Reviews from

in the past

Como disse um review que eu ví em vídeo de ranking de RE, "ele pode não ser um bom resident evil, mas é um bom jogo"
Fato, realmente é aquele jogo que vc fala, pô é dahorinha.

Why do people complain about Shiva? She's a sniper with a pistol. She took out dudes from across the map in a lot of places. If anything, she's OP not awful.

Excellent game especially with friends


Quando eu era criança isso aqui era uma obra-prima. Cada vez que jogo ele piora e MUITO.

Worst possible controls featuring “how is this possible” and “holy fuck this is clunky”
The new resident evil
Where the evil that’s residing is the input mapping!

Decent game. As an action-adventure game, it's good.
As an RE game, meh.

one day me and morgan will finish this shitty ass game

Great co-op experience. I wouldn't even bother with single player.

I've played through this game at least 3 times on co op and haven't particularly enjoyed it. It feels like a no brainer on paper, RE4's gameplay with co op, yet it isn't even a quarter as fun. Is it the level designs? The lack of whimsy and levity in the cheesy lines and Mecha Salazar of 4? The lack of rasping merchant to provide you with arms? The racism?

Just didn't like it as much. Also boy do I dread when Capcom remakes this one hooooooo-ee

A 2.5 stars game if you play it alone, but easily a 3.5 stars game if you play with a friend, I did that when I was younger and have good memories about it, it was fun as hell, wish I could get back to that.

Third, maybe fourth time replaying this game with different co-op partners each time. Will probably never play solo. Played co-op with Ben this time, the idea being a casual playthrough before speedrunning it together. I ultimately decided I didn’t want to do that, though. It seems very boring.

Definitivamente divertido, principalmente jogando com um amigo.

Eu odeio esse jogo

Já zerei umas cinco vezes, realmente engraçado.

Obligatorio jugarlo con un compae.

Fini 1 fois et ce sera la dernière hein allez adieu

Steaming pile of shit that is carried by playing with a friend. Also, Wesker is great.

gameplay legal chris MUITO gostoso historia inexistente e chegando perto do final as fases começam a simplesmente n fazer sentido quem teve a ideia do puzzle que se tiver outra pessoa andando embaixo morre? Ou o elevador que você atira em inimigos andando enquanto gira?? Em um jogo com a mira do resident evil 4???? Hitler?

Resident Evil 5 fica em pé de igualdade com DMC2 em questão de ser o pior jogo que a Capcom já fez. É incrível que eles acertaram só em uma coisa, que foi a OST, mas cagaram na gameplay, na diversão, na história e em todo o resto.

O Co-op deixa mais tolerável, mas mesmo assim continua um jogo horrível. Quero nem pensar como deve ser uma merda sofrer sozinho pra zerar isso.

actually pretty good, love nigeria!

I'll be honest this game sucks hot ass

resident evil neuron activation

bello se ci giocate con il vostro ragzzo

Had fun, but can't see myself replaying this in the same way I do the others. Ricardo Irving drops the most memorable quote that never got memed the way it should have.