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Utterly amazing and I never felt like I wasted any time with it. I think everyone should play this.

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great game, awesome characters, fun gameplay, gotta come around to replay.

This game is iconic. Be it for being indie, the gameplay, the music, the story, everything. A must recommend.

Cave Story is a dearly beloved game of mine, I never truly beat despite my love. I simply sucked too much at video games to ever actually get the best ending as a teenager, but after starting it up to see the Halloween sprites this year and realizing how much was resprited I accidentally started a new playthrough that ended up being one where I actually beat the full game.
One of my favorite games, and definitely one of the best indies out there, the fact that the original game in 2004 was the spawn of just one man in his free time is a true testament to what indies are.
If you wanna play it, play the freeware version or buy it used, also please buy Kero Blaster!!

Cave Story is arguably one of the most important indie titles to exist. I first played the game a long time ago, on my 3DS, but I don’t remember too much about my time with the game. It’s just been that long. But I was thinking about the game again recently, so I decided “why not?”, and I started up Cave Story again. I was able to play through the entire game in a single sitting, getting the best ending possible as well. And through that, I really enjoyed playing the game again, and I feel like I fell in love with the game again.
Now before I get into the review proper, I want to add a little fun tidbit before anything else. The timing of when I played Cave Story is rather interesting. With the version of Cave Story I played, I didn’t realize there were seasonal events that could occur. In particular, since I was playing the game close to Halloween, the characters, enemies, and parts of the environment were dressed up in Halloween costumes. I found it really charming, and I thought it’d be fun to mention.
Now getting into the game proper, I really love exploring the world of Cave Story. Particularly, the level design of Cave Story is really good. It’s so good, that even after all these years, I remembered each of the locations you have to go to, and the structure of each level. The platforming also feels great. Even though the character you play as is a robot, Quote is very light, which feels really great when platforming. Quote’s movement gets even better when you get the booster. Since Quote’s movement never changes throughout the game until the Booster, it’s a breath of fresh air actually getting it. Also, it really feels like the Booster is the only thing that Quote needed to make his movement perfect, and I really like that.
Quote’s weapons are probably the best part of the game, and there’s a lot of really fun things seen through them. First off, each weapon has an experience bar tied to them, and you gain experience occasionally when beating enemies. The higher level the weapons get, the stronger they get, but if you take damage, the weapons lose experience. It creates a really good balance so that weapons don’t get too powerful, and to try and incentivize the player to switch between weapons. Though then again, I do feel like there is one objectively best weapon. To the weapons themselves, the actual weapons you get are really good. The Polar Star is your basic gun, then you go another staple, a Missile Launcher, a strong gun with limited ammo. Then there’s some really fun weapons as well. One of my favorite weapons in the game is the bubble, and while it seems bad at first, but gets really good as it goes to Level 2 and 3. The sword is also a really fun weapon, though I could rarely keep level 3 on it. I also find it really cool that some weapons you can can only be obtained by trading them for weapons you already have. It creates choices that the player has to make, thus making their run of the game unique. Though then again, there is arguably a best weapon, and I don’t know why someone wouldn’t go for it.
Now, when it comes to the story and characters of the game, I really love them. There’s a unique charm that’s found with the characters, and even though you’re with the characters for a very little time, they’re all really memorable. Misery and Balrog are some really fun characters especially. When it comes to the story of Cave Story, I didn’t realize how much worldbuilding there was in the game originally. There’s so much that the game just mentions offhand, but never makes a big deal of things. For example, it seems there was a war before, but we never really learn much about it.
The bosses of Cave Story are really fun as well. Aside from one boss, I was able to beat all of the bosses on the first try. But even then, I found a good number of them challenging, and because of that, really fun. There’s a sequence in the game where you have to fight 4 bosses back to back, and it was both tense and really fun. The final boss of the game is the only one that I died on, but it was easily the hardest boss in the entire game. Maybe it was because of the Halloween cosmetics, but the weak point of the second phase felt off.
One of the big things about Cave Story for me is the method in which you get to the true ending. In simplest terms, the way you get the true ending of the game is really complicated. You have to go through a lot of optional steps, alongside making sure you don’t mess up anywhere along the way. I don’t know entirely how I feel on this, on one hand, I really like that you have to put in the effort to get the best possible ending. On the other hand, I wish there was just a bit more direction in how you get to it. Once you get the path to the best possible ending, you’re brought to the hardest part of the game which then immediately leads into the final boss of the game. It’s a noticeable difficulty spike, and yet again I’m kind of conflicted on it. Particularly, part of me wishes there was a save point right before the final boss. Though then again, I really like how you have to go through hell to get the chance to fight the final boss.
I’m glad I finally got around to replaying Cave Story. It’s not that long of a game, which is why I was able to beat it in a single sitting. I loved exploring through the entirety of the game, and fighting the bosses is really fun. The music of the game is another stellar part of the game, and there’s some absolute earworms in it. Cave Story is still probably one of the most important indie titles to exist, and I’m glad I finally got to play the game again.

I can definitely see why this is regarded as a classic in the indie scene

Why the fuck was the final boss so hard though, had me sweating bullets

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Cave Story+ is a more polished version of my favorite indie game. It's simple to pick up, quite deep without being obtrusive, and heavily replayable. I highly recommend picking up a copy if you can find it. It was made by just one guy and it's genuinely an amazing time...but if you don't listen to the WiiWare soundtrack instead of the main OST, then we're going to have a problem. This version does have the option to change the OST after all.

However, you probably already know Cave Story is good if you've read my Cave Story review. There may be some new features that could be worth it for you, but the core game is the exact same. With that in mind, I don't want to repeat myself entirely. I'll instead talk about my history with Cave Story. My first exposure to it was actually the WiiWare version. I won't be logging it since I currently don't own it, but that's where my nostalgia comes from (especially in terms of the soundtrack). I could not beat it back then.

The second time I encountered Cave Story was when I played the original game on PC, over half a decade later. This was the original game. The version that started it all...and it's still just as hard as it was. My skills did evolve, but I remember being unable to get past the core. I would end up coming back here and beat it later, bringing it back as a version I'd still play.

Then, just a little bit later, I found Cave Story+. I don't remember which version I beat first, but I did play through this one and get farther than I ever had. I always made sure to get the Booster v2.0 to secure the best ending, and this time would be no different. The Doctor finally fell during that year and while I don't recall which version got the victory, it didn't matter. I was back into Cave Story because of this version.

Look, Cave Story is probably the reason I want to make my own video game one day. If one man could make all of that, then I sure as heck can at least try. I'm not a coder by any means, but still. Omori and OneShot might've come close (and we'll get to that when we get to that), but this will still remain my favorite indie game of all time.

It is a very good game and a good port of the classic freeware PC game but I kinda still want the Switch version's additions in the PC version. (Played on Steam)

A great time. Music was great, controls were solid, got that old school difficulty cause man that true final boss folded me like a napkin. A very replayable and fun game for sure.

Favorite game ever made. This game inspires me to create n make cool stories and games. I can’t think of a single thing to dislike, everything from physics to level layouts to writing to music is perfect.

12 years ago I experienced what I’d consider one of the highest points of gaming for me. I opened my Christmas present under the tree and it was Cave Story 3D. My auntie has been more like an older sister to me. The gifts she’s given to me felt like some of the most major events in my life. That may seem like a stretch, but one of the many gifts before and after this was the gameboy advance SP, which was the first system I, myself, owned that was truly mine and mine alone. It’s been so long that I don’t even know if I asked for it, I have no idea how she knew but she knew to find the game I never knew would be one of the greatest immersive experiences for me. The disconnect between generations is a huge gap within a lot of variables so it’s hard to truly understand what the other is feeling. I never really felt this with her because no matter what, she understood. Gaming and music has been a huge part of my identity. This is a gaming site, so obviously I’m not here to talk about music. Playing Donkey Kong jr on a strange controller that was essentially a compact emulator with 200+ games is the second most vivid memory I have as a child, so nobody can tell me different on what the first game I truly played was. I was young, but I remember it like it was yesterday. My first playthrough of cave story will never be erased from my mind. I was so engrossed with it I felt true passion for the first time. I’m not into too many things, the typical “nerd” shit that people used to consider a couple years ago. Gaming, anime, manga, comics, reading, listening to any and every genre, etc. Thats who I am, and that’s who I’ll always be. Cave story hit a deep spot for me. The music, the aesthetic, the story, the characters, the art style, the gameplay.. everything was what I ever could’ve asked for and then some. Undeniably it’s one of, if not the biggest, milestones for indie games. It set a precedent for everything that followed it. A solo dev that did pretty much everything on its own. Nowadays Toby fox, the creator of undertale, is what the general public of gaming know that as.. but no pixel did it first and he will always be a legend to me and many others that cave story has reached. I’m not here to talk about the game or the story or the characters. I usually do that but I have no intentions or desires to. If you read up until this point I want you to experience it for yourself. It may not hit you nearly as hard as it hit me but I hope you at least enjoy it. To me it’s fun, immersive, and completely sets itself apart from any other game. Not because it really did anything creatively first in a breakthrough type of way.. but because it clearly has its own identity. It’s something to me, that you’ll never forget, and it sets itself apart from any other game ever made. Something that is meant to be played blind multiple times. You will discover things you never seen before if you do things differently, and if you play the newest version of it? You’ll be greeted with so many bells and whistles compared to the original freeware release. I can go on and on and on about the history of this game, but maybe you already know that. What you don’t know is that me and a bunch of other people have felt what I’d like to think is the vision pixel wanted players to see. I hope you give this game a chance and have fun with it, I’ll keep playing forever until I’m 6 feet under, and I hope I can get more to enjoy it even a fraction as much as I have.

deep. i recommend going after the details, the true ending and appreciating the soundtrack whenever possible.

when quiet starts playing, you finally realize what the game is all about.

My fav character is the toaster guy

A very enjoyable little retro game with a quite interesting story. You start as this person who has no memory of what happened and you soon find out you are on a floating island and a evil mad Doctor is plotting to take over the world and become ruler of all. You meet many interesting characters along the way as well as some memorable villains and there are different endings depending on how you play the game and what routes you take.

A surprising amount of fun and controller use recommended for this title. Hell of a lot of fun and well worth the price :)

Edit: The ending, at least the one that I got, was so damn touching. There are MANY more endings however that need to be covered which I might do at somepoint.

Starting the backlog. Super fun physics and setting and generally dopamine inducing. Felt like something I'd been playing my entire life :)

A classic indie title that mixes fantastic metroidvania shooter gameplay with a compelling story and a boppin' chiptune soundtrack.

Si tu juego indie existe es porque el creador de esta obra maestra se cagó encima de los estudios de videojuegos del momento, lo he jugado mas veces de las que me acuerdo, no puedo recomendarlo mas de verdad jugadlo, no pongo cuando lo jugué porque lo juego una vez al año mínimo

fuck you balrog im going to eat you alive

Still holds up incredibly well

Not my favorite indie platformer but I would be lying if I said its charm didn't win me over :)

A black wind blows through your body.

All weapons drop to Level!

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Really fun game, story actually had me hooked, and the final boss, while unfair really was a good final test. Def gonna try to get the best ending though.

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This game made me feel things. If you know, you know. Which makes getting the Good Ending all the more frustrating.

The fact that everything, down to the soundtrack, and not just that, the programs used to make the soundtrack, was made by one guy is absolutely mind boggling. The fact that it became a cult hit (while perfectly understandable) even moreso. Its influence is even felt in Undertale, which echoes this game's development in several ways.

I would call this game a Metroidvania Lite. There is ability gated progression, new items to collect, and (ever importantly) a map, but the locations are self-contained, a hub-world connects most of them, and the level and story progression is mostly linear. But that doesn't detract from the experience in the slightest. It does everything it sets out to do incredibly well (barring one or two exceptions), and has a fun story, memorable characters, and deep lore on top of all of that. Plus the soundtrack. In almost any version, it sounds great.

Curly is lovely. Justice for King and Tokoro. I hope Misery and Balrog are happy at the end of it all.

very fun video game, i used to speedrun it wayyyy back when but im completely washed now lol. did best ending + wind fortress and it was p fun to revisit!