Reviews from

in the past

Fun, challenging, and an engaging story!

Ha envejecido mucho pero es de mi infansia :)

Professor Layton and the Curious Village is, first and foremost, a point and click visual novel. Despite the gameplay not suggesting it, it also happens to have some of the best atmosphere in any game, ever. It's a focused, melancholic story of a town first and foremost, and that village is one of the best parts of the entire game. It's not so much "quirky" as it is, well, curious, or strange. Everything is carefully tuned to just be a little off beat, just a little eccentric. You could nitpick a lot about the game -- the slow pace, the lack of relevant puzzles, and the occasional groan-worthy "logic" puzzle -- but does that really matter when it's presented as well as this?

changed my life, great art and music and fun puzzles, learned to draw after playing this

Lo recordaba muchísimo más centrado en la historia y menos en ir resolviendo un puzzle tras otro hasta el final, la verdad. Aun así, entretenido si te gustan los puzzles de todo tipo y una historia con un giro que se ve venir, pero no por ello es malo. Eso sí el "malo" me sobra muchísimo.

It's neat. A nice introduction to the franchise but every other game in the series is better I'm sorry

I truly love this game and it serves as a fantastic introduction to the world of Professor Layton. The gameplay, consisting of solving numerous puzzles, is well thought out and challenging but simultaneously being incredibly approachable to anyone. The characters, while not at all deep, are charming and fun which pave the way for a surprisingly emotional story with moments that have stuck with me for a long time. The music is fantastic with a notable French influence and an incredibly memorable accordion that accompanies you throughout the game.

I have a lot of fond memories playing this with my parents as a child and that’s something I’ll always appreciate this game for, but by its own merit, it’s a wonderful, charming experience and something I’d wholeheartedly recommend.

j'étais trop nulle mais jsuis sur que mtn j'adorerais si je rejouais

It's a game that's part of a nostalgia so I cannot say I despise it. But I wouldn't return to this again.

This is more on personal level, since as a game itself don't worry: it's objectively quite a great graphic adventure with gameplay mostly based on investigation and resolving puzzles (that most of the times don't have anything to do with the actual story).

There should be an easy mode for idiots (I'm smart I'm just looking out for others)

El mejor juego de puzles que existe. Los personajes tienen carisma solo con ver si diseño (hechos por el creador de Inazuma eleven si no me equivoco) y la localización del pueblo me resulta nostálgica y confortable. Los puzles son ingeniosos y los hay más fáciles y más difíciles pero siempre cumplen

Layton tiene puzzles muy buenos, aunque como estructura de juego, se hace cansado y repetitivo después de un rato. La historia es intrigante, pero el desenlace no me gustó porque siento que tiene tintes un poco patriarcales. Está bien, pero no me imagino jugando otro juego de esta saga.

Very charming, with a low-stakes, elegantly introduced setting. These games are very relaxing, although this particular title seemed to have a larger number of puzzles which fell into the categories of "stupidly hard" and "brain-dead easy." I seem to remember the followup (Diabolical Box) having a better balance of puzzle difficulty. Overall an excellent, if somewhat flawed introduction to the series.

Una maravilla. Hay un momento bastante Blade Runner cuando Lady Dahlia evoca sus memorias.

Extremely charming + good puzzles. Is the story good or is it just fun? I have way too much nostalgia to be objective about that.

I played this game when I was very young and remembered thinking that it was amazing.

Excellent game, just clearly the first in a series that's improved the formula a lot.

I am definitely too stupid for this game but the story and artstyle are so charming

As my first Professor Layton game, I wasn't sure what to expect. What I found was a charming game with some fun puzzles, but overall a lackluster story leading me to lose interest. I want to return to it someday, but right now isn't the time.

My favorite character is Luke

I feel the wrinkles being added to my brain. Layton is my favorite gentleman.

Buen inicio para esta saga. No es un misterio tan impresionante como otros futuros, pero sirve como un buen arranque. 8.58/10

c'est ce que j'appelle un classique de la ds

It's a cute little game with some sweet riddles but overall nothing super exciting. I enjoyed the story, it has a few nice twists and was the main reason for me to keep on playing. The riddles should have been implemented better into the world instead of just being random Sunday magazine riddles. Maybe future titles fixed these issues. Overall I had a fun time.

The Curious Village is a wonderfully fun little puzzle romp.

It's difficult to rate it fairly I think, because I played it many years ago and had a vague rememberance of how the mystery ended that kind of ruins a lot of the stories pacing for me. Granted, it allowed me an appreciation for how the game planted seeds throughout, but I still feel it'll be a little unfair to judge considering the story is the main attraction here.

Obviously it's a puzzle game, but the puzzles are 90% of the time unrelated to the story, often being random minigames thrown at you by the villagers (which is given a fun narrative reason toward the end that I don't suppose will be given in sequels). That's not to say the puzzles aren't fun per se, but the driving force for completing them is to unravel the story.

It's a fun mystery, with great characters, and some truly gorgeous cutscenes when the game decides to utilise them.

história bem mediana, mas as mecânicas e puzzles fazem o jogo valer a pena

silly little layton game, being the first one in the series it's kinda rough around the edges but it's still pretty charming.
I could fix Don Paolo (or make him worse, depends on the mood)

5142 picarats, everything unlocked. Brilliant story, music and animation.