Reviews from

in the past

the second game definitely is what makes this game better but even by itself it’s just so fantastically done

ace attorney if it was even fucking better holy shit

cases range from "eh" to "eh pretty good", but the characters and the top tier visual work make up for it. this game is very much a "part 1 of 2", approach it under the pretense of "let them cook" and you'll get it

the best ace attorney game by far hands down. the only thing that can come close is aa3 or aai2. best mc with an amazing story, soundtrack, and a feel to the game that makes me so happy

Good story ruined by slow pacing. one of my main issues is the investigations. it's extremely boring and slow, and most of the stuff don't even feel important. i'm not joking that you'll feel more thrilled reading what's happening off a wiki or watching it on youtube on 2X, especially around the start of episode 5. i can't shake the feeling that even in the original trilogy the buildup was more enjoyable althought I truly enjoy every aspect of the trial and every little thing they added, especially trying to pit the jury and find contradictions, best AA game gameplay wise.
I don't really like sholmes character, he's annoying and childish and correcting him is just a hustle. other than that the game has an amazing soundtrack with stunning art. it felt like it was more of a build up to the next game rather then a game on its one which I don't really appreciate, I might be wrong. but I'll find out after I finish the second game. I put a lot of faith into it and probably will like this game after the second one.
even after all of my issues with the game, I still think it has epic moments. So, My learned niponese friends, for the conclusion, sadly i can't recommend it to anyone.

Fantastic presentation marred by glacially slow pacing, no text speed options and some of the least interesting cases in the franchise.

This seems more interested in setting up a bunch of larger mysteries to be solved in the sequel, which will hopefully pay off well when I finally get around to beating GAA2, but it unfortunately makes for a very underwhelming game by its own merits.

Also, despite the mind-numbingly slow nature of the gameplay and the amount of time since release, the updated Switch version of GAA1 is littered with spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. It paradoxically feels horribly drawn out and oddly rushed at the same time.

It took me 1.5 years to actually beat this after pausing it at the end of Chapter 4 back in April 2021. The fatigue of this game put me off continuing into the final chapter for months, and having finally played it - that was a wise choice. The final chapter alone contains 3-4 hours of investigation and 5-6 hours of trial. It's a party guest that overstays its welcome, not knowing well enough when to leave, far beyond when the fun was over.

Not a huge fan of the cases, but the overarching narrative is great

I was skeptical of the transition to 3d at first, but the expressive character animations and new gameplay mechanics warmed up to me pretty quickly
The cases are all very good (except the second one) but what really makes this game for me are the amazing cast of characters and attention to detail
Very excited for the next one!

theatrics have always been core to ace attorney, but dgs revels in its flair. [best character] sholmes and ryonusuke's 7/4 tangos of dual deduction represent a microcosm of the entire game: though mechanically thin, a synchronistically well-crafted spectacle. british

Filled with a cast of memorable and hilarious characters, five enticing cases, and excellent pacing this is one of the best visual novels I’ve ever played. Highly recommended for those that like solving mysteries and turn of the century London.

Full Review:

Game took soooooo long to get going, but at least the final case was a hit and seems to set up nicely for the 2nd game. The unmemorable music was also a low point for me.

It really was a the great ace attorney adventures

QUE JOGO INCRÍVEL, sério mesmo.
Só não é tão incrível assim pq é muito arrastado.

if u play this one you NEED to play the second one
this game made me so insane

it was crazy how theres an entire game before the great ace attorney 2 that is AS good

Exists entirely to set up the sequel, but since that sequel is included with this game in the states that's ok :)

Ace Attorney es sobre unos casos criminales que casualmente incluyen al mismo abogado. The Great Ace Attorney, al contrario, es la historia de crecimiento personal de Ryunosuke Naruhodo, en la que se ve involucrado en una serie de crímenes durante el proceso de convertirse en un abogado defensor. Este enfoque renovado en esta saga se siente mucho, todos los arcos argumentales principales se resuelven de forma satisfactoria y todo lo que ocurre le afecta directamente al protagonista y los infinitamente carismáticos personajes principales Susato Mikotoba, Herlock Sholmes y Iris Wilson, entre varios otros de sus aliados. La trama y los personajes son manejados de forma magistral y uno constantemente no se imagina lo que se viene ya que este juego rompe varias tradiciones de los anteriores.

Al tomar lugar en el Imperio Británico en los últimos años del siglo XIX y primeros del XX, los protagonistas japoneses son frecuentemente discriminados por venir del "lejano oriente", y me gusta muchísimo la inclusión de temas más maduros como el racismo, las tensiones políticas, las diferencias culturales y las novedades tecnológicas aún sin perder el característico humor absurdo de esta entretenida franquicia.

En esta novela visual ejemplar se tiene un cuidado extremo en cada escenario tridimensional, en cada diseño de personaje, en cada uno de sus movimientos y animaciones tan vívidas y coloridas, y todo esto sumado a la magnífica, pegadiza y simplemente excelente banda sonora (por lejos la mejor de la saga) es imposible no disfrutar del contenido audiovisual que te ofrece Adventures. Se añaden además un par de mecánicas nuevas que son muy bienvenidas y hacen más llevaderas tanto las secciones de investigación como las de los juicios en tribunales.

En resumen, así es como se hace una novela visual en todo sentido. Hace mucho que un juego no me tenía diciendo "puta la wea buena".

idk i really didn't vibe with this one after all the hyping it got for years when it was unreleased/fan-translated. the pacing is awful, the cases aren't interesting 80% of the time, and the characterization and arcs throughout are confusing.
some plotlines are just dropped randomly to (presumably) be picked up game 2. i just wish this game was better. like it was better than aa5 and aa6 but what a depressingly low bar

Improves on the AA formula with new gimmicks and systems and a very charming main cast. Presentation is top notch and the music is fire. My biggest issue is that most of the time is spent setting up the next game.
Case ranked: 5>3>4>1>>2

Please don't take my stars personally. The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures is the first half of Ryunosuke Naruhodo's story and, for certain reasons, one of the most interesting games in the series. A few years ago, Shu Takumi left the numbered installments in favour of Ace Attorney: Investigations team to go their own way, while he was interested in telling a story about the past in a spin-off duology originally for Nintendo 3DS. I think the crossover with Professor Layton was a success in Shu Takumi's narrative vision, although he already showed his wonderful storytelling skills with Ghost Trick. YT user @bowloflentils made an essay video about it.

As I said, The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures is the beginning of Ryunosuke Naruhodo's journey, but... In a different way than his great-grandson. He's the defendant in the first case, and he's not even the protagonist of this story, but things happen on a transatlantic ship to London, and Ryunosuke has to take the spotlight from his senior: Kazuma Asogi. With his assistant, Susato Mikotoba, Ryunosuke will have to face the modern British justice system in the face of the outdated and narrow-minded Japanese system. I think it's Japan, but I didn't see a hamburger stand, so...

The story follows Ryunosuke through the many problems he has to deal with on his arrival in London: a murder case on his first day, a bizarre fatal accident involving one of Japan's greatest writers, Natsume Soseki, on his second day, and a final case where everything comes together. It's not a grand story, but it's the most fitting to show the development of Ryunosuke's character as a lawyer. In that sense, I can't give the game a higher rating, because it's an unfinished story, but it's necessary for the sequel, and it's really well-written. I also appreciate the fact that the game leaves some mysteries unresolved and doesn't conclude the story with a typical 'anime cliffhanger".

In terms of gameplay, the cross-examination is more refined and the trials take on the mechanics of the crossover with Professor Layton. These additions enrich the overall dynamic, and the gestures and movements of the characters themselves are really fascinating. Some even have their own individual music themes. The game doesn't feel dull or overstretched.

P.D. I love the name change to Herlock Sholmes in the English version. It fits his character better.

Replayed GAA:A and it was pretty good. Its the funnest in the series to actually play and the new setting/characters are all fucking fantastic sholmes of course being the main highlight but I would say this game is on the weaker side of AA games since overall Alot of it feels like set up for Resolve and the first half of the game doesn't really have any full cases which are still good especially episode 2 but it just kinda doesn't amount to the quality of the series best. Naruhodo's character arc in this game is fucking awsome tho

This game was so much better than what I expected one of the best games I have played this year. I’m glad I was to finally go through the adventure.

No es que reinvente la rueda con respecto al resto de la saga, pero el nuevo set-in le da una frescura sorprendente.

- El nivel del guion sigue siendo muy alto, como nos viene acostumbrando la saga.
- La mecánica del jurado popular es uno de los mejores aportes al ritmo de los juicios, permitiendo además interactuar con muchos más personajes.
- Situarnos en una época más antigua en la que no existían los avances en reconocimiento de huellas o análisis de sangre le da unos enfoques muy curiosos a los casos.

- Muchos diálogos siguen alargándose en demasía, reiterando una y otra vez evidencias que han quedado claras. Nada nuevo en el formato anime tampoco.
- Las fases de investigación no tienen demasiada profundidad, quedando todo el pescado por vender en los juicios.
- Parece que definitivamente se ha abandonado al público hispanohablante en las nuevas iteraciones de esta saga.

Es el juego más experimental de la franquicia con diferencia, desde su ambientación hasta sus mecánicas pasando por la estructura de sus casos. Esto se lleva hasta la última consecuencia con el hecho de que deja muchos cabos sueltos de forma explícita de cara a la secuela, cosa que por un lado deja a esta entrega un poco más coja pero que también aumenta el hype por la siguiente.

En cualquier caso, los puntos más fuertes de la saga permanecen: casos interesantes, personajes encantadores, momentos de pura emoción, mucho humor y una banda sonora exquisita.

A nivel jugable los elementos más destacables son las deducciones de Herlock Sholmes (divertidísimas, como todo lo que rodea al personaje) y la presencia del jurado en los juicios (que llega a dar un juego tremendo de las formas más insospechadas).

Mencionar, por último, que ni el setting victoriano ni la presencia del lore de la obra de Conan Doyle son, en absoluto, elementos puramente cosméticos; sino que se integran perfectamente con los temas de la historia y hacen la experiencia muy inmersiva.

The first entry of the Ace Attorney series for me to try out, I was instantly gripped by the mixture of evidence based deduction and reasoning in the form of a visual novel. The first episode had me fully invested as it felt the stakes were high and the culprit and antagonists were unlikable it really caught my attention early on and I really liked the way that each mystery began to unfold. However, the story really starts to drag and take its time in the fourth episode where episodes became twice as long with the investigation taking as long as each trial. The final trial was good, but took way too long. The characters grew on me and the twists were good, although I almost have fatigue after this first game in the series. I should hope it is a while before I make a return, but once I do return I suspect I'll enjoy the reintroduction.