Reviews from

in the past

I think Bastion hasn't aged poorly, but it also hasn't aged gracefully. But man, the story and voice acting and gameplay absolutely killed it back in the day.

Buscaba un entretenimiento sencillo tras el vacío que me dejó Horizon, y ahí en la switch tenía Bastion instalado desde ni se sabe. De esas veces que compras algo por 2 duros en la eshop, supongo.

Supergiant Games ya hacía cosas antes de ser archiconocido por Hades. Yo solo había jugado Transistor, pero me habían hablado muy bien de Bastion.

Es un juego muy bonito, muy cuidado estéticamente y con una banda sonora espectacular.
La historia, aunque es poco más que un mero conductor, no está especialmente bien contada: el narrador nos va contando lo que hace nuestro personaje, Kid, un chaval que es un totem nuestro en la partida, ya que ni habla ni hace nada mas que avanzar, luchar y construir cosas en el Bastión.

Funciona bien para las 4-5 horas que dura y ha cumplido con su cometido.

Very nice isometric exploration game for the Vita. The grind for platinum can be quite challenging.

(from original post in 2023) Obviously not as good as hades but holds up SURPRISINGLY well

guess the gameplay didn't click...

Logan Cunningham being a gigachad as always.

young me: woah indie games are cool

Playing this right after %100'ing Hades was a mistake i guess

One of the best action games that has a lot of advantages, a very pleasant atmosphere. replayability, music and sparkles with eye-catching graphics. Not knowing this game is a crime and must be played.

Одна из лучших экшн игра которая имеет очень много плюсов, очень приятная атмосфера. реиграбельность, музыка и блещет приятной глазу графикой. Не знать эту игру - преступление, обязательна к прохождению.

Probably feels a little smaller now than it used to, but man, this was the first game I ever truly fell in love with.

Vivid art direction, incredible voice over, thoughtful story about the limits and repercussions of empire; just a story of a kid, a hammer, and the end of the world

I think I'd still call this my favourite indie game of all time. Something about the combination of Darren Korb's soundtrack and Logan Cunningham's voice acting with the deceptively simple gameplay really spoke to me and continues to do so (though I'll acknowledge my rose tinted nostalgia glasses).

I can see how people now don't connect to this as much with the absolute bangers that Supergiant have gone on to release since but this is still the one for me

All in all, Bastion is a game that you should experience. In this marathon, I’m looking at the “quintessential” indies of the past. Bastion certainly deserves that title. The price may look threatening, but if you’re a fan of similar titles it is definitely worth your time. I don’t regret the chance I took on Bastion. If you’re on the fence, pick it up during a sale. The game I feel doesn’t play specifically to either keyboard, or controller. So I recommend grabbing it on your platform of choice!

Tells a moving story with it's small cast of characters. I like the smaller details, particularly the Narrator's narration reacting to your actions.
Combat is fun and has a lot of options between the different weapons. I like the aesthetic and world given to you in literal fragments.

Hasn't really aged that well. I played it on xbox 360 back when it first came out and thought it was god tier at the time. When I replayed it in 2024 and was a bit underwhelmed by the gameplay. It was still OK, but not the 11/10 I remember it being. It still has a banger soundtrack and voice acting though.

This game is important to me in that it was one of the first PC games I ever played. This is also probably SuperGiant's weakest entry, but hey, they made one of my favorite games ever so can't fault them too much.

Exactly what it says on the tin (A hack-and-slash RPG featuring a reactive narrator) with an art style and colour palette much to my taste, but I did not enjoy the gameplay.

Top-down hack and slash with great music, amazing level design, really well-written characters and motivating gameplay.

Would be cream of the crop for a phone game, but there's lots of more interesting things I could be doing on my Switch. Pretty interesting story and ideas, the gameplay just got stale

I wasn't much surprised to realize this game was done by Hades's creators considering it reminded me of it both in quality and how control feels.

A game that I sadly forgot for a long time but I have it in my sight, but I played it more than enough (almost half of it for the record) at the times to say that this is indeed a gem that deserves one full playthrough (that I still have to properly do).

Secret final boss is Bastion from Overwatch

This game feels intensely 2011 in a good way. Fantasy Western vibes, a dramatic and mysterious storyline, lots of weapons to mix and match. This is the foundation that Supergiant built on to get to Hades.

Очень приятный изометрический платформер от разработчиков Hades и Transistor, музыкальная составляющая в играх Supergiant Games как всегда шедевральна и в эта игра не исключение, сюжет поданный рассказчикам увлекательный, но слишком простенький, геймплейная часть игры довольно приятная но не доведена до идеала

Might try to finish it someday.