Reviews from

in the past

Unbelievably fun, some of the dumbest thrills I've ever had. I see myself booting this game up for easy laughs and good fun for years

I first saw Crazy Taxi as an arcade on a school trip to a random village when I was like 10 years old. Back then I found the game's concept to be extremely interesting. And yeah, playing it more than 10 years later, it's a fun game. Very frantic and screams Dreamcast era.

Pure nostalgia! One of the games of my childhood, but with more game modes! I remember getting this game for free on a cereal box (I think it was either from Chocapic or Nesquik). The game never lost its charm, it is still insane and fun as always. The soundtrack changed for some reason, the version I had had other songs, and the voice acting of some clients also changed, but still, this game remains with its nostalgic essence.

Hey Hey! Come on over have some fun with
Craaaazzzzyyyy Taxi!

Very fun and addicting and it works very well as an arcade game. However, I do wish a proper type of Story Mode was added to the console releases — this could have greatly benefited from proper levels and more maps. As it is, this game is interesting, controls amazingly and has great dialogue, but it's not worth fighting with my Dreamcast's dying laser over. Missed potential, unfortunately.

É Crazy Taxi, e é o melhor no que se propõe.

É rápido, frenético, delirante e até intuitivo (apesar de ter uma fodenda seta PATENTEADA te dizendo pra onde ir) e tem o dom de ter uma trilha sonora icônica em cada versão sua.

Você até pode se frustrar com o jogo ao ponto de se irritar, mas eventualmente ele vai te lembrar de não leva-lo muito á sério e que às vezes você só tem que se divertir.

It's just a ride, man


"Crazy Taxi" is set in an alternate timeline where the gig economy has ushered in a utopian society, shortly before the arrival of the 21st century.
Established corporations like Pizza Hut and Levi's are still thriving. Yet counterculture artists like The Offspring & Bad Religion are seeing mainstream success. And there have been zero vehicular injuries reported despite the newly relaxed traffic laws.
Welcome to California, 1999. Life is good.

It’s great because taxi drivers are actually crazy people in real life.

Tout sauf les objectifs des clients ;)

You really shouldn’t take for granted the confidence and charisma in even the most average of games. There’s really not a lot in Crazy Taxi, but what there is, is put there with love and care.

I played this game at the cybercafe in my home town in mexico except it had a different song instead of the usual The Offspring song that plays, the version i played was literally lost media cuz some of the songs that were on that were bangers

zoro got sick of trying to beat rob lucci so he sought out to be the world's best taxi driver

A fun arcade driving game with a great soundtrack. Gameplay can be fairly repetitive with there only being two maps, but it was designed for short bursts. I've played a bit on mobile and a bit on Xbox 360, and I feel either way is a solid enough experience.

böle oyunun amk. taksi sürüyon.

My favorite game at GameWorks back in the day.

To me... Crazy Taxi, is just a Normal Taxi

Just like drivers training school

i remember adoring this game as a kid, unfortunately i made the mistake of playing it when i got older and it completely ruined my just is not very fun to play anymore, which is a shame

meu pai adora esse jogo e eu tbm.

I had to give a classic a try. Found myself screaming in a hotel room.

For what it is, it is damn great.

Didn't get to play it as much as House of the Dead but man was it a blast every time.

One of the best arcade games ever.
The gameplay loop is addicting and makes you always get back to it to get better and better.
I miss the Dreamcast-era SEGA...

It's undeniably an arcade-first game, but Sega was really cooking when it came to car games. At first playthrough you might get by with only 3 or 4 passengers, but slowly you learn how to drift, dash and stop effectively, and it's strangely engrossing. Soon you're dashing between traffic, drifting through corners, and finishing with an S rank and a new high-score.