Reviews from

in the past

An all ages death game apocalypse adventure from the creators of Zero Escape and Danganronpa. It’s younger audience and cast lightens those games usual themes, and the platforming is pretty simple, though you die a lot. I had a good time.

A cornball but endearing, silly visual novel dragged down by the most rudimentary, stiff, unpolished, simple ass puzzle platforming ever, it's a Balan Wonderworld situation where everything looks good BUT the gameplay, I probably shouldn't be surprised by the game's state considering what we have nowadays but wow what happened here? Atleast we got a nice story and art ig.

There are hidden achievements on iOS but I'm gonna pretend I played the switch version instead.

making your kid play this would be considered child abuse

I was like 3 hours into the game, when I realised that this is literally baby's first mystery game. And you can have a game made for a younger audience, but at least make it enjoyable to an older crowd as well, you know?

cute characters but the writing is ahh

The story is all plot twists, play this NOW

Genuinely love this game so much. Wish more people would play it instead of just dismissing it due to the style and E10+ age rating...

Cute game with an interesting story held back by absolutely tedious gameplay

This game sucks so bad, the controls feel awful, I hate the characters, the levels feel repetitive and barely interactive -- if they wanted to make a visual novel they should have just made a visual novel

Every time I started a DanganRonpa game for the first time, this is basically exactly how I wished and hoped their stories would go (they did not).

I played this back at launch, but my memory of it is pretty clear.
I feel like it's kind of spoilers to talk about the direction this game takes, because it's clearly playing on the expectations of people who played some of Uchikoshi and Kodaka's other games (certainly was me), but I suppose some people will probably be disappointed by that expectation (and you've probably already had it spoiled by other reviews anyway). Might be for the best. (Although you can look elsewhere for more of that.)
I liked this. It was cute and emotional. It's not on the level of the Zero Escape games, but it's its own thing. The soundtrack is amazing and I love listening to it outside the game. It's just packed with awesome tracks.
Some of the gameplay sequences were a bit annoying to get through, forcing me to retry a few times.

The character designs are really cool, although I think they did Mowchan dirty. Cute character, but just the same fat joke/stereotype you've seen again and again.
The characters themselves are fine, but very cartoon-ish, with exaggerated personalities a la DanganRonpa. They still have some meaningful moments, but most of what you'll see is just silly stuff. I particularly like Jennu, Pochi, and Nyoro.
Some of the story twists were pretty fun.

It was a worthwhile time for me~ Still have to go back to find my last like, two stickers...

Kodaka, Uchikoshi, and Nakazawa, coming together to make a game marketed on "DANGAN RONPA MEETS ZERO ESCAPE" and then making a game that is less derivative of their previous works than anything they'd made in the past decade is honestly kind of incredible.

The games characters and tone give it a really unique and fun feel from the other games by these authors. This often gets labelled as being "Danganronpa/Zero Escape but toned down for kids" but I think people are really mistaking the tone of the game for it's target audience. The game might lack the violence of Danganronpa and Zero Escape, but it certainly never feels like the games story has been "dumbed down" for a younger audience.

The whole "Oh no, we're stuck in an underwater amusement park and being forced to play a death game" premise sounds like such a parody version of Uchikoshi's works that it's no surprise that the game isn't really about that at all. The game quickly ditches the "trapped in a place" and "forced to play a death game" premise the three creators are known for to do practically the opposite: a group of characters working together to journey across Japan.

That's not to say it's not COMPLETELY free from Nakazawa and Uchikoshi's reuse of ideas. Aside from the obvious thing near the end that Nakazawa does literally every game (and Uchikoshi uses a toned-down version of in all of the Zero Escape games), there's still a few moments here and there (particularly a major plot twist that is reused from, weirdly enough, Root Double of all things), but it never feels nearly as detrimental to the story as it is in something like Virtue's Last Reward.

The major issue with the game is, of course, the gameplay. As you would expect from Uchikoshi and Nakazawa, the way the player interacts with the gameplay plays directly into the games story elements, so I certainly wouldn't say something as silly as "they should've just made it a straight visual novel", but the problem is that the gameplay is ONLY interesting in how it relates to the story. The actual gameplay itself rarely has anything interesting going on. It all just feels so simple and afraid to do anything mechanically intensive.
The reason the game is this way all clicked for me as soon as I found out this game was originally released for iOS. Trying to play a mechanically intensive platforming game with shitty smartphone touchscreen controls might be one of the most terrible ideas ever. It's just incredibly unfortunate that the entire game is brought down by the fact that it was developed for a shitty platform that barely anyone actually played the game on anyways. Overall, the gameplay certainly isn't unbearable though, and the primary focus is still on the visual novel segments.

I found it to be a really fun, pretty laid back experience and I enjoyed all of the characters. Nice twists and turns and some things I just wouldn't have expected. Fun time.

If you want a quick summary: it’s anime the game. Almost everything is voiced, the characters & story are typical, you have robots, the world ending, kids saving the day, the power of friendship, tons of twists and more. It’s well told and I ended up liking the characters despite that style of story telling not being my thing. Also, the Japanese voice actors did an excellent job. The gameplay is the weaker part. There isn’t much there but it’s still basic and mediocre. It also doesn’t help that one hit kills you instantly. There are frequent checkpoints to compensate for that at least. It has some platforming sections with very simple puzzles and fights, including bosses, in between. But the majority of the game is voiced cutscenes. There are some collectibles in the gameplay sections but they’re very easy to spot. Even though the gameplay is the weakest part, I still prefer its inclusion for variety. Being a fan of anime is a strong criteria for liking the game. If you don’t enjoy that style, then the game is not going to change your mind. If you’re fan of the style and genre (the story being the focus), then this is a decent game.

i remember the hype i had for this......... severe let down

'Hyper-ultra super-duper poe poe amazing' game with surprising turns in plot. However a little confused with the target age demographic as there's swearing but asides from that it feels like it's a story written for a child.

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Odeio odeio odeio quando introduzem um personagem novo, tem 0 desenvolvimento E envolvimento na história, aí chega no final "Ahhhhh se vocês derrotarem o vilão eu morro junto" BROTHER EU NÃO TE CONHEÇO COMO QUE ISSO VAI ME AFETAR EMOCIONALMENTE.

Além disso o jogo usa uma fórmula de desenho infantil que todas as intrigas se resolvem com o poder da amizade, meh.

Very disappointing game coming from such good writers, concept/promo art is gorgeous though

I really don't know how to put my feelings into worlds for this one cause its got good ideas just such odd execution