Reviews from

in the past

I'm not sure how well this game did, but I really dug it.

I'm in the minority in this for sure. I still enjoy this game a lot. It's 100% a Resident Evil ripoff, but I love using the glaive. It's fun to control it and cut off the heads of the enemies. The controls CAN be a little jank at times, but you get used to it. I like the creepy setting, I like the enemies, I like the blood and gore.

a game that did not age gracefully. Incredibly repetitive and uninspiring throughout. The only thing that kept me going was seeing the semblances of Warframe that litter the game.

The beginning is very weak, but it improves later.

Often as fun as dreams about being unable to throw a punch

No destaca en absolutamente nada. Sin más.

I think overall it's a pretty competent shooter. The level design is super boring and the guns all feel extremely unsatisfying. The story is also a mess with a trillion left out details. It feels improved on the spot while also extremely tropey. But I think it's still fun and has plenty of neat ideas with the glaive and the viral infection preventing you from holding enemy weapons for very long. It's also interesting to see what served as some of the bones for Warframe. A game born out it the ashes of a different project who eventually rose from those ashes as massive burning phoenix that is still unstoppable today.

I find the post resident evil 4 era of horror games to be really interesting because it's a distinct turn for action oriented. Basically marrying shooters to more horror oriented elements while also missing why re4 was still effective at it. Dark sector at least has some really good atmosphere and monster design. I always like the concept of government agent gets mixed up in a bunch of horror stuff.

The most perfectly average 3rd person shooter ever,
Frisbee weapon kinda cool though

So weird to play this after 5000 hours of warframe

A primeira vez que tentei jogar esse jogo foi no PS3 e acabei abandonando-o na metade por achar muito chato. Anos depois decidi dar outra chance a ele, dessa vez no PC com alguns mods de qualidade de vida, 4K, 60 fps e tudo o que o Master Race tem direito.

Meu conceito sobre esse jogo subiu de nenhum para quase nada. Ainda acho ele um jogo ruim que envelheceu muito mal e quase não vale ser jogado hoje em dia. Só terminei dessa vez por questão de honra, pois não gosto de abandonar jogos pela metade e não queria abandonar esse pela segunda vez.

O puro suco de jogos ruins do PS3.

I don't quite remember it all that well, but I think the controls were ass.

The very definition of a flaccid game. You COULD play the whole thing, but why would you? After a while, it's all kind of the same thing over and over again. Combat, repetitive as it is, can also feel limp and ineffectual. Making things worse, the aesthetic choices, so firmly rooted in 2008, are straight ass—super murky, very gray and brown and muted green, and plentiful edgy, ragged fonts.

Could probably be remade into something fun these days, with more of a focus on refining the actual structure and pacing of the game. Or you could just make it a "Krull" branded thing, if you wanted to (not sure why you would, but it does have a glaive).

Dark sector is the type of game that people like to refer to as a hidden gem. It's a fairly unique and obscure IP that looks kinda cool and hasn't been used since. In reality, I can only really agree with the hidden part. Dark sector is a 3rd person cover based shooter ala gears, which adds in a couple of extra mechanics to add a bit of spice to the game. The visuals are the first thing I noticed, and you will see a very dark and brooding game, and this style is pretty nice. The most loved aspect of the game is the super sharp boomerang that you can use to slice up enemies. You can fling it through fire and it will set enemies on fire and there are some puzzles that use it too. Aside from these two points we have a fairly bland game. Maybe I'm just a bit fed up of gears-ish games, but I don't even think the cover system works all that well here. The levels are fairly dull and linear, intersected with some alright boss battles. Nothing really changes throughout the game. Each level is effectively a corridor of enemies who jump out at you, with a a little bit of cover to hide behind. If the gameplay was clean and fast like gears I could accept this, but it's just not quite as polished which left me feeling a bit bored. A game which is unfortunately far less interesting than it looks, which ends up being just ok. In 2023 you are probably tired of these time of games so I'd suggest leaving this one.

In Dark Sector, we take on the role of Hayden Tenno, a secret agent sent on a dangerous mission to Lasria, an Eastern European city on the brink of destruction that hides a deadly Cold War secret. In the middle of this mission, Hayden is attacked by an unknown enemy and infected by the Technocyte Virus, a brutal biological weapon that turns its victims into mindless killing machines.

Surviving the attack, Hayden realizes that the Technocyte virus has given him superhuman abilities, more powerful than he's ever seen before. Now with his new powers, he must evolve, survive and become a hero. The original action shooter Dark Sector introduces players to an exciting new world and characters. Throughout the game, players will witness Hayden transform into something more as he fights against the Technocyte Virus that has taken over his body and its effects on his psyche. After being infected by the Technocyte, Hayden gains incredible superhuman powers.

Including a deadly, bladed glaive that he can grow from his arm and wield and throw with deadly accuracy. As these powers develop, Hayden will grow with them and become more powerful throughout the game, creating a cinematic and immersive experience. With no HUD, intuitive controls and an over-the-shoulder 3rd person perspective, everything about Dark Sector is designed to keep the player immersed at all times, focusing on the gameplay and not the game management. Dark Sector offers an average of 10 hours of gameplay.

Bought this at a used games store going "You know what I could go for? A forgettable 7th gen AAA game campaign." I got what I asked for!

It's not like it has nothing going for it, while it has that gray and blue filter everyone loves from this era, some of the environments manage to be quite striking, mostly when it leans more into its horror elements. This isn't a team that doesn't know what its doing, and obviously they would go on to develop a very popular game that proves this. There are bones of interesting ideas, but it's just the bones. I was broken when after beating a really boring boss that uses the exact same mechanic to fight it over and over again, I watched a cutscene and then had to fight a different boring boss that used the exact same mechanic over and over again. There's really nothing here to keep me going, so I have to just stop. In my canon, Hayden Tenno died in the middle of that Russian zombie island, never heard from again.

how did I forgot to add dark sector all this time and why its rating are this low. one of the special games that I picked out of the CD drawer in a whim and played multiple times. its atmosphere, throwing the glaive and controlling in slow motion and killing/ puzzle solving with a frisbe like weapon was unique as hell and I think theres still nothing similar to this. the bleakness of the atmosphere was also something else in a good way, it fit perfectly.

I even remember buying proto excalibur skin and glaive skin, playing spy missions solo in warframe. if digital extremes does dark sector remake it would be very good with how they developed and got bigger all this time.

Warframe's prototype grandpa. The engine has really good lighting effects for its time and the graphics still look decent. Good mechanics but the ending was a bit of a rushed dud.