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En este DLC vemos cómo Rapture y Columbia tienen más conexiones de las que imaginábamos. Cuenta con una primera parte más introductoria y una segunda parte donde pasa realmente la historia y momentos al nivel del juego base.

Im just happy we got to play as Elizabeth

great expansion to infinite, i really loved the "before the aftermath" that they went for in episode 1, amazing art style and decent, albeit a bit of a downgraded gameplay from the base game. the gameplay however, is not as big of a problem as the absolute unit of plot holes burial at sea introduced.
the base game had its fair share, sure, but most could be over looked because of how fantastic the story was overall. here, they're literally inescapable.

I honestly quite admire the level design and gameplay improvements to be found in Part 1 over the base game here, with it being more in-line with the spirit of the original BioShock albeit somewhat more linear, though the story turns an already confusing and inconsistent narrative into a plothole-ridden mess that doesn't add anything of value to the canon of BioShock 1 or even Infinite for that matter. And unfortunately Part 2's gameplay is a drawn-out, tedious stealth section that really drags the whole experience down.

Nice story that ties Bioshock Infinite back to the original duology in a clever and surprising way. Episode 1 feels like it ends right as you get rolling, but 2 feels much more substantial, even if some of the segments feel drawn out. Stealth gameplay is a nice change of pace, but a little lacking.

Volver a Rapture no estaba mal, y ver más sobre la historia de Elizabeth y los demás personajes está chido. Estuvo divertido.

Fuck this game and fuck you Ken Levine

While I would prefer if Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite weren't connected, the way this DLC ties together both of the games is satisfying and unintrusive (mostly).

The first part of the DLC is more or less trying to tie together Rapture and Columbia by going back and adding things from Infinite into the original, and while this creates some plot holes it mostly works. Rapture looks visually beautiful and it's satisfying to see what Rapture looked like before its downfall.
The gameplay is basically the same as Infinite which is fine because that game has a great combat system. The new plasmid and weapon is nothing that outstanding but they're interest. Overall the first part is just more Bioshock Infinite.

The second part however is very different. The gameplay switches from the action shooter combat of Infinite to be more stealth focused, which works (kinda). You can mostly get around everything by just crouching down the path the designers clearly laid out and when you see an enemy you can just use your crossbow to kill them, get their ammo and move on which creates no tension. It's never shown that you can switch weapons what so ever so what ended up happening to me was I got to the part where you come back from Columbia and have to fight off Ryan's goons and that's when I discovered you could do it, near the end of the game. To be fair I did have that smart assist thing off but I don't remember it showing up anywhere in those pop up texts. The story is way better than part one and ties together both games in probably the best way they could've without completely rewriting the original. Overall the second part is better than the first part but isn't as good as the base game.

Overall both DLC's are just an excuse to tie together both games together, and as that it works. However I just wish the games weren't connected in the first place, because the original and Infinite would be so much better for it.

Played from – to: (2021-11-09 – 2021-11-14) - Beaten on PC via keyboard.
‣ 10/10 – Would you kindly play this?
‣ Final notes: Burial at Sea does everything I wanted BioShock Infinite to do. It revisits Rapture and expands BioShock 1’s story giving you more context and information how everything got this bad. You also see characters do things you only heard them do through audio logs. This extra content also expands on combat mechanics the way I expected it to expand and be in the base game. You can now hold more than two weapons and you have a convenient weapon wheel to cycle through. There are new plasmids and weapons introduced making combat even more fun. Additionally, now you can utilize stealth and enemies have detection indication. I loved that you get to play both as Elizabeth and Booker and that they have different play styles. Booker is a chunky aggressive soldier with tons of weapons and Elizabeth is sneakier and more harmless assassin that can only kill certain enemies and must distract or stun others. I really liked how different, expanded, and unique Elizabeth’s play style was. I can also understand why all these cool and fun gameplay mechanics were only introduced in the DLC because if they were in the main game Burial at Sea would not be so unique and fun. Overall, this expansion is fantastic, not only is it lengthy but it has a great story, fantastic gameplay innovations and mind-blowing atmospheric detail. Honestly, I can’t see how they could make a better BioShock game after this, because this is the peek.

Great nostalgia trip, but I can't help but feel the presence of Elizabeth in Rapture spoils the legacy of the first two games. Still good though.

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Fluctuates from an interesting experience with elements of Dishonored in Part 2 where Elizabeth can play nonlethally and turn invisible while Part 1 features some more generic Bioshock Infinite gunplay but this time Booker can carry all his guns which is a feature that should have been added retroactively into the base game. The cowardice in their storytelling to take Daisy Fitzroy's revolution with the Vox and turn it into a vehicle for Elizabeth's character growth is insane. You find audio logs that describe how Fitzroy is unsatisfied with a bloody revolution and concerned about her role as a martyr which I feel pushes this idea that everything the Vox do in the sake of fighting the racism and class oppression they experience in Columbia is something they could or should have resolved nonviolently. A nonviolent revolution is a nice idea but when your main story presents the Vox revolution as no different from Comstock's racist oppression it seems cowardly to then back away from presenting the Vox as bloody killers and instead show how Fitzroy was actually a heroic martyr for the sake of making Elizabeth a "woman" through spilling her own blood. Just an incredibly stupid retcon in a DLC filled with incredibly stupid retcons like how Elizabeth had a direct hand in drawing Jack (Bioshock 1's protagonist) to Rapture and helping the process of imprinting Big Daddies onto Little Sisters.

Enjoyable gameplay and who doesn't love Elizabeth? But the ending made me want a lobotomy myself.

It's so bad and insulting I pretend it doesn't even exist.

Review EN/PTBR

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode 1

"Constants and variables"
A short and well-made dlc for those who love Rapture, giving a new perspective on Rapture lore following the ideas of the base game's ending and with a new gameplay vision to remember the good old Bioshock 1.

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode 2

Stealth gameplay didn't worked very well in this game, but it was worth it for the encounters with characters we already know and we only delve deeper into their lore, both in Rapture and Columbia.


BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode 1

"Constants and variables"
Uma dlc curta e bem feita para aqueles que amam Rapture, dando uma nova perspectiva de Rapture seguindo as ideias do final do jogo base e com uma nova visão de gameplay pra lembrar o bom e velho Bioshock 1.

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode 2

Não acredito que essa gameplay mais stealth tenha funcionado muito bem dentro desse jogo mas valeu a pena pelos encontros com personagens que já conhecemos e só nos aprofundamos mais na lore deles, tanto em Rapture quanto em Columbia.

i ended bioshock infinite thinking it was great, played these and it pushed it over to one of my favorite games of all time

i love the overly complicated story even if i dont fully understand everything, and while ironically the gameplay was not the best throughout part 1 (and especially not part 2 since i am not a huge stealth woman at all), everything else carried me through it and i dont even feel bad about that at all