Reviews from

in the past

I played the original but never beat it, too dumb of a kid, regardless, had plenty of fun exploring the world.

This classic cannot be missed. It starts out a bit slow, but it will definitely grow on you.

Decent first attempt at 3D Zelda. Lots of control issues, but the N64 is a garbage console. A remake could make this good, maybe it's better on 3DS?

This game has not aged so well
Some puzzles are archaic and most mechanics are designed with a rudimentary controller in mind, making it frustrating to play on anything else
Also just like overhyped, good game but not best game of all time

amazing soundtrack, cool environments, and story that surprised me for its generation. only downside is the water temple forced me to use a guide.

without question the most overrated game of all time. almost nothing in this game has aged well. in spite of this, still quite fun. play the 3DS version for a more consistent framerate & better controls.

An absolute masterpiece.

I grew up with the game and coming back to it as an adult and completing it was an incredible experience. One of my favorite games of all time. The atmosphere that was created with such limited 3d technology is mystifying. The fact that this was the first 3d Zelda game makes everything even more impressive.

I replayed the game through Ship of Harkinian on a modded Switch. I highly recommend it for small tweaks it adds to make the experience even better.

por culpa de este juego hay gente que le tiene miedo a la ducha (y por el anime pero de eso mejor no hablemos).

I love this game, though i honestly didnt first play it on the n64 (I played it on the 3ds) just raw Zelda feel

Best Zelda game of all time for people who are blinded by nostalgia, this game is slammed in every way by Majora’s Mask. I acknowledge the influence and the technological wonder that it is but this game is a series of fetch quests across an “open world” which consists of holding the stick forward for five minutes across an empty hyrule field. Great for it’s time, ambition of a “big game” did not age well.

Classic game I remember fondly, one of the first games where I played it and thought it would be fun to design video games

não cresci jogando esse jogo então não tenho um apego emocional muito forte com ele, a gameplay atualmente envelheceu muito bem, mas vc vai sentir um pouco travado em alguns momentos. Ainda assim um dos jogos que você definitivamente tem que jogar antes de morrer.

I played this on the GameCube back in the day, but I guess this app forgot that version exists.

Like Mario 64, I can appreciate all the crawling Ocarina did (it’s definitely aged a bit better), but on top of just feeling very clunky, the 3D nature of the game is practically an illusion. The way the game goes about progression makes it feel like you’re playing on a leash.

However, I do love the “cinematic” feel this game pulls off, especially given the limitations of the time, looking the way it does. The build up to and fight with the final boss in particular feel appropriately tense and climactic in a way that Mario 64’s Bowser just didn’t.

not considered one of the best games of all time for no reason

Glad I played it, wish I didn't play on the N64 though. 10/10

friendly reminder that I need to play more of this incredible game

Melhor jogo do N64 só atras do mario ne

like sm64 i get that it was incredible for the time but i just Really Do Not enjoy playing it at all, oops!

Es sin dudas uno de los juegos mas revolucionarios y mejor valoras de toda la historia. Es un juego semi-lineal que deja mucho lugar para experimentar al jugador, con una narrativa y personajes únicos te envuelve en su mundo donde sientes la necesidad de querer conocer cada rincón, en su momento planteo mecánicas únicas para la época que hasta hoy en día se mantienen. Es una aventura repleta de todo tipo de emociones que no tiene desperdicio alguno, es recomendable a cualquier persona.

the atmosphere is something that hasn't quite been matched in other Zelda games I think. some gameplay elements haven't aged that well, though.

I don't feel like much needs to be said about this game at this point. Really impressive what they managed to pull off in the transition to 3D. Obviously not without its flaws but all things considered they're pretty minor.

The game feels like an adventure from front to back with the highlights being the temples and bosses. The world design in this game I always found a bit strange because it's ultimately a bunch of more interesting areas connected to a huge empty field. The vastness of Hyrule Field is important to the feel of the game, especially when you first arrive, but there's very little to actually see and do in it. Side areas are interconnected where they need to be but not always in useful ways. This is only really an issue when you're travelling around a lot but not so much when you just follow the main path.

I went for 100% this time around and didn't find it all that rewarding. The skulltulas are the biggest undertaking and there are too many for the reward to be worthwhile. I don't think you're really expected to get much more than 50 though in a normal run.