Reviews from

in the past

A bit too old and outclassed by everything it inspired now.

Dopamine with every swing of the pickaxe

way better than i thought it would be

Pretty good but the sequel is so much better in every single way.

Sin más, mi queja principal solía ser que el juego estuviera aleatorizado pero en verdad es que ni me gusta siquiera. No es malo, tho, todo va como debería de ir y es cortito, pero no clica conmigo.

fun gameplay loop and decently challenging

Meh, it's fine. I only finished it because i was on my "finish every game you start" phase.

Didn't finish it, gets very repetitive after a while but simple and fun nontheless. Got it for like 1 euro, worth it!

It's actually impressive that this much backtracking can be as fun! It's still backtracking though.

The really inviting world of western robots make for a great metroidvania that knows what it is, does it well, and doesn't overstay its welcome. Nothing crazy, but a cute game to pass a weekend

They hired Clint Eastwood to voice Rusty

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A very well done take on a resource collection mining game. The fundamental and addicting gameplay makes up for the poor story and lackluster boss fight.

I found the game a bit too repetitive. It had some entertaining aspects to it and cool graphics, but it was not enough to really get me fully engaged.

It's a Metroidvania where you go down. Usually, maze games like that make you go up, as well as left and right. In this one, you mostly go down. There are robot cowboys, but it's steampunk, and many people HATE steampunk stuff. I beat this in 4 hours while suffering from LIFE-LONG DEPRESSION. It's pretty good and I enjoyed the breezy difficulty.

Great dig-em-up-vania! The gameplay loop is simple but engaging, similar to mining in sandbox games like Minecraft or Terraria where you keep going until you die or your inventory is full. Except in this one, the game is much more focused on that, having a smaller and more hand-crafted world with metroidvania style upgrades to spice things up. The scope of the game is not particularly large but thanks to the incredibly consistent design, I always knew I'd have a good time when I booted up the game.

Fun little gem of a game. There's not much story and the game is short, but that's okay because it would have lost it's appeal if it had been much longer. I mean, all you really do is dig in order to find gems and orbs to help power up for the final boss fight, which is the only boss fight in the game. My only real issue with the game is the controls are a bit sloppy.

Simple, divertido, colorido y bastante tranquilo. Necesitaba algo así ahora mismo

You can really see the seed that generated the greatness that the sequel is, even in the simpler format of the original steamworld dig is still such a cozy and fun time that is worth all the timing diggin every last mineral possible in this game.

Narrative: 5 - Gameplay: 5 - Visuals: 5 - Soundtrack: 4 - Time: 3
Stars: 4.5

It’s a metriodvania-esc game. I think it’s well paced and occasionally I replay this. Very charming willd west steampunk style.

fun mining resource gathering game! i went too long since I played it before logging it so I don't really remember my specific thoughts but I've played thru this one a few times before and I always have a good time

It was a very fun game, solid mechanics..reminded me of Miniclip games :D

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- A good game, gives Motherlode vibes
- Played Steamworld dig 2 first, so this one definitely feels inferior in almost every way

went back and 100%ed it on steam. fun completion experience, still as fun as i remembered.

Played it when it was free on ps+ I think, but I don't remember much.

Fun mining sim worth playing for the sequel