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This is a very strange game that somewhat confounds me. On one hand, SH4 very much fits in comfortably with the original trilogy as a familiar Silent Hill experience in atmosphere and writing, but on the other hand the developers seemed to forget to include "gameplay" and "level design" as a part of their list of priorities when making this game.

While I'm certainly not playing a Silent Hill game for excellent combat mechanics, SH4 is such a massive step down from the previous two games that in terms of gameplay that's it felt like something went drastically wrong. The PC port could certainly be part of the issue, as the controller optimization felt like a mess, making an already frustrating game to control all the more worse, but the core gameplay I am certain would have been unpleasant regardless of where it was experienced. The game's enemies are a joke and only ever a frustrating obstacle. There is absolutely nothing fun about dealing with any of the combat in the game and it is pretty much always better to just run past something, harkening back to Silent Hill 1.

I could get into minute specifics about a number of awkward and terribly implemented gameplay mechanics if I wanted but it's better to summarize it I think, and say that it is almost unbelievable how much worse everything feels to do in this game compared to SH2 and SH3.

Not only is this game a chore to control but the level design is abysmal; there are a number of 'rooms' you walk through in the various worlds through the hole outside Room 302 that are void of almost anything. A good portion of this game feels like just running through empty nothingness, which could be intentional and is even somewhat appreciated at times considering how generally obnoxious it is to really have to do anything in this game, but if anything it just felt... strange to me, as if there was something missing. This only becomes more apparent when you are forced to run through these worlds a second time, which is when I was really ready for the game to be over.

Despite all this, SH4 still managed to keep me somewhat engaged, as the storytelling of this game is just as strong, really, as it is in the previous entries of the series. The unsettling, disturbing atmosphere, deeply unnerving sound design and well-paced placements of cutscenes kept me wanting to keep playing, and this part of the game is entirely up to par with what I have come to expect from this franchise.

I'm not here to analyze the game's story or anything, I did quite like it and liked how it was told through notes and such. The entire concept of "The Room" was very interesting and implemented pretty well, especially near the end of the game, when everything comes together. While I think this is the worst of the original 4 Silent Hills, this game absolutely has merit and I would certainly recommend that anyone who has played the others try this out as well.


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ive played this when i was sick with a 39 degrees fever, and i was in a discord call with my friend and i shared my screen just for him. i almost fell asleep, while he was screaming.
(at the ending youve gotta go through the same levels again and its fuckin frustrating, thats why i dropped this... otherwise it was a pretty okayish experience)

em alguns quesitos eu acho que esse jogo acertou bem por exemplo na ambientação, design de inimigos e tentativa de inovação de gameplay (a mecânica do apartamento ir sendo possuído é muito interessante e bizarra) o problema é que poderia ter sido feito melhor com levels designs melhores e uma jogabilidade menos repetitiva e menos irritante mas bom pelo menos a história foi ok e serviu pra dar um medinho

sei la... meio paia
mas a lore é legal

This game has a really unique and interesting concept for a horror game but it's a struggle to play. I love what it showed off and I think this game deserves a remake so it can reach it's full potential, this is a very effective horror game.

Do not go outside you are

are in Romania

While the game definitely has its issues:
- Combat is kinda eh
- part of the game basically being do this, but as an escort mission
- one type of enemy was just flatout annoying

But what this one excels at (and imo better than 2 and 3) is the atmosphere and scare factor. This game made me feel more on-edge and anxious more than most of the other games in this series and it just oozes atmosphere.

Play it for that alone imo. Not the best of the Team Silent games, but is still a solid conclusion to their short but jam-packed set of games.

como dijo wan: soy henry después de esto y vivo toda mi vida en una tienda de campaña

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why he thinks the apartment is his mom, is he stupid?

Silent Hill 4 was the last Silent Hill game l had left to complete in the main series (Still need to play & complete Shattered Memories) and I wish I didn't put it off for so long. I think the main reason I neglected it was due to it being the last game Team Silent themselves made and it being the red-headed step child of the main series. However, I ended up really enjoying it! I know it's a dead horse by now and I agree that comparing games to Dark Souls is lazy as hell. HOWEVER. I do think that Silent Hill 4 is to Silent Hill as Dark Souls 2 is to Dark Souls IF YA GET WHAT I’M SAYING.

I am quick to respect a game that experiments and escapes from the normal and Silent Hill 4: The Room (SH4) does just that. It definitely follows a very similar structure its older siblings established, but it really explored the creative space that went hand-in-hand with the established idea of a Silent Hill game. Sure, they did make a few missteps, in my opinion, but I would rather developers take those risks than playing it safe. I did enjoy the perspective change going to 1st person when inside your apartment vs. out in the spooky world being exclusively in 3rd person. It gave the apartment a unique feel that hasn’t been captured in the series before. They also went to make this game more combat-centric whiiiiich is the weakest part of the game. Combat is slow, monotonous, unreliable, and not that fun or exciting. Every time you want to swing or shoot your weapon, you need to hold R2 and let an animation play out which is already wasting time into your intense combat encounter. Then, once you’re in the combat stance, movement is slowed a little too much. If the player was a little more agile, I think it would’ve improved the overall combat.
Puzzles in SH4 were solid and one of the better parts of the game. The puzzle involving the key that mentions "the holder will wander aimlessly" was a great idea that makes the player think outside of the box to use a tool at their disposal they may have not known they had. Utilizing the apartment/spooky world system was very clever when inter-winding that with the puzzles.

I also feel like this game resonated with me more compared to me playing it at a younger age. I probably put an hour into the game when I first played years ago but playing it now I found myself relating to the main character a little more. Mainly because he’s been locked inside his apartment for a week. Hearing commotion outside? Peek through a singular blind to see what's up. Henry, the protagonist, has an option to constantly either look out his windows to people watch or look out his front door peephole to see what's occurring in the hallway. Not to mention his peephole to his neighbor’s apartment, but I don't relate to that one 😅 Also I found understanding people and their tendencies make these characters you're encountering in this mysteriously dark world way creepier than I remember. Before, I thought of them as lackluster and lame. Now I think of them as just people struggling and being weird but seeing how their environment has changed them to become this. I feel like this point is difficult to explain…

I don’t want to dive too much into spoiler territory, but I really enjoyed the apartment being completely separate from the obscure world you explore via the hole in your apartment bathroom. The way the game plays with and changes that dynamic was really fun to experience.

Now, the second half of the game is where most, if not all, of my frustration stems from. Turning the game into an escort mission deducts several things from this game. The person you’re escorting doesn't always follow you through area transitions, even though it looks like they’re close enough to. I wish they would've added some sort of indicator to let you know they are not accompanying you so you're aware you need to go back and grab them. I'm also struggling to see how this constant escort adds anything positive to the game. Horror games are less scary with a party and lack that solitude and loneliness feeling. Plus, all my current frustrations on the game stem from the escort and this mechanic 😦

I do genuinely think Silent Hill 4: The Room gets a bad rap. Sure, it’s probably not as good as the ones that came before it, but it shows that experimentation is still something to investigate. I haven’t played a game that successfully blends two gameplay modes with two different perspectives as well as this game does. Plus, I’m leaving out really cool and interesting mechanics and features as I believe they’re in spoiler territory. I do think people that hold the same mindset about Silent Hill 4 that I did are missing out on a really interesting and intriguing experience that they should form their own opinion on.

I played this on PS2, but it is available on PC via GOG for $10 and it’s 100% worth that price!

faz umas maluquices com o lore mas na minha opinião é o ultimo silent hill bom

The ghost enemies are some of the creepiest they've ever come up with but the extended escort mission is one of the worst they've ever come up with.

I really enjoyed Silent Hill 4s gimmick of being stuck in the titular room, and having to go through mysterious otherworlds to try and get out. The room is such a great central theme for the game, being both a safe space to catch your breath, solve puzzles, organize equipment, and get lore scraps about the game, yet is still haunting being inescapable and especially in the second half with it starting to be become literally haunted. If the games second half wasn't a forced escort mission this might have overtaken SH2 as my favorite.

Es el mas experimental de los titulos de ps1/ps2, y aunque a veces no se siente como un Silent Hill, siento que sus ideas y especialmente el villano hace que valga la pena jugarlo aunque sea una vez.

Silent Hill estava começando a ficar com uma fórmula repetitiva após o 3° jogo e veio a necessidade de inovar na franquia, e sim foi lançado Silent Hill 4: the Room, um jogo que inova a franquia com propostas de gameplay e game design totalmente diferente do que foi visto pelo jogador até agora. Na realidade era pra esse jogo ser uma franquia nova e não um Silent Hill, mas mudaram de ideia cima da hora.
Primeiramente, Silent Hill 4 foi de longe a experiência mais diferente que eu tive com a franquia e com jogos de terror no geral até agora, por vários fatores sendo a ambientação única um dos principais fatores.
Acho melhor contextualizar sobre a história antes de falar do jogo em si, então lá vamos nós....
Silent Hill 4, começa com o seu protagonista preso em seu apartamento por 5 dias, então desde o começo do jogo, dá pra perceber que Henry já está começando a ficar louco, por mais inexpressivo que ele possa parecer, acho que ele é um personagem que atua muito bem como a visão do jogador, pois é muito fácil da gente sentir empatia por ele e nos colocarmos no lugar dele. Após isso, você encontra a porta do apartamento trancafiada com várias correntes e fechaduras, então a única coisa que te resta é explorar seu apartamento e ver o que dá pra fazer. Nessas sessões de gameplay no apartamento, o jogo se passa em 1° pessoa e você pode verificar algumas coisas dos cômodos, como por exemplo ligar o rádio e escutar, observar as janelas, observar o olho mágico da porta (onde normalmente você vê as pessoas na parte de fora e AS VEZES você encontra o antagonista do jogo), tu pode também observar o quarto da vizinha e ver o que ela está fazendo... Basicamente, você cria uma rotina bizarra, onde durante o jogo você percebe que a sanidade de Henry só fica mais e mais degradada com o tempo... Mas apesar de tudo isso, até a metade do jogo o apartamento é sua "safe zone" e você recupera vida e pode salvar nele.
Também há, o buraco na parede do banheiro, onde toda vez que tu entra, tu vai para o otherworld, onde é o lugar que tu joga em terceira pessoa e também é os mundos do jogo, composta por 6 lugares que você vai, sendo eles o metro, a floresta do lago toluca de Silent Hill, a Water prison, os prédios, uma versão infernal do apartamento de Henry e também o hospital.
Basicamente ao decorrer do jogo você vai encontrando pessoas que remetem a cada um desses lugares, e todas essas pessoas morrem, com excessão da Eileen (vizinha do protagonista), inclusive todas elas tem alguma ligação com Walter Sullivan, o grande antagonista da vez.
Após chegar na metade do jogo, onde você encontra eileem atacada no hospital, o jogo muda e vira meio que uma grande parte de escolta, porém, não deixa o trauma que você tem com jogos que tem missão de escolta que nem Resident evil 4 e Jogos da Ubisoft, na verdade, essa parte é o ápice do jogo e onde ele realmente brilha.
Após reencontrar Eileen e proteger ela, Walter Sullivan fica mais presente no jogo e ele atua como um stalker, pique nêmesis e vem pra te atazanar, além disso, o jogo fica mais assustador e você tem que passar por todas as áreas que você visitou novamente, só que com um detalhe... TODAS AS PESSOAS QUE VOCÊ VIU MORRENDO, REAPARECEM COMO FANTASMAS, E COM MOVESET DIFERENTES AINDA!!!
ou seja, o jogo fica mais bizarro ainda, e puta que pariu, bizarro pra esse jogo é pouco, eu ainda nem comecei a falar dos inimigos!!!
Os inimigos são bizarrissimos, alguns como o "Twin victims" são totalmente perturbadores, sem dúvidas o 2° melhor elenco de inimigos da série, só perdendo pro SH2. Como o combate flui melhor aqui, então alguns inimigos podem ser menos desafiadores em combate fisico, porém isso não se aplica aos fantasmas... Que são imortais e a única forma de fazer eles pararam de te encher o saco é dando um tiro de bala de prata e colocando a espada da obediência neles.
Infelizmente, não posso dar os mesmos elogios prós chefes, já que esse jogo na realidade só tem 2 chefes que aparecem na reta final, sendo o Walter Sullivan e o "the truth", eu acho o contexto e a Lore deles foda, porém as suas batalhas são bem sem graças e bem inferiores aos chefes de SH3, por exemplo.
Também, há uma diferença na gameplay do apartamento na segunda metade do jogo, após salvar Eileen. Pois o seu apartamento deixa de ser uma zona de conforto e vira um lugar pra te incomodar, surgindo assombrações que você pode matar colocando velas para purificar ela, é bem perturbador, pois o jogo para de recuperar sua vida e sua zona de conforto vira um pesadelo, é uma forma bem pessimista de mostrar como o Henry está ficando cada vez mais maluco.
Em relação ao combate, vi grande melhoria aqui, tendo comando de mira mais precisos, você pode se esquivar e a gameplay não é mais de tanque, SIM, PAROU DE SER DE TANQUE.
Infelizmente, algumas coisas características da série foram deixadas de lado, como a lanterna e o rádio, que foram substituídos por cenários bem iluminados e inimigos que fazem barulho, é algo que me fez achar que o jogo perder certa parte da ambientação que os outros da série tem. E também sinto que há falta de polimento no combate novo e isso me ocasionou em vários bugs de tipo, o inimigo me teleportar e me agarrar, mas foda-se, tá bem melhor que o combate antigo.
enfim, já chega de falar da parte técnica e bora falar do que mais brilha nesse jogo, seu antagonista!
Um ótimo stalker pra jogos de terror e com uma Lore incrível ainda, todas as motivações dele para estar tentar concluir o ritual dos 21 sacramentos são até que plausível, não totalmente, porque ele é claramente um psicopata, porém, a gente consegue se colocar no lugar dele e entender o motivo dele ser assim.
Basicamente Walter Sullivan, nasceu no apartamento 302, e ele foi abandonado por seus pais no apartamento, o síndico o levou para um hospital e um orfanato o pegou.
Após isso, o orfanato era na vdd a "wish house" que foi citada em Silent Hill 3, um orfanato que convertia crianças para a religião de Silent Hill, então Walter foi doutrinado e virou um fiel da religião, após isso, Walter cresceu fissurado pelo apartamento 302 e dahlia (sim a mesma do SH1) colocou na cabeça dele que esse apartamento era sua mãe, então walter, mesmo criança, se sacrificava pra ir pra lá, pegando ônibus ou metrô para chegar até lá, mesmo tendo apenas 6-7 anos.
Nessas idas, ele sempre foi maltratado pelas pessoas e começou a criar rancor pelas mesmas, porém um dia, Eileen deu para ele, uma boneca, que o mesmo guardar e considerou muito, após um sacerdote colocou na cabeça dele sobre os 21 sacramentos e Walter tentou concluir o ritual para poder recuperar sua mãe, que na cabeça de Walter, era o apartamento 302. Após isso ele faz de tudo para matar 21 pessoas, porém, na 10° morte, era obrigado ele se suicidar, então Walter se mata e continua a realizar o ritual com seus poderes demoníacos que ele aprendeu no culto a valtiel.
Simplesmente bizarro o antagonista, e algo totalmente perturbador, da forma que um bom stalker em jogo de terror tem que ser.
Enfim, minha nota final para Silent Hill 4: the Room é 9/10

took a looooong time to beat this because i didn’t have access to my ps2 for like a full month. the first half of this game is probably the best thing in the silent hill series, with the second half being Very Rough. hoped i would have a more strong opinion on this, but the massive disparity between the two halve’s quality leaves me feeling pretty indifferent towards it

Bit of a step down but still quite a good game

não é ruim mas não é bom... foi o mais assustador até agora apesar de tudo, me tremi todo. repetir alguns locais deixou um pouco chato mas eu gostei demais da mecânica do apartamento.

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Play again, get nurse outfit, booby bounces, still hate Eileen’s AI, depression, play again, repeat.

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Silent Hill clearly should've continued in this direction and been about different abused children. But I guess Alessa is the only reason the town is haunted

me gusto mucho mas que los otras 3 cagadas silenciosas, por que?, no estoy muy seguro pero supongo que los escenarios me mamaron aunque estoy seguro que sin guía dudo que lo haya terminado.

Story and atmosphere is really good in a way that is different than the other games. The antagonist is such an interesting character and the way the story unravels in an interesting way. Poor sound design, level design, and changes to the combat system drag the game down. The changes of the inventory system to limited space did not take in account SH's amount of items to grab.

I’m a big fan of sequels that try to go for something new at the risk of alienating their fanbase. I’ve only recently played through the early Silent Hill games and can tell what makes each one of them special in their own way. But while I enjoyed some of the new ideas being implemented here, this just never hooked me the way the other games managed to. The levels were bland from start to finish, the lack of interesting characters was definitely felt throughout and having the entire back half of the game be an escort mission for a slow chick with a busted leg really sealed the deal for me.

All that being said, playing through the Team Silent games was time well spent and I’d recommend the first 4 games to anyone despite my own personal gripes.

The opening and idea of this game was interesting but it's just really boring.

Terra meter: 72%

Story/narrative - 4/5
Gameplay - - 4/5
Sound/music - 4/5
General presentation - 3/5
Overall enjoyment - 3/5

Silent Hill 4 is (imo) the worst of the main SH games. The main character, escorting and backtracking sections definitely take away a lot from it.
The core gameplay is similar to the previous titles although there are some new mechanics. The combat is quite similar, although sometimes you also have to fight some camera angles lol. You can change the camera's position by pressinng L2 but sometimes it won't help at all. Now you can only carry up to 10 items, which may sometimes be annoying. You can drop and pick up itens from a chest in your apartment. The apartment and the change of third to first person is the biggest difference from the previous titles. It's a basically a safe room, which heals you... :) I had to play this at 30fps since 60 will often softlock you, make Henry unable to move when it attack stance and make the game unbeatable due to a bug in the final boss. It was fine for the most part but 60fps would've been way better.
The main character, Henry, was very uninteresting. The poor voice acting didn't help either, none of the SH games I've played so far had amazing voice acting but here it didn't help at all.
The story itself isn't bad but poor VA and boring backtracking and escorting sessions take away some of your interest, unless you're really into npc escorting.
Backtracking itself isn't bad and can be done well! But here it was a drag since you have to escort AND protect that npc if you wanna have a better ending.
Enemy design was mostly interesting! There are some very cool designs but some very meh ones too.
The atmosphere is good for the most part! Some sections don't really feel scary or tense but overall the feeling's there.
The soundtrack was okay.
Overall, it's not a terrible game, it's fine! As a main SH game it is disappointing (again,imo), if it was a spinoff I probably wouldn't be so harsh on it.

I really wanted to like this game but i just couldnt, i never really thought the gameplay was super important in terms of silent hill games but some of the enemy design in this game is shockingly bad

Arranca mas interesante de lo que termina; el misterio de que está pasando con Henry Townsend, porqué está encerrado en ese cuarto y que son las cosas extrañas que pasan al rededor son lo mejor del juego. Al principio, cuando arrancó este Silent Hill que era aparentemente en primera persona, me voló la cabeza. No entendía nada, y la atmósfera que se genera en Room 302 es exquisíta. Es como una especie de tensión constante, una incomodidad, una sensación de estar siendo observado o ser parte de algo mas grande que uno. A medida que va pasando el juego, van ocurriendo cosas en el cuarto y tenemos la posibilidad de ver al exterior; por el cerrojo de la puerta, un huequito que da al cuarto de la vecina, o las ventanas que dan a la calle, y voy a hablar de cada uno de estos orificios porque me parece fácil lo mas interesante del juego. A través del cerrojo, se ven unas manos con sangre en la pared de atrás y de vez en cuando aparece la vecina barriendo, o escenas del Superintendent del edificio preocupado por lo que sea que esté pasando en room 302, pero es que además ese pequeño peek que tenemos por la puerta tiene una sensación de que el otro lado es un lugar distante pero que a su vez está acá, al lado. Una vez me apareció la cara gigante del Superintendente y me cagué encima. Después se abre el hueco que da a la pared de la vecina y al principio dije "fua listo, seguro el Henry es un pervertido y el juego quiere que juegues con eso; cuánto ves a la vecina en su habitación? que tanto la revisas? Seguro después juega con eso." Hay un osito que no te mira pero en cualquier momento se da vuelta y me cago encima. El POTENCAL terrorífico que tiene este huequito. Que cosas voy a ver del otro lado? Un asesinato? A la vecina haciendo cosas turbias? Quizás hasta momentos íntimos que no debería ver... Después no pasa nada con el huequito. De vez en cuando está la vecina sentada en la cama y a veces parece que te mira y eso es un poquito turbio pero no pasa de eso. Incluso cuando el conejo se da vuelta, te lo esperás y no pasa nada. Mirar por la ventana también tiene su magia, el mundo ocurre afuera indistinto de lo que está pasando en Room 302, al principio pensé que había gente desnuda caminando. En los edificios del frente podés ver al resto de los vecinos haciendo cosas, y en un momento un dedo señala al cuarto de tu vecina y da bastante miedo. Mirar los autos pasar por la calle es bastante magnético. TODO ESTO, me daba a entender que Henry Townsend había hecho algo. Al igual que SH2, este era su purgatorio. Esos fantasmas que lo persiguen, y eventos en su casa que parecen hasta targeteados a él. Mientras la historia transcurre, quiero saber mas sobre Hernry Townsend. ¿Que hizo? ¿Es una mala persona?... Al final no. Nada de eso. Herny Townsend estaba en el lugar equivocado en el momento equivocado. Me la bajó una banda saber que la historia tenía que ver con Walter Sullivan, y terminó siendo la mitad de interesante de lo que pensé que iba a ser. Shame on me por esperar un juego distinto, supongo. El gameplay por fuera del cuarto es aburrido, caminar de un lugar a otro buscando cosas como cualquier Survival Horror pero menos creativo, sin puzzles ni nada desafiante. Eso si, es el que mas miedo me dió de los 4. Me pareció que tenía las zonas mejor logradas en cuanto a ambiente (quizás no tanto como el 3 igual) y los sonidos son terroríficos. Los enemigos, aunque molestos, son los mejores de la saga. Los ghosts me hacían cagar encima, y todavía no sé que era el gusano ese. Siento que de los 4 Silent Hill, este tenía el potencial para ser el mejor y terminó siendo totalmente mediocre. El peor de los 4 que, granted, sigue siendo muy bueno, pero me dejó descepcionado. Empieza muy muy bien, y de ahí solamente cae.