jump immediately after unlocking it. The only weapon that has an introduction is the minigun, and even then I only just remembered that thing had an introduction since most weapons just drop from enemies.

Prodeus' biggest sin is the difficulty, or lack thereof. On death you have the option to respawn at a checkpoint without losing any progress. Your only other option is to restart the level, but come on, these levels are big. Restarting from scratch when I just spent half an hour poking around for secrets is arguably even worse.

In the second half of the campaign the developers simply gave up trying to give Prodeus anything resembling a challenge. In lieu of carefully placing down ammo pickups around the arenas, the devs have opted for pads that endlessly refill the player's ammo supply. These are present in nearly every level in the game's second half.

All in all I really don't feel like this game respected me all that much. The whole game can be beaten pretty mindlessly and it's effectively just a worse version of DOOM2016, so I would recommend playing that instead.

I'll get back to this one day but what I played was quite good, good level design, solid guns, good enemy variety. Once the DLC is out i'll probably come back to this, it was a good time.

Can we get Doom/We have Doom at home, except your mom is a Michelin Star chef.

Pensé que me iba a gustar más, pero se me hace muy bola, las armas no me gustan el como funcionan

The world's wettest boomer shooter. Although the mechanics are nothing particularly new or exciting, its a shooter with good guns, great level design, and reactive enemies. The presentation is uniformly excellent, with really beautiful crunchy visuals and sound effects. I only got truly lost in a level once during my 6 hours in the campaign, thanks to the intuitively crafted maps and signposting. Looking forward to revisiting this one someday with co-op or in user created maps.

Game is a blast to play. If you enjoy boomer shooters and love every little thing that they have to offer down to the clicks and sounds this is definitely a game I would recommend.

Game-play is go around the arena and shoot these enemies that have a variety of strengths and weaknesses. There's also little things you can do here and there that can freshen up the game-play loop. My favorite part being that I can play this online with my friends like why wasn't this thought of sooner. Story exist but it mostly is there to show you how much you can do with the user created levels.

The fact that you can create your own levels give this game a good way to receive support from fans of the boomer shooter genre. I had fun with the communities levels and am hope to create something that can be liked by at least one other person.

Overall this is a wonderful love letter to boomer shooter fans and is worth every penny. Can't wait to continue creating levels for this community.

6,5/10 - Length
6,5/10 - Enjoyment
9,5/10 - Perfomance/Bugs
5,5/10 - Story/Experience
7,0/10 - Gameplay

Score = 7,0/10

The quintessential DOOM2016-like.

This is a really solid boomer shooter that takes a lot from Doom 2016 and that ilk of nu-shooters. Using the classic Doom method of rotating sprites instead of models is also a really interesting choice. The game's biggest strength is the level design, not falling for the trap of just locking you in a combat arena with a ton of enemies like a lot of other Doom 2016-likes have a tendency of doing. Highly recommend.

Pretty fun boomer shooter overall, it sure does get quite repetitive after a while because of its unremarkable weapons and scarcely varied enemies and scenarios, but I really had a blast just fucking my way through a fuckton of semi-pixel-art blood splatter and corpses

Looks like a copy of Brutal Doom, plays like a copy of Brutal Doom. Just mindless shooting, exploding and blood again and again. Perhaps some people like it, but for me DooM is not about this, but good sound design and music, distinct and interesting enemies, and creative and interesting to explore maps. Prodeus does not deliver that.

To put it quite simply.. if you enjoy Doom/Quake or any other iteration of those games then this an absolute must play for you. This is an awesome homage (while still being unique) to that era of gaming and those titles. Oh and it's gory of course!

Eye candy graphics and weapons were very good even though I didn't even unlock the most fun weapons. Will come back when the DLC drops.

Really fun, too easy though, which I guess is an inevitably hard balance to get when youre trying to make a commercial game that also draws upon the creativity and audience of noncommercial and often quite difficult doom wads, but with the amount of difficulty options here you’d hope for Ultra Hard to kick it a notch higher.

I really like the atmosphere and music with the major caveat that I literally cannot see anything when I fire the plasma or chaingun.

Overall, good game, if there are further official campaigns/expansions I would definitely come back to them but otherwise the enemy and weapon roster probably won’t be enough to bring me back to user levels of this over the comforts of Doom II.

Prodeus is a fantastic Boomer Shooter that excels at most of the things that make these types of games so addicting. It is fast-paced, has great weapon variety, good gunplay, and, most of the time, good level design. The best and worst part about it is that when you blast an enemy, their entire body blows up, leaving only their remains and a ton of blood everywhere. While that looks freaking amazing, I often found myself not seeing anything through all the VFX. This led to a little bit of frustration on higher difficulties.

Prodeus feels like a Doom wad that became it's own thing, but later on, started to run out of ideas, so it mostly just copied what made Doom Eternal enjoayble for everyone, and ran with it.

It is not a bad game, some of it's design decisions are very questionable (the shop is a mess imo) and the campaign is a bit too long for what this game offers, and introduces a gun/mechanic so late, that it kinda makes it unnecessary.

The gunplay is great tho, the game is bloody as hell, and the enemy variety is nice, some weapons feel punchy, and every gun has a secondary fire.

Decent game, but nothing noteworthy.

I really like this game. It's trying to look like a 90s Boomer Shooter but plays like Doom 2016. It's a combination of that really comes together nicely. I didn't like any of the weapons. They all felt slightly off. But the ending rivals Rage for most disappointing. It's probably worst to be honest. Rage got a cutscene that didn't make any sense. Prodeus gets a text box telling you you beat the game. I thought that maybe like the Boom Shoots of old there was some separate episodes available that wraps everything up. There isn't, games done. Baffling.

Prodeus was a random pick from the Playstation Plus catalog. I was in the mood for something different and it's been awhile since I played an classic arcade style FPS and that is exactly what Prodeus is. It is very much inspired by Doom. Prodeus by default has a really stylized classic sprite design that blends really well with it's aesthetic while still looking "next gen", however if that's not your thing you can actually activate the 3D models and turn off the various screen effects but I thought it was pretty cool. The gameplay is super hectic and fast pace very similar to Doom 2016. Although Prodeus still has old conventions such as health and armor pick ups and ammo is preloaded unto the maps. No health regen here. It does have a controversial check point system in that once activated on a map you can infinitly respawn there and pick up where you left off, which in turn makes Prodeus a rather easy campaign playthrough. That is if you don't care about ranks and unlocks.

The level design in Prodeus I thought was really well done. The maps and objectives are pretty varied and I thought that they did enough interesting stuff to push forward. The enemis are very much inspired by Doom grunts and imps and the like. So you know what to expect there. I do wish there was a tad more variety to them but it's functional to the gameplay. Prodeus though is longer than I wanted to be. There is about 30 stages and each one takes about 20 min to complete so I think it's a hefty campaign. The story is minamal and not even worth noting. I hope text box endings are to your liking. That's minor problem in a game like this as the moment to moment fighting was intense and completing the stages were fun, it just wears out after awhile. Overall it's a pretty solid Doom 2016 clone and if you really liked that and wanting more I'd say give Prodeus a try. I wish I could have tried the multiplayer but I couldn't find a room after so many tries.

Not much to say, this game is very much what you see is what you get. Yeah it borrows a lot from DOOM and others, but the good level design and satisfying guns make for a great time. There's even an included level editor and browser, so you can play lots of high quality community creations as well.

A couple major issues: the checkpoint system is too forgiving, you simply respawn without really losing anything, so I recommend playing on hard or even very hard so enemies can actually cause an inconvenience (You can switch difficulty anytime). Final few levels drag on, and theres no ending, it just teases the DLC while also having a really lame boss fight.

Despite a couple problems though this game was a really good time, not everything needs to reinvent the wheel, just being really good at rolling can be enough to be worth the time.

Prodeus é uma experiência maravilhosa! Com seu estilo remetente aos Doom dos anos 90, ele conseguiu entregar uma gameplay fantástica e sensacional

Loud, intense, and unapologetically old-school, Prodeus offers a rip-roaring good time in its single-player campaign. It lacks a distinct throughline in its design, and the story is remarkably flat, but the package offers engaging FPS action.

Full Review:

Project Brutality+Doom 2016+Quake = This game

Great aesthetic, sound design, game feel. Whenever I'm in the rush of combat, I have absolutely zero notes on how this game. It's fast, frenetic, and ripping and tearing its hordes of (demons?) never ceases to entertain.

When I'm not in combat, a lot of this game wears... There's the cheap mobile game aesthetic of the menu design, the odd pacing where levels are broken into short <10 minute chunks that spit you back into a world map afterward, the weapon bloat of the inventory (there's 2-3 weapons of every ammo type, often leaving the weaker/earlier variants totally obsolete but nonetheless cluttering your inventory).

Enemies are too beholden to Doom's own—everything is zombie soldier, imp, cacodemon, lost soul, pain elemental, pinkies, hell knight, chaingunner. I don't think there's a single unique enemy until the final third of the game! Pair this with an aesthetic that bears a little too much resemblance to Doom 2016's space station grays and reds, and the game feels in real need of its own verve.

In the last 5 levels of the game they finally start experimenting. There's alien worlds with shifting walls and floors that really bring some life into the design, breaking it away from the tired Doom 2016 riff of the prior 20+ levels, but it's a little too little too late.

If the game had that energy from the start, paired it with some more unique enemies, and a significantly pared down weapon selection (take real inspiration from Doom and pare it down to just the necessities. each weapon should fill a unique singular role; if two weapons overlap, cut one.) it could really be one of The Greats of the genre. As is, it's some pretty damn fine fundamentals in need of a better package.