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in the past

Truly a one of a kind. If you enjoy rhythm games in any capacity then this is a must play, with a cute story as well. I'm not saying anything else, I think it's best experienced blind.

You NEED to play Rhythm Doctor if you're a fan of rhythm games--especially Rhythm Heaven. The game does so, so much with just one button; it introduces various different cues, combining and expanding upon them in really cool ways from one level to the next. On top of that, there's a genuinely great story that works hand-in-hand with the gameplay; nothing super complex or groundbreaking, but the patients and staff of Middlesea Hospital are quite a compelling cast of characters. The game's still in Early Access as of now, but for my money, it's already one of the all-time greats of the rhythm game genre--and I'm certain it'll be even better once it's complete.

also i absolutely LOVE IT whenever the game does that. no spoilers, iykyk

Technically this is still in early access so can’t say it’s finished just yet, but with Act 5 out it seems mostly content complete as is. And what’s here is really good, very creative rhythm game that makes just tapping one button much more difficult than it would seem

The goal is to tap on the seventh beat of the song, but it tries its best to distract you from that with the visuals for each stage. Trying to pay attention to the beat while also looking at the level’s really cool, especially for certain ones throughout that caught me off guard. And as it goes it’ll start adding new beats to listen to that can quickly ramp up what you’ll need to keep track of. Hopefully there’s a bit more levels to look forward to before it’s officially released

New update will be out soon and I will probably play it when it releases. Game was pretty enjoyable when I played it a while ago. Really cool effects, great workshop.

This game has the perfect name. Very Rhythm and very Doctor.

With the Rhythm it's nice that it keeps throwing gimmicks at you instead of raising the difficulty on the individual gimmicks too high. When the gimmicks get overlapped it can be hit or miss but it's mostly hits. Playing a level well is satisfying and it doesn't require too much to get past a level which is good because...

The little narratives explored in the Doctor side of this game are all so charming. All the stories feel so small but also cover such grand emotions under the surface. Things like love, and anxiety, and regret. The songs bring out these big explosions internally but externally the narratives are so insignificant. There is also a lot of melancholy here that you could only get in a hospital setting.

The game also has a lot of grand boss fights which is fun for a rhythm game. They bring out all the tricks and gimmicks for those and they are pretty delightful to experience.

Just a solid little guy. The Baseball guys plotline, in particular, got me so emotional for how ridiculously cornballs it was.

Genuinely such a charming rhythm game. There's still more that has yet to be released, but where the game is at now, it is still 100% worth buying. Definitely a game I want to go back and 100% complete.

great fun, an excellent take on the rhythm game genre from the developers who brought you a dance of ice and fire

one of the best rhythm games out there

i absolutely suck at this game but i love ian and paige

TASTY soundtrack, simple gameplay. will stay updated for future content

Simply perfect, amazing, incredible, i don't have enough words to express how fucking good this game is so much it pretty much changed my life trajectory and it isn't even finished yet it's still in early access, i know they'll cook with act 6 tho


Excellent jeu de rythme avec de nouvelles mécaniques à quasiment chaque niveau. Très touchant à certains moments. Un peu court.

Super unique Rhythm game - it has a progression somewhat similar to Rhythm Heaven with these short stages that introduce new mechanics, but what makes it special is that each of these mechanics continuously roll over into the next.

In Rhythm Heaven, each game is disconnected and focuses on one rhythmic pattern before eventually mashing everything together in a Remix at the end - this game takes the super unique approach of making each level feel like an expansion of the last, and has a properly great feeling progression!

The soundtrack is spectacular and the game is always doing so much to exceed expectations - establishing rules and then remixing them within themselves once you think you have a hang of them. Consistently engaging and dynamic for each stage, and has a high skill ceiling with harder versions of each stage to try and perfect.

Great little early access game and I'm excited to see where it goes next! It's already so polished and full feeling!

Starting this by saying I've been following this game through development since 2017; the concept is really cool! It mashes an EKG style heart monitor into a rhythm game. Rhythm Doctor also tests your internal clock by smearing distractions all over the screen. and I mean a LOT of distractions. Gotta rely on audio cues for this one, which can be a fun challenge!

RD would be a 4 star for me if the single beat cues were consistent. I've played a good amount of rhythm games, and while the patterns in RD are really fun, the single beats in between just kill me. I'm either trying my hardest to ignore the cues or just guessing where the single beat goes. It's crazy to me that I can get a better rank by not paying attention and autopiloting vs. trying my best to match the cues, but I digress. The single cues may be frustrating, but the rest of the cues are really cool! My favorite are the SVT beats and the swing beats, they feel so natural to do.

Most of the song selection is Lo-fi. It creates a super vibin atmosphere that counter-acts the distractions for a unique experience. I love the simple story too, I'm glad there is one at all. The pixel art is lovely too. There's no doubt that the devs put tons of love and care into this game over its extremely long development.

I'm almost through world 5 but I'm unsure if I'll finish RD. Blast beats and freeze beats are easy, don't get me wrong, it's the funky single beats in the middle that screw me over. Despite my personal struggles, If you really love rhythm games (especially indie ones) I highly recommend Rhythm Doctor! It's got a chill vibe that can't be beat.

Eu quero muito esperar o final do jogo quando ele sair, mas Rhythm Doctor é provavelmente o melhor jogo de rítmico narrativo já feito. De um conceito simples que começa a ficar totalmente maluco, até personagens que são muito legais de acompanhar, eu ainda não consegui entender exatamente tudo que senti em RD.

Music is cool, gameplay works very well and become really complicated after a while, the story is fun and there are some great ideas game design wise, i'm not gonna spoil anything but sometimes the game just does unique things

Few times in my gaming history have I had such a big smile on my face as I have when I play these boss battles. Rhythm games at their finest.

Incredible rhythm game, the best I've ever played by far. It manages to create amazing gameplay with just the spacebar, and adds way more to the table then any other music game I've ever seen. Instead of just focusing on the gameplay, Rhythm Doctor actually ties music with great characters, a great setting, humor and stories.

The effect that it causes is unlike any other, plus the songs themselves are also really good. They can also be kind of wholesome and heartfelt in the context of each character's treatment and story.

As a musician myself this was also very educative and good practice. Incredible game, can't recommend this enough. There's also a certain boss that's guaranteed to BLOW YOUR MIND.

O melhor jogo de ritmo que ja joguei

Delightful rhythms that keep things fresh and challenging– if only for a couple hours.

Rhythm Doctor plays wonderfully on my Steam Deck, and it's the perfect game to pick up for a few minutes at a time. I'll definitely return to this as the developers continue to add more content (hopefully).

This review contains spoilers

I don't think I can critique a rhythm game, but I'll try my best. This game is in beta and slowly gaining chapters as it finishes, but I am so fucking glad I found this game by word-of-mouth. This is one of the best rhythm games ever regarding story, character, and gameplay. I am writing this quick review because Chapter 5 JUST came out, and I wanted to get my thoughts out before I forget.

The setup is pretty simple. You're an intern working a remote job. There's this new rhythm-based technology that can defibrillate hearts from any distance. You and the other doctors are tasked with keeping the patients healthy while both are learning more about their situation, hopes, and goals. While also slowly developing the technology with the head doctor. Each character has a beautiful story arc they're going through, probably something similar to whatever you or a friend/family member has experienced in a hospital. With all the characters and the entire community developed within the hospital, you will NOT struggle to find a favorite. I will mention them all now.

Ada Paige & Ian - The two main doctor characters you work with. Ian developed the system, while Ada works in other fields, albeit a little too much for her health. Both play well off each other with witty dialogue and emotional support.

Samurai & Insomniac - Samurai is the main mascot of the game and the first person you treat. Insomniac is similar in temperament and swordsmanship, but he is the first boss. The former has more interaction so far.

Logan & Hailey - Two teenage characters who are in love with each other but are too shy to say it. They have yet to confess, but the game is building up to it.

Cole Brew & Nichole Ting - Cole is an indie music artist who is stressed by his work but learns to relax and take things one at a time. Nichole is similarly stressed, but it's because she works as a barista at the hospital's coffee shop. Both get along with music and video games, and they seem to be developing a love.

Janitor - Just a tired man who works at the hospital. Relatable.

Richard Hugh is a politician running for re-election. He seems to demand higher service from the hospital despite supposedly not offering enough funding.

Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson - An old couple both at the hospital. They don't seem to see each other as much, but it's always wholesome when they do.

The birds - Mrs. Stevenson owns a variety of birds. Yes, they have their heartbeats that you can monitor.

Miner - A stressed-out miner who seems to be friendly. He'll frequently help out the other patients.

Gabe Edga - The head doctor of the hospital. He is constantly working, especially with the development of the rhythm defibrillator, but there's more to him than he lets on.

Maximo "Lucky" Jonronero - The newest character in this chapter. He is angry that his Baseball career might prematurely end with his shoulder injury. He finds ways to rush his recovery, even allowing Edga to work on faster treatment. But with help from the Miner and even when he volunteers to coach a small game with the hospital guests vs. a local college, he decides to take the more extended, less experimental treatment to recover safely and spend more time with his new friends.

That does it for all the characters. Let's move on to gameplay.

Each patient's heartbeat is represented by a straight line that leads to the heart. Your job is to press the space bar on the 7th beat according to the music. It is easy enough, but more mechanics are added that change up gameplay. Moreover, multiple lines may be added, thus requiring the player to track two or more beats. All the mechanics work to add variety to each song and to give custom map makers (because, yes, there is a map maker) a unique gimmick that keeps the players engaged. Let's quickly run down every mechanic.

Classic Beats - No gimmick here; click on the 7th beat. Simple.

X'd out beats - There will be beats in the line where you won't hear a sound, but you still must count in your head. This one is still easy because the game teaches you how to trust in your head.

Oneshots (STV) - The nurse will give a "Rea-dy Get Set Go!". The speed and rhythm at which the above statement is said determines the speed of the Oneshot beat. You must click when it reaches the right spot next to the heart. This is always fun to play with because it gives a lot of energy to the accompanying song.

Windowdance - The game will randomly go from Full Screen to tiny screen on your desktop. During the song, the window will move around according to the music. You can deactivate this, but this is an enjoyable challenge, so you'd miss out.

Swing Beats - A swing beat indicated by the curvature of a beat symbol. If you know how to count swing beats, this is an easy pattern to get used to. Note that each established swing beat will swing at different patterns, so watch out!

Row X's - An X will fly to the 7th beat, which indicates that you DON'T click on that beat. This is mainly used to trip up the player who has gotten comfortable in a beat pattern.

Hold Beats - Hold beats require a hold and release at precise timing instead of a single click. While holding, any other incoming beats will be automatically clicked, so you won't have to worry about their timing.

Squareshots - Same as Oneshots, but is accompanied by a "one" voice. This is usually done to give the accompanying music more energy or establish an Oneshot beat, then immediately switch to a separate beat on the same line.

Triangeshots - Offshoots from Squareshots that add a "two" voice cue and a tonk sound effect indicating the needed click pattern. This can go up to two, three, four, and even five shots, so you need to be quick about it!

Syncopation - A part in the line where when the beat lands on it, it will switch to the next beat in a half instead of a whole. This is a new mechanic that messes with your sense of rhythm, but it helps develop your sense for half-beats

Freeze Shots - An offshoot from Oneshots that is new. The player must hit the following note later than usual. The length of the delay is the duration of the two dings of the cue. This is better explained through practice, but it's challenging to master.

Burn Shots- An offshoot from Oneshots that is new. These notes are part of the SVT Mechanics and will cue the player to hit the following note earlier by the duration of the cue. Like Freeze Shots, it's hard to master but easier to learn through practice.

Blast Shots - An offshoot of one-shots and currently the most complex mechanic to learn. These notes are part of the SVT Mechanics and will cue the player to hit the following offbeat multiple times.

With all these mechanics combined, it's easy to see how hard the maps get, but the maps wouldn't be entertaining without good music, and by god, the music is fantastic! The OST is free on YouTube, but I recommend listening to "Bomb-Sniffing Pomeranian," "Wish I could care less (ft. Yeo)," and "Dreams Don't Stop." But all the music is excellent with tons of variety.

The pixel graphics are vital, too, with a beautiful background visual of the hospital. Each patient's room is uniquely designed to their character, giving a lot of variety to the visuals both in the menu and at each level.

After all this writing, I can't do the game justice enough. You have to play it for yourself. It's not too expensive. Please support the developers in their endeavors. You will not regret it. This and Rhythm Heaven are my favorite rhythm games of all time.

So fun and creative and, most importantly for this genre, it has a banger soundtrack

Still in early access as I write this, but Rhythm Doctor is a very charming little game that is definitely worth checking out. The pixel art style is cute and gives the game this really cozy feel, which I appreciate. The characters are endearing, and though this game doesn't really have much of a story (yet!!), they were a highlight of the experience.
As for the actual game, Rhythm Doctor takes inspiration from Rhythm Heaven, and is a one-key rhythm game. On every 7th note, you click the space bar. What comes then are a plethora of different heartbeats, keeping you on your toes. Some patients only have 2 beats instead of 7. Others use a swing rhythm. Others need you to hold their beat down. There are even some wholly unique ones that comes with certain special stages. Rhythm Doctor manages to keep the gameplay from getting stale, while still making sure the core gameplay loop is still simple and fun. This all comes together for the boss stages, with very unique gimmicks and interesting shifts in gameplay. I would like to especially highlight 2-X. I'm not gonna spoil anything, and you definitely shouldn't spoil yourself either, but that stage really impressed me.
The music is obviously well done. There's a decent variety of songs to be enjoyed here, from slow lo-fi to fast-paced electronic. The night levels especially have some really good songs, with Rollerdisco Rumble and Bomb-Sniffing Pomeranian being my favorites.
The game is pretty short and sweet (so far!!), but there is official support for custom stages. The community's still pretty small, but they've been hard at work making unique tracks and levels, and they're only gonna make more as the game grows.
Very underrated fun time. Go give this game a try, and give it some support. I can't wait to see this game grow!

有几首歌很好听 总体来说不错 选关操作环节设计的不好


jogo muito foda, musicas boas pra krl e recentemente lançou o ato 5, vale a pena ver denovo.