Reviews from

in the past

The grading system in this game pisses me off but it's still a Rhythm Heaven with simple and fun controls.

Definitely more solid than I was expecting for a first entry but probably has the weakest selection of mini games in franchise.

Man I can’t figure what the Japanese words are saying. It’s ok though

I enjoyed it a lot. I expected it to be harder or less fun to play than the later installments, but that wasn't the case for me at all. I didn't go for many perfects in this game though

Some of these games were extremely challenging. Sadly some of these games are my least favorite in the series so that bogs down the experience a bit.

The break in game for the RH series! Loved playing this, its got a lot of charm put into it. Obviously, being the first, it does age a bit but holy hell a lot of it aged well. I love all the minigames and even the drum lessons!

Its really fun and I highly suggest emulating it!

Soy muy fan de la saga y tenía curiosidad por probar la primera entrega de esta.
El juego no decepciona, con contenido y más contenido, mucha calidad en este, minijuegos extra y demás. Eso sí, lo noto algo más dificil que los juegos más modernos.
También tiene fallos muy grandes como minijuegos que dependen demasiado de entender el idioma hablado o incluso de leer lyrics, y dado que lo jugué en japonés me dió algunos problemas y me atasqué ahí (maldito sea el dondo panpa). Como persona daltónica, también he tenido problemas con los colores en otros tantos minijuegos.
Pero hey, trae un tutorial de batería, eso mola un puñado.

Un genial comienzo de la saga, tan creativo y divertido como el resto. No hay mucho más que decir, la verdad. Un excelente juego de una de mis sagas favoritas.

i replay this game every so often its amazing

I'd a port of this over nothing at all from the series please?

Despite the sometimes more complex controls than other games in the series, this entry is quite fun in its simplicity. Perhaps start with this one?

[All Superbs] Wow, this game is pretty good! All the minigames were great! Even Quiz Show was okay! (it was very well implemented in the couple remixes it was in). The one minigame I struggled with a lot was the Marching minigame, the commander blabbers orders in Japanese, so I had to actually learn which of the phrases meant looking left, right, marching and stopping. Other than that, it was a very charming game, and I'll gladly 100% it someday.

Finally getting to play this without emulator lag was so relieving. The judgement in some games is a bit iffy (Sneaky Spirits and Power Calligraphy got me hard) but overall, it was a very fun time. I don't know if it was my experience with the series beforehand, but it was surprisingly easy to perfect every game.

I can only really recommend playing this game if you have never played a rhythm heaven game. So many minigames on their own are incessantly boring or unclear with their timing. Nevertheless, some of the remixes are bangers and if you haven't played another rhythm heaven this isn't a horrible place to start.

This rhythm game is like many others, it has several songs you can play, but each stage is treated like it's own mini-game and focuses on audio cues and visual animation cues for the notes you need to hit. I was quite taken by the style. If you enjoy rhythm games, I do recommend this highly. It’s not as difficult as getting a perfect on a song in DJ MAX or Groove Coaster, but it’s just as good as either one.

still decently fun and pretty charming, but some games are just unbearably dull and you can really feel that its the first game in the series

Really cool to see where the series got started and what stuck! You can definitely tell that this was the first entry by playing it though, gameplay wise. I noticed that remixes are very conservative with any cues between mini-games. For example, in Remix 6, you go from Wizard's Waltz to Night Walk with absolutely no warning whatsoever, and it caused me to restart the remix a few times before I remembered when that segment started so I could play it right. Scoring is also an issue I've heard others bring up, and I agree. I feel the scoring can be too harsh to the point of redundancy, as some mini-games require you to play perfectly to get a Superb rating. Which, at that point, what is even the point of going for a Perfect? Also, some of the games just... suck. What is even the point of Quiz Show. There is no rhythm, only counting (and not in the music sense lol).

finally 100%ed it, now i only need friends for megamix’s challenge train… haha… ha.

Buenardo de lo mejor en juegos de ritmo

Por cosas de la vida empecé 2022 con un juego de ritmo del 2006 en la Analogue Pocket, y de verdad que no podría haber mejor comienzo. Me atrevería a decir incluso que este es la culminación del videojuego como arte.


i don't like it as much as the other games in the series but it's still worth a 4/5. as the first game it has to live up to some later expectations and it does that job well for the most part. there's a bit of an overreliance on visual cues and of course you aren't getting quite as much content as the other games but it's still a great ride (and even better on the original hardware, as i was lucky enough to find out)

almost perfected every level but fuck toss boys man

Get the fan translation, you can tell the game was made with a lot of love, it'll keep you tapping to the rhythm for years after playing it.
And some ptsd over certain pretty hard minigames, but that's part of the fun.

Excelente juego, muy divertido y con una jugabilidad buenísima.


Fuck the drumming lessons, all my homies hate the drumming lessons

my feelings of happiness that most of this game's minigames have been ported to the international sequels is heavily balanced out by my utter rage that we never got the super pretty festival song