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in the past

He jugado este juego por primera vez, usando el escalado HD que ofrece la Trilogía de Apollo.

No está... mal. El problema con este juego es que plantea conceptos muy interesantes, pero luego no sabe o qué hacer con ellos o cómo relacionarlos con Apollo, el cuál el pobre se siente como una tercera rueda al verdadero drama que es la historia de Phoenix y Trucy, ¡Y eso me fastidia porque me gusta el personaje de Apollo y cómo está escrito!

Aparte del primer caso, creo que ninguno de los otros dos me ha llegado sorprender demasiado, ni siquiera el final. Viniendo de The Great Ace Attorney, es un poco injusto quizás mi manera de juzgarlo así, pero se nota que aquí Takumi andaba quemado y solo quería terminar de una vez por todas.

En general me lo he pasado bien, el juego es gracioso y entretenido, pero sigo sintiendo que le falta esa chispa de magia que tienen otros Ace Attorney, te deja un poco frío con el resultado (sobre todo el caso final siendo todo tan obvio que apenas hay misterio alguno).

Trucy my beloved.

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Coming out of T&T? This isn't it.

AA: AJ establishes a surprising, intriguing, and risky premise from the very start: Phoenix Wright was disbarred seven years ago on charges of presenting falsified evidence and is your very first client. From the beginning, I thought this premise interesting and engaging, as I was really curious to see why and how that legendary lawyer I've played as for over three titles would commit such a grave, seemingly stupid mistake.

Herein lies the first issue, however.

The protagonist of this game is Apollo Justice, and what's pushing me to keep playing isn't exactly anything past Wright's disbarment. When you establish such a premise, with such visuals (Wright's new design), and with such a character shift (Why is Wright so mellow? Why does he seem so carefree? Why and how did he adopt Trucy if he lost his job?), I'll be focused on that mystery in particular, especially after having familiarized myself with this character for over 3 games.

So, if this is a game about Wright and Trucy, where does Apollo land? We'll get to it.

Halfway through the game, Trucy's bloodline is addressed, and I couldn't have been less interested. Apollo already has few stakes in this story, and any agency he's had up until now is thrown out the window in favor of a loose, attention-grabbing foreshadow that implies the outline of a connection between him and the rest of the case.

The friend I played with had seen the true culprit coming from a mile away, and I assumed the shoehorned family tie between Apollo and Trucy a good while before it happened. When you make your case so predictable, making me spend upwards of 7 hours just rehashing what I already knew and what I already care little about, I struggle to find a reason to like the game past its phenomenal first trial.

T&T is the climax of a trilogy, I know, but I expected the quality of this title to be a little closer to those heights. I especially didn't enjoy Kristoph Gavin, whose motivation, while intentionally shallow, ended up just making an already comically evil character even worse.

Godot continues to sweep.

Só Deus sabe o quanto eu procrastinei pra terminar o jogo.

Having to hear Guitar's Serenade as much as you do is grounds enough for multiple murder cases. Gavin Klavier watch your back.

Lo veo como un paso necesario en la franquicia cuyas ideas serian mejor usadas en The Great Ace Attorney, en mi opinión.
De paso, estoy seguro que hay mas flashbacks aqui que en toda la trilogía original. Muchos de ellos redundantes.

fav ace attorney game and i dont even care. only way this game could be better is if franz was in it

¿Qué hacer cuando tienes que crear una secuela que no querías hacer a una trilogía de videojuegos que son altamente amados y reconocidos? No es necesario decir que mandarlo a la basura, como dirían varias personas sobre "Apollo Justice", más bien, se puede expandir los horizontes bajo los que opera la saga y ofrecer nuevas perspectivas.

Viniendo de un maratón en el que he estado jugando todos los Ace Attorney, debo decir que el cuarto juego es, hasta el momento, mi favorito de todos. Había leído toda las opiniones contrariadas de esta cuarta entrega, muchas de ellas enfocadas en el personaje de Phoenix Wright, de cómo el tono ha cambiado bastante, o que los casos no son tan memorables. Puedo entender cómo a varios estos elementos los echan para atrás, pero en lo personal, es precisamente lo que varios odian de este juego, lo que hizo que a mí me pareciera espectacular.

Desde el primer caso, el juego te envuelve en un tono mucho más sombrío que los anteriores. Si eso, regresa a un punto que extrañaba mucho del primer juego, donde, si bien hay elementos sobrenaturales, el juego mantiene cierto aspecto realista. Aunque me gusta la introducción de elementos más fantásticos en Ace Attorney 2 & 3, ante todo, estos juegos me han capturado por la fantasía de jugar al abogado que debe encontrar fallas en la lógica de los argumentos de los testigos para revelar la verdad. En ese sentido, este juego tiene cuatro de los casos mejores escritos y desarrollados hasta ese momento en la saga.

Cada uno presenta asesinatos que tienen temáticas muy bien definidas, y cuyos personajes involucrados siempre operan en una escala de grises donde no siempre vas a estar defendiendo a alguien que se salva de pecado, o donde incluso los "contrincantes" puede que te ayuden en ciertas cosas. El primero gira en torno a una partida de póker, el segundo en torno a la yakuza, el tercero trata de un concierto, y el último va sobre un pintor. Aunque los personajes no son tan "grandilocuentes" como en juegos pasados, aún así me parece que están escritos de manera excelente.

Hasta cierto grado, me preocupaba mucho el entrar a este juego porque siendo que pasan tantos años después del final del tercero, lo que plantea esta obra es prácticamente empezar desde cero, con un cast de personajes muy diferente. El único que regresa es el señor Wright, así como Emma Skye, a quien la presentaron en la versión actualizada del primer juego (¡ah claro, y el juez!). Fuera de eso, no conoces a nadie, y lentamente te van sumergiendo una vez más en un mundo de relaciones, vendettas y familias que han entretejido un misterio que me parece muy bien construido. Para cuando terminó el juego, ya me había enamorado del nuevo cast. En especial, Trucy y Klavier me parecen grandes aportaciones a este universo. Por otro lado, aunque Apollo me agrada, creo que se queda algo por debajo, pero espero que en futuros juegos indagen más en quién es.

El juego dura lo que tiene que durar, o bueno, casi. Mi única queja en ese sentido es que concuerdo que el desenlace se puede sentir demasiado apresurado. Para cuando llegas a la conclusión, creo que había muchos hilos colgando, a los que les hubiera venido bien tener 10 ó 15 minutos adicionales, pero no me puedo enojar después de haber pasado por ese último caso, que me parece espectacular. Juega con tantos conceptos que la saga ya había intentado, pero los lleva a un lugar muy diferente. Juega con tus expectativas, y tu rol como jugador, todo mientras hace un punto muy válido sobre que un sistema de justicia como el que ha usado este universo, hasta ese punto, es sumamente injusto.

Puntos rápidos: la música es increíble (el mejor OST de la saga a mi parecer), el chiste de las panteletas me parece algo innecesario, y adoro el arte. Ahora sí, el punto más fuerte que quiero debatir: PHOENIX WRIGHT NUNCA DEJA DE ESTAR EN PERSONAJE. He visto a muchas personas quejarse de cómo "destrozaron" a su héroe, argumento que no me debería sorprender tomando en cuenta la reacción de la gente con The Last Jedi. De hecho, tanto estoy dispuesto a hacer esta comparativa, pues he leído comentarios al estilo que Dual Destinies, la secuela de este juego, es el Rise of Skywalker de los Ace Attorney, en que intenta retractar las decisiones más interesantes por las que apuesta Apollo Justice. Ya tocará verlo en su día, pero en lo mientras, lo único que puedo decir es que la razón de por qué Wright llega a ese punto me parece completamente consecuente con quién es, no quebranta para nada su construcción durante los tres juegos previos, y además, nos da uno de los momentos más descorazonadores de la saga.

Me encanta cuando una saga se atreve a abrirse a nuevas posibilidades, y aunque admito que hay cosas que no termina de aterrizar (sobretodo en el último caso, aunque lo culpo, siendo tan ambicioso como es), en general me deja un sabor de boca increíble. Revitaliza al personaje de Wright, presenta a un cast de personajes nuevos, lleva a la saga por un tono distinto (sin dejar a un lado el carisma que tanto la caracteriza), y mete nuevas ideas jugables y estructurales que me encantaría que siguiera explorando a futuro... aunque lamentablemente ya tengo esa respuesta contestada a medias.

De cualquier manera, sigo teniendo muchas ganas de seguir con los Ace Attorney. Actualmente me encuentro prácticamente obsesionado con ellos, y me gustaría ir jugando todos los principales y spin-offs que me quedan.

Si llegaste hasta aquí, probablemente ya has jugado Apollo Justice, si no, recomiendo mucho esta saga en general. Realmente tiene tantas virtudes, y no por nada, ya llevo unas 80+ horas metido en este mundo.

this was a difficult one to get invested in, but i'm kinda glad i pulled through. a lot of the characters i didn't care about at first got a lot more context introduced later on, and i enjoyed the back half of the game a lot more than the first

A historia é CONFUSA tem um capitulo chato pra CARALHO o fenix é MENDIGO e a ema é uma PUTA. mas ainda é bom

Muy a la altura de los anteriores. Juegazo muy ameno y entretenido

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There's just a lot of factors that bring this game down.
AA had been becoming more exaggerated and silly, but this overcorrects, taking on a more bitter and generally depressing tone than it is known for. Phoenix and Ema personify this new direction.
Most of the mysteries are mediocre, and Apollo is flat and passive for most of the game.

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I kept hearing that it was a really good game and that some people event hink this is the best AA game and what a REAL disapointment it ended up to be. To be honest, it's not a bad game at all but it's completely average from the start to the end. I have some BIG problems with the game and I would like to start with the main one that is : Apollo.

Don't get me wrong, I like him like I liked Phoenix in the first cases of AA1. And that's the whole problem because Apollo end up being a simple copycat of Phoenix with no real difference in personnality with his "mentor". The same go with Trucy who is just a copycat of Maya which is worse here since she has sprites that are almost identical to Maya.

For the rest of the cast, I quite liked to see a completely washed out Phoenix but the Gavin brothers... Kristoph is written to be the bad guy and there is nothing more to add to it, that's all. And Konrad is just a dude who makes music and is handsome but has no real goal motivating him to beat Apollo in court. It's just a normal dude who does his job and don't care about any kind of revenge toward Apollo for putting his brother in jail, which I wouldn't think is a bad thing in another licence. But In AA the antagonists always had a reason to beat Phoenix in court before. Edgeworth wanted to beat Phoenix for crushing his perfect streak and his ego. Von Karma wanted to clean her last name and Godot wanted to get revenge on Phoenix which he considered the origin of all his problems. And Konrad has got nothing like that with Apollo which is a BIG problem imo.

Now apart of the cast i have a real problem with how they handled 4-4. What I loved with AA1-3 was that the final case was always bringing a lot of stress by putting us i an uncomfortable position where we had to help a relative of Phoenix in different ways. And there is nothing of that in 4-4, we just defend a random girl who is related to and old case that is teased since the beginning of the game. So here there is not this stressfull position that we were used to. There is another problem and it can be ironic but it's coming directly from Phoenix. Not only does he steal the spotlight from Apollo everytime he's here but he also takes half of the 4-4. I don't think that for a legacy game it's a good thing that the best part of the game is when you play with the previous main character. Best part that is not even really great to be honest with the most fucked up way the serie has ever resolved a case. Finding clue in the future to use them in the past is just a complete nonsense. And to completely kill it, Apollo doen't even end up resolving the case, it's ended with the jury system we just heard about without seeing anything thoughout the whole case. It feels more like a deus ex machina than a resolution and no, adding a plot twist about his origins just at the end of the game doesn't make it a good case.

That's about everything I had to say about the game, it doesn't look like it with how I wrote my review but I still enjoyed the game, it's a decent AA game but it doesn't deliver any of his promises by being a real legacy game.

Phoenix Wright perfectly summarised this game when he said "I assure you it's quite based". Phoenix is by far the best character in this game , play it for him.

people hate this game but i think its peak. also gay lawyers

klavier gavin.....klavier...

Annoying plot hole aside from the last case: pretty good entry.

Fantastic game, and I'd die for Trucy, but if I have to hear that same snippet of the guitar's serenade one more time i'm going to have to go to trial for murder myself

اللعبة جيدة عندما تعاملها كأنها لعبة محامة عادية
لكن عندما تتذكر انها من سلسلة ايس اتورني تبدأ تستوعب قد ايش مستواها نازل
يعني فوينكس شخصيته كانت حلوة في ذا الجزء بس ياليت لو خلوه شخصية مختلفة بالكامل ليش لازم يحطون اسم فوينكس
شعرت انه اجباري
فوق ان ما اقدر اتخيل الاحداث ذي صدق تصير للشخصية
بس لو تلعبها كأول لعبة لك في السلسلة مثلًا أقدراتفهم كيف بتكون المفضلة لك

While I definitely do prefer the original trilogy of games this game has a ton of strong aspects on it's own and all the new characters introduced are great and really got a ton of depth to them during the final case, still a strong entry overall!

me gustó pero prefiero la mayoría de características de sus predecesores, aún así consigue ser original para ser el cuarto juego de una saga con el mismo tema

Good time overall, though I got really stuck on the third and final case. Turnabout Serenade had me pixel hunting, and nothing about the final case made any fucking sense to me

note: I played the Nintendo Switch version of this game on the trilogy collection, though I am logging it as this since I am exclusively talking about this first title

About a month or two ago I jumped into the world of Ace Attorney blindly and on a whim. It was a series on my radar, but a compelling sale of the Phoenix Wright trilogy on the Nintendo Switch Eshop and some time to kill spurred me into giving it a go. What I did not expect at that time was that I enjoyed my blind venture so much I unexpectedly played that trilogy back-to-back-to-back, and I found some of my new all time favorite characters, stories, and games in general. I fell in love with Ace Attorney, and shortly thereafter I ran over to pre-order a copy of the upcoming Apollo Justice trilogy as its hooks were just too deep in me.

Like the previous three titles, I went into this trilogy as blind as I possibly could. I didn’t know who Apollo Justice was- but I was eager to find out. Considering how much I adored Phoenix’s trilogy, there were big shoes to fill- yet I am still a rational and level headed person. If this game was exactly what I had known and loved, I can’t say I would be disappointed by it. If this game was a bold, new take on the series- I can’t say I’d be disappointed by that either assuming what they present here is compelling. I was open to see whatever it would give me, and I am very happy to report that I got a sort of blend of both outcomes here, and one that I still very much enjoyed.

Given the genre of this series doesn’t lend itself much to major evolution in mechanics or presentation, I am going to be relatively quick with my thoughts here so as to not be redundant or drag on my thoughts. Anyways,

- I loved the cast here. Apollo is an incredibly endearing and lovable protagonist. Trucy is so much fun and makes for a fantastic companion. The direction they took Phoenix’s character is really interesting and the kind of bold, refreshing shake-up I was hoping might be in this game. Klavier is a really fun twist on the prosecutor, since this is the first time the opponent doesn’t have bitterness or vitriol towards the defense. Ema returning from AA1’s 5th case was a great and welcome surprise. Fantastic overarching antagonist.
- Really outstanding selection of cases here. I enjoyed all of them and found they crescendoed into something really excellent by the end of things. The first case is a wonderful intro, the second was really exciting how it weaved so many small threads into one, the third had great characterization and twists, and the fourth was a fascinating way to wrap them all together.
- The returning forensic investigations from Rise from the Ashes is a bit of a gimmicky and silly mechanic, but it is at worst harmless, and at best a fun little diversion. I love that it really emphasizes each piece of evidence with you being able to interact and get little bits of flavor text from them.
- The presentation is very much still Ace Attorney- which is to say it has fantastic and incredibly memorable art direction. I found the characters to be more animated than ever, which was really fun, and the music is stellar.
- Just a damn fun time to be had here.

I have some issues with the game, notably

- The cases are a bit on the longer side of things, and while I still really enjoyed them I felt their length at points.
- Apollo doesn’t always get the limelight he deserves, which is a bit sad since he is not only the titular character, but I just really like him.
- The new perception mechanic is a great concept, but I feel is used in a very linear and kind of arbitrary way. The concept of finding and pointing out nervous ticks from the character sprites is a fascinating concept, but it is so limited in when you can use it, why its used, and you don’t naturally see the characters quirks without entering a heightened-senses aura. Not bad by any means, but I think it is notably a less fun mechanic than, say, the magatama psyche locks in JFA and T&T.
- As much as I loved the fourth case, and still do, my biggest gripe with this game is that it ends very.. abruptly? It’s not a loud, crashing thud- but the stakes raise, raise, raise, and right when it's about to explode at its highest highs like the final cases in the PW trilogy- it just kinda fizzles out. It was such a bummer, because it was so close to reaching that same electrifying catharsis, but it just.. ends. I am equally disappointed and confused since the dominoes were falling into place there, but given the buildup of the case tied all four cases into it, it didn’t have as grand a finale as I think it deserved. The conclusion also isn’t particularly conclusive at points either- with it neglecting to even educate the protagonists of one of the major twists the ending brings, not giving Phoenix much of a conclusion despite his involvement in the final case, and fast-forwarding some really interesting conversation about Trucy’s past, etc. It just felt rushed, and that makes me sad. But it makes me sad because..

Apollo Justice is a wonderful game. I talked quite a bit about some of my faults with it, but the highs way outshine my gripes here. I had such a fun time with this game and think it is absolutely worthy of being added to this series lineup. If I had to rank, I don’t think it quite lives up to the original PW:AA due to its flat ending and certainly not Trials and Tribulations, but I think it can easily be placed alongside something like Justice for All (which is a game I love!!). I don’t know what else to say, really, it's Ace Attorney- it has yet to fail me. This game seems to be a bit more mixed in reception, but I thought it was fantastic. Thumbs up from me.

One of the best games I've ever played. The music is fantastic, the storytelling is unprecedented and mindblowing. The game hooks you right at the first case and doesn't let go until the very end of the game. Almost beat Trials & Tribulations, in my opinion.

gege if he knew how to write a story.