Reviews from

in the past

The perfect blend of artstyle, puzzles (albeit some ridiculous bits lmao), and fast combat. A perfect story, great OST (highly addictive to hear).
This is a masterpiece of an indie game. I HIGHLY recommend to play this. You will not regret it.
Also Luke is best boi next to Sergey and Lea is best girl.

im known as the crosscode guy now in my friend circles and couldnt be happier. ive sung this games praises enough but why not again on an actual backlog website!!! warning for ranting, it's really a comprehensive-ish list of my thoughts

- absolutely wonderful characters that make the story extremely compelling, lea is my favorite character in anything ever and the way she's written is. So good. So damn good!!!!! she's endearing from the start and the fact she's the most expressive character despite the obvious limitation of her muteness gets you super attached, leading into the reveals and plot twists later on hit that much harder. i will. Hold myself back, but every character is really engaging even besides lea

- to rant more about the story and world in general, i think that the concept of "playing a game inside a game" would've been really silly at first but the way it ties it in naturally through side conversations in the world and even through the main plot itself is wonderful

- specific mention for the dlc story, honestly without it id probably have a lot more gripes but the way it ties everything together is really satisfying and its just reliving to see the characters have a happy ending after like. everything in the base game. i think it goes without saying i primarily play games for their stories with few exceptions, but the dlc dungeon was my favorite in the game and exploring the new area was one of my favorite parts in general

- the gameplay is great! amazing combat that feels satisfying to master and allows for multiple playstyles - i personally didnt bother with going out of my way to grind and get equipment, so the fact there's adjustable difficulty sliders is goddamn
fantastic and i think really Every game should at least follow.

- puzzles are really difficult, i wont lie when i say i used a guide for most of them, but the execution of it still makes it challenging even without the actually Figuring it out aspect. i will say it gets a little over the top, but in addition to combat sliders, there's a setting that lets you set the speed to as low as 50% which is. A real life saver!!!

- personally, the game was pretty exhausting to get through the first time around - this is 100% due to the way i played, but fair warning that this game does have a lot of stuff to do and at base it is really tough

- i'll sing this game's praises all day (obviously), but i do have issue with the depth perception. exploring the overworld is really fun at times, but there's a lot of platforming that feels awkward and wasn't for me entirely. the depth perception mentioned before can make it really disorientating at first, and overall this game gets pretty intense, so it's important to mention

- the ost!!! good lord!!! its so very good, deniz and steel-plus did a fantastic job and there's so many tracks i can highlight. even if you're not interested in the game itself please check out the soundtrack. i think they're all worth a listen, but my personal highlights are "The Path of Justice", "Autumn's Rise", "Raid", "Temple of Thunder", and especially "Shizuka". note that some of these tracks are pretty spoilery, be sure to avoid comments if you're interested in the story!

- i still do have my gripes but the game overall is so good its a crime this game is so unpopular, i suggest anyone who's even read this far (how ??) at least give it a go through the demo or a walkthrough on youtube.

Uno de los juegos en los que menos pensé que me iba a gastar 60+ horas.

Nunca fui muy fanático de los rpgs en general pero este me había llamado la atención por el estilo artístico y la jugabilidad, lo había probado en gamepass y nunca lo terminé porque pensé que sería uno de esos juegos en donde te pasas la vida grindeando y tenés que tener mínimo 20 horas para poder pasar de la 1ra stage, después de verlo de rebaja decidí darle una oportunidad y comprarlo, menos mal que lo hice.

El juego en general es muy bueno, con una historia muy emotiva y que dentro de su extenso tiempo de juego sabe contar para no aburrirte. En cuanto al tema de los niveles, el sistema es bastante sencillo, haciendo que cada vez que el jugador llegué a los 1000 de xp suba un nivel, siempre dependiendo del nivel del enemigo que derrotes, haciendo que los niveles menores den menos xp y viceversa. El árbol de habilidades, aunque en primera instancia se vea muy confuso, es bastante sencillo, todas las habilidades están conectadas así que si quisieras desbloquear una habilidad más avanzada primero tendrías que desbloquear la anterior y así con todas, cada tier tiene un explicación de los stats que te sube y que habilidades brinda. El soundtrack en mi opinión no es nada del otro mundo, aunque si tuviera que destacar algo serían las canciones "ambientales" por así decirlo, está bastante bueno que las canciones que están sonando en loop por prácticamente 10 horas de juego no se te quemen e incluso algunas lleguen a parecerte pegadizas, pero eso queda a criterio de cada persona. Uno de los puntos más fuertes que tiene el juego es su jugabilidad, siendo muy frenética a la hora de pelear con cualquier tipo de enemigos, hay distintos tipos de ataques dependiendo de el elemento que estés usando, creando así una posibilidad de crear combos combinando cada uno de estos ataques y haciendo el juego más divertido. En cuanto al apartado artístico, este es muy agradable a la vista, teniendo personajes muy lindos y una paleta de colores que puede ser o más vivida o más apagada dependiendo de la zona en la que estés.

Como conclusión, este juego me sorprendió para bien, haciendo que mi gusto por los rpgs aumente y brindándome unas 67 horas de juego en la cuales me divertí mucho, espero que si están dudando en comprárselo le den una oportunidad y disfruten tanto como lo hice yo, mi puntaje final es un 10/10.

This game is woefully underappreciated by most people, but for those who played it, they tend to put this in their top ten lists.

Consider playing with Sergey Hax if you're going to do NG+. Yes, there's an NG+.

CrossCode is one of the most consistently excellent experience's I've ever had playing a game. The combat is fast, frenetic and nuanced, with plenty of build variety. The exploration is both incredibly fun and rewarding. The dungeons and puzzles are so intricately designed and satisfying to plow through. But most of all, the writing gives birth to so many extremely likeable and interesting characters. Lea is an incredible protagonist, who's journey towards self discovery is realized so beautifully, and all her companions are written with a similar level of care. The game as a whole feels so alive and inviting, it's such a comfy experience that isn't afraid to go to some dark places to develop its characters and bring them to greater heights.


I love this one, Great story, a Really Stylish combat, funny game, overall a great experience, sadly the DLC didn't quite reach this level...

Perfect blend of artstyle, puzzles, and fast combat. Great if you're a zelda fan but want a less linear experience. Story is also excellent.

Excellent combat. Amazing puzzles. Great pixel art and lovely concept.
Story lacks. Pacing is pretty bad. I'm almost ashamed to say I barely cared about most of the characters. With the context of the game, the devs were really restricted to what they could do, so I don't hold it against them.
But everything else is so good that I don't even care.

Really a hidden gem, the game is barely known by anyone despite it being extremely fun and overall well made

Hi! Thanks Lea. Wait why? (nods) Thanks, meet Lea hi! Hi! Sorry, Lea hi!

Emula bem pra krl o sentimento de MMO

seems really good i just didnt seem to stick with it

Second waited is an attack wasted. Perfektní symbióza nostalgického ohlédnutí za "starými dobrými 16-bitovými RPGéčky" a moderního indie přístupu, který nestaví pouze na tehdy osvědčených postupech. Popsat to na první dobrou, tak by se o neslo v duchu "taková jakože Zelda... jakože hodně Zelda".

Petrobarevný svět plný soubojů s typy nepřátel vyžadujícími různé taktiky a prostorových puzzlů "kudy se tam jen dostat", dungeony založené na zisku "udělátka", kolem kterého se pak tématicky točí veškeré puzzly, stylizace... Prostě Zelda. Není to tak inovativní a nápadité jako Zeldy bývají, to ne, ale má to svůj vlastní charakter, nejde pouze o lacinou kopírku.

Zasazeno je to do "jakože MMORPG" světa, jste avatar, nikoli postava a tvůrci si s tím vědomě pohrávají (různé "nasbírej a přines" questy, raidy apod.). Horší je to s příběhem, který je čirá z nouze ctnost, aby se snad neřeklo, že dějová linie není, pouze si to hraje na LitRPG subžánr. Což by nevadilo. Co vadí je, že to tvůrci okecávají horem spodem čili je tu hodně dialogů, ale nikam moc nevedou, je to žvatlání pro žvatlání. V tomto se to Zeldě nepřibližuje. Škoda je to o to větší, že (nejen) duo Lea/Emilie jsou sympatické postavy/avatarky.

Největší nezvyk, který je lehké zpočátku považovat za chybu, je zvolení specifického "zkosení náhledu", kdy to není ani izometrický ani tradiční pohled na mapu z výšky. Což v titulu, který stojí na vertikalitě několika úrovní přináší nemalé problémy typu "sakra, je to stejně vysoko, níže, výše či o dva stupně výše?". Ovšem jde o zvyk, jakmile si to na několika obrazovkách "ošaháte", tak pak víte, jak s tím autoři pracují čili toto po čase odpadá. Byť nikdy ne zcela a vždy se najdou pasáže, kdy to nelze poznat. Což platí především o "ještě přeskočitelném" prostoru mezi plošinkami, kdy to nikdy není exaktní a nevyhnete se mnohdy "skoku pokus/omyl".

Herní doba je s výchozí obtížností, pokud se budete snažit vysbírat veškeré poklady a tajemství, lehce nad tři desítky hodin. O třetinu méně pokud půjdete přímočaře rovnou za koncem. Každopádně je to chytlavý mix frenetické akce, kde střídáte elementy/bonusy, s krytím se, střílením a bojem na blízko (a ano, jakmile je vás v partě více a proti mnoha nepřátelům, tak to umí zmást, kde kdo je) a perfektní dávky puzzlů, které se dělí na logické stejně jako navádění v prostoru. Zdá se to málo, ale tvůrci si s těmito aspekty pohráli čili byť papírově děláte celou hru to samé, tak rozhodně nemáte pocit, že byste dělali celou hru to samé.

CrossCode není nic objevného. Ovšem je dělaný s gustem od fanoušků Zeldy nejen pro fanoušky Zeldy, čemuž odpovídá styl i hratelnost. Největší pochvalou pak je, že syndromem "ještě jednu obrazovku/puzzle/souboj a končím" to je prolezlé tak silně, že hned při prvním spuštění "jenom rychle zkusím co a jak" v tom lítáte za pěkných pár hodin a ani nevíte jak.

The first several hours of this game are strong. The programmers have a very good understanding of motion/timing and know how to implement their art assets well.

I just wish the dungeons were just 30-40 percent shorter; they tend to introduce a puzzle mechanic and then just put you through a relentless barrage of increasingly annoying situations using it, until it's wrung totally dry. Also iirc lot of annoying timing based puzzles around where I gave up.

Still, interested to play their next title.

i REALLY wanna like this, the combat, music, characters, setting and everything is amazing, i just hate that there seems to be so much grinding and relatively boring sidequests. I can only hope it gets better, i just cant be asked to grind in this game atm

No sé me da bien poner en palabras lo mucho que me ha gustado este juego más alla de que tiene una narrativa brillante, el gamefeel es increíble y que me parece un juego precioso visualmente y narrativamente.

Played it for about 18 hours, did every sidequest as I went, burnt out because they like riffing on mmos and as such made them all ready fetchy and boring from what I remember. Dropped a few areas in, really liked the worldbuilding though. Neat setting.

I wish all mmo's were like this game... :(

Definitely not for me. Played for over 3 hours and there just wasn't really anything here to justify continuing. The intro was decent, fighting mechanics are okay, pixel art looks nice, music is great, the world does feel pretty alive, but that's where my praises end. I got up to completing chapter 3 when I realized my level and gear were really weak (I was getting bodied by bunny rabbits), so I decided to do a few side quests to get some better gear and level up. I did about 10 or so quests and they were all incredibly boring and monotonous, while also barely rewarding me with anything. To buy items at shops you don't just use money, you have to go out and gather the materials yourself which is incredibly annoying. That's pretty much when I realized this wasn't for me. I'm sure it gets better once you level up more and get better gear, but I'm just not interested. The UI feels really clunky with too many menus and you can't rebind buttons to your mouse for some reason so I can't play how I would want to anyway.

Just not for me. The plot is an extremely slow burn for the first half of the game and the gameplay got a little repetitive. The combat is alright, but IMO not enough to carry the full 30 hour runtime

This game is a masterclass in puzzle design, and I'd dare even say the puzzles surpass Portal 2. The story is fantastic, the game is full of care and passion, and it has been blow after blow. Nothing about this game was even remotely underwhelming, in fact it reached the point of overwhelming me. The amount of content this game has is arguably too much, but it is undeniably worth every effort. This is definitely one of the best indie games ever made, pick it up when you have the chance.

Solid combat system and puzzles that build up concepts before throwing you to the wolves. It's never unfair. Sidequests are super varied. Fun story with lovable characters, too. It's all so swag. CrossCode is so cool I wish MMOs were real