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in the past

Ocarina of Time is the quintessential videogame. The influence of OoT over the medium is immeasurable and would grant it a place in history by itself. However, the game is also damn good, and holds up to today's standards.

OoT is a masterclass in both game design and storytelling and lays the foundation to the modern videogame. The item-dungeon loop, the quasi-open world, the hub areas integrated into the worldbuilding aspects and the time-related plot twists and implementation of quests and sidequests integrating the game's main gimmick in such a natural manner were basically the template for most major game created ever since.

The use of soundtrack in ambience and storytelling is also extremely inspired and helps the game in its longstanding legacy. The musical and audio motif introduced in OoT are, in fact, one of the more important factors in the series identity up to the most recent entries.

The Kingdom of Hyrule feels alive, which is a feat and a half considering the technical hurdles of the time. The clever use of hub locations contrasting with the ample Hyrule Fields makes the populated areas feel that more important and full of points of interest.

Locations are, in fact, the most important part of the storytelling in OoT. The dungeons all have some significance that is alluded to but explicitly told - a not pioneering, but definetly daring move at the time. And the identity of the locales merges with the level design, capabilities acquired and soundtrack of the dungeons in a manner seldom replicated from then to now.

The UI and UX factors of the game are harder to evaluate. The field has developed tremendously and OoT utilized dated conventions - which still work, as most average gamers even today can navigate without any issues - but the use of c-buttons to alleviate the clutter of so many tools was a functional and perfectly able solution. The menuing can get quite annoying, especially during areas where the boots are used frequently. The d-pad should-ve been better utilized - and this was one of the first QoL solutions implemented by current-day modders. Hindsight is 20-20, however. During its day, there were few 3D games which utilized solutions as effectively as OoT - the Z-targeting was one of the greatest legacies for gameplay UX, and is now ubiuitous because of the great implementation made by OoT.

The story is an apt retelling of the Chosen One trope. While not groundbreaking as a general motif, the time-travelling twist is extremely effective in its implementation. Link is a blank slate and does not impede the player immersion into the story being told. That is very much a good thing, and contributes to the longevity of the game's enjoyability and it's perpetuity in history.

While being prey to the curse of the early 3D graphics, it is one of the least offensive polygons of the era. The artstyle is fantastical enough to make the graphics not too dated for today's standards - there is a kind of charm in them. Of course, in it's heyday OoT was considered an impressive technical feat. There were few games of it's scope back then and the graphical fidelity was amongst the top of its class, especially considering the N64 library - and not using pre-rendered graphics as much and as overtly as the jRPGs of the era. It's use of pre-rendered graphics was, in fact, subtle and melded well with the real-time polygonal graphics. The camera is generally acceptable, but it's finnicky sometimes - a problem that was much more felt in Majora's Mask -, an issue of the times. The ability to move the camera in the way OoT did, however, was extremely innovative.

All in all, OoT is one of those rare games that can be considered a true masterpiece. It is the template for all current open-world action-adventure games and is the starting point to videogames being taken seriously as a medium. It holds up well as an entertainment piece and is legendary as turning point in videogame history.

Few games can survive the destructive tendencies of time, but Ocarina of Time remains as astounding today as when it was first released.

I was not there when at that time, I didn’t play this entry until nearly 15 years later. While its series has remained an important part of my childhood, this was not an entry I touched for a long time. I was amazed to discover in this cartridge an experience as powerful as any game I’ve seen played in the years before or since.

What Ocarina of Time conveys is an unbridled passion for all aspects of its own existence. The wonder of exploration and childhood. The conflicting nature of young adulthood. The darkness and light inherit in individuals. There is a story here about the totality of growing up, all encompassing but somehow not messy.

It understands perfectly not the game that it is, but the game that it wants to be, and we are forever grateful for it.

After struggling with the sand temple (I don't remember what's it called), I realized I wanted to play this franchise just to find the same emotions felt with Majora's Mask

As harsh as it sounds to say for such a culturally acclaimed classic, I did not have fun while playing this game, but I hope you will

A classic in all sense of the word. A little dated in places, but still fun from start to finish. Also a hell of a speedrun.

This game has the literal perfect balance of being a solid game without bugs played casually, but if you want to completely break it in half you can do that too. I look forward to February 21st every year

There are very few games that deserved to be considered the best ever and this one is one of them. It has maybe the best argument I can think of the greatest game ever made. Zelda perfection. The sound, ambience, graphics, controls, puzzles, fighting, creativity, story, etc. were all best of the best as the time. Set the gold standard. An essential video game.

An incredible accomplishment in video game history and a very solid game setting aside its historical significance. Even today, it feels expansive and deep and despite some glitches, the gameplay is still smooth and responsive in a way that is just a joy to play.

Lo tengo para la N64 desde pequeño que lo compro mi madre pq le encantan los Zelda pero al estar en ingles no entendia nada. Hace unos meses me lo pase y joder vaya juegazo, eso si no se como mi yo de pequeño se hubiese enterado de como hacer la mitad de cosas pq hay partes que para saber donde ir hace falta un manual o algo

need to slobber on a physical copy of this

Después de jugar con amigos al Mario Kart, Goldeneye o al Smash en la n64 o turnarnos al Street Fighter en la Gameboy, después de juegos arcade que venían a cientos en consolas de marca blanca y por supuesto después de Pokémon Rojo; llega el primer videojuego que me dio una historia que me atrapó, un mundo que me voló la cabeza y unos gráficos y gameplay que cambiaría mi modo de ver los videojuegos para siempre. El primero. El que me atrapó. El que me hizo fijarme en la música en los videojuegos. El que me exigía demasiado y a veces tenía que pedir ayuda a mi hermana para poder seguir. El que lo cambió todo.

Ocarina of Time was a groundbreaking game for its time and rightfully earned its legendary status. The epic adventure through Hyrule still feels magical, the dungeons are filled with clever puzzles, and the music is absolutely iconic. That said, the visuals have definitely aged, the controls feel a bit clunky by modern standards, and some of the overworld travel can feel tedious. But if you're up for a classic with a bit of old-school charm, Ocarina of Time remains a must-play adventure.

Full thoughts at the Use Your Items podcast:

Use your Ultima Blade and play that flute, Zelda!

Encore un classique atomique voilà j'ai rien à rajouter

TLOZ: Ocarina of Time is a dang good video game. It's a bit on the overrated side & I feel like I enjoy & connect with other Zelda games a lot more, but it's still a good video game. I think other LOZs outpace it from a narrative point of view, but the gameplay is great with cool items to use, immersive dungeons to tackle & an interesting world to explore.

overrated as fuck but its good.

Everything you hear about this game might be a little gassed up but I think it lives up to the hype. The soundtrack for a game this old is not normal and no matter how fun the puzzles are, how you can be with the world, or even just the story implications and how this game plays out in the long run, it could still be easily the best Zelda game

I don't feel like much needs to be said about this game at this point. Really impressive what they managed to pull off in the transition to 3D. Obviously not without its flaws but all things considered they're pretty minor.

The game feels like an adventure from front to back with the highlights being the temples and bosses. The world design in this game I always found a bit strange because it's ultimately a bunch of more interesting areas connected to a huge empty field. The vastness of Hyrule Field is important to the feel of the game, especially when you first arrive, but there's very little to actually see and do in it. Side areas are interconnected where they need to be but not always in useful ways. This is only really an issue when you're travelling around a lot but not so much when you just follow the main path.

I went for 100% this time around and didn't find it all that rewarding. The skulltulas are the biggest undertaking and there are too many for the reward to be worthwhile. I don't think you're really expected to get much more than 50 though in a normal run.

I love this game, though i honestly didnt first play it on the n64 (I played it on the 3ds) just raw Zelda feel

the atmosphere is something that hasn't quite been matched in other Zelda games I think. some gameplay elements haven't aged that well, though.

This review contains spoilers

Das Game ist super
Muss sagen, das war anfangs sehr holprig, weil ich echt Probleme hatte in das Game reinzukommen. Habe dann aber via PC Port gespielt und pochhuaa habe das soo durch gesuchtet.

Ich bin komplett in diese Welt eingetaucht. Ich habe sau gerne mit den Charaktern geredet. Sei es Malon und ihr Dad aus der Lon Lon Range. Nicht dieser Hund aus der Lon Lon Range, den hasse ich aus dem Herzen. Dann bei den Goronen hatte man nur gute Laune. Ich wurde auch bei deren Anführer traurig, dass er einer der Weißen war. Einfach weil ich den am Anfang nicht mochte, aber dann mögen gelernt habe, als er in mich Vertrauen hatte. Die Zoras waren eher langweilig, aber die Musik schön. Hyrule Town Bewohner mochte ich, bis ich die Maske der Wahrheit auf hatte. Alles Hunde die mich da beleidigt haben. Gerudo Dorf mochte ich nicht so ganz. Ich habe das Gefühl die sind mies arrogant. Und sonst auch die ganzen Neben Charaktere waren cool.

Gameplay Technisch war die Steuerung durch PC Port Free Camera sehr intuitiv. Die Bossfights haben sich gut gespielt. Hatten immer coole Twists und man hat sehr leicht mit bisschen Nachdenken herausgefunden, was deren schwächen sind. Besonders den Dungeon Boss mit diesem Hammer Jahrmarkt Spiel Prinzip fand ich super kreativ. Wobei dieser ekelhafte Boss mit den Händen war als einziger grausam. Der Finale Bosskampf war meiner Meinung nach perfekt. Am Anfang hatte ich struggles mit diesem Abwehren, aber dann easy, aber dennoch relativ knapp. Super befriedigend.

Die Minigames waren eine coole Erweiterung, aber ich habe mit denen kaum gespielt, da die schnell langweilig werden. Ich fand das sprechen mit den Inhabern cooler, besonders mit dem Fischer.

Navi war komisch, aber nicht soo aufdringlich.

Ich musste recht häufig in einen Guide nachschauen und hatte häufig die Situation, dass ich etwas schon ausprobiert habe, was die Lösung ist. Das war komisch.

Am besten fand ich aber das Gefühl, das erste mal Erwachsen zu sein. Ich habe richtig gespührt wie bedrückend alles ist. Ich hatte selber das Gefühl von Leere.

Ich muss sagen, das Alter merkt man diesem Spiel echt nicht an und es ist auf jeden Fall ein must play, man muss nur irgendwie sich durch den Anfang boxen.

An amazing game, but the remaster for the 3DS is almost better in every way

Esse jogo só tem 2 problemas, a câmera e o water temple

Good time, the PC Port was really good.