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in the past

First half of the game: 4.5 stars. Second half of the game: 2.5 stars. If I wanted to backtrack and be frustrated about it, I'd play a bad Metroidvania.

I mean, it has some pretty kreepy visuals but the gameplay was a real gutpunch. It didn’t feel fun to solve the puzzles and the save system was so tedious. Tbh I had to complete the final hours while watching a youtube lets play of a guy who had completed it numerous times, something that he didn’t seem too proud of since he was constantly swearing and making annoyed sounds at the bullshit this game features. Sure the story is somewhat interesting but not nearly enough for me to ever want to replay it.

why is there a fucking burping enemy in this game please explain

Wannabe Brendan Frazer is after you in guns akimbo mode and then runs away trolling you.
This game is weird.

deserves more recognition honestly it's good

Not as bad as a lot of people say it is. After 2 and 3, Team Silent was basically fated to make an inferior installment. The biggest negatives are for sure the combat (almost insufferable), the creature design (wildly inconsistent) and the intense reusing of locations, but I feel that the story and most of the mood of the game is enough to carry it.

Special props to Yamaoka's music on this. Dude was at the top of his game.

esse jogo tudo e meio estranho tudo parece desconexo
e bom eu adoro isso
prefiro fugir da formula q manter a mesma dos 3 jogos so q sem inovar
alias foi meu segundo silent hill então me fez gostar mt

Juegaso, creo que es ultimo gran silent hill

Not as good as the three games that came before, i knew things were wrong when the villain used guns what.

Síndrome de diógenes: el videojuego. Es el Silent Hill más infravalorado

Não é a pior bosta do mundo, mas se não existisse ninguém sentiria falta, sou uma delas, pelo menos a trilha sonora é da hora.

No entendí ni polla pero mu biem

The opening and idea of this game was interesting but it's just really boring.

The ghost enemies are some of the creepiest they've ever come up with but the extended escort mission is one of the worst they've ever come up with.

Once I realised I had to backtrack the entire game I turned it off intending to go back when I had the energy.

It's been over thirteen years.

A very experimental game with lots of unique ideas and respectable attempts to reinvent the Silent Hill formula, but none of its ideas coalesce into anything that's anywhere near as good as its fore-bearers, either in terms of gameplay, art design, narrative or most importantly, scares.

This game is so fucked up.

It has great ideas, but the design flaws are so horrible that it's downright unplayable.

It's so bad that I wanted to poison myself 20 minutes in.

The incompetence on display here is actually astonishing, which is why I downgraded this game from a 2/10 to a 1/10.

it has some moments where the horror is done perfectly and i'd say even better than in the previous games
but damn is this game pretentious
like the second half of it drags on forever
but i do appreciate some of the design choices like the limited inventory or your room where you keep coming
but i hate how the story loses its subtlety really quick, i dont like any of the endings and like i said the second half is where the game becomes a fetch quest

Despite the dumb escorting and back tracking, there's a certain atmosphere present in this game I love

Tante idee molto confuse. La sufficienza gliela metto perché sicuramente i brutti giochi sono altri, ma è abbastanza impossibile non concordare sul fatto che all'interno della saga principale è il capitolo più debole. Non faccio fatica a comprendere i sospetti (fondati o meno, questo non si sa), che fosse partito come progetto originale e poi forzatamente inserito all'interno del franchise: il sistema di movimento e di combattimento più mirato ad un approccio action, l'alternanza tra fasi in prima e in terza persona e la piuttosto relativa aderenza agli stilemi degli altri capitoli lo rendono un gioco bizzarro all'interno della serie, e se mettiamo insieme tutti questi fattori ne viene fuori un gioco singolare a tutti gli effetti. I punti di forza sono pochi, ma ci sono: il concept è veramente originale, la narrazione ben orchestrata e l'atmosfera generale rivela senza dubbio la mano del Team Silent, ma i pregi si fermano qui. Per quanto riguarda i lati negativi sinceramente non condivido appieno le critiche che leggo riguardo al combat system (non è eccellente, non è divertente e ha poco a che fare con quanto visto negli altri capitoli, ma funziona), mentre sento di potermi unire alle critiche sul comparto tecnico, in particolare (sigh) il sound design. La firma di Akira Yamaoka è praticamente irreperibile e sembra quasi fungere da cartina al tornasole per mostrare la confusione dietro un progetto che non metteva il team nelle possibilità di dare il suo meglio, un gioco dal level design tedioso, ripetitivo (il gioco prevede di ripercorrere OGNI ambiente già visitato), poco ispirato e a tratti fastidioso. Un vero peccato perché, ad essere onesto, le idee e le qualità per dare una degna conclusione alla serie prima che venisse svenduta all'occidente c'erano tutte, ma evidentemente in casa Konami girava già la voce che, da Silent Hill, non si volesse più il meglio.

Bizarro e interessante, um Silent Hill diferente dos outros, com uma historia diferente e interessante.

There are few horror franchises as great and iconic as Silent Hill. The fourth game is the final of the classic main titles of the franchise. Although a very different experience, it manages to capture most of the things I really enjoy about the series. But it does lack or complicate in some areas that hold it back from being at the same level as the other games.

The world and lore expansion of Silent Hill 4 is fantastic. The new areas you explore are creepy, and there are plenty of small details that make it a rich, dark experience. One example is the backstory of the Twin Victims, who hold one of the creepiest monster designs I’ve seen. The story and mechanics about the room itself are also haunting, getting progressively more cursed as you advance the story.

The design of the monsters and the horrible things you encounter are mesmerizing. Besides the Twin Victims, the ghosts, especially Cynthia are haunting. The game offers plenty of deep lore and symbolism that will disturb you and leave you thinking about its meaning. This is something that I highly appreciate of the franchise as a whole. The rust, blood, and flesh of the environments are so iconic that everyone recognizes a Silent Hill game immediately.

After playing the previous Silent Hill games, the first thing I noticed was that the gameplay aspects were so much different than in the previous installments. 4 takes a more survival horror approach, opposed to more intense action. You don’t have many weapons, dealing with a much smaller inventory. This is a great thing, but it can also be very stressful, so this change of pace might not be attractive to many people.

I have to say that although the first half of the game maintains the pacing of the precious Silent Hills, the second half is nothing short of torture, and not necessarily in a good way. For most of this part, you have to escort Eileen, one of the most annoying characters I’ve had the misfortune of meeting in a videogame. Added to this, the health and saving systems become much more stressful. Seriously, there came a point where I had to repeat whole areas to make sure I had enough health to continue as I struggle to make Eileen follow me. Although some people might praise this as how a survival horror title should make you feel.


Focusing on the story and lore of Silent Hill 4, I think it had a lot to offer. It took a lot of the best elements from the second game, focusing on the demons of the antagonist Walter Sullivan. This character is one of the best from the franchise, a multi-faceted villain whose backstory you understand as the game progresses. What starts as a mystery trying to understand why your apartment door is chained, to a murder story that becomes much darker as the true nature of Sullivan is revealed, the writing keeps you captivated.

Henry Townshend as the main character was duller than previous Silent Hill protagonists. Even some of the minor secondary characters were more interesting. Although it’s not really an issue, since I consider this to be Walter’s game. His motivations and the insanity of his character were impressive, as everything revolves around his terrifying obsession around room 302 and his mission to sacrifice 21 people.

All around, Silent Hill 4 is a must-play for fans of the franchise, but I have to remind players that it took some risks which work about half of the time. Still, it was a good experience. And remember, keep your healing items until the second half, you are going to need them.

Final Score: 80/100

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This game deserves more love. It leaves you to a downspiral of creepyness with what the bad guy wants to accomplish and with the things you have to encounter

Welcome to Silent Hill - Chapter 4

Silent Hill 4... Un infierno, en muchos sentidos. La despedida del Team silent y el cambio definitivo de la franquicia por adaptar un rumbo mas oscuro y tétrico que los anteriores. Es un juego aterrador, bastante para sobrepasar la incomodidad y vivir el miedo, asco y molestia de buena manera. Su soundtrack es brutal y de los mejores de la franquicia. Todo junto con sus ideas de experimentar trayendo la primera persona y enfocándose mas a la acción por encima del puzzle.

Un enfoque que personalmente chirría y mas tomando en cuenta la evolución de la saga que había dado en Silent Hill 3 con respecto a la jugabilidad, peleas y cámara. Algo que erróneamente intentaron cambiar y quedando en una cámara tosca que mas de las veces te trabara contra un enemigo, se pondrá justo en la peor posición en una pelea y al estar muy cerca termina siendo el verdadero obstáculo para el jugador.

Los enemigos en general y como metáfora a la retorcida mente de Walter Sullivan y como extension de todos los pecados vistos en Silent hill 2 funcionan bastante bien, su diseño es bastante bueno y aterrador aun con el mayor dolor de huevos de la historia conocido como LOS FANTASMAS Criaturas del quinto averno que te joden la existencia y son una gastadera de recursos a lo pendejo. Recursos que implementation armas destructibles que son inútiles porque te puedes pasar todo el juego con el hacha.

De Silent hill 2 trajeron de vuelta el acompañante siento Eileen mas que algo que podemos espiar mientras duerme alguien a quien tenemos que proteger y muy fácil de joder porque es muy fácil que se quede matando un fantasma cuando tu te quieres ir a otra parte y dejarla sola, lastimarla o dejar que la lastimen y demás cosas solo dan puntos de posesión y es es una LADILLA. El sistema de Velas y amuletos en general es jodido y mas porque dependiendo de la dificultad escasea un muchísimo y hace que el apartamento termine en ruinas si te descuidas un poco. Lo cual les ha pasado a muchos porque jamas se señala de buena manera el como las velas pueden servir o en su defecto salvarte de la peor situación posible.

Las secciones como tales están bien, carecen del espíritu de recorrer una ciudad con niebla pero se adaptan lo suficientemente bien para que puedas sentir que estas jugando un Silent hill con el defecto de repetirse con Eileen y no variar mucho en las diferentes etapas, de por si el juego es ETERNO, Silent hill 2 me llevo 10 días contra los casi 3 meses que estuve intentando completar el juego, tiempo que se queda mas en todos en recorrer los espacios una y otra vez y ahora revolviendo con Eileen QUIEN POBRESITA POR SU BRAZO PERO YO QUIERO SALIR PUTA MADRE.

OK, La historia de Walter Sullivan vista mas por los papeles es realmente buena, No al nivel de escritura de James Sunderland pero es una forma diferente de tratar todos los problemas del abuso y las obsesiones que de manera diferente pueden romper a una persona hasta el punto de matar por necesidad divina.
Silent hill 4 que mas me ha costado terminar hasta ahora y por mucho tengo sentimientos divididos, No me gusta tanto como al resto pero al final no lo odio tanto en conjunto... Supongo que sigue el Origins... Pero ese es otro infier-

Le cae una Xbox 360 del cielo

I really liked it, despite the repeating environments I found them varied and well paced. Enjoyed the riddle of the notes unfolding throughout the story and slowly working out what was going on. However its very easy to miss things if you dont know what you are doing and it resulted in me really fucking up and getting the worst ending ha. But the reveal with the numbers I thought was very cool, it contextualised a lot.

Es un juego infravalorado y la verdad tiene cosas muy buenas que otros silent hill no tienen, por ejemplo de que el juego te permite en manejar en dos tipos de camaras diferentes en diferentes perspectivas tanto en primera persona como en tercera persona. Tiene un valor jugable interesante y la sensación del juego que se siente que estás atrapado en un mundo dimensional con lleno de fantasmas y monstruos que reflejan muy bien la mente retorcida de Walter Sullivan y con algunas ideas locas del diseño puestas en decoración está muy bien diseñado a nivel escritura. Todo esto está reflejado por las numerosas víctimas de ese asesino serial en un mundo ficticio creado por el y los elementos intrínsecos del juego están muy bien puesto, excepto en la parte del departamento que esa parte era algo insufrible por como era el backtracking y regresar 4 veces seguidas y regresar todos los elementos jugables de juego como una pelota, un gato de juguete y muchas cosas para abrir una puerta de reloj era muy tedioso en seguir ese procedimiento. Pero la verdad vamos con lo bueno, el juego los presenta una cámara en primera persona desde el inicio de la presentación. Es como si tú sintieras que tú departamento está muy vacío y todo pero ya cuando ves una puerta con lleno de candados y todo lo demás, el juego refleja muy bien la desesperación que siente el protagonista puesta para salir ahí y una sensación de claustrofobia de estar atrapado ahí sin que nadie te escucha y buscas unas herramientas para romperlo pero nada. Al final lo que consigues el jugador es un hoyo para viajar diversos mundos donde el juego te presenta; tanto en metro, bosques, hospitales, departamentos así como el interior de este. Es un nivel interesante no solo a nivel de dirección de artística si no de diseño.

sei la... meio paia
mas a lore é legal

faz umas maluquices com o lore mas na minha opinião é o ultimo silent hill bom

Terra meter: 72%

Story/narrative - 4/5
Gameplay - - 4/5
Sound/music - 4/5
General presentation - 3/5
Overall enjoyment - 3/5